Sunday 31 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I as said for Brexit to succeed for the whole of the UK  is that the whole of this Nation has to be United as one whole Nation and Government, if not then Brexit for the UK and the whole of the EU will be a disaster. Britain now is fixed whether it likes it or not on the path it is on now and one way or another good deal or bad Britain will leave the EU the destiny of Britain has been set by Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Both leavers and remainers now have to come to terms that Britain is leaving the EU as also those in the EU have to come to terms with this fact also. The problem with a divided Nation is that sooner or later it will tear the whole of the UK apart starting with the Government and the divisions which are becoming more and more self evident as the bickering and arguments are beginning intensify to the extent of get out of reasonable control. That also the division between leavers and remainers is beginning to intensify that as it gets near and nearer to the time when the negotiations come to an end and the final deal offered by the EU is presented to parliament and the resulting protests which will arise when the final deal is also presented to the public which will anger the leavers if it is in the remainers favour and if it is in the leavers favour will anger the remainers the real problems will arise when and if the protest begin they get out of control resulting in open conflict. As also the division between the various self govern Nations and the central government of the UK and without a strong government and leadership unable to Unite parliament and the country behind it so that the UK is unable as it is now to display a strong united front as to which way the UK wants these negotiations to go and end. The UK is heading for a disaster of such proportions that in the end there will be no United Kingdom and if no United Kingdom eventually no United Europe. As many have said the UK is a integral part of Europe though it is an Island Kingdom of Nations and as the UK is and integral part of Europe so also is the Europe and integral part of the UK and both though separating because of the difference in the ways each wants to govern their Union yet each if being prepared to work together for a better future could not only benefit their own Union of Nations but could also benefit each other being separate but in the main United not only for the benefit of themselves but for the World at large.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 30 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus at this time do I say unto thee saith the Lord God and creator of the Universe and all that in it is. The only way for Brexit or the Britain leaving the EU to succeed is one way and one way only thus say I as I have said before times a Nation divided cannot stand and a Nation totally and fully United cannot fall so it is either one way or the other Britain can in as far as Brexit is concerned either stand and prosper as one United Kingdom or fall as one divided Kingdom into a Union of divided Nations of which prosperity and success will be but a fading dream. Thus it is that all the people of the United Kingdom must stand as one United Kingdom of four United Nations under Me saith the Lord God of creation. The people for and against Brexit for the good and prosperity of the whole of the United Kingdom along with the Banking sector the Financial services sector the Business sector and the whole of Parliament all politicians no matter their party must stand together as one whole united Kingdom Nation and Government so that Brexit may succeed for the good not only of England but of Scotland and Northern Ireland and Wales. But that cannot and must not be the end of it this whole Nation must be and can be united as one whole Nation which can never be defeated by any one or any Nation on Earth if it is truly and wholly united as one Nation and Kingdom. The only other option is disunity failure and disaster not just for this Nation but for all the Nations that make up the United Kingdom failure cannot and must never be an option or a consideration and yes not only for this Nations sake but for the sake even of the Nations that go to make up the EU to become an example and a symbol of what a united Nation and a United Union can achieve if it puts it mind to it that there can be nothing out of reach and unachievable.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 29 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heaven of heavens unto thee as concerning the pollution of the oceans and seas a lesson must thou learn from Me as concerning the pollution of thine oceans. I have returned unto thy coastlands that which thou hast polluted the oceans and seas of the Earth with not only plastic materials but also many other kinds of material thou has cast into the sea that thou hath polluted it with for years the warning of which were before thine eyes in the death of the sea creature that have been cast upon thy shores unwilling to return to an ocean and sea that mankind hath polluted not only with human rubbish but also toxic waste  The seas and oceans are not thy rubbish dumps into which thou can cast all thy waste and rubbish even thy toxic materials. Thus it shall be that all thou hast cast into the seas and oceans as in the past so now and in the future I shall cleans the oceans and seas of the Earth of thy rubbish and waste by casting all of it upon thy shores and beaches the more thou doth cast into the sease and oceans the more shall be cast upon thy beaches and coastlands until I have cleansed the oceans and seas of all that pollutes it so in effect all thy coast lands and beaches shall in effect turn into rubbish dumps the rubbish thou hast cast into the seas and oceans. I treasure all the creatures and marine life and the birds that live of the seas and oceans and as thou has so done unto them I shall do unto thee. All that thou hast had cast upon thy shore and beach is but a fraction of that which I will cast forth and as I shall do with the seas so shall I do with all the space debris I shall cast it down back unto the Earth seeing that My Word unto thee hath fallen upon deaf ears and hard and unbelieving hearts even to the extent of cleansing the whole of that which doth pollute the space around the Earth all thy debris shall be return unto thee forth with be assured it will be so. This will continue until thou doth learn to respect and look after and care for the oceans and seas and all that they contain and all that lives in and off them.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 28 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel even the only true Living redeemer and creator of the Universe contrary to the aims and ambitions of Germany and one of its Cities to become the centre of finance and banking for the EU after Brexit that will not come about but France shall become the financial centre of the EU Germany and one of its Cities seeking to become the financial centre of the EU if it does become the financially and Banking centre of the EU and in effect for the much of Europe after Brexit would be a disaster for the EU France is in a better position because of its link to London making Paris in effect London’s financial and banking sector sister city and would secure the financial stability of the EU after Brexit. Like unto London there are its sea ports it close proximity to London and the channel ports and the transport links via the channel tunnel as well as air and sea which are some of the main trading transport links of Europe both in as far as the Channel ports and the tunnel and also its links to London which will remain the main financial and banking sector centre of the World. Germany whilst it will remain one of the richest Nations in Europe yet its location and its lack of access to major trading ports and transport links are against it becoming the main financial and banking sector trading centre of Europe even though its water ways and rivers give it access to much of the EU and Europe. But France and its Capital City would create a better financial and banking sector environment for the rest of the EU membership and a better financial and banking sector future relationship with the UK after Brexit.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
    Thus say I unto thee O great Mountains that are the pride of the Earth who sits in the midst of the Nations of the Earth towering in pride over all other Nations claiming because of thy great might that none can stand against thee to cast thee down thou knowest of whom I speak those whose hearts are so filled with pride that they exalt themselves to the heights of heaven of heavens over and against even the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the only true living redeemer. Thou art on that path others like unto thee have taken even to the extent of calling themselves gods thinking that even the God and creator of the Universe cannot bring them down to the dust of the ground and unto total destruction thus thou O mighty mountains as thou considers thy self invulnerable unable to be cast down and destroyed look to the past and from the Tower of Babel and the pride of Nimrod who thought to build in his pride a tower to reach the heavens to seeking in his pride to try to destroy Me thinking that I am as he and the rest of mankind a person of flesh and blood limited to time and space whom could die as any other human being. Look unto Babylon and the Persian Empires look unto the fall of Rome when its Emperor claimed he was a god and immortal and the empires since Rome that have risen and fallen, they have risen in humility decency consideration for others in morality and righteousness in obedience to those basic commandments set down in My Word for all the Nations of the Earth to adhere to and then when pride hath filled their hearts because of their accomplishments and their wealth and their power think of themselves as indestructible and none can stand against them and that their civilization because of its advancements will last forever come to believe they have no need of Me nor need to obey My Holy law and commandments especially My Moral Law cast off all restraint morally as this civilization has done and that none can bring it down nor destroy it that all can do as they wish without suffering the consequences of their actions and no one can say nay unto them even I Myself saith the Lord of Host. Just because I have held back My wrath and anger from causing the destruction of this civilization I cannot and will not cause it to fall! It shall fall it shall be brought down unto the dust of the ground and destroyed to be no more. First that Nation that exalts itself as doth its Leader to the heights of the heaven of heavens shall fall by Mine own hand it shall become a Nation no more a desolation and empty land a land where mankind is almost extinct because it hath heeded not My warnings unto it and because of its pride its immorality; by that I mean that standard of morality as is revealed in My most Holy Law and Commandments; The majority of the Nations of the Earth hath sown the seeds of immorality great wickedness depravity unbelief and disobedience to My Most Holy Law and Commandments revealed and written down in My Word and now the crop of thy disobedience is ready to be harvested to be cut down and cast into the fire where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the rest of the mighty Nations of the Earth which exalt themselves to the heights of the heaven of heavens also fall never to rise again.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 27 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

 Thus saith the Lord God unto thee even at this time as concerning the pollution of the oceans with a material produced by mankind that is destroying ocean life and injuring not only the fish of the seas but the birds of the air and which will as hath been discovered affect humanity itself. But who in effect shall I hold accountable for creating this harmful pollution to all sea going life is it the consumer who I shall hold to account or is it the manufacturers or is it the scientist that shall have to answer for their invention of the material that has and is causing so much harm in the oceans. I can see every iota of the effects that this product of mankind is having on the lives of My creation and I shall hold those who are responsible for causing this destruction of marine life and shall punish all according to My Holy Law and Commandments. But I say this who ultimately is responsible for this type of pollution and harm caused in the first place it is the scientists who invented it without taking into account or for thought of the effect the distribution of their invention would have on all of creation on humanity and even the oceans and seas and of the Earth and marine life those of humanity who rely on the ocean for their livelihood the birds and the mammals whose very existence depends upon the sea. Then there are the manufacturers who have used this invention for gain distributing it without also taking into account the use and distribution and disposal of their product at the end of its life span without making sure it could be safely disposed of without any harm coming to the environment by researching the product from the beginning to the end of its life span and then there are those who buy and use the product without taking due care in the disposal of the containers wrapping and other forms the material was manufactured into. All I say this, are responsible for the devastation it has caused and is causing and I shall as a fore said hold all to account and if there is no justifiable reason for causing the harm either directly or indirectly which there isn’t then they shall be punished and those of the scientific community and the space agencies that have caused the pollution of the Earth’s orbit. As I said I would do if nothing was done to rectify and clean up that pollution of the orbit of the Earth so shall I do even to extent of causing the destruction of thy space station. In as far as the punishment of those guilty of causing the pollution of the seas and oceans of the Earth causing death and destruction to all marine life I shall in no way hold back till all have been held to account.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 26 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say unto thee as afore said and is so set down in My Word a day to Me saith the Holy one of Israel is as a thousand of the years of mankind. Thus it is that the days of the creation of the Earth took six of My days saith Adonai and on the seventh I rested form My Labours and called that day the Sabbath a day where on all of mankind should and could rest but was and is as I also said the Sabbath was made for mankind and not mankind for the Sabbath. But also there are six of My days until the End and all has been completely fulfilled in as far as mankind the establishment of the My law and Commandments given unto the children of Israel and the fulfilment of the promise given unto Abraham as concerning the Land I gave unto him and his descendants for ever as their possession alone thus there are five days where in all of this was to be completed. Israel’s Exodus from Egypt the traversing of the wilderness and finally entering in to the promised land from thence were the days of the Law and the Prophets and salvation through faith in the promised Messiah to come given unto Israel alone except for a few of the other Nations of the Earth who came to believe and were Joined unto Israel of which one was the prophet Elijah. From the establishment of Israel in the Land of Promise until the fulfilment of the promised Messiah and from the fulfilment of the promised Messiah fulfilled and the days of the redemption and the salvation of the rest of mankind till the last days and thence onto the day of rest the creation of the New heavens and the New Earth the renewal of Israel the establishment of the City of Jerusalem as My Holy City wherein in the house to My Name which shall remain forever. So the time line from the casting out  of mankind from Eden because of the fall until the promise given to  Abraham the giving of the Law by Moses on Horeb and Israel taking possession of the Land of Promise the building by Solomon of the house to My Holy Name it is two of My days two thousand of mankind’s years saith the Holy one of Israel and from the fulfilment of the promise given to Abraham the possession of Israel  the building of the temple by King Solomon and the prophesies of the coming Messiah and the conquest by the Romans of the land of Israel and the fulfilment of the promised Messiah  and the scattering of My people throughout the earth and the beginning of the redemption of the Nations one day a thousand of mankinds years  and from the Nations redemption through Faith in the Messiah the treading down by the Nations of Israel and Jerusalem two days two thousand of mankind’s years until the sixth day the Last day culminating in the final day of the Judgment by My Holy Law and Commandments saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven of the whole of mankind including all of those who belong unto Me even also the Children of Israel the destruction of the old Earth the rolling up as a scroll of the heavens and the beginning of the creation of the New heavens and the new Earth one of My days one thousand of the years of mankind. This saith the Holy on of Israel is the true time line from the beginning of creation seven of My days. Then six of My days six thousand of mankind’s years till the coming of the seventh day the day of the end of the old creation and the beginning of the New.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 25 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This do I say unto thee this day as is revealed in My Most Holy Word which I have in times past afore said unto thee and will again repeat that there should be no mistake as to whom the true Messiah was is and ever shall be who shall come at last to take unto Himself all who belong unto Him to dwell in the Heaven of Heavens even at the end of Days forever and that there is but one Name by which He is to be called by mankind and that Name is the only one whereby mankind can be saved from the wrath to come there is none other and that Name hath been set down in My Word both in what thou doth call the Old and the New testaments it is the true and only Name of the Messiah and no other Name that the true and only saviour is so to be called and is acceptable unto Me saith the Holy One of Israel. The Spirit and My written Word in context both new and old do agree and concur that this Name was set down in the writings of the prophets of old and in the fulfilment of the coming of the Messiah of which His Mother at birth so Named Him even Immanuel which means God dwelling amongst mankind. Thus say I unto thee that if anyone doth seek salvation and to enter into the Heaven of Heavens before My throne to dwell forever they must be washed in the blood of the true and only eternal Passover Lamb and must believe in and accept Him as their saviour of which He did say when on earth none of mankind can come unto the Father except through Me and that also is written that no one can be saved from Judgment and the wrath to come except by the Name of the only true  Messiah and saviour for it is He who alone did die on the Roman Cross taking on Himself all the sins and crimes of those of mankind who had in the past believed in the coming Messiah and where raised up after His resurrection and seen of many in Jerusalem and those at the time He dwelt on Earth of whom He taught the way to everlasting Life and all of those of mankind who would come to believe in Him of mankind He did go down in to the grave and into the bottomless pit on their behalf of whose sacrifice was accepted by Me saith the Holy One of Israel and because of that acceptance and because He was without sin and infinitely perfect was raise up from amongst the dead so that all those who came to believe in Him would be resurrected in this life from amongst the dead of this evil and perverse generation and then as He ascended into the Heaven of Heavens they too through His ascension would at the end of their earthly Life ascend into the heaven of heavens there to dwell before My Throne forever and I will set forth the Only true Name once again of the Messiah to assure all that there is but one Name only by which mankind can be saved from the wrath to come and that Name is IMMANUEL

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 24 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus hath it been written in My Word that I should send unto thee Elijah the prophet before that great and terrible day that I hath ordained to come upon the inhabitants of the Earth to turn the hearts of their parents to their children and their children unto their parents lest I strike the whole Earth with a curse. Many there are who declare that this one hath before appeared at the time of Herod whom was beheaded and ye thought that his appearing was but one to herald the coming of the promised one who was to come to bring redemption not only to Israel but unto all the Nations which hath been fulfilled and that time of redemption is coming to a close and that day that great and terrible day which I have ordained to befall the whole of mankind hath already begun and as said shall be completed until all hath been fulfilled as revealed and set down in My Word. Thus at this time shall be descended upon the whole of mankind as afore said My Just Judgment upon all thos3e who are sorcerers and adulterers and false witnesses and also upon all of those who oppress the weak the sick the elderly the disabled the poor and the needy and upon those who deprive the labourers of their just and rightful wages even all of those that use false measures who over price their products making them beyond the reach of the poor and destitute who have to beg to exist at all, upon all of the workers of inequity who take pleasure in all manner of wicked immoral depraved practices none at this time shall escape My Just Judgement the time of leniency is over My patience has reached its end and the time of wrath and anger and the executing of My Just Judgement of all of humanity is now begun. Thus it is for the whole of humanity this is but the beginning of the My great and terrible and dreadful day. O Israel forget not the covenant I made with thee through Moses on Horeb with all of the ordinances and the statues and the Judgments and what would come upon thee if thou didst fail to keep all of them as set down and revealed unto thee by him and written down take heed consider thy ways O Israel least I visit upon thee the full fury of My wrath and anger turn ye and do all that I have commanded ye to do in as far as that covenant I made with thee upon Horeb is concerned and I shall return unto thee and thou unto Me.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 23 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee at this time that the Judging of the Nations as a whole hath begun and shall continue till all of the Nations hath been Judged and if found guilty of Breaking any part thereof of My Holy Law and Commandments shall suffer the punishment due for doing so but even more so because of the hardness of the hearts of the people of those Nations who know not Me nor would rather not know Me but would count Me as one of their mythical deities which only exist in the vain imaginations of mankind and are of those who seek to deceive many of mankind into believing in the existence of those deities and faiths that in reality exist not shall be by Me be accounted accursed. Thus as I have set forth in the past the hearts of mankind are deceitfully and are desperately wicked above all things and cause mankind to walk the path of rebellion unbelief and death to be cast into the bottomless pit forever Thus it is that I shall set before all My Most Holy Law and Commandments and whomsoever obeys the not shall be by Me accounted accursed and those especially who are of Israel when all the Words of the covenant I made with them and they with Me through My Chosen servants even Abraham and especially Moses put before them and they heed not nor obey all that is in that covenant set down in My most Holy Torah and written Word in My Holy Law and Commandments shall be cut off from Me and from Israel and when at last they shall come before Me shall be banished forever to outer darkness they shall not only be accounted accursed in this life but also in the life to come as afore said I have no joy even in the death of the wicked but more so do tears spill from My Eyes for those who walk not upon the paths of righteousness for My own Names sake of Mine own people I pity these but nevertheless My Most holy Law and Commandment must be obey and whosoever whether man or woman who of mankind obeys them not shall by Me accounted accursed forever and when their life of Earth has ended shall be banished forever from the Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens this is indeed My Word to mankind but especially to My people Israel whether in the land of promise or scattered amongst the Nations of the Earth.

This the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 22 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

 Thus as I hath said  unto thee and has been confirmed by the Brexit Chief EU negotiator there will be no trade deal in reality begun before the UK leaves the EU all preliminary negotiations are of as much worth as was the deal negotiated by the former Prime Minister which of course lead to the referendum and unless a trade deal is legally signed sealed and delivered by the EU which by the EU's negotiators statement which excludes financial services an offer therefore of a promised negotiated future deal is as of as little value as steam from a boiling kettle. So thus far all the efforts of the present Government to secure a progressive constructive trade deal which included financial services has in reality come to nothing and virtually been an exercise in futility being  ignored except in word only with empty promises so that the EU can ensure that the UK delivers its commitments and the price of the Brexit; as thou wouldst put; divorce bill it bill required by the EU so infect the only Brexit that the UK can look forward to in the end no matter what the UK offers the EU is a HARD BREXIT, the only alternative thou art well aware of and would if ever considered the public reaction would be to class this Government as traitors in as far as betraying the wishes voted on in the referendum of which even many of the remainers would be of the same opinion. It would be a breaking of one of the main democratic principles of the UK that whatsoever the outcome of a public vote that the Government in power has to respect and adhere to is the wishes of the British public signified by the referendum vote result.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 21 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord of Host even Adonai the only source of all life in the Universe the Creator of all that is was and ever shall be and without whom nothing that does exist can exist in whom the whole mankind lives and moves and has their being the God and creator of the Universe the c4reaures of the sea the fowl of the air and the creatures that exist upon the ground of all of the Earth from the creatures beyond the sight of mankind to the great beast of the Earth and seas and oceans. As said I have Judge those Nations of North and south America and have thus far begun to punish them according to the Just Judgement wherewith I have Judged them found them wanting and have begun to execute the punishment which is their due which shall be fulfilled even according to the punishment due for the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments and for their sins/crimes of commission and omission as said none no one at this time no not one Nation shall escape MY Just Judging of them until all hath been completed according to that set down in My Word and also according to My Will and purposes for the generation of mankind that now exist upon the Earth that have hardened their heart shut up their ears and blinded their eyes to My Most Holy Word and the warnings sent out that if mankind did not turn from its wicked perverse and immoral ways the full fury of My wrath and anger would be poured out upon them thus mankind now must drink the cup of My wrath and anger down unto the dregs thereof. But it is that one Nation or a union of Nations North of those Nation recently I have forewarned of My Judgement to come upon them of which it most sure will do so from the mouth of the Gulf of Oman unto the shore of Kuwait that thus far they have thought they have been passed over and that I have forgotten their crimes of the murdering of innocent civilians in Syria and their part in the crimes of the Syrian regimes crimes against its own people I have neither forgotten their part in the devastation in that land nor that done in Aleppo the blood of those murdered in that City cry out from the ground how long before thou will descend upon them the Just Judgment which is their Due and My reply is just a little while longer and all that is to be done shall be accomplished as it will for all the Nations of the Earth and this Western Civilization that wallows in the pit of plenty and luxury and waste resources on that which is of little or no value with many millions of the Earth living in destitution and poverty. For the crimes of this civilization in its neglect of the poor down trodden and destitute of the Earth the end and fall of this civilization is in sight and great shall be the fall thereof.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 20 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as I put before thee in times past there is only one way to leave he EU and that now needs to be applied it is either remain within the EU which the EU negotiators are seeking to get by hook or crook Britain to stay within the EU and the single market and the customs Union and have the financial trade passport that thou doth have within the EU or leave without any deal whatsoever which in effect means leaving without any further negotiations taking control of Brexit and tell the EU its either Britain has a beneficial deal with the EU that benefits both sides equally in as far as every aspect of the negotiations are concerned and not just the EU of which at the moment it seems that the only side to benefit in these negotiations when Britain Leaves is the EU for at the moment the EU is offering nothing to the UK and demanding all that it said it wanted at the outset of the negotiations by setting down a red line beyond which it will not go and which has been reiterated by the EU's Chief negotiator. If the EU is offering to give nothing to the UK the UK in return should state that all the demands that the EU wants for Brexit is off the table as so to speak if the EU wants to play hard ball so should the UK. The saying goes nothing given nothing gained if the EU is not prepared to give anything to the UK neither should the UK give anything back in return it should be on both side give and take not just one side giving and one side taking which is the situation at the moment with the EU. If the UK left the EU right now it would better of than it would be if these negotiations carried on the way they are now. In fact the UK will in the end be the looser off and the EU the gainer. The only way that the EU wants to deal with Britain after it leaves is the same as any other Nation and taking from the UK as much as it can get without giving anything in return. The politicians must take the scales from their eyes and look at the way the negotiation have progressed until no and open their eyes to reality. It is either a hard Brexit or No Brexit the EU wants no Brexit the UK doesn't want a hard Brexit and neither does the EU so who at the moment is in reality in charge of these negotiations who is really in control if they could see it of these negotiations at the moment at the moment putting it in the light of one of thy football matches the score would be two one to the UK but with the UK on the defensive and in danger of losing the match when it should be on the attack to score the winning goal.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 19 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven at this time in as far as Brexit is concerned and the present course the Government is taking it will end up in disaster for the present political party in Government as was with the last election called so shall be the end result of these negotiations it will be as said either a hard Brexit or no Brexit there can be no soft Brexit for the UK and that is the ultimatum the EU in the end will put to the UK after the UK signs all the legal documents on delivering its part of the negotiated deal which is the agreement on the price of leaving the EU all agreements made on the Irish Border Issue and further deals on the Spanish Gibraltar Border issues and of course the EU and the British citizens living in the UK and EU and all agreements made in as far as the EU court of Justice is concerned Britain will have no option in as far as the EU is concerned if Britain wants a progressive free trade deal  with the EU giving the UK access to all trading and financial markets but to stay in the EU as a full member or there will be no deal at all meaning a hard Brexit the EU has no intention of letting the UK leave the EU  better off than it was within the EU in fact it is hoping in the end as is seen by the comments of various leaders of the EU member states because of the prospects for the UK outside  EU in as far as trade and finance and the deals sign by the British Government upon the agreements already negotiated in the first phase of the negotiations after making it legally binding on the UK to deliver what it has agreed to in the first phase that the UK will change its mind and reverse its desire to leave taking back article fifty and remaining a member of the EU. It is not the UK that will if it persists in leaving the EU that will deliver a hard Brexit if it rejects the EU deal but the EU. Thou only hast to look at the terms and conditions it wishes to implement if the UK wants a transition period look at what that implies already the EU is forcing Britain to edge of the EU having access to the single market but no say in the EU council full implementation of the EU court of Justice but no recourse to object in any implementation of EU council rules regulations or conditions applied to the UK during the transition period. To the EU if the UK is adamant on leaving it will make sure the UK will leave on its terms and conditions not the UK's. Make no mistake the EU wants no Brexit but if there is to be a Brexit it will make sure it’s a hard one!

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 18 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I that the reason why the EU is and will fall apart is because of its weak political economical structure that is in desperate need of reform which has been stated by various politicians but as yet has gone unheeded. In essence the EU is no longer a political Union but a fledgling Democratic Republic that either needs to reverse its course on aiming at closer integration which will inevitably fail or go forward and become a true Democratic Republic one model of which has had much success is the German Democratic Republic. There is therefore all the elements im place for the EU to become a full Democratic Republic which only needs to brought together to create a viable political Democratic Republican structure which will bring about a solid cohesive political relationship between all the member states to form one solid political body and government. The present structure of the EU is so fragmented as the leaving of the UK has revealed that any other member state could easily follow the UK of which there are a few especially some of the right wing elected governments. There are two other Models of republics though not Ideal yet display a political solidarity between all the constituent parts they are Russia which was formerly the Soviet Socialist Republic and China though their human rights policy is almost none existent and is bordering on being a dictatorship which it has been under some of its former leaders as was Russia. But if the EU continues on its present course the dissolution of the EU is inevitable especial when the Elected party in Government Changes from one political persuasion to the opposite and has in it the element of EU scepticism.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 17 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I upon the present Brexit negotiations what I afore set forth unto thee in as far as negotiations over a progressive free trade deal has come to pass they could not present the UK with a progressive advanced trade deal before Brexit was completed which they could have declared so right at the outset but they held back because they feared the first part of negotiations would have either failed or resulted in complete rejection by the UK with the possibility of a hard Brexit result. There are two things that will inevitably cause the UK a hard Brexit or no Brexit at all and they are the terms and conditions of the transition period which leave the EU in full control of the UK without being able disagree and object to   what the EU can and cannot impose on the UK during the transition period and also without any partaking and input into the EU council and issues up for discussion even if concerns the UK then there is the delaying of a beneficial trade deal that cannot be negotiated on until the UK has left the so if the EU once it had all it wanted from the UK it could at its own leisure either take its time over negotiations on trade talks or cancelling trade talks altogether if it disagreed with the UK's proposals on a trade deal that the UK put before the EU. There is also another point that pushes the UK further to a hard Brexit when the final deal with the EU is put to parliament and that is everything it seems is in the EU's favour and not Britain’s parliament rejects out of hand the deal the EU is offering the UK for this deal thus far is totally in the EU's favour for the UK has had to agree no matter how it is presented, to an EU Irish North South Border and a financial settlement agreeable to the EU a transitionary period whose terms and conditions are set down by the EU and a trade deal as elusive as thy scarlet pimpernel of thy mythology. So it might well be asked what if any benefit is being brokered for the UK. The UK unless it goes for a hard Brexit might as well not have a Brexit at all. A Brexit dictated to by the EU as this is what it is if agreed by the UK Government is not going to be truly concluded for the next eight years and in effect it is no Brexit at all even worse it leaves the EU virtually in charge of the UK for the next eight years with no recourse to object to anything the EU as a whole agrees on and then there is the Spanish Border question to top it all off what happens if Spain insists on a Irish type border or what it real wants the Rock of Gibraltar becoming part of Spain. Te Brexit in the end will be a one sided Brexit in favour of the EU, thus on the surface it is that the UK is giving everything the EU wants from the UK meeting alll its red lines and giving nothing in return and what also has the UK given to the EU since Britain joined the EU and what in effect has the EU given to Britain over the years since joining it is now and has been a one way street the EU's way and this is and has been all along a one way street the EU of which the UK government has given into the EU at every stage of the negotiations! Is this the type of Brexit demanded by the British public in the referendum?

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 16 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord God unto thee of the Nations of the Middle East those Nations which have hardened their hearts unto Me and who are stiff necked and rebellious who are bling to the signs that have been set before thee as other Nations have also done. One sign of which is when a civilization reaches it peak of advancement in its own eyes it considers itself beyond reproach and will as thy scientists put forth of their belief that mankind shall according to their theory of evolution in the end evolve into perfect beings. But the theory of evolution contradicts the realities that now exist in the real world. This civilization did reach its peak and in the past thought itself indestructible and that this modern civilization would last forever and hath cast off all restraint in as far a Morality licentiousness wickedness and obedience to not only My Holy Law and commandments but hath cast of all common sense in as far as the whole civilizations family structure is concerned that it has become virtually none existent, mankind has become blind to the reality that this civilization is falling apart at the seams that it reached in the past its peak and now because of its great wickedness immorality depravity Lawlessness who worship the creations of their own hands and all manner of false gods and believed all manner of false faith and abandoned the only true faith  and obedience to  all of My Holy Laws and Commandments for this cause I will in the end cause it to cease to exist upon the face of the Earth it is being and shall be cast down to the dust of the ground to be no more.  After I have Judged My People Israel and cleansed it of all of the Nations that doth pollute the Land of promise. Four Nations shall I strike in the Middle East with a massive Earth quake in the Gulf of Oman that it shall create a great tsunami or tidal wave that shall cover the coast lands and from the coast in land a great distance of these Nations Qatar, Iran and Kuwait and the forth the Earthquake shall cause the Earth beneath Saudi Arabia to open up and swallow all the oil from the oil fields because of the great  wickedness and disobedience of these Nations to all of My Most Holy Law Commandments shall this come to pass upon them but not only this but because of their support for terrorism for their greed and committing the deaths of innocent men women and children especial children in Syria, Yemen and other Nations. Thus it was I gave thee the chance to cast of all of thy abominations and disobedience to My Holy Law and Commandments especially My Moral Law and especially one of the main commandments I first delivered unto Israel through Moses or Mosher as I prefer to name him; THOU SHALL NOT KILL AND WHOEVER DOES SO SHALL BE INDANGER OF BEING CAST INTO THE BOTOMLESS PIT FOREVER that place which also the Nations call HELL!

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 15 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that indeed as hath been set before thee so shall it be accomplished upon all th Nations of the Earth without exception that the cup of My wrath and anger that is ready to be poured out shall begin as hath it begun in times past as is set down in My Word which saith Judgment shall begin at My House which is yet to be restored as it will upon temple mount all of Israel shall be brought before Me and Judge for sins of omission and commission and the whole of Israel shall be cleansed of all that doth pollute it of the Nations of the Earth and all that shall remain shall be in Jerusalem upon temple mount only My Most Holy House which shall restored even the House to My Name which shall reside there forever and thus once Israel once again becomes My People in spirit and in truth when all is restore as it was in the DAYS OF MOSES DAVID AND SOLOMON then shall the pouring out of My wrath and anger go out to all the Nations around about that have been and are against My Holy People and all those that I have thus warned even those Nations that have committed atrocities upon their own people what is to come upon them shall come to pass full measure. Thus say I there shall not remain within the land of Israel that is of the Nations that has in time past polluted Israel and that hath lead My people astray from the Lord their God and redeemer. Thus shall it be that the Nations around about shall be Judged and if found guilty of breaking My Holy Law and Commandments shall have the cup of My wrath and anger poured out upon them. Thus I have set down in My Word for the whole of mankind there was to come a day of reckoning and so it hath dawned and the shall not set until all that is revealed and set down in My Most Holy Word hath be completed unto perfection even all according to My Holy Will and Purposes. Thus shall it be after the Nations of the Middle East are Judged and punished so shall My Judgment go out to the surrounding Nations and as it shall be with Nations of the Middle East so shall it be with all of these Nations. Thus shall I warn the Nations to be Judge of the coming Judgment to befall them so that none may have any excuse that they were not warned of the wrath to come.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 14 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

     Thus say I unto thee saith Adonai the only true infinite true God and saviour of mankind well it hath been that I warned thee Oh Nations of the Earth of the wrath and anger to come upon the Earth of whirl wind and storms hurricanes Earth Quakes fire and volcanic eruptions of plague and famine of tsunamis of wars and the rumour of wars of brother fighting brother and they of the same house hold becoming enemies of peace starting to depart from the Earth of that which is still to come because of the thy rebellious and wicked hearts and the disobedience to My Holy Law especial My moral Law as is set down in My word and of the breaking of all of My Most Holy Commandments also because of thy unbelief in that thou thought I was like unto thy gods of myth and legend once thy belief in Me ceased I would fade away into myth and legend they were and are not real and can do thee none harm belief in those gods once it fades they to fade but not so with Me saith I AM THAT I AM WHOM IT IS WHO NOW WARNS THEE OF THE WRATH TO COME I AM ETERNAL AND INFINITELY PERFECT IN ALL ASPECTS OF MY BEING IF I EXISTED NOT NEITHER WOULDST THOU BUT THAT CANNOT BE FOR FROM ETERNITY UNTO ETERNITY IAM. Thou whom are a stiff necked hard  heart rebellious people even all ye of the Nations of the Earth. I warned thee for over two thousand Earth years and now at this time yet thy hearts remain as hard as the nether millstone thine ears deaf to My Word and thy neck as stiff as an iron pole , thus now it is that as thy hearts have been hardened by thy unbelief so it is that the heaven of heaven shall be as hard as thy hearts even as brass when they cry comes up unto Me to relent of that which shall of a certainty now cause to descend upon the Earth even over two thousand years of filling up the cup of the full fury of My wrath and anger to be poured out upon thee first of all because thou didst turn thy backs upon My offer of redemption when I did as promised gave unto thee the means of the salvation and redemption of the whole of mankind and from thence forth commit all the wicked immoral acts of thou of mankind, towards not only each other but even to all of My creatures. Thus now it shall be that the time of My patience has come to an end and the hope that mankind would turn from its rebellious and wicked and immoral ways repent and return unto Me through the only true Eternal Passover Lamb has come to nought But upon thou of mankind now it is that the consequences of thy wickedness immorality the breaking of My Holy Law and Most Holy Commandments must have the full cup of fury of My wrath and anger of a certainty poured out upon thee even upon all the Nations of the Earth that belong not unto Me. Thus it shall come to pass whether or not thou believest or not it shall be poured out upon all the of the unjust and the just alike for it is only those who belong unto Me shall be passed over like as it was in Egypt when the angel of death seeing the blood of the Passover lamb painted upon the doors and lintels of the hearts of all of those who belong unto Me.

Thi is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 13 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Israel to thee at this time that I search out the hearts of mankind unto perfection and do Judge them accord to the thoughts and intents of the whole of the hearts of mankind and thus say I unto thee that the way and the motive for declaring Jerusalem the Capital of Israel by the American Leader was not for the benefit of the children of Israel or anyone else in the Land of Promise but for his own glory in bringing peace to the Land of Israel to be known as the one who finally brought peace to the Land of Israel. He knew full well the effect it would have on the Middle East and the conflict it would bring by declaring that he and America recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that America would be moving its embassy to Jerusalem as a token of that recognition. But his intention is not to secure the state of Israel and Jerusalem as its capital as the only state in the land of Promise but to bring about a two state solution  and because of the conflict it has generated in the region and the animosity it has and is causing in the middle east and amongst the Nations of the World to force upon Israel a two state solution thus bring peace to the whole of the land of Israel and he being given the credit and the glory for the one to finally bring peace to the region and end the Israeli and Palestinian conflict once and for all. How shall he and America accomplish that? First though a question why has America for so long opposed its leaders  and contradicted the claims of previous leders and now all of a sudden agreed to support this leader in this declaration of recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital? Thus this is the way he shall do it first seeking by dialog to negotiate a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians to share on an equal basis the land of Israel and Jerusalem and when that fails which he knows as the Nations know that he will fail then he will threaten Israel’s Government that America shall withdraw its military support in the way of Military hardware supplies which will also fail and then its financial support which will also fail then cometh the sanctions that America will impose on Israel which will bite into Israel’s economy and then as he has done with the Muslims so with Israel and America imposing restrictions on travel between Israel and America . America did it with Russia and he will seek to do what America did to Russia in as far as sanctions were concerned. But he is hoping in the end because Israel is a small state dependent upon American for support that Israel will in the end agree to a two state solution. But it will fail for Israel will never agree to a two state solution. But if there was ever an agreed two state solution the Palestinians will not settle for a two state solution only on a temporary basis but will gradual seek with the support of the Nations to force Israel out of the Land of promise. They don’t want peace they don't want a two state solution they want the Land of Israel to belong to them lock stock and barrel Israel ejected and the land once again named Palestine. There will never be peace between these two until Israel is no more. Thus say I says the Lord God of Hosts that will never come to pass for whomsoever seeks to remove Israel from the Land I gave them by promise I shall take their land away from them and cause them to become outcasts amongst the Nation never again possessing a land of their own. Israel is Mine and theirs to whom I gave it by inheritance forever and none other people shall ever posses it.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

 Thus saith the Lord God of Host even the only true saviour and redeemer in as far as Brexit is concerned and the first stage of the Brexit negotiations is concerned that the request for the first stage of the Brexit negotiation should never become legally binding as the EU is insisting it should be until the second stage of the negotiations has been concluded. If they continue to insist it be made legally binding stating that the next stage of the negotiation can only proceed when the first stage is made legally binding then it would cast doubts on the intentions of the EU to deliver on the second stage of the negotiations and would lead to the position that the UK would be legally obliged to fulfil the first stage of the negotiations without having a legally binding agreement on a progressive trade deal of which the EU could either change their minds on giving the UK a trade deal at all before the UK left the EU or a watered down progressive trade deal that was insufficient to meet the needs of the UK trading position  with the EU member states. It is beginning to look like that it is not the UK who is wanting to have its cake and eat it as the EU put it but the EU to have its cake and eat it at the expense of the UK. The only way that the UK can be assured of a progressive trade deal is to insist that the UK will only make the first stage of the negotiations agreed on legally binding at the same time an agreed progressive trade deal is set seal and delivered and agreeable on being beneficial to both sides and if there is no agreed progressive trade deal on offer to the UK neither deals agreed on in both stages of the negotiations will be made legally binding by the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 12 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time in as far as Israel and Jerusalem is concerned Israel even the Land of promise shall never be divided between the two peoples who reside with the Land only one people as promised to Abraham shall posses the land of promise forever and all who live within the land who are not of the children of Israel shall live in the land only if they will chose to live at peace and in harmony with My People saith the Holy One of Israel if they chose or seek not to live at peace with Israel then it is that they shall be unable any longer to dwell within the promised land and shall be scattered abroad  out of Land of promise. Thus those of the Nations who seek a two state solution within the Land of Israel dividing it betwixt My People and those who seek to establish their state within the Land of Promise and to call their capital city Jerusalem along with the children of Israel shall never succeed in doing so. Israel never again shall be cast out of the Land of Israel and the Land of Israel and My Holy City shall never ever be split into two states or Nations and it is that I say unto the Nations of the Earth whomsoever seeks in any way to force My people to divide Israel in to two states and Jerusalem into two separate Capitals shall suffer the full fury My wrath and anger and I shall curse those Nations that seek to do so to be divided against themselves brother against brother family against family in other word peace shall be taken from their lands leading to civil war. But also I shall curse their lands with plague and famine pestilence and drought fire and whirlwinds so much so that they will regret ever considering to seek to force a two state solution upon the Land of My People this say I whomsoever is for the children of Israel I will bless and protect and cause them to prosper and those who are against My People and do seek to force upon them that which they would never tolerate any one trying to do the same within their own Nation so I say as thou of the Nations would not have done unto thee seek ye not to do it to other Nations especially My People Israel. Thus say I who is for Me and MY people I am for and if I am for thee none shall defeat none stand against thee but and if I am against the thou shalt never stand but shall fall even to the dust of the ground and shall cease from the face of the Earth.

This the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 11 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel to thee in as far as the UK's true position in as far as Brexit is concerned the UK is leaving the EU voluntarily and should be dictating the terms and conditions in which the UK should be leaving the EU. But it has been right from the start that the EU has and is dictating how and when and under what circumstances terms and conditions the UK leaves the EU and getting away with it when it should have been the other way round. Britain should have in the beginning dictated the terms and condition on which it was leaving not the EU and should have set down what sort of deal that the UK wanted from the EU and the future relationship it wanted with the EU also the UK should have set firmly the red lines beyond it would not go. At the moment the EU not the UK is in charge of the negotiations and is setting down the terms and conditions under which it wants the UK to leave the EU. The UK's Government and I mean all of parliament should have down the minimum negotiated deal it wanted from the EU and if it did not offer the UK that minimum deal within a certain time limit then the UK should have made the EU aware that it would of a certainty leave the EU without any deal whatsoever. But the Government and even all of Parliament have not simply the right leader who has the strength of character, guts and determination to stand up to the EU and its Government and the negotiators to state the position of the UK and that the UK would not give in to any of the EU's demands that were not acceptable to Britain or the British people and Britain will not stand for being dictated to by the EU, its either a negotiated Brexit deal that is agreeable to both side and equally beneficial or no deal at all.!  But there is a question that must be asked and answered why is the EU trying so hard to hold onto the UK as a member of the EU and if thou doth consider the whole of these negotiations that is what it looks like the EU is trying hard to do. Would the EU have held onto any other member state so tenaciously for instance if Poland or say Greece had decided to leave the EU or an minor member of the EU such as the Baltic states. No! What has to be considered is the value of the UK to the EU financial and in as are as trade and tourism to and from the UK is concerned and all the other common wealth countries that had to divert trade coming to and through the UK into Europe or abroad because of the UK becoming a member of the EU. If the EU is not trying hard to stop the UK leaving  why is it demanding such a high amount from the UK if the EU was so financially stable it would not be demanding such a high price as thou doth it put for the divorce bill and putting both sides in the context of a marriage divorce the UK is being treated as the guilty party in causing the breakup of a marriage when in fact neither party is guilty it is a voluntary termination of the member of an organization or Union as the EU is and when a member tenders their resignation they settle all bills and fees and accounts and leave without any negotiations on leaving The membership of the UK is not the divorce of a marriage the UK is not and never has considered its membership of the EU being like unto a marriage it has been the voluntary member of an organization that is in essence nolonger a Democratic Union of member states but in effect is a republic.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 10 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
    Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth saith the only true Living God and creator of all that is and was and shall be. Be warned that any Nation upon Earth that seeks to force Israel to do that which is contrary to My will and purpose for the whole of the Land of Israel and its people shall incur My Wrath and anger as many Nation have in times past sought to do and as I dealt with those Nations that sought to conquer Israel or sought to force Israel to do that which was contrary to My Holy Will and purposes as is set down in My Holy Law and Commandments and will revelled will so shall I do to any Nation on Earth that seeks to impose its will upon My people and the Land of promise for only My will shall be done in the Land of Israel and none other thus it is that any Nation or Union of Nations that seek by any means whatsoever to impose their will on My people which is contrary to My will and purposes for all the Land of Israel and its people oppose My will and therefore oppose Me and as with those Nations in the past so shall it be in the present, they found out what it was to provoke Me to anger and to cause the full fury of My wrath and anger to descend upon them therefore so shall any of the Nations of the Earth suffer the full force of My wrath and anger upon them to destroy them utterly if they seek to do as they did thus it is that I will not tolerate any Nation that seeks to interfere in Israel or do seek to force their will upon My people. My wrath and anger is turned upon the Nations at the preset for their disobedience and the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments especially My Moral Law and as I have punished the Nation thus far so shall it continue even the whirlwind and the fire and the trembling of the Earth beneath their feet until all learn that it is futility itself to disobey My Holy Law and commandments but doubly so to seek to impose their will upon My people and the Land of Promise Israel is Mine and the children of Israel are Mine and I it is whom am their Lord and their God and if they cast off all disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments and do cast off the ways of the Nations and go not contrary to My Holy Will and purpose I shall as is set down in My written Word surround them round about to protect them as doth a lion protect her cubs and a hen her chicks and it shall be whomsoever comes up against them to defeat them shall fail but shall indeed instead suffer their own defeat at Mine own hand, thus it is that I shall protect all who dwell in the Land of Israel without exception who obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Holy Moral Laws.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 9 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus it is that already I have set forth unto thee in as far as Israel is concerned who has the right alone to say what is and is not so in as far as Israel and the promised Land is concerned that the Land of Israel even the promised land and the Holy City are Mine and Mine alone and Mine to give to whom I will and hath given it to by promise even as said unto Abraham and his descendents forever and to none other all who do and have dwelt safely in the land of promise except for |Israel have done so by My grace and favour and Mine alone. As set down in My Word so t is declared therein the people to whom I have given the land of promise to posses it forever and a warning goes out to all the Nations of the Earth in as far as the land of promise even Israel s concern as I have done with the Nations in the past in as far as the whole of Israel so shall I do again and it shall be that all the Nations and counsels of Nations shall know if they seek to impose their will on the land of promise and upon My People what it shall be to feel My Wrath and anger and the full fury descending upon them I shall strike these Nations far worse than I have afore time even unto utter and total destruction. Again as hath been set down n My Holy Word and Law and Commandments and according to the promise I gave unto Abraham and his descendents so shall it be of a certainty come to pass and as said it is I alone who has the right to give it to whom I have given it, that the Nations of the Earth have no right whatsoever to interfere in the internal affairs of Israel, the land of promise and Jerusalem. But as afore said in past times and hath revealed in My Word what shall happen in as far as the vale of Jezreel at a place called Megiddo where all the Nations shall gather together for the last great battle and the result revealed in My Word the end thereof is as set in stone and will of certainty come to pass well it would be to read and take heed of My Written Word and what is set down in as far as Israel is concerned and what the consequences shall be that shall befall any Nation that seeks to dispossess My People of any part of the land of promise, also what it reveals in as far as which people in the end that shall posses the Land of promise even Israel forever and ever. Which also is written as it were in stone? Thus as a stated any Nation that does interfere in the Land of Israel I saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the hosts of the heaven of heavens shall condemn forever whether well intentioned or not. For there are some persons and Nations who seek to gain the favour of My people but not for the well being of My people but for their own profit and glory well it is said that the way to that place thou callest hell is paved with good intentions. As My word says that the heart of man is deceitfully wicked above all things.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 8 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee saith the Holy One of Israel have I struck the Nations as I said I would for the wickedness, immorality, unbelief and the past and present disobedience to all of My Most Holy Moral Law and commandments all which is Revealed in all and I say all of My Most Holy Word delivered unto thee by all of the priests prophets and disciples through whom I have revealed My Will and purposes even through Abraham, Isaac ,Mosher, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, David, Job, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Malachi Hosea, Jonah  and all of those who have followed on thereafter until now. So it is that because of My Holy Will and Law and Commandments set down in My written Word and Law even the Torah none no not one of mankind hall nor can any excuse before Me in Judgment because even all of Nature reveals My Glory and day unto day reveals the glory of My creation the stars and the planets the whole Universe. Thus for the treatment of this Earth and its creatures and the area around this Earth even the destruction of the environment the mistreatment of the seas and oceans the creatures therein and the creatures upon the surface of the Land the whole of mankind must bear responsibility for and also must suffer the consequence of their action but not only the treatment of the creatures of the land but as thou wouldst put it of mankind’s inhumanity to mankind. As with all criminals or sinners there must inevitably be a day of reckoning and so shall it come upon the whole of mankind especial for the past treatment of My People by those of mankind who have committed such horrific crimes. Thus far have I as said struck the Earth with whirlwind and fire Earthquakes and storm and of tsunamis such that have cause such devastation as they have which is nothing towards that which is to come upon mankind for it sins and crimes in the breaking of My Holy Law and it mistreatment of My creation. There shall be more storms fires trembling of the Earth beneath thy feet but in its wake shall follow plagues and famines and diseases and pestilences such as have never afore been seen upon the Earth and never shall thereafter as said mankind has been tried and has been test and has been weighed in My Balances and has been found wanting therefore My Just Judgment thereafter must follow.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 7 December 2017


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of host of the heaven of heavens Israel is My Holy Nation and Jerusalem is My Holy City wherein the House to My Holy Name shall be raised up and it shall be called a House of prayer for all the Nations of the Earth those Nations that are righteous in My Sight through the blood of the true Passover Lamb even the Messiah typified in Egypt when I set My People free from most grievous bondage in the sacrificing of a new born Lamb without spot or blemish so they with hyssop t might be sprinkled upon the doors as a sign for the one whom thou doth call the angel of death might Passover the all the first born of My people and strike the first born of Egypt because they refused to let My people go free from bondage by the hand of Mosher who delivered unto them and unto all of mankind My Holy Law and commandments and at last I did by the hand of Joshua lead them into the promised land after which I lead Mosher into the wilderness to be taken up in to the heaven of heavens where he would come to dwell before My throne forever and ever as his reward for his services to Me and to the whole of Israel of whom I count him amongst My closest of friends and with whom on Earth I spoke to him face to face. But thus I say unto thee without the shedding of blood there is no remission for Sin/Crime the original sin/crime of disobedience that lead to the fall of mankind and the sins/crimes committed thence forth of unbelief and disobedience to all of the Holy Law and Commandments and thus when I say the shedding of the blood of a sinner/criminal in Mine own eyes it means the total shedding of blood of the sinner, but that blood also has to pure and holy devoid of all and any corruption. Thus it is He who is the true Passover Lamb was typified by the blood of a new born Lamb without spot or blemish perfect in every way without sin and thus as the sacrificial lamb died to save the first born of Israel so also is the Messiah a true Passover Lamb perfect without spot or blemish ready and willing to shed His perfect blood not only for My People Israel but for all of mankind who wished to be saved from the wrath to come upon all of the unrepentant of mankind who believed and do and will believe not and continue to break all of My Holy Law and Commandments. Those after Judgement that are to be banished into outer darkness in the bottomless pit that thou doth call hell forever without any remission whatsoever. But not only to take their place in Judgment but taking upon Himself all their punishment due for all of their sins transgressions and crimes against Me and My Holy Law so that they would become pure perfect and holy in My Sight perfectly righteous in every way but to not only to take their place but to conquer death for them not  only physical death but also the last death Spiritual Death cut off from Me whom am the source of all life spiritual and physical banished as said into outer darkness wherein the light of life exists not. The land of Israel shall be cleansed of all that pollutes it Jerusalem shall be purified and the shall be once again My Holy City and the House to My Holy Name shall be raised therein wherein My Holy Name and presence shall dwell forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith Adonai the only true Eternal Infinite Living God and saviour unto thee that the end result of the Negotiations is in My hands the course is set and cannot and will not be changed be changed but I also say unto thee I know the course thou wilt take two factors are involved obedience or disobedience My Holy Law and commandments and taking heed of all of My Word thus far put to thee in as far as these negotiations are concerned; remember My Word as concerning thy last election that everyone was in for a shock and what happened? Like I said I know the end result and the path thou wilt take to in these negotiations to reach that result. That said I the only way to reach the result that will be of benifit to all involved in the border dispute between Northern and Southern Island is the aim of the EU seeking to give the UK in the trade discusions is the progresive free trade deal if he EU agrees to a true open progresive free trade deal then there will be no need for a hard border in effect in as far as the border issue is concerned is like how wouldst thou put it#? Putting the cart before the horse only when an agreement on a trade deal can be hammered out can the problem of the Border betwixt the North and South of Ireland be resolved, other wise be assured it shall result in the return of a hard border and in effect a hard Brexit thus say I unto the both the EU and the UK there is no other way of soving the issue of the Irish border.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 6 December 2017


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto the Nations of the Middle East and unto Israel in as far as that which afore time hath been put before thee in as far as the punishment of Syria and its allies for its crimes committed against the civilian population of Syria in that it murdered many thousands of its own people and caused others to flee to the borders of Turkey and Iraq and also into other Nations in which they now exist in extreme poverty and destitution. That punishment thus set to descend upon Syria and its allies will of a certainty come to pass as also for the neglect of the western Nations for their crimes of omission in that they neglected to do all they could have done to stop the atrocities being committed against the people of Syria so shall their punishment descend upon them even according to My Holy Word Law and Commandments. But it is that they alone of the Nations of the middle east are not the only ones that have committed crimes against civilian populations of the Middle East though not against their own people but crimes against the civilian populations of other Nations therein art they guilty of and as they are guilty of the crimes against defenceless civilians so shall it be that justice must be done in the punishment to come upon them for those crimes, now and in the life to come but not only shall punishment descend upon those Nations who commit and have committed such crimes but also upon those who supplied the weapons that were used to murder innocent civilians. My Just Judgment must of necessity descend upon these also it is if those who supplied the weapons on finding out in what way and how they were to be used and refused further weapon supplies I shall count as being innocent of being complicit in the murder of innocent civilians but if not the same just Judgment shall descend upon them also. Thus say from the borders of Russia and Turkey to Morocco all the Nation of the Middle East and North Africa shall be weighed in the balance of My Just Judgment one by one including and especially My Holy Nation even Israel for their following after the ways of the Gentile Nations and neglecting the obedience of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as set down and revealed in My Word delivered unto them by the hand of Mosher and their refusal to cleans all the Land of promise of all that pollutes it especially My Holy City wherein My Name shall once more reside. All shall be Judge and if found guilty of crimes against humanity and the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments by My hand shall their punishment be accomplished.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God f Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God and Saviour of mankind the answer to solving the North Korean problem is simply this to look properly at the action of this dictator as a whole right from the beginning which will reveal to thee how to deal with him and his regime. Look at the way he seeks to provoke the West with his rhetoric and threatening actions of his missile tests and how he reports his successes to the North Korean Nation and to the World and the response he gets from all the News Media of the World. This dictator is not after provoking either the West Japan South Korea of America to go to war with North Korea which can be seen when he knows that  he has gone too far by either Japan South Korea or America are beginning to have military exercises either in the South China seas or on the South Korean Main Land  in response to his missile tests or puts in place Nuclear missile defences in South Korea or along the American coast line that is in the firing line of a Nuclear Missile attack then he accuses the West south Korea or America of aggressive provocation against North Korea and the North Korea regime. How long has it been between Missile tests the amount of time it takes for the World media to lose interest in him, his regime and North Korea. The answer to the Leader is destroy his ego and you destroy him all he is about is looking good in the eyes of his people looking like a powerful world leader who can threaten the main worlds super power and frightens them with his Nuclear Weapons and they can't do anything to stop him. What happens when the eyes of the World are taken off him and the North Korean Nation, he tests another missile claiming to be more powerful than the last. But make no mistake in that I am suggesting that he and his regime are not a danger to the rest of the World’s Nations like all egotistical maniacs they are a danger to all of mankind and feeding their ego by the attention they get from the Worlds media makes them even more dangerous as two world wars have proven. For all it takes is one slip up one missile landing on foreign soil or a  Nuclear war head on a ballistic Missile to be fired accidently and thou knowest what follows. This is why America and the Nuclear Nations of the World have such stringent security and a whole set of sophisticated safe guards  in place to guard against the accidental firing of a Nuclear missile but what about the safe guards North Korea has in place if any are they adequate and open to inspections no! Therefore the actions of those Nations taking extreme defensive measures are totally justified and will be until he and his regime can assure that the safe guards against Nuclear accidents in place are adequate.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 5 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee saith Adonai even the only true Living God, creator of the Universe and Saviour of mankind through the promised Messiah. Better it would have been and is that this Government had sought a General Election rather than be held to ransom by a party that is not even a ruling party or a power sharing party of a devolved Government that alone is seeking to impose its will not only on Northern Island but the whole of the UK a party in Government that is unable except by reliance on a small insignificant party that cannot find a way to compromise on power sharing according to the good Friday agreement, to govern the UK doesn't deserve to be the Governing party of the UK well did I warn thee of the consequence of forming an alliance with this party, the question is not right or wrong in as far as the DUP is concerned but its influence on major  decision making  of the Government of the UK in the present Brexit ongoing negotiations. Thou didst ignore that warning and now the situation is that if thou doth give into the demands of this party then thou art not the Governing party of the UK the DUP is and if a vote of no confidence either by thy party of thy parties leadership or a vote of no confidence by parliament in the ability of the present party in Government to govern the UK then thou hast as I have said many a time he or she who sows in the political field without taking stock of what kind of seeds they are sowing good seeds reap the rewards of a rich abundant harvest of success and prosperity but if bad seeds are sown the only harvest that shall be reaped is the whirlwind of disaster. I AM THAT I AM even the only true and living redeemer God and creator saith unto thee that I am no respecter of persons all n My sight are equal and answerable unto Me alone none other and the Government of the Earth and the Universe is Mine also all thing live and move and have their being in Me saith the Lord of Host. I whom am infinity perfect in all aspects of My being without limitation of any kind.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 4 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee it is not the British Governments responsibility to come up with a solution to the Irish Border problem it is Irelands and the EU's but mainly the EU's responsibility as it is its rules and regulation that is causing the problem not Britain’s Brexit. The UK government is and has been willing to go along with any proposal put forward by either the EU or the Irish government. Passing the buck as thou wouldst say it will not solve the problem of a frictionless free open border. Britain has set its red line beyond which it will not go and so has the EU thus the impasse. Thus the it is that that no matter what solution the British Government comes up with it comes up against the EU's adamant refusal to budge on the border controls the EU has in place on the free movement of goods and people. But there is a solution which is giving the UK now the offer of a progressive free trade deal but as the Irish government has said it will veto any trade deal unless the UK comes up with a solution for a frictionless open Irish border well in as far as that is concerned Irelands Government with the backing of the EU by vetoing a progressive free trade deal are in effect causing the dead lock on the Irish Border solution. So it would be best for both sides now to agree on a progressive free trade deal which will allow the rest of the Negotiation to proceed on schedule.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 3 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time as concerning two Governments one that is going fall and great shall be the fall thereof never to rise to power ever again for it is going to have all its secrets brought out into the open to be seen by all of that Nation well did I say there is nothing hidden that shall not be brought out into the light to be seen by all of mankind even all the hidden things of darkness and all manner of immorality, great wickedness, idolatry, corruption, bribery, fraud and betrayal. The other that is to fall is that government that is at the moment teetering on the edge of a precipice seeking a way to resolve the issue of the Irish Border which the EU and the Irish government are seeking at present to force the British government to find a solution to the problem of the Irish Border of which there can be only one solution and none other unless the Government agrees to remain a member of the customs Union and the single market, for even the EU and the Irish government cannot find a solution except one of the two herein presented, membership of the customs union and the single market for Northern Island which means also the UK will in effect agree by association to remain a member of both or to set up a hard border between Northern and Southern Ireland the only other solution being a none starter from the beginning a United Ireland. On the one hand is backing down on one of the main principles of Brexit or agreeing to Northern Ireland being united with the South and on the other effectively speaking a total hard Brexit with no trade deal. Which as afore said the EU and the Irish Government are seeking to force Britain to come up with the solution to a frictionless free border when in fact their only answer is one of two, an EU Border in the Irish sea between Ireland and Britain or a United Ireland the EU having explained the EU's position to the Irish Government that by its own rules and regulations as concerning EU borders and the free movement of goods and people it has its hands tied if Britain wants the type of Brexit Britain is determined to have, total independence from the EU, unless the EU can reform its rules and regulations on Border control and the free movement of goods and people there is but one solution only and that is a hard border which in the end will come about. Thus the EU and the Irish government know there are only two answers to the Irish border question one is a hard border with no trade deal and a hard Brexit and the possibility of a No confidence vote of the present Government and the other is Britain remaining in the single market or a reuniting of the North and South of Ireland and the possibility of the DUP bringing the present government down. No matter which way the British government goes on the Irish border Issue it will have to face defeat and the possibility of a general Election the problem is if that happens and the opposition become the next Government they will have to face the same Issues over the Irish Border and that is if the EU is willing to wait for the result of another General Election. But the question remains is there any answer to the Irish border problem and the answer is yes for any party if a general election happens a hard border or no border, no border in the EU and a hard border after Brexit and no trade deal for the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 2 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as concerning Brexit and the second stage of negotiations on a Free trade deal which states that the second stage of negotiation cannot go ahead until an agreement on a free unfettered Irish Border can be agreed upon and put into place which virtual means that the EU and the Irish Government are seeking to blackmail the British Government into meeting the Irish Government demands upon a totally free as said unfettered Border which in effect means that the Irish Government is seeking to force the UK into giving up Northern Ireland or the EU will in no way advance the Brexit negotiations to the second stage on a future trade deal with the EU. The proof of the Irish Government seeking to reunite the North with the South can be seen in the suggestions put forward for a border between Ireland and the UK one being offshore between Northern Ireland and the UK main land which the UK rejected outright as that in effect meant that Northern Ireland would remain in the EU with Southern Ireland and in effect in all but Name would mean Northern Ireland would effectively be a part of Southern Ireland it being pointless to be independent from the South being also within the EU and cut off after Brexit from the UK. Thus this also points to EU rules and regulations in as far as Borders with members and none members of the EU are concerned the only viable border between Northern and Southern Ireland has to be a hard one because there is only one kind of Border can exist between the UK and Northern Ireland after Brexit either a hard border or no border and a no border means a reunited Ireland. The same threat by Spain was stated in that it would veto any negotiations with the UK if Gibraltar was to leave the EU along with the UK. Thus if the UK doesn't meet the demands of the Irish government there will be no second stage of the Negotiations and no Free trade deal and if that is not blackmail I don’t know what is. So it comes down to the wire as thou wouldst say it if the demands of the Irish and the Spanish are not met then what is the sense of carrying on with the Brexit negotiations which will be deadlock! For the UK will not give in to the Either of these demands and the EU will not advance the Negotiations until the Irish and Spanish governments demands are met in other Word a hard boarder and a hard Brexit bought about not by the UK but forced upon the UK by the EU and the Spanish and Irish governments. For it there is an inkling of the UK giving in to either demands will meet with opposition especial from the DUP which has stated it will no longer support the present Government which could lead to another general election. How wouldst thou put it in as far as this Government is concerned it is between a rock and a hard place or between the Adversary and the deep blue sea. Or as I would put it saith the Lord God of Host even the creator and maintainer of the whole of creation and Universe in whom the whole of mankind lives and moves and  has their being even in Me saith the Holy One of Israel.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 1 December 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee the American leader should not Judge least he be Judged especial on the matter of radical ethnic terrorism which exist in his own country from various factions especially one political extremist fascist group and also his comments can equally be applied to all European Nations as well as the UK by implication for all European Nations have Muslim citizens. It seems that this Leader is begging to take America back into international political Isolationist territory if he sees nothing wrong in targeting British Muslim citizens by calling them Islamic terrorist and by repeating extremist right wing videos on the internet and by his comments insulting Britain’s political Leaders, the seeds of religious persecution are sown by such people and leaders. As said he should not Judged least he be Judged for by what measure he judges I saith the Lord God of Host shall Judge him especial his extremist attitude towards North Korea which could provoke the North Korean leadership to go down a path that neither they nor the World’s Nations leaders want it to go. Thus by the American rhetoric in the UN it looks as though the Leader of America is doing his utmost deliberately to provoke North Korea into action it would not otherwise take. His backing of an extremist right wing group just reveals his own political persuasion that he in fact is a right wing extremist himself and everyone knows on which path all right wing extremist Leaders walk and their final destination.

This the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord