Tuesday 2 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The nation which has to go begging to another Nation or group of Nations to protect its own boarders, economy and people is not a Sovereign but a subject Nation, the Parliament of a Sovereign Nation not only has the right to protect its boarders economy and people by means of its Governmental body, but has a duty to do so and no other Nation or group of Nations has any right to impose its will upon that Nation no matter which Nation that is. Thus any Government that is willing to give up those rights is not only a weak Government but has failed and is failing in its elected duty.
    This Nation and its people are not a subject Nation and will not become such unless they are willing to give up their sovereignty to others and sovereignty is absolute self rule. Others in the past have sought and not succeeded to subject this Nation and people to their rule and this has happened in truth only once by conquest since Roman times.
    But this should not only apply to this Nation but to every Nation especially every Nation in Europe. All should have the sovereign right to control their own destiny and any other Nation or group of Nations which seeking to impose their will on other Nations are seeking only conquest, By force of arms, or by stealth. Agreement to join a club of Nations as so to speak does not mean giving up self rule and the right to protect their own boarders economy or people of those Nations which become a part of that group or club, from outside threats in any shape or form.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord

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