Tuesday 31 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation as said afore time even as it is coming to pass at this time that the hidden things of darkness are being brought out into the light and are being revealed to all and sundry and so shall it continue and if not when all is brought out into the light those guilty of committing all manner of immorally wickedness if they are not charge convicted and punished so shall I not only punish full measure the perpetrators but I shall punish those responsible for not measuring out the full measure of Justice up such as those who have committed the acts of immoral wickedness against their victims Justice must be done and seen to be done. Thus as it is written so shall it come to pass. For it is that My Just Judgment shall be executed upon all of those who commit all manner of wickedness whether it be an individual a Nation or an organization of Nations or a Union of Nations. But I say this in as far as the situation that hath arisen in Spain both sides must compromise in sorting that situation out between the government and one of its regions fresh elections will in no way solve the political problem only exacerbate it to the extent of creating a critical situation not only in that region of Spain but in others also which neither side wants a critical situation which hath arisen in past times in that Nation. Compromise through open dialog is the only answer as the situation in that region is at the moment in the position of there being a conflict of interests one side remaining a part of Spain the other cessation all sides need to come to together to seek a peaceful resolution before it gets out of hand for in that region there is not only the possibility of conflict arising between the Spanish Government and that region of Spain but also between those who want that region to remain part of Spain and those that want independence from Spain only compromise on all sides will bring this situation under control and to a peaceful conclusion aggression no matter from whom or what political body it comes from always leads to open conflict and the possibility of war.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 30 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as Dictatorships are concerned in comparison to My Kingdom it is not a dictatorship only those who are willing to become part of My Kingdom are allowed to enter no one and I emphasise no one is forced to do so and also no one is or can be forced to obey any of My Holy Law and Commandments but and this is the big but those who are unwilling to become part of My Kingdom are and must be banished from My Kingdom and eventually from My creation for it is that in My Kingdom My Will must be done though it must be done willingly by all of those who are thus joined unto Myself and My kingdom and this is where it behoves Me to revealed the true cause of the fall of mankind though both the adversary and Eve where involved they were not the cause just the instruments of testing mankind as a whole whether mankind would refuse the temptation put in front of man or if man and mankind as a whole would give into the temptation, that mankind would willingly obey My commandment not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil of if he by his own will gave into the temptation and disobey My commandment and go his own way by his own will thus the real cause of Mans and therefore Mankind’s fall is Mankind’s own will which doth continue unto this day but it was not only the fall of mankind but the fall of the adversary and his followers who decided to rebel and in effect go their own way which meant they could no longer remain in the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens and were thus cast down also to the Earth to await their final Judgment for rebellion against Me and My Kingdom and as mankind was the chief of My creation which I put in charge of was also because mankind fell Judged and the punished along with mankind. For as said the full responsibility to care for and protect the whole of creation was place in the care and  charge of mankind and thus suffered the same punishment of death physical though not spiritually along with mankind for mankind when they fell did die physically and spiritually not so the creatures of the Earth as they came out from Me being a part of Me so after death they would return unto Me being innocent of the actual act of rebellion for it was mankind that rebelled and fell not the creatures of the Earth. But as was set down in My word the means of escaping the final Judgment and punishment thereof was promised in the coming of a Messiah and saviour that if any believed in the promised Messiah and saviour they would be redeemed and save from the wrath to come and after death they would in Judgment be acquitted as righteous in My sight through the promised Messiah and saviour and would enter into the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens forever. But the way of escape and return unto Me through the promised Messiah was as I so set it down that it would be My way and My way only and that in obedience to My Holy Will Willingly by those who desired so to return and to come at last to dwell forever and ever in the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens even My Kingdom. So as you see mankind’s fall and the casting out of the garden and the execution of the punishment so declared in that if mankind did eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in that instant of disobedience I declared mankind would in Adam most surely die the cause indeed was and is the will of mankind in opposition to My Will saith the Holy One of Israel. Remember that which ye call the Lords prayer "let thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven of heavens".

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 29 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus saith I unto thee at this time what is one of the fundamental guiding principle of the whole of mankind which exist in all spheres and walks of life it is Faith without faith not one part of mankind could exist in harmony without faith the world would be one massive battle field for without faith everyone would distrust every human being every organization every political organization all scientific communities or Governments Faith holds the Earths society together even the scientific community could not exist without faith without faith there would be no hope no security quite literally no trust in anything or anyone in existence for what is faith but trust and belief in another person organization deity political body or party scientific community or Government. But as trust or faith when channel in the right direction or in the right person or organization or political body or Government produces harmony peace prosperity in communities regions Nations or Union of Nations faith channelled in the wrong direct in the wrong person or in a corrupt organization political body party or Government can be the destroyer of a community region Nation Union of Nations or a civilization as two of thy World wars has proven and this is called a blind faith accepting at face value that whatsoever organization political party Government scientific community is telling the truth putting forth fact not fiction has the outward appearance of being trust worthy but is out to deceive lead astray defraud rob to make of those who trust in them willing slaves to do their bidding without question a faith that cannot or does not tolerate questioning its veracity or trust worthiness is no Faith at all but a most wicked deception seeking only to lead astray those who entrap by it. But to claim that faith is a physical attribute is a most wicked lie for faith is like unto the wind it comes it passes by it exists in all the creatures of the Earth and in mankind but it can never be measures weighed or held in the hand confined or denied and until the Earth and the heavens and the heaven pass away faith shall never cease. But the ultimate Faith is that which leads to everlasting life saith the Holy One of Israel in My Presence forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 28 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus saith the Lord God the true and only redeemer any Nation that professes to be a Democratic Nation yet seeks to or doth impose its will be force on its people no matter how it seeks to justify its actions is not democratic in any way shape or form and should be by all true Democratic Nations be termed and considered a Dictatorship and should be ostracised by all true Democratic Nations and any Union of Nations that has a part of that Union such an one that is in essence a Dictatorship posing as a Democratic Nation can in effect because it tolerates such a Nation as part of its Union no longer be termed a truly democratic Union of Nations but in effect a wolf in sheep’s clothing pretending to be what it is not. Such also is a Union of Nations professing to be Democratic Union of Nations if it seeks to impose its will by force on the Nations or peoples of that Union then it is no longer a Democratic Union of Nations but in essence a Dictatorial Union of Nations as were many of the Empires of old. Thus if one Nation now a part of the EU doth by force impose its will on the people of one of its regions seeking independence then that Nation though professing to be a Democratic Nation can no longer considered as a Democratic Nation but a dictatorship and by association no longer can the EU truly call itself a Democratic Union of Nations. This also applies to the secret or open threats against any part of a Nation with force or other punitive measures to impose the will of any Central Government on the people or region of any Nation that seeks so to do. Such as these are by Me considered accursed and it is that the full fury of My wrath and anger shall befall such to the extent of their downfall.

This is the Word of God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 27 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that many have searched for the Garden that in the beginning I planted Eastward in Eden and many have claimed to have found its location but one thing seems to have escaped them and that is Noah’s flood. Yea indeed the Garden was still there before the flood and all humanity before the flood knew where it was and many there are who sought to gain entry but the Seraphim one of like unto those who stand on the four corners of My throne guarded the only way into the garden with a flaming sword pointing in every direction so that none may enter. Thus did the flood cover the whole Earth as mankind calls it and wiped clean the surface thereof of all the wicked inhabitants of the Earth but I protected the tree of life and the Garden from the effects of the flood by removing it until the effects of the flood had passed. But it shall not be returned until the creation of the New Heavens and the new Earth have been created and at the centre shall be the tree of Life and the heavenly Jerusalem My Holy City wherein I shall dwell amongst My creation. But the Garden shall be where it once was upon the Earth and the Heavenly Jerusalem shall be where the city of Jerusalem now stands at the centre of My Garden and at the very centre of Heavenly Jerusalem shall be the tree of life and the river of life shall flow there from throughout all of the Earth. Thus now say I unto thee this is a mystery the answer of which is right in front of thine eyes and hath been so from the beginning when I cast forth mankind from My Garden when mankind fell, Where then is the Location of My Garden of Eden. But as said before the end and before the New Heavens and the New Earth after Judgement day are created there shall be a time of great trouble destruction and the Judging of the Nations of the Earth many shall fall and be destroyed and many shall be raised up in righteousness and obedience to My Holy Law and Commandments through Faith in the true and only Messiah before the end shall come and the new creation begin.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 26 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto the governments of Europe as I said afore time  that I will strike the Nations of Europe as I have so struck the American Continent and so shall it be as shall the inevitable collapse of the EU come to pass which hath already begun and shall continue for though it appears not outwardly on the surface the EU is falling apart at the seams the fault being the intractability and hard line attitude of its central government unwilling to meet the requests of certain of its member states on critical issues relating to the free movement of people in as far as the terrorist threat and border security amongst other major issues even in as far as greater integration and the loss of National identity is concerned as the situation in Spain has revealed that National Identity real does matter. But only thus far has it been that I have only struck North America and the Islands of the Americas the Caribbean and the central American Nations but as I said this is not an end of it for yet has the full fury of My wrath and anger to strike the Nations of South America by whirlwind and fire, by storms and hurricanes and the rumbling of the Earth beneath the feet, but upon these Nations shall follow disease and plague and famine such as hath never been seen or witnessed thereon. But a warning goes out to all the Nations that unless obedience to My Holy Law and Commandments by that Faith as set down in My Word is forth coming then not only upon these Nations shall disaster strike but upon all the Nations of the Earth for a great storm shall arise as hath been prophesied in My Word which saith that the Nations of the Earth shall not go unpunished for I shall call forth a sword to strike the inhabitants of the Earth. That I shall roar from on high even from upon My throne in My Holy Habitation a roar as that of the mightiest of Lions and the noise thereof shall be heard throughout all Nations for I have warned the Nations I have pleaded with all of mankind to turn from their wickedness and immorality and from disobeying My Holy Law and Commandments and to turn from their unbelief but mankind’s ears remain deaf to My Word and their hearts remain as hard as the nether millstone, so as I have said I will give the wicked over to the sword this I promise as I live saith the Lord God so shall it be done. Thus shall I raise in a day a great whirlwind from the furthest reaches of the Earth and in that day I shall cause it to strike the whole Earth and those slain from it in that day shall be from one end of the Earth to the other end these shall not be mourned over nor buried but shall be as refuse upon the face of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 25 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel even the first and the last, the true and only Living God, saviour and redeemer of all of Israel. He who set the course of the path of the lives of all of His creatures that do dwell upon the face of the Earth. Who set mankind like unto the stars in the heaven of heavens, but fell after transgressing His commandment, thus was mankind cast out of the garden of the Living God. But He had mercy upon mankind and provided for him a means of escape so mankind could return unto Him and He laid down the path that leads back to His garden, but the angel with the flaming sword still barred the way, so the true Passover lamb and saviour became the gate back into that garden, thus for those who believe not nor obey through the Faith of Abraham the angel with the flaming sword still bar’s the way. But the path that leads to the gate has been set down and unless that path is followed the way the Passover Lamb walked upon it and unless those walking upon it are covered by the Passover Lambs blood making them righteous in His sight they shall never get passed the angel with the flaming sword, remember the angel with the flaming sword bars the way in every direction and the only way passed him is His way. He it is who set down the number for whom Messiah should become the saviour as well as the means of salvation for those who wandered in the Earth until Abraham, thus until Abraham did He preserve unto Himself a seed and a remnant, then through Abraham He set down the way whereby that seed would be planted and grow up to be a strong vine bearing much fruit, this vine would not be as the wild vines of the Earth, this vine would He planted and nurtured in His garden. Thus it was that He gave unto Abraham the promise that the ground where on the soles of his feet trod would be the inheritance of his seed forever even those who were to become the children of promise, thus did Abraham become the father of the faithful and through his line would the Passover Lamb come into the World, the first born of the Living God. For Abraham believed Him who had promised and it was counted unto him for righteousness, thus he became the father of the faithful for the children of Faith are the children of the Living God.    So until Mosher they followed Him through faith, but before Israel could become His Nation to them had to be delivered all of His Holy Law and Commandments, thus it is that Faith without the light to guide it is a blind faith, thus was delivered unto the faithful a light to guide them in obedience to Him, thus faith without His Law and Commandments which are as a light to the eyes, is blind, but also the Law without faith is a hard task master which in the end saves not but Judges and condemns, for it demands that which mankind in their natural state cannot attain perfection without the slightest flaw and even then if mankind could attain unto perfection it would still condemn for mankind are all born a transgressors, mankind is born fallen from their first estate. But also He says that through the blood of bulls sheep and goats there is no remission from the results of transgression. But only there is remission through faith in the promised one to come even the true and only Messiah and saviour of the Living God. For did He not say unto the father of the faithful that through His seed would the Nations of the Earth be blessed, also that from his loins should the day spring from on high come forth that is from his descendants Messiahs would come into the World! Thus did it come to pass! Thus saith the Holy One of Israel as I have said and as I have so set down, even so hath it and shall it all come to pass, in all of the Earth unto total and utter perfection not one iota shall be added or diminished from it! But I say unto the Nations in all of the Earth, that if any should come unto thee with any other Word than that which hath been set down and cannot stand the test of the true written Word let it be considered as accursed and they who delivered it also. Thus test all that which cometh unto thee purporting to be of Me saying that I have said this or I have said that or that I have given unto them a revelation if it be proven to be not of Me let them be cut off from the people and the Land of Promise. Also those who profess to have been given a Word that contradicts or seeks to replace My Word let them be also considered accursed, let this be said even though an angel from the heaven of heavens deliver another Word or a Word that seeks to replace or contradict My written Word let it be considered accursed, but and if one deliver unto thee My true Word and it is proved so and ye reject the verdict then it is ye who shall be considered by Me accursed. For all of that which is not of Me and of My Kingdom and is not to the good and salvation of the whole of the true Israel, even the children of Abraham the children of promise, is of the Adversary or enemy of all the Holy People! Thus it is that I say unto thee O My People and ye of the Holy People throughout all the Nations of the Earth, return unto thine inheritance as afore said the days of thine exile are at an end, soon it is that the House to My Name will be raised up replacing that house of the Gentile Nations which stands there and the stones of that place cast to the four corners of the Earth! Soon it is that, that which now pollutes the Land of Promise shall be cleansed from out of her and Jerusalem shall once more become the City of the Living God having in its midst My Holy Place, that place wherein My Presence shall dwell forever, soon all of the rebelliousness and the unbelief and the disobedience to My Word Law and Commandments is to be cleansed from the hearts of the inhabitants who are and are to become of Me, as is the Land to be cleansed of those who are not of Me! No longer  will I tolerate within the Land of Promise anything that is of the adversary, anything which is contrary to all of My Holy Law and Commandments any rebelliousness any disobedience to My Holy Word any unbelief in the hearts of My Holy People, those who do these things and have within their hearts rebelliousness and unbelief as said shall be cast out, only those who are the true children of promise will be allowed to dwell within the Land and those who join themselves unto Mine own in Spirit and Truth. For it is coming upon the whole Earth My Holy, Swift and Terrible Judgement, for it is that I shall sift the Nations as one sifts wheat and those who are as chaff from the summers threshing floor I shall burn up with unquenchable fire in the pit forever, none shall escape, but before this, as I have so said, throughout all the generations of the faithful I shall first Judge Mine Own People and Mine Own Nation, I shall separate the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. Yea ye who are in Israel who are the children of promise, ye know whom ye are, but they who are not still delude themselves into believing they are because they were born of Israel according to the flesh and are descendants of those who followed after Me, these think because of this they belong to the Holy People, they do not, it is not through inheritance alone that those who are in Israel are Children of Promise, but because they have the Faith of Abraham in their hearts and believe in and follow after Me according to My Holy Word, Law and Commandments, these are the partakers of the Covenant of Promise through faith. Thus those who are not yet in the Land of Promise shall return who are children of promise through Faith. I say of a certainty unto thee that the House to My Holy Name shall be built upon the site it once rested and My Presence and glory shall reside therein and it is I who shall rule with Justice, Truth, Righteousness and My swift terrible Sword of vengeance shall strike all the wicked and disobedient and unbelieving and transgressing people of the Earth. Hear ye Me and give heed unto all of My Holy Word, that which is and hath been set down in My Holy Word shall of a certainty come to pass, thus it is that your unbelief or belief will not alter this one iota and all of your explanations and theories shall not be able to explain away Myself or that which I am about to do, yea indeed I shall reveal all of these for that which they are the product of wicked and vain imaginations, I shall reveal all that hath been done from the beginning from the creation of mankind to the end of the age of mankind in such a way that it shall be irrefutable , all the wisdom and knowledge of men shall be revealed for that which it is mere foolishness as compared to My everlasting Word and My foolishness shall be shown to surpass the wisest of the wise of the Earth. But now I say unto one who stands abroad with pride and to those who stand with him thou hast been weighed in the balances and hath been found wanting, thus it is that I shall divide thy Nation as thy crime hath divided those who stood with thee and those who stood against thee, but not as before when it was split but for a while this shall be permanent and as it is written a Nation divided against itself cannot stand, but I say this that which shall provoke the division shall not be from within but without, at first what thou art about to do the whole of thy people shall back thee, but when it goes wrong as it shall, then thou shalt be the object of the anger of those who sought to bring justice down upon thy head for thy immoral actions. But as I have put before revelations of that which is to come to pass so shall that which thou didst think as the fulfilment was but a warning of that to come upon thee. But this I also put before thee that My servant if he did not warn those whom he was commanded to warn the blood of many would be required at his hand so also this say I thou to will have to answer to Me and the blood of many shall be required at thine hand if thou dost not warn others even thine own people of that which is to befall them, but also I require it of thee if thou dost not heed that Word sent through My servant unto thee. Ye say that these warning are so much hot air they will never come to pass as ye have said afore also but they have, then ye heeded but when the crisis passed ye forgot and returned unto former ways saying My Word was once more of little value, thus ye do not as Pharaoh did in Egypt when Joseph warned of that disaster to befall his land, just think what would have happened if he had not taken heed, his Nation and those around him would have perish, but for My Own Names sake I proposed to save that Nation and Mine own People also. But ye had the warning of the years of plenty and ye heeded not the warning now they shall end and the times of shortages begins the times of hardship and famine that need not to be such a disaster are to come upon thee not one Nation at a time nor just upon one Nation alone but upon many Nations, only those who are of Me shall escape, yea ye have heeded not the word recently sent as ye shall heed not this word and upon whose head shall be place the blame? Whose conscience shall be seared when millions perish when they needed not to do so! Now it is said that thy scientist are searching the heavens for the Armageddon  asteroid but My Word states it is not an asteroid but a star called wormwood shall fall into the oceans and shall poison them only what ye call a comet could do this for that of which it is made shall pollute the oceans of the Earth and the striking of it shall shake the Earth, but much of it shall burn off  and break away because of its trajectory and it is this which will fall into the oceans of the Earth and onto the cities of the Earth that which falls in to the oceans shall cause a great shock wave that shall cause a great tidal wave which will flood many islands and many coastal lands and cause the level of the seas to rise, but it shall not be the cause of the extinction of mankind from the Earth and it shall not herald in a nuclear winter nor an ice age as some presuppose. Thus say I to those who put forth these theories and to those who dig deep into the Earth to find the answer to life, the only answer ye shall find is not with the dead the answer to life can only be found in life and the living, the only answer ye shall find in death is death even thine own death in the pit and sheol forever after Judgement. For it is ye who have lead many astray and have been the cause of the love of many waxing cold, ye have brought men down from the heights to the depths of the Earth by saying mankind descended from animals, yea ye it is who seek snot only to disprove Mine existence but ye seek to erase from mankind’s  mind every thought as concerning My existence and to polluted Mine own image in man and ye seek to attribute to animals the faults and failings of mankind none of which they posses they are subject to suffering disease and death because of thy fall, but in death they are set free, if they were as ye they would be as ye are ever seeking to escape death but they don’t they accept it in the knowledge that their life returns unto its source the fountain of all life Myself saith he Lord God. Be assured saith the Holy One of Israel vengeance is Mine and it shall descend upon all unrepentant transgressors and it shall not cease until all hath been accomplished, but before this as said My Holy Word shall be opened up and revealed unto all in such a way as to leave no doubt whatsoever that it is the divine truth. Thus when this cometh to pass along with the redemption of all of the Holy People then ye shall know the end is nigh even at the very door and for they who are without faith and outside of the Faith there is but a certain waiting for Judgement. Thus saith I unto thee there are many interpretations of the word Hallelujah but what is the true English interpretation it is All hail God or Give unto God all the praise that is His due.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the true and only living eternal creator and redeemer of mankind in as far as the Government and Leader of North Korea is concerned the stage of the development of North Koreas nuclear arsenal if proven to be fact and not fiction for as yet no surface Nuclear tests have taken place anywhere in North Korea any Nation with enough explosive material can simulate an underground nuclear test. But on the assumption that their nuclear capability is factual and is now at a stage wear by it has become a critical threat to the Nations of the Earth this Nation and its Leader should have been by any means possible stopped from reaching the stage its at before now. For this one will not hesitate to threaten the Cities of any Nation on Earth especially America with a Nuclear strike on one of its cities if it does not give into the Leader of North Koreas demands taking evidence from the treatment of his own people be under no illusion that he will have no second thought if his nuclear capability is as is to destroy a Western City if his demands are not met for his impression of the West is that at all costs after the destruction of the Japanese cities the west in his mind will hesitate at all costs to use Nuclear weapons even on North Korea in effect as the Isis terrorists used human shields to deter the west from attacking I.S. targets so this one will use his own people as human shields to deter the west from using any other weapons than conventional ones of which North Korea is totally out matched so if military action now by the west to put a stop to the Leader of North Korea is used it is a foregone conclusion North Korea will resort to Nuclear Weapons immediately. Thus now because of the reluctance of the west and china to put an end to the ambitions of a Leader such as North Korea has the there is a distinct possibility that the World is on the brink of its first Nuclear war. This one by any means possible has to be stopped before the actual stage of Nuclear war is reached.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 23 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens to thee of Europe I have declare unto thee that unless thou doth turn from all thy wicked immoral and disobedient ways and obey all of My Holy Commandments Law even My Moral Law even as it is so set down and revealed in My Word that the disasters with which I have struck the continent of America, which is not at an end, so shall I strike as promised all the Nations of Europe from West to the furthest reaches of Eastern Europe and thus far I have struck the western Edge of Europe as but a warning of that which is to come upon all of the European Nations and thus as it was and is but a warning to the American continent so shall it be a warning to the Nations of Europe for thus only have I struck those Nations of the American continent only destroying mainly property and possessions not lives but if that continent continues upon the path of wickedness immorality unbelief and total disobedience of all of My Holy Laws and commandments I shall have no alternative but to punish North Central and Southern America as I have done in the past with many Nations struck them in wrath and anger until either obedience is forth coming or totally destroy them that they exist not any longer upon the Earth. Thus as it is with the American continent so shall it be with Nations of Europe one by one each Nations shall suffer those disasters of whirlwind and storm fire and a trembling of the Earth and only the lives of those whose time upon the Earth is coming to an end shall be taken. Thus it is that I sent out first warnings to all the Nations of the Earth of My Wrath and anger to come upon all disobedient immoral and wicked Nations of the Earth who walk contrary to all of My Holy Law and Commandments of all those that shed the blood of their fellow human beings without cause who seek to persecute the poor and destitute of those who live in the lap of luxury without any consideration for the poor starving and down trodden of the Earth of those who pollute not only the seas of the Earth but also the space around the Earth but all My warnings fell upon deaf ears and the guilty Nations of mankind started to harden their heart against Me blatantly seeking ever to provoke Me to anger by their actions and lives well thus it was that as I am a merciful God having no joy in the death of the wicked seeing that mankind took no heed of My Word of Warning that if I punished mankind by sending disasters upon the Nations taking away not their lives but their possession then perchance mankind would take heed and turn from their wickedness immorality unbelief and disobedience to My Holy Law Commandments and take heed of My Word but the hearts of mankind have thus far hardened all the more and their ears have been stopped up to My Word for mankind seeks not to see nor to hear nor to soften their hearts nor to obey all of My Word Holy Law or any of My commandments. Thus it has to be that all those Nations which walk upon the path of hardness of heart deafness of ears blindness of eyes and an outright rebellion against Me and My Word must be punished even according to My Holy Law and Commandments as is revealed and set down in My Word thus say I have been as merciful as I can be and have been as patient and understanding for many hundreds of years but sadly that of necessity must end and My Just Judgement demands that Justice must be done and must been seen to be done before any of mankind will believe and turn and obey My Holy Law and Commandments. If mankind is determined to go down this road then it is that mankind will come before Me their creator in Judgment and be Judged by My Holy Law and Commandments and thus condemned for all eternity to be banished from the Kingdom of Heaven and cast out into outer darkness.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 22 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I says the Lord God of creation and of the whole Earth that there are two Nations now to be Judged and if found wanting shall be cast down even unto the dust of the ground for I shall strike both of these with whirlwind and fire and a trembling off the Earth beneath their feet and as one hath not had mercy on those of it population it has through violence murder and rape caused to flee from out of that Nation so shall I not have mercy upon that Nation to hold back the fury of My wrath and anger for all that thy have done to these peoples especially the children that I cherish the most. Once Judged once proven guilty and My verdict given and the punishment declared then shall wrath and anger and death and destruction fall thereon. This is one of two Nations hat wear the sheep skin of democracy but whose hearts are like unto devouring wolves that have nought in their mind but to devour their prey, but even wolves are not as these for wolves do not kill unnecessarily and these do. But also I say of their government ignorance is no excuse to allow the suffering and the casting out of these people from thy land for it shall be thou who art firstly responsible for the acts of thy police and military. But there is another that wear the sheep skin of democracy that underneath still wears the cloak of the tyranny of dictatorship that will not allow a self ruling region of its Nation to be independent which if it continues shall reap the reward of that which in that land caused so muh death and destruction in a civil war of which it hath put itself in danger of by instituting the removal of self rule from one of its regions and will by force enforce its decision on that region by drafting into it first extra police and then the military this Nations government seems to have forgotten first what it was like to be ruled by a dictator and to suffer the death and destruction of a civil war. One Nation allowed one it’s devolved Nations to vote for independence the vote of which resulted in a vote against, but and if it had been for then that Nation would have gained its independence. To forcefully stop an independence vote and to virtually impose martial law without first seeking dialogue to curtail and illegal referendum and discuss with the Leaders of that region the possibility of a future legal referendum where all the population of the region are given the chance vote on independence with the possibility of a no vote result is not a Democratic Government in any way shape or form but a dictatorship pretending to be a democratic Government.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 21 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned one thing needs to be emphasised and that is if this situation continues for much longer as I said afore the harm that will be done to both Unions the EU and the UK will be catastrophic and a prolonged transition period will only exasperate the situation and will cause the relationship between both the EU and the UK to suffer so much so that relations will in the end result in the UK being cut off in effect from the EU by the negotiations deal being a no deal scenario what is a no deal scenario is asked by many? One example is the relationship between Britain and the European Nations when Henry the Eighth because of the refusal of Rome to in effect give him the means to dissolve his marriage to the then Queen his wife so that he could remarry. Thus say I unto thee a hard Brexit will cause both the EU and the UK to suffer and a soft Brexit on the part of the UK will cause the UK to suffer though it has to be said that on the surface the position of the EU is beginning to soften and the UK is becoming more and more willing to compromise upon the EU's demands for a settlement of outstanding commitments and the debt that the EU claims the UK owes the EU if the negotiations are like unto business negotiations where one is seeking to buy out another Business the buyers opening bid is the lowest to be reasonably offered without instant rejection and both parties walk away from the table likewise the other selling seeks to get what they consider what their business is worth and then add a percentage as a starting point both then start to negotiate one increasing their offer the other decreasing the price they would consider accepting until both parties meet in the middle price wise and contracts are signed so also with the EU and UK the UK has obviously started with what it considers a reasonable offer and the EU in response has set their level of what they consider the UK owes the EU if both stuck to their original positions then it results in a no deal scenario and then all relations political economical financial and in as far as Trade and financial services are concerned are terminated make no mistake that this scenario was almost in sight and to a certain extent still is and the more this is drawn out even by a further couple of months the no deal scenario will begun to knock at the Brexit negotiations door. Neither side wants a no deal Brexit although both sides hate the thought of a no deal Brexit it is still there on the horizon and will remain so until these negotiation begin to advance dramatically.  At the moment both sides are harming their own Unions both politically and economically because both sides are generating an atmosphere of uncertainty by their actions when in fact they should be reassuring the financial and business sectors that the outcome of the Brexit negotiations will be to the benefit of both the EU and the UK and produce evidence to support that claim uncertainty is a disaster begging to happen certainty produces confidence and promotes both trade and investment.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 20 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto in thee in as far as the wickedness of any Nation that commits great wickedness and immorality and doth break all of My Holy Laws and commandments and  sinneth against Me by committing such great wickedness and immorality and unbelief then I shall strike that Nation with plague upon the live stock thereof that they perish in that Nation also I shall take away that Nations prosperity and shall cause it to be wracked by famine and disease even unto the grave, the whole of that Nation shall I cause to cease to exist. As also I shall do with those Nations Governments which commit all manner of injustices against their own people causing them avoidable suffering as is one European government so doing unto the poor and needy of their population by not providing the necessary means for their welfare when they need it. Thus say I in as far as this situation amongst the poor and needy which cry out to Me in great distress because to a certain degree some are wondering where their next meal is coming from as ye do unto these so should I do unto thee for it is I who raised thee up and it is I who can cast thee down in but a single day and as My Word says do unto others as ye would have done unto thyself so if this situation is not rectified as ye have so done unto these so shall I do unto thee in that all of that which thou attempt to do in seeking  success in thy endeavours shall end up in failure even that which thou art seeking to achieve in as far as thy negotiations to leave the EU will fail and as thou hast by thy actions humiliated thy people so shall I cause thee to be humiliated before all of the Nations of the Earth. 

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 19 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say saith the Lord God unto thee of the Nations especially to that mighty Mountain that hath exalted itself to the heights of the heaven of heavens ye who hath gloated over the demise and downfall and the casting out of My people and their exile from the land of promise. Long ago I said unto thee that there would come a day when I would return My People to their own land even that land I gave unto Abraham and his decedents forever even the Land of Israel and when they had taken possession and established themselves in the land and did once more call that Land their home and named it once more with the Name I gave unto it even Israel that I should descend upon thee O might Mountain to cast thee down in Judgment to the deepest depths of Sheol forever thus even so at this time O mighty mount doth thy Judgment approach even the time of thy destruction thou might mountain whose Name is the modern Name for Babylon the Great and many shall mourn over thee and say of modern Babylon when I cast thee down Babylon the Great who held sway over all the Earth even that Nation which is considered the mightiest on Earth Babylon the Great has fallen has fallen even that mighty mountain which hath exalted itself to the heights of the heaven of heavens even unto My very throne is by MY hand cast down and hath become a wasteland a cursed land empty of all human habitation a Nation that I have Judge found wanting a cast down to the very depths of Sheol. That one who hath scorned the chance to redeeming itself and said I have no need of redemption for none can stand against me and the might of my armies what need have I of the Holy One of Israel what need I of God for our scientist have proven that the Universe was created by a massive explosion and all the stars and planets came into existence from the source of that explosion many billions of years ago forming stars and planets and galaxies and upon them came into existence the first signs of life that evolved into the creatures and the plant life and mankind over many millions of years. Thus said I of these long ago that I should make of them a laughing stock that I should bring to nought all their theories and prove these scientists are but the victims of a great delusion perpetrated by the Adversary and so hath it been and so shall it come to pass that the truth will out and their downfall shall come upon them in one day to their shame and the contempt of all of mankind. Thus it is that I shall hold them in derision and shall prove all their theories for what they are and who their true author is.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee even saith the Lord God creator of the Universe the time of the Judging of all the Nations of the Earth has begun even as it hath so done thus far unto the Nations of the American continent and hath also begun upon the continent of Europe and the Isles and shall so continue until all the Nation of Europe have bee thus Judged and it shall continue on to all the Nations of the Middle East and right up unto Nations of the Arctic circle and from thence into  Asia and the Islands of the south china seas and on unto Africa and the southern Antarctic. Not one single Nation shall be excluded from My Just Judgment and all the wicked Nations of the Earth have been punished for their great wicked immorality and the disobedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments especially those who oppress their own people these shall not escape punishment it shall go on and continue until Justice and the rule of My Holy Laws and commandments hath been established throughout the whole of the Earth. No longer shall the darkness of wickedness be like unto a shroud cover the Earth as it hath done for many centuries but the light of Divine truth My Truth and Just Judgement shall cause it to be scatter to the furthest reaches of the Universe as so to speak for as darkness hides and also doth wickedness and lies so the light of divine truth reveal brings everything into the Light of which the darkness of the wickedness of the World cannot  overcome but is conquered by the light of truth and the Divine revelation. Thus it is that My Holy Law and My Just Judgment shall without fail be established throughout the whole Earth when all the Nations of the Earth have been Judged and if found wanting punished even unto destruction and all of the Earth brought out of darkness into the Light and a time of peace shall follow thereafter for all shall walk in the light of My Holy Word Law and Commandments according to My Word so prophesied by My servants the prophets of old written down in My Word. All shall be accomplished as it so hath be ordained to be accomplished.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 17 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that which I have warned thee of which is to come upon the whole of Europe has begun and will continue even unto the extent of which I have struck southern, central and Nothern America with whirlwind, fire, tornado, volcanic activity and hurricains and earth quake which is not at an end but will continue on the American continents for considerably longer or until the whole of the American continents turn from their wicked and immoral ways in every aspect of their lives and turn to living a pure and upright existence in obedience to all of My Holy moral Laws and Commandments as set down in My Word for thus it is now that for ages past I have held back from punishing mankind for all their wickedness and immorality and unbelief and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commdanments as mankind has deserved to be thus punished but that now is at an end as the whole of mankind has and is and shall bear witness to. My Wrath and anger and the punishment of the wicked shall descend upon the wicked of the Earth even as acts of wickedness immorality and the breaking of My Holy Law are commited no longer shall I refrain from Judging and punishing mankind. But thus I give warning to the whole of Europe that the full fury of My wrath and anger shall descend upon the whole of Europe for I have wrighed the Nations in the balances of My Just Judgment and have found all the Nation of Europe guilty of great wickedness immorality of the neglect of the poor and needy of living off the fat of the Land and other Nations whilst those of other Nations are in desperate need spending all thine excess on that which is not bread even on usless project the cost of which could feed many countless people of the poor destitue and persicuted peoples of the Earth of this I say how would it be if I caused them and their Nations to as thine and thine as theirs whould that not on My part be an act of Just punishment upon thee for thy waste and neglect of thy duty to others as I have so set down in My Word. Thus as said if thou doth truen from thy wicked immoral and corrup ways and do attend to that which is thy duty to perform for the needy of the Earth and do seek to even attempt to obey all of MY Holy Law and commandments then it is that My wrath and anger shall be held in abyance but if not then most asuredly My Wrath and anger shall be poured out upon according to My Just Judgment of all the Nations of Europe exculding none.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 16 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I even I who am the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee as concerning the Brexit negotiations and the lack of progress being blamed upon the UK when in fact the UK is not solely to blame but also the hard line position of the EU which existed when the former Prime Minister sought to negotiate with the EU on Britain’s position within the EU on closer integration and reforming the UK's border security within the EU's single market over the free movement of goods and people into the UK and other issues such as the necessity for border control reform throughout the EU which was met with the hard line position of the EU that all border control was to remain as it then existed and that there would be no reforms either throughout the EU and there would be no special concessions in as far as the UK was concern while it remain within the EU and the single market even though he emphasised that it left the EU vulnerable to terrorist and terrorist groups. The EU did offer the Prime Minister and the UK a deal but not worth the paper it was written on which resulted in a referendum on EU membership the vote of which resulted in Brexit. But it was then the hard line position of the EU that resulted in the negotiation failing and the vote to leave the EU then and the lack of progress now which is the uncompromising hard line position of the EU the only deal the EU will agree to is upon its terms and condition of which as proven with the former Prime Minister and is now proving to be so with this Prime Minister and the UK government. The problem now is that as the EU has proven it will stick adamantly to its position terms and conditions in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned so also which it didn't expect the UK is starting to negotiate with the EU on the same basis and no one is getting and will get anywhere. The only way these negotiations can progress is if both sides at the same time show a willingness to compromise on all the major issue. But one thing needs to be pointed out if this situation continues as is a transition period will only exasperate the situation and will cause the relationship between both the EU and the UK to suffer. Thus say I unto thee a hard Brexit will cause both the EU and the UK to suffer and a soft Brexit because of the hard line position of the EU will cause the UK to suffer. The UK cannot compromise with the EU unless the EU is willing to reciprocate and soften is hard line uncompromising position on all the major issues and the longer this is drawn out the more both side will suffer in as far as the trade and the service industry and both economies because of the financial instability and the lack of industrial investment cause by the insecurity of the deadlock because both sides are unwilling to give way to each other especially the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 15 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus as it is said in My Word that there is nothing which is hidden that shall not be revealed and brought out into the light even at the time of the end when a day of reckoning comes upon the whole of mankind and as there has been brought out into the light the abuse of children by the wicked immoral men and women of mankind when investigations begun in earnest into the abuse conducted by one man upon various vulnerable children and young people that investigation that was conducted not only discovered the extent of his abuse, but also what was discovered was the tip of a mountainous ice berg of child abuse that extended throughout the whole of present day civilization revealing countless other child abusers in every walk of life from the highest in society to the lowest. Thus now another form of abuse hath be brought out into the open by those in the highest positions in the film making industry which hath thus far cantered upon one man but like as is said if you see a rat out in the open you can guarantee there are many even hundreds hidden from sight and so it is with this and other industries even amongst those who seek to reveal the hidden secret wicked, immoral acts of those who abuse the innocents of this civilization whom they have deluded into believing they can help those seeking fame and fortune to achieve their ambitions only if they do what they ask of them like spiders these are spinning their web of deception to entice their prey into the web they have weaved a glittering web called fame and fortune and once entrapped never allowed to escape. Thus as said afore all the wickedness and immorality and hidden crimes of that industry shall be brought out into the light for all to see for what hath and is thus far being revealed is the tip of another ice berg of abuse by wicked immoral people in the highest positions of this civilization who are responsible for the health and welfare safety and security of their staff and employees placed into their care of not only the film industry but other industries also. As said all shall be revealed and brought out into the light not only to be judged and condemned by mankind by Me saith the Lord God whom AM THAT I AM creator and Judged of the whole of mankind who shall Judge and punish all of mankind according to My Holy Law Will and Purposes as revealed by My Word.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 14 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I at this time unto thee saith the Lord God and creator of mankind and the whole of creation, as concerning the situation that hath arisen upon the refusal of the American Leader to certify and agreement made by the UN security council with a Nation to remove certain sanctions if it halted its Nuclear weapons program of which it has thus far kept to the letter of that agreement made and ratified by all the members of the UN security council. Thus whilst this agreement is legal and binding by all the members of the security council of the Un and has thus far complied to in every aspect legally yet upon the basis of not keeping to the spirit of that agreement and of supporting terrorism and funding terrorist groups the American Leader has refused to certify the agreement as he has done in the past. The question must be asked is the American government guiltless in as far as the activity of supporting and funding terrorist groups not so one example being the supporting of a certain terrorist group when Russia occupied Afghanistan. Then on the other hand the UN Security Council is diametrically opposed to all terrorists groups and those that fund them yet it has made a deal with a Nation known to support terrorism and terrorist groups and organizations in the Middle East and around the World. Is this not a case of Judge not Least ye shall be Judged for with what measure ye Judge ye also shall be Judged I Judge both sides of being guilty of hypocrisy one side condemning that Nation of doing that which itself has done in the past and the other side whilst condemning all manner of terrorism terrorist groups and those that fund those terrorist groups which have caused so much death and destruction fear and horror in Europe making a deal or an agreement with a Nation know to be a supporter and funder of certain terrorist groups to halt its Nuclear program and yet allowing it to continue its funding activity, but the question I must put before thee if I Judge one of being guilty in the past of the same crime of supporting and funding a terrorist group or organization and the other being in an agreement with a known supporter of terrorists and those who fund them thus by association being guilty of the same crimes what punishment should I meet out to thee. But there is also another matter in as far as the Nuclear programs and armouries and arsenals and the vessels that carry nuclear warheads none of them can ever be used either in defence or retaliation for if any Nation was to use them against another Nation there would be immediate retaliation which would inevitably escalate globally and would make the surface of the Earth a radioactive waste land where no life could or would exist. The Nation that did use them would be committing National suicide for as soon as the Missiles carrying Nuclear warheads were launched a retaliatory strike would be launched in response and other Nuclear capable Nations would also launch their Nuclear Missile fearing that they would also be targeted resulting in a worldwide Nuclear Winter and as said a global radioactive waste land whilst even I condemn conventional weaponry and would rather all Nation live peacefully with each other and be a peace themselves these weapons are preferable to Nuclear ones, but also the maintenance and security costing if these weapons are decommissioned and abandoned would result in funding for meeting the Needs of the general population of a Nation. Not saying that the defence of the Nation is a priority but also is the health welfare and the prosperity and employment of a Nation a greater priority than maintaining a Nuclear deterrent that can and will never be used and is and has crippled economically quite a few Nations and is doing so at the present time even North Korea.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 13 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord God of the hosts of the heaven of Heavens unto thee of Europe of Eastern and Northern and central Europe well has thou witnessed the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon the Nations of Northern, central and southern American continent and various other Nations of the Earth and power of the weapons in My arsenal of which thou hast seen mankind hath no defence against as the Nations of mankind have against the weapons of other Nations of mankind and thou hast thought that thy Nuclear weapons were powerful how do they compare to My weapons of whirlwind and fire of Earth quake and volcanoes of cataclysmic storms tornadoes and hurricanes of pestilence of famine and drought which I have for the great wickedness of this civilization brought down upon those Nations which thus far have suffered these disasters not such disasters as were common in the past far and few between but disaster brought down upon mankind by Me for all manner of immorality great wickedness idolatry unbelief the breaking of all of My Holy Moral Law and Commandments and a following after the ways of the adversary whose path leads but to one destination even Judgment and a banishment to that place thou doth call hell even the bottomless pit. But now it is that what the Nations of Northern, southern and central America have suffered shall continue and increase and unless the Nations of Northern, southern and Eastern Europe do repent and turn from their immoral wicked and idolatrous ways and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as are set down in My Word so shall all the Nations of Europe without exception suffer that which the American continent have thus far suffered and more which shall not cease nor decrease unless there is a turning away by all the European Nations from all of their great wicked immoral unbelieving and disobedient ways to become Holy and Righteous in My sight in obedience through faith to of all of My Holy Law and Commandments according to My will and purposes set down in and revealed in My Word but I do say this that My Will shall be done upon the Earth as it is done in the heaven of heavens that as it were is set down in stone all things say I work together for good according to My Holy Will and purposes. But one thing I do say unto thee that thinkest thou that mankind shall travel to the stars not so not even to the reaches of this solar system of which thy automatic machinery hath thus far reached doth thou think that I would allow this wicked perverse immoral war like civilization to pollute My Universe and corrupt the planets of other star systems by the mankind’s wicked corrupt immoral destructive ways and nature? Humanity in its present natural corrupt and wicked state shall until after the Day of Judgment and the creation of the new heavens and the new Earth be confined  as is the adversary and his followers to this Earth. After which I have in the past revealed what is to com thereafter in the New heavens and New Earth wherein there shall be for all of those who belong unto My Kingdom upon Earth no such restrictions.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 12 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee of the EU thou hast because of pressure placed on that region of Spain that is seeking and has declared verbally independence but has delayed the final step giving way to international as wells as the EU government to seek dialogue with the Spain’s Government but unless over whelming pressure is placed on the Spain’s government and that government gives way to the pressure applied and does hold talks with the region of Spain implementing a further delay in the final declaration of independence until the talks either break down or a peaceful agreement between that government of Spain and that regions government is reached. But this I do say unto thee that region one way or another unless force to abandon taking the final independence step will declare independence no matter whether Spain’s government agrees to it going independent or not. But in as far as dialogue with Spain’s government is concerned unless they are forced to abandon the intransigent position of the matter of Catalans independence then the dialogue between these two government will not bear fruit and will result in further aggression on the part of Spain’s Government which will result in further at first peaceful protest and acts of rebellion and finally will progress in the direction no one in Europe wants the situation to go even a first other regions of Spain supporting Catalans ambitions for independence who also desire independence. Thus in turn if Catalan does become independent by Frances declaration Catalan would be no longer a part of the EU and would have to apply for membership on the same basis as any other Nation outside of the EU meaning expulsion from the EU which in itself would result in protest from outside and within the EU. The best course of action would be for the EU when Catalan declares independence to keep it within the EU and to seek to protect it from any aggression from Spain’s government but that in effect would result in a detriment reaction from Spain’s Government threatening if the EU supported the Catalan government then Spain would be force to consider leaving the EU on the other hand as both are still a part of the EU if the EU does nothing other regions of Spain will seek independence if it supports Catalan then there would be conflict with Spain and if supporting Spain would result conflict with Catalan and other of Spain’s regions. But there are others in  Spain old enough to remember the Spains civil war and the signs that lead up to it and who are now keeping their eyes on the TV's news channels. The EU now is between a rock and a hard place that will have to in the end do all it can to defuse a situation that could possibly not necessarily lead to civil war.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God of all that is was and ever shall be, that from ages past it has been declared not only in My Word but in all false religions and mythologies that there will come a day of reckoning for the whole of mankind but first there shall be a time of troubles as a prelude to that day to come as I have thus set down and warned mankind that this day is not long off so it is that the day of reckoning is near and not afar off and that as afore said the day of troubles has come upon the Earth of whirlwind and fire of storms and plagues of pestilence and famine of droughts and of wars and rumours of wars Nation against Nation and Kingdoms divided against themselves in civil strife also I declared unto thee that the weapons in My arsenal mankind has no defence against and as compared to the weapons devised by all of mankind Mine are far more devastating than any that have been and ever will be invented by mankind and has this not been recently proven so in the disasters thus far I sent upon the whole of mankind but say I this not yet has it reached the extent that men’s hearts are failing them for fear of that which is to come upon the Earth even more storms Earth Quakes and the fire and smoke of volcanoes in places and Nations wherein they have never afore come about and shall these increase upon all the Nations of the Earth which refuse to obey all of My Holy Commandments and My Moral Law as is set down in My Word and do sink deeper and deeper into all immorality and wickedness hardening their hearts towards Me and stopping up their ears to the warnings thus declared. Many there are that have been false prophet and Messiahs in the past who have declared death and destruction and those whom thou hast called prophets who have declared peace,  peace when there has been no peace but wars one after the other and also false prophets of doom that have declared that My wrath would descend upon mankind and it has not been forth coming these whom I have not called nor sent and like thy story of the boy who cried wolf to many times and in the end was not believed and perished along with his sheep so have these false ones prophesied death and destruction and the end of the World was at hand when it was not that when I declared My wrath and anger was to descend upon mankind for its great wickedness immorality and disobedience to all of My Holy Law and commandments through those whom I have chosen and sent unto thee, like unto the boy who cried wolf to many times those who I have sent have not and will not be believed because of those false prophets and messiahs who have declared the end of the World and the day of Judgment was come upon mankind when it was not. But now it is that it doth draw nigh and shall come at the appointed time and day but one thing must be declared that all that has been revealed in My Word as concerning the approach of the day of reckoning wherein all of mankind shall be Judged and have to give an answer for their lives upon Earth even all of their wickedness and immorality and disobedience to My Holy Law and Commandments, the verdict shall be given and the punishment prescribed and carried out. As also those that have obeyed all of My holy Law and commandments through Faith shall also have to be Judged and give an answer for their lives on Earth even those who are righteous in Mine own eyes through the blood of the true eternal Passover Lamb even the true and only Messiah as is set down in all of My Word both what is called the Law and the prophets and that which is declared and revealed as concerning the coming and sacrifice of the true Messiah and eternal Passover Lamb these as  afore said will be Judged and acquitted being  consider through a righteousness not their own righteous in My sight and rewarded in the Heaven of Heavens for all eternity.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 10 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel to all of the returned of the children of Israel no longer art thou divide betwixt Judah and Israel for thou hast become one united Kingdom of Israel the Capital city of which is Jerusalem who hath received at Mine own hand the past centuries of punishment and of banishment for all the transgressions of My people in former times and even the casting down of the House to My Holy Name by that most wicked of Empires and all that she Jerusalem My beloved city and Israel hath suffered unto this day even this day of her and all of Israel’s forgiveness of all of Israel’s and Jerusalem’s wicked rebellion and disobediences to all of My Holy Law and commandments and following after the ways of the Nations around about and going contrary to My Holy will and purposes and the forsaking of the whole of Israel of their God, creator and saviour of whom I AM THAT I AM who now saith unto thee as I have forgiven thee so now obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as set down in My Word forsake the ways of the Nation of the Earth that walk contrary to My revealed will and purpose set down in My Word that obey not My Holy Law and Commandments even My Torah become once again children of the living God fulfil all of My revealed will and purposes for thee so set down in My Word and it is that I shall watch over thee and surround thee roundabout with My presence and protect thee from all harm and alarm and will fight against all of thine enemies to destroy them from the face of the Earth for whoever blesses thee and Jerusalem I shall bless and prosper but whomsoever curses and fights against thee I shall fight against them to destroy them and curse them with all manner of disasters plagues and diseases until they are no more. I it is saith the Holy One of Israel desire to return to thee and to have My Holy Name once more to dwell amongst thee as it was in ancient times in the House to My Name but first it is that thou must return unto Me and once more build the House wherein My Holy Name is to reside then ye O Israel and I shall once more be one I in thee and thou in Me I a father unto thee and thou children unto Me even children of the Living Eternal God and Creator of all that is was and ever shall be thy redeemer and saviour.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 9 October 2017


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee even at this time that there are some amongst thee that advocate remaining within the EU and cancelling article fifty which they say that the triggering of article fifty is not legally binding but can be legally reversed and Britain could remain within a reformed EU but not at the core of the controlling membership of the EU what was the seven but is now the six who seek closer integration which  means that the UK  would be as it were on the outer core of the EU which are in the main the eastern European members states which have no say in the major decision making and running of the EU in other words Britain if it remained within the EU by cancelling article fifty but as a member on the outer core of the EU would literal be where the EU would want Britain to be under the thumb of the central core membership of which Greece was an economic example being forced to have its economy in all but name controlled by the central core of the EU. But of course there will be outright denial of the circumstances and the influence of the satellite membership on the major policies making and running of the EU central government. But even so the claims of a reversal of Brexit being legitimate in the remainers legal camp of Brexit is nonsensical in the Democratic sense one example being the General Election as the outcome of that vote is legal and binding so also is the referendum vote result legal and binding by an act of parliament and to attempt to overturn that vote is equal to seeking to overturn a General Election vote. Another example being what is the term for a ship at sea having a crew with a bad Captain seeking to replace him with a good Captain from among the crew by general consent is it not mutiny and punishable by the full weight of maritime law, are not the actions of the remainers not the same as the mutiny of a ship’s crew? Also is it not illegal to seek to overturn the vote result of the referendum, the referendum being an act of Parliament. Would a portion of the General population of the country the majority of which in a general election voted in a party to govern the country ever even consider seeking because they didn't like the result of the vote or because they didn't like the party or its leader or its manifesto and favoured more say the opposition party and its manifesto to overturn the General Election vote in the manner so conducted by the Brexit remainers by any means whatsoever even legal ones and would the country in general not despise such as tried to do so.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 8 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee let Me saith the Lord God put before thee one fact as concerning Britains exit from the EU in as far as the EU government is concerned and that is once the EU gets what wants from the UK its goodbye Britain no trade deal no transitionary period no concesions and in as far as other issues are concerned it only wants to negotiate to its own advantage and will do and promise and say anything just solong as it gets from Britain what it has thus far claimed Britain owes it whether or not that is infact what actualy in reality Britain fully owes EU and as ye say it these are the carrots before the donkey which are the transition periode and a prosperous trade deal open or limited Irish borders and concessions on the Spainish borders with the British colony. The attitude of the EU is that Britain will fall for this desception on being offered what the EU is offering once the main issues have been agreed on to the EU's advantage which means that Britain agrees to all the terms and conditions on the main issues thus far being negotiated on and then the EU as said afore will say goodbye Britain and the EU will state that everything else will have to be negotiated on the basis of Britain dealing with the EU as every other Nation outside of the EU has to do if it wants a trade deal and border concessions with the EU. No transitionary periode no concessions on any Borders with the EU the UK as far as the EU is concerne abandoned the EU once article fifty was triggered and the EU wants to and will abandon the UK in return once it gets what it wants from the UK. Make no mistake the EU will not budge so much as an inch in any way shape or form from its objective in as far as the Brexit negotiation are concerned.

This is thwe Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 7 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that the time now hath and is coming for all the Nations of the Earth to be ruled by Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation with an Iron rod or as My Word puts it a rod of Iron but first My vengeance must executed and descend upon those inhabitants of the Earth that do prey upon the weak and the vulnerable the homeless, the sick the disable for profit to line their own nests to drink their fill of riotous living having no thought or care for their victims even those who distribute professed healing potions and pills caring only for their pockets and bank balances than the people that need their help yet are denied that help it being beyond their reach because the medication is too expensive for them to afford. How would they fare if all of a sudden I healed all the sick and the disabled of the Earth in one day so that none would ever need their products again would the tables not be turn upon them and they it would be who were on the receiving end of poverty. But this I will not do for there is coming a time when sickness disability homelessness wars famine drought poverty starvation even death itself  will be a thing of the past and in time forgotten, but for these profiteers that prey on the sick the disabled the homeless who rob widows and the elderly their due punishment for all that they have and are doing approaches on swift wings like unto vultures that spot a person or animal in the desert dying of thirst waiting ready to strike and tear the flesh from the bones. But I say this all the wicked immoral unbelieving inhabitants of the Earth even all of those who have heeded not the warnings I have thus far put forth I say this I have Judged thee I have weighed thee in the balances and found thee guilty and thy punishment has been set and the time of its fulfilment is not long off. But as said the time of My ruling of the Nations with an iron rod as is set down in My Word shall come about and nothing shall hinder it. Thus it shall be all those Nations that do obey all of My Holy Law and commandments I shall prosper and bless and they shall become as Israel was and soon to be a peaceful prosperous Nation flowing as it were with milk and honey but those Nation which refuse and disobey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especial My Moral Laws upon them shall be rained down death and destruction as I did with the cities of the plain in ancient times so shall I do unto them. As it was so prophesied to come to pass so shall it come to pass of a truth all shall be accomplished as it was ordained and set in stone to be accomplished.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 6 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee of EU at this time that the cracks in the Union are beginning to appear which is revealed in the situation in Spain which could if it spread have detrimental implications for the Unity of the EU. The cause being not the attempted referendum by the people of a region of Spain but disproportionate aggressive reaction to the referendum vote of a region of Spain seeking independence which bordered upon the situation in Spain was in under Franco and could lead to if the desire for independence spreads because of the dictatorial aggression of the Spanish government to outright rebellion against the Spanish government. Who could have if they had wished to dealt with the situation in a calm and sensible manner as the actions of the citizens  of the region were none aggressive and had let the referendum vote go ahead and afterwards declared it illegal having not been authorised by the Spanish government and then offered the people of that region a legitimate referendum authorised and arranged by the Spanish government which could have insisted that if there was a two thirds majority vote then it would be put before the Spanish government with the view of the possibility of awarding that region independence only if the government of that region complied with international law and remained a member of the EU subject to its terms and conditions rule and regulations and overseen by the EU court of Justice.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 5 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this saith the Holy One of Israel well it is that the direction of the governmental party is starting to move in the right direction but it has a long way to go in the restructuring of the whole of the Party in Government especial in as far as those that hold a place in the government itself but I say unto thee beware a change of leadership at the present time for a change in the Leadership could destabilises the whole of the government itself and the last thing this country needs is another general election and another untested Party in Government well did I say unto thee that the party in its then present state wouldn't last much longer never mind until the next general election but one thing must be avoided is if a change of leadership is on the Parties agenda replacing the one now leading thy part with one that is at the moment as the past has proven unsuitable for the position of Leader and Prime Minister for as of old in the English courts of old the Jester belonged in front of the throne to amuse the King and the courtiers not upon the throne itself and thus this also applies to the possible Governmental Leadership challenges that have surfaces. Thus say I unto thee first comes Unity and a change of direction to meet the present challenges now facing the country and then stability and there is only one way to achieve those goals and that is a firm hand as so to speak on the tiller and the right direction chosen and the whole the crew one hundred percent in support of the leader of the government and any who are not to either to resigned or be sacked. As a ship at sea so also a Government the Captain and the crew if a successful voyage is to be plotted then the Captain and the crew need to be as one. Disunity and disharmony and a rebellious crew can only lead to mutiny. Therefore if this government if it were a ship I would warn the Captain to expect near in the future a mutiny.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 4 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation as an addendum that which I have beforehand put forth upon the second amendment of the American constitution. Which is that the meaning of a well regulated militia is that of a constitutional army being raised up from among the people in defence of a free state or states or in defence of the Nation to support the regular military if the Nation is danger of being invaded by a superior Military force and well-regulated means that certain rules and regulations as to that militia must be adhered to as set down by the said constitution as a whole. But the right to bear arms shall not be infringed means where it is necessary for the security of the Nation for the people to keep and bear arms no barriers should be put in place to prevent the bearing of arms by the people. But this argument must be put forth that where the security of the Nation is already defended by a well-regulated militia then until such times as the security of the Nation is not protected by a well regulated militia then it becomes unnecessary for the people to keep and bear arms for in the case of America there is in place a well-regulated militia even the volunteer Army Navy and Air force and other security services of America which bear arms voluntarily on behalf of the citizens of America. But in the case of Americans the right to bears arms which at the present time seems necessary there is in the second amendment the clause well-regulated which covers the necessity of regulating the bearing of arms in compliance with second amendment those regulations on the bearing of arms by the people being regulated by the official bodies of the American Government not infringing but governing as per the second amendment.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 3 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I in the light of the recent horrific shooting in Lass Vegas should lead to a fresh investigation into the restriction and governance of the sale and distribution of guns and various other weapons but not in violation thy gun lobby which would state the second amendment of the US constitution which states "“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free states, the right of the people( of America) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Infringed means commonly restricted in any way and it is right that any citizen of America has the right under that constitution to defend themselves but at the same time if the unrestricted access of the public to weapons that kill and maim is contrary to the main principles of the constitution the preservation of the lives of the citizens of America and yes it does give the right to bear arms but it does not give any citizen the right to kill and or maim any other citizen and that is where the second amendment of the constitution needs to be reviewed and amended to cover the principles enshrine in the whole of the American constitution so that all the citizens of America can be assured that every effort is taken to abide by the main principles of that constitution which is the preservation of all life especial American lives. Thus having a sensible control of the distribution of all guns and weapons by American official government bodies the American public can have peace of mind that every effort is being taken to abide by the main principles of the second amendment the right to bears arms but not the right to kill and maim added to that amendment. Thus giving the power to the American government under the constitution to restrict gun and weapon sales where and when necessary.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 2 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord God even the only true redeemer of all of the Holy people to the government of this Nation as afore said I unto thee that thy position in Government would not survive much longer never mind unto the next General election and as I have said many a time that a divided Part Government Nation of Union cannot stand it will inevitably fall. But now it is that I say unto thee if the party in government does get its act together and stand as one united party without any loose cannon giving vent to their ideas of or opinions as to the policies or strategies in as far as Brexit is concerned giving the media ammunition and the opportunity to imply that the Government Party is on the verge of falling apart at the seams as once was the situation no long ago that plagued the opposition party, of which a lesson by the present political party in government should by now have learned and have snipped these divisions in the bud. The failures of the Parties various policies in as far as austerity the Nation Heath service and lastly Brexit should have forewarned the party especially after the last General Election that there was a necessity to alter course and the whole structure and policies of the Governmental party. But it is that now I say unto thee that if this party does not get is act together and unite the party behind a firm solid leader who’s not afraid to kick the rebels into touch or even sack them. Thus say I in a Nation Governmental party there is no room for favourites and the Leader should have no qualms about getting rid of those who seek to divide the Party thus say I as with Me so should it be with thee your either with Me or against Me and if against Me then thou hast no part in My Kingdom in My Kingdom My will must be done and willingly so  and if not then there is but one course of action banishment I do not and will not tolerate any and all forms of disobedience and rebellion against My Authority and as said so should be with the Leader of the present Party in government and if they cannot lead in this way then they have no right to be the leader of that  Party in Government and should stand aside for someone who can and will lead the party and the government into the future with a firm hand on the tiller or steering wheel, for it is that if all that has been said is not heeded then not only will this Party no longer be in government it will not even be opposition party after the next General election. Thus say I also a divided leaderless Party in government is a recipe for disaster and its fall.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 1 October 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee at this time as concerning the Leader of Syria and the punishment that is his and his regimes Just due that all shall be accomplished when the defeat of I.S. has been completely accomplished and the Leader and his government are seemingly on their way to completely regaining control of the whole of Syria thus at that time when the refugees are giving birth to their new born before their children are grown sufficient to be able to say unto their parents mother and father then it shall be that all that hath been gained by the Leader of Syria shall be suddenly taken away and the city of Damascus become a pile of rubble a wasteland fit only for foxed and snakes and lizards and the scorpions of the desert a dry desolate and empty place uninhabited by mankind and all the wealth of the Syrian government shall be taken away before their very eyes thus when all of this is accomplished then will I require of this one and his government to come before Me to be Judge saith the HOLY One of Israel the only true living God and creator of all that is was and ever shall be for all of his and his governments crimes against his own people causing them to become outcast in their own country and for the murdering of many thousands in the Cities of Syria by the means which he used besides bomb and bullet even by chemicals and starvation. Thus say I this one shall not escape My Just Judgment even according to all of My Holy Moral Laws and Commandments. The span of human physical existence last but like unto grass that sprigs up in its season is cut down and is cast into the fire to be burned. But this I sy the spiritual life for all of mankind is forever whether in the heaven of heavens or in the bottomless pit and well it is for mankind to consider and meditate upon the end of their physical existence and contemplate eternity for it is for of mankind once to die physically and then spiritually to come before Me to be Judged and punished and or be rewarded, thus ye say what is the part of mankind that is spiritual even their personality for thy body is like unto a car and the sprit is like unto the driver and like the car once the driver has vacated the car it remains motionless and if the driver returns not the car decays but unlike the car once that mankind’s spirit or personality has permanently left the body it cannot return and Judgment of  mankind awaits.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.