Thursday 31 December 2015


   Thus say I unto thee the main problem that ye have is not mainly factories that pollute the atmosphere although they contribute to it, it is all the vehicles that are on thy roads on rail and in the air throughout the World that use fossil fuels in other Words all the cars trains buses aircraft that use oil derivatives, meaning petrol diesel and paraffin or aviation fuel. The evidence which is and has been seen in Chinese cities and other countries. The scientists by attributing the present problems thou hast in as far as the occurrence of disasters and catastrophes to global warming is a case of the blind leading the blind and there are none so blind as those who don't want to see and those who follow them trusting in their theories for that’s all they are not facts are as blind as those they follow.

     Ever since Darwin’s theory (not Fact) of evolution the generations that followed have shut their eyes to the truth, even when their hearts tell them the truth they shut it out. Mankind now wants to believe in anything but the truth because they fear the truth will tell them what they don't want to know and see.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord God.

Tuesday 29 December 2015


Thus saith the lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

    To the whole of mankind when all that which is to come upon the Nations is accomplish plague and storms fire earthquakes in diverse place volcanoes and all that is set down in My Word I shall gather the armies of the Earth down unto the vale of Jehoshaphat even that which is also known as the vale of Jezreel and there I shall Judge the Nations for all their crimes against My People and against Me in the breaking of My Law and Commandments. My wrath and anger shall be poured out fully upon the unrepentant and rebellious peoples of the Earth who take for a truth that Nature is in control of all the weather and other catastrophic events that are occurring not so Nature is controlled by Myself and none other as all that doth happen upon the Earth. All has been accomplished that was ordained to be accomplished and that which is to come also hath been ordained nothing happens upon this earth and in the Universe without My say so and without I so command it to come to pass.
    What says My Word upon this time that at the end of days the inhabitants of the Earth shall continue as they have marrying and giving in marriage feasting and drinking acting as though I exist not and their scientist seeking to ever explain away the catastrophic events of that time blaming it on global warming whilst the events of pollution can be blamed upon thy misuse of thine environment and resources, that which is now coming upon thee is punishment for all the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments, yea indeed your hearts are hardened against Me but in the end thou shalt see and know with whom thou has to do.
    I say as I said in My Word beware false prophets and false messiahs who seek to lead thee astray these are but servants of the adversary who is they could will seek to lead astray the very children of God.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Saturday 26 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    There are those who stand up one in the east and one in the west who do not know truly with whom they have to do, coming out with so many words and threats that to them have meaning, but are of little substance to Me to these I say ye go not against men of flesh and blood but ye go against the Living God and creator of all things in heaven and upon the earth and under it who hath set a place a time and a season for all things that are and shall be and that have been even that which is termed as the apocalypse by many shall come to pass at the appointed time. Which is not before all that is set down in My Word is accomplished.
    For its I who give the gift of life and it is I who take it and against Me there is no defence for I hold the breath of the life of all creatures in the palm of My hand and when at last they come before Me as all will then it is I who shall Judge or acquit them and none other and only those who shall be acquitted are those covered by the blood of the Lamb of God.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.


Thus saith the Lord god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee and to all of mankind, ye where warned of this which was to come but ye took no notice you where deaf to the Word sent to thee and thine hearts where hardened now it is that many turn and say why am I doing this we have done nought wrong, look unto all of My commandments look unto all of thy rebellion against My Word and My commandments look unto thy neglect towards others look unto those whom ye have not protect nor help look unto nature and the continuing persecution of wild life in many countries. Look unto thyselves living in luxury while others suffer in slums and refugee camps look unto thy miss use of resources and the pollution of the atmosphere by the excessive usage and number of thy transportation vehicles which contribute to atmospheric pollution.  Ye also spending billions on useless projects when that money could have gone and go to alleviate the suffering of many. I have been thus far been lenient in as far as that which I have brought down upon thee, but take note this is but the beginning of troubles for thee because of thy rebellion against My word, commandments and the breaking of My Laws.
    Rather I would not have to do this rather I would that ye turned unto Me in obedience to My Word and My laws and commandments but ye would not, rather I would have like to have blessed ye and prospered ye in all that ye do but ye have harden your hearts against Me. Thus say this to all that the troubles that shall come upon ye shall increase tenfold until ye learned to turn from thy rebellion and obey My Word and commandments becoming and righteous and a holy people. Looking after an protecting  My creation and all that live and breath and have their being upon this Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Friday 25 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true Living redeemer

    Thus say I unto thee and to the whole of mankind upon this day to all who walk upright in all their ways seeking ever to be Holy and Righteous in My sight and  to care for those less well off than themselves the needy the sick, the helpless, the elderly, the young, the orphan and the homeless and all those who seek not only to bring peace betwixt Nations but those who seek peace betwixt mankind and Myself for that is the only true peace for if all are at peace with Me and obey all of My Holy Commandments then how can they not be at peace with each other. My blessing be up ye and upon all those whom ye love for the greatest gift is that I so Loved the World that I gave My only begotten Son the Messiah that whomsoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall obtain everlasting life and come at last to be with Me forever. For the only way to Me is through My Son the Messiah.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 24 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true living redeemer

    Now comes the time when those Nation Governments who treat their subjects dishonestly robbing them and defrauding them, not ruling them in truth, holiness honesty and purity, not taking care of all the people as they should, being corrupt and wicked in every way, keeping them in poverty and misery whilst they live in luxury not taking care of their young their elderly their poor their disabled their sick and infirmed and their homeless forcing them to live in shanty towns and slums, not providing proper medical facilities because the necessary funding is diverted to their own pockets these have incurred My wrath and indignation these shall feel My wrath upon them and their own they shall be revealed for what they are and shall have all that they posses taken from them and cast out even their health shall fail them, these shall be force to flee as they have forced their subjects to flee seeking a better life elsewhere, they shall become the off scoring of the earth, remember what I did to the Egyptian Pharaoh when he enslaved My people and refused to free them. I say unto these they shall not escape My wrath and anger, upon them shall fall all manner of plagues so that they know that it is I in the end they have to deal with in Judgment, vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay them for their crimes. Now comes the time that I shall rule these Nations governments with a rod of iron. They shall seek to hide themselves from the face of Him who comes to punish them for all their transgressions both against Me and against their people

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Wednesday 23 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true saviour and redeemer.

         To you who have sought to provoke Me to anger the first time when that which I set down in My Word as the way in which people should pray, you refused to display with the excuse that ye feared offending people of other religious beliefs, now ye say that the birth of the Messiah is too religious for you to show, a warning for the first then went out to thee which was of none effect is seems, but now a second time ye have sought to repeat that which thou didst before hand in refusing to acknowledge the birth of the only true saviour and redeemer even the Messiah. Thus ye know not what ye do and the consequences thereof yea ye have provoked Me to anger and now it is that upon your heads shall fall even My wrath and anger unless thou dost repent for it is in Me ye live and Move and have your being it is I who cause thee to prosper in all that thou dost and it is I who can cause thee to fall even unto the dust of the ground until thou art no more. The Nativity is nothing to do with the religions of the World it is to do with the salvation of mankind of which I was born into the World to accomplish through Faith in Me saith the only true saviour and redeemer. For I am the way the truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through Me.

         Thus it is thou dost neither fear man or Me but this shall soon change unless thou dost repent of thine action. For it is appointed unto man once to die and then to come before Me in Judgement which is closer than you think. When that doth happen if ye are still unrepentant ye do already know what that Judgment shall be. To be cast into the bottomless pit forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 20 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true redeemer

    There are two who seek to deceive one is near the other is afar off both seek to lead astray, one of the  eastern and northern nations he who seeks to keep his intentions hidden and seeks to retain power for his puppet ruler, the other near at hand who seeks to accomplish what other Nations have fail to do in Europe whose intentions are not so well hidden and who virtually or almost revealed what he and others seek to accomplish in the end.
    Both of these walk down a path unto destruction for they will in the end be brought down for the awesome great image whose head is of fine gold its chest and arms of silver and torso of bronze, its legs of iron and its feet a mixture of iron and clay shall be brought down by a stone not formed by the hand of man, which shall strike the feet thereof and shall bring down the image and great shall be the fall thereof, this image has and is rising and will be the last great empire comprising of the Nations of the west.
    The question is wilt thou follow after both of these and become a Nation ruled by others and the deceiver or wilt thou follow the path that thou hast in the past protector and defender of the weak healer of the sick protector of the helpless the elderly and the young giver to the poor who hast in the past brought down a tyrant. Follow the right path stand for that which is right holy and true and I shall bless thee and protect thee against all other's. But follow the same path of those afore mentioned and thou and thy Nation will in the end go down to the bottomless pit even unto destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord the only true saviour to you.

Friday 18 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    As concerning the negotiations over E.U. reforms Britain is requesting of the E.U. They will not in the end agree to the reforms thy Priminister is requesting they are staling hoping Britain will in the end  accept that the E.U. will in no way reform and give any ground for reform as requested by Britain and Britain will back down. There is but one way only to deal with the E.U. in or out no concessions no compromise in as far as Britain is concerned no dithering by the Priminister, either the E.U. Gives Britain what it requests of the E.U. Or Britain leaves the E.U. A tough stance is the only way of negotiating with them. The E.U. has dictated to Britain in as far as its policies and Laws and taking away power from the U.K's parliament for far to long. It's about time to take a stand.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

Wednesday 16 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    As concerning fracking, what you have to do in this case is not only to be concerned about soil pollution and water table pollution but land subsidence which it will cause when the shale is fracture being itself unstable it will shift especially when all the water and other additives drain of naturally this will not happen immediately but over a period of time also the wild life in National Parks will be disturbed as they are more sensitive to ground disturbance as is proven when Earthquakes are due they sense it long before it occurs, more ground sinkage and landslips will occur especially with increased weather problems which cause flooding and landslips.
    Look also to America and the sudden increase in sink holes, all the true facts are not being revealed so that this sort of mining can proceed. It’s a case of profit before the care of the environment and the relevant dangers to humanity where this is happening.
    Thou shalt see the results over time when it’s to late to do anything about it.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God even the true and only redeemer.

    There is but one name whereby the Redeemer and Saviour is called even the true and only Messiah and that name is Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God the name Christ was only added by the Greeks after Paul preached on Mars Hill when he noticed an altar upon which was written to the unknown god, before that the Greeks would not listen to him thus he pointed out that the unknown God was the one of whom he spoke to them about even Jesus of Nazareth and of the resurrection to eternal life. Christianity and the church was born in Greece upon the foundations of Pauls teaching about the altar to the unknown god and did not originate in Israel the word Christ is from the Greek meaning anointed one, the Messiah was born a Jew grew up a Jew and became king of the Jews and was crucified as such and did rise again and ascended into the heaven of heavens. Thus the true and only Faith is that which was taught by Jesus of Nazareth the true and only Messiah and redeemer and saviour of all the true children of God who is both God and perfect man.
    That one whom the Greeks started to believe in was that of which Paul had pointed out of which he spoke to them about  the unknown god, look as what the Word speaks about those who where first called Christians in Antioch, they were not called that in Jerusalem the followers of Jesus of Nazareth were called His disciples not Christians.
    But it was Rome who took it over when the Roman Emperor who when he invaded Rome when he was told that he would only conquer Rome by painting a cross on the shields of his troops. Thus Rome changed their Eagle to a Cross and became the Holy Roman Empire when the Emperor made the Christian religion the religion of the Empire. Spreading, not only its power but its religion, throughout the known World.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Monday 14 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    As concerning the search for the garden of Eden work it out for thy selves Adam and Eve after they were thrown out of the Garden they resided Just outside of the Garden, the garden was planted it was said Eastward in Eden or towards the East, if the whole of the Earth was then Eden where was the Garden look unto Abraham and the land I promised to him the land whereon the sole of his fot trod I gave unto him and his children forever, then look unto Moses and the freedom from slavery in Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. Look unto My Holy City and My Temple that resided there wherein I dwelt. Look also to the tree of Life who is the tree of Life the only means of redemption even the only true Messiah.
    Then look unto which land throughout the ages has been most fought over. Then ask yourselves where is  the Garden of Eden? Is it not Israel?

    This is the Word of the Lord God to you.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    As concerning Syria, Assad and Putin will never give up any territory in Syria and this will be seen once the rebels and Diash are defeated the only reason they agree to negotiations with any at all is to achieve their aims and if using the U.N. and the coalition to do so they will. But their true position will be seen at the end, it will be total intransigence. You will find a total lock down and they will seek to get rid of the Kurdish army by any means at their disposal.
    As said afore time how Putin gained the Crimea and still seeks to gain part of the Ukraine is an example of his attitude and position. He will never give up and never move his position and while Assad has the backing of Putin neither will he, as far as their concerned Syria belongs to them and no one else. Assad will never give up Syria or compromise in any way no matter what he says to the contrary!
    Thus also I say unto Israel cleanse the Holy City of all that pollutes it even the abomination of desolation that stands in the Holy Place remove from that place all the false faiths and all of the idols that reside therein turn back unto Me My People and I will turn unto thee and bless thee and once more I will dwell amongst thee and thou shalt once more be My People, Children of the Living God and if I be with thee to defend thee against all. If I be for thee who then can stand against thee, rebuild the Holy Temple unto My Name that once more My Presence might dwell therein. That Jerusalem might once again become the city of the Living God. I AM THAT I AM hath said this unto thee.

This is the Word of the Lord God to you.

Saturday 12 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true Living redeemer of all of the children of God.

This is what I say unto thee look unto Rome its rise and its prosperity and its fall even that which as I did with Sodom and Gomorrah and the tower of Babel cause them and others to fall even unto the dust of the ground they rose to the same heights of prosperity as has this civilization and especially its excesses I am not talking about just one Nation but all of the Nations of this earth. All of these had their philosophers, scientists and religious practices and followers of false faiths, but they follow the path of excess to its utter limit ever seek to disprove My existence and the creation of this earth, but it was the excess of immorality and the worship of false gods and their priests and false prophets seeking out ever to provoke Me to anger which in the end I was. I warned them through My servants, but they took none heed even when I brought down upon them storms whirlwinds Earth quakes and volcanoes which their scientists tried every which way to explain away until in the end I had to destroy them and cause them to be no more of which all that was left of their civilizations and empires was stone monuments.

Thus as ye walk in their foots steps will it be that ye will come to the same end or wilt thou at last turn and repent of all of thy disobedience and the breaking of My Law and thy immorality or wilt thou continue to follow their path to the same end as them for the civilizations which follow after the path of disobedience, lawlessness, unbelief and immorality shall fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord I shall repay all unbelief disobedience lawlessness and immorality and wickedness.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 10 December 2015


                What I do say to the whole of humanity is that I Love all people animals insects plants fish birds everywhere and will in every way seek to harm none, in other words I Love every living creature on the planet, I will not call, back bite or condemn anyone only God can Judge and condemn and punish anyone which He through me has revealed what He is doing, has done and can and will do. What I cannot stand is the actions of people that are detrimental to others and to society, the actions of those which are contrary to the Law of man which is in line with God's Law and of God's Law both moral and spiritual. I hate the ACTION'S of those which attack others and that destroy life, these must be stopped in any way possible.
                But at the same time I know that all can only do what their nature allows them to and pity the disobedient the rebel the breaker of God and man's Law's, for indeed I do know their ultimate end and destination and that they don't real understand and see what it real is. But in the end even God' has no joy in the death of the wicked the law breaker and the disobedient.

From the prophet of  the Lord.

Wednesday 9 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Throughout history and especially within the last hundred years who was it who played upon the concerns and fears of a Nation seeking to blame others for their Nations problems especially one who started a world war, he blamed the Jewish people for the problems and the financial state of his country but not only these but others including the disabled and gypsies and homosexuals with the promise of eradicate them and get the whole of the country back to work creating a prosperous economy which was by creating a military based industry.
    My Word says that the chief end of the Law and the prophets is to Love Me with all your heart soul and mind and the second is to love thy neighbour as thy self and to do unto others that which you would have done unto thyself which not on applies to thy close neighbour's but to all including those of other Nations. One abroad ought to also consider if he by seeking power in the way he is, he creates a situation whereby he does the work of diash or isis for them dividing the east from the west Muslims and Christians once more at war with each other which happened centuries ago at the time of the crusades a holy war in which no one wins ought and everyone loses in the end for this will indeed bring about if it happens the last great battle ask where is the vale of Jezreel and where is this battle to take place and what is the outcome and who it is that end's it? I AM THAT I AM.

This is Word of the Lord to you..

Monday 7 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Where ye ask is all this rain coming from? Why do ye call the rain forests, rain forests and what happens when they are cut down as they have been in south America where does and where has the rain gone it has to go somewhere the rain forest have been created for two reason one they are the lungs of the planet and two that is where the majority of the rain is supposed to reside. Now ye have and are seeing where it has gone and is going. Stop cutting down the rain and other forests and ye will see the result when they are renewed. Continue cutting them down and things will only get worse.
    This leads onto the second point if those and other forests are cut down where does carbon dioxide go and the carbon emissions from vehicles and other forms of pollution creating machines, tree's don't only filter out carbon dioxide and other carbon emissions but they also filter out other pollutants, so who or what is the cause of the present weather pattern changes but man himself. You are becoming the cause of thine own destruction.
     What is one of the greatest pollution creators. Vehicles of rail road and air. Its not mainly thy factories, though they play a part its thy transportation systems.

This is Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 6 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This is what the Lord said unto me go get a pure white sheet hold it up before thine eyes see how clean and pure it is. Now go and cast it into a field full of cattle and leave it for two weeks and after that go and bring it back to thy dwelling hold it up once again see how filthy it has become of what use is it now? None, so has it been with this people I have given My Word to this people to purify them and to draw then nigh unto Me to bless and prosper them to bring peace unto this land to be as the sheet was before it was spoiled clean holy and pure but they would not. Instead they hardened their hearts and closed their ears following after the dictates of their own hearts becoming as this sheet after being cast into the field filthy and unclean an abomination in My  sight. Now it is that I will cast them far from Me until they learn to listen unto My Word to take heed of it and to draw near unto Me and to be blessed by Me and to prosper in all that they do and to be called children of the Living God.

This is the Word of the Lord God.

Saturday 5 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus now thou art seeing that which I warned thee of. So shall it indeed come upon all those who disobey all of My Law and Commandments and it is that I shall not hold back My wrath and anger against all of the disobedient of the Earth until they repent and turn from their wickedness and disobedience. Thus it is that My Word has fallen upon deaf ears thou hast hardened your hearts to My Word and to all of that which I have commanded thee My watchman hast warned thee of that which is and was to come, if thou hast heeded My Word and warnings then that which is coming and shall come upon thee would not have come and will not come. Take heed I say unto thee and turn from  thy disobedience and I shall hold back My wrath and anger, turn again unto Me and I shall turn unto thee and instead of wrath and anger blessing, peace and prosperity.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 3 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To you I say look unto all the Nations affected by diash and other terrorist groups what have they all in common, what is wrong with Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Mogadishu, Marley, Libya and others, what have they all in common they are countries divided against themselves this is the policy of all terrorist groups in this age they pick on countries divided against themselves. It is the case with all of the Nations which are united they stand and cannot be conquered. Nations divided become prey to the terrorists and this is also their weakness unite these countries and they will never fall. Leave them divided against themselves and these cowardly groups who pick on the weak, on women and children, the elderly and the sick, the vulnerable and the easily lead astray and thou shalt always have to deal with these terrorists groups. Put in place a program of seeking to bring unity to these Nation's through good and sound government and slowly but surely these groups will fade away.
    This I do say it will be not an easy task but a necessary one.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    While it is commendable that thou has joined with other Nations against diash thou and others must take into account that there will be a reaction from diash and an upgrading of its attacks on Europe and against this country so that now thou will have to upgrade thy defences against such as may come upon thee. But also it is that diash may use its civilians as human shields when the bombing starts as has happened in the past.
    Assuming that there are seventy thousand troops you can use on the ground is and will be an error on thy part and sooner or later it is that you will have to send in troops, to ease the objections of the Nations in the region towards foreign troops on the ground, putting thy troops under the command fully of the Military Commanders in the region is advisable with option of withdrawal if there arises objections of their deployment so that in effect they will no longer be counted as foreign but part of their forces.
    As said in the past the sooner diash is defeated and wiped out the sooner the refugees can return and rebuild their lives, which is all the majority want to do. But one thing must be taken into account Assad and Putin will never accept a partitioning of Syria for them it is all of Syria with them in charge and nothing else. Are they using you and the U.N. to do the job for them and will this be another Crimea?

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    My Law in as far as THOU SHALT NOT KILL AND WHOEVER DOES SO IS IN DANGER OF JUDGMENT applies to human life from the time it comes into being until the time of death there are no exception’s a child's existence does not start as set down by thy scientist or medical authorities it starts the moment the sperm and the egg join and starts to grow, when does the life of a plant start? It is when the seed is planted and it starts to grow even though you see it not it is still alive, so also the child I am the creator of all Life I give it and I take it away and after death comes Judgement. All who Kill, when they come before Me shall be Judged accordingly those who Kill and repent not shall be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth where there is no happiness and peace, for all eternity. I expect all My Law’s to be obeyed unto perfection
    This is the  Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 29 November 2015



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Have I not said sort out Iraq first then thou canst concentrate on Syria, look unto that which is happening in Syria where the oil is going from Syria and from Iraq's oil fields cutting off isis oil revenue in Iraq will cause its funding to be reduced. But thou must ask about that which Assad and Putin are doing concentrating on getting rid of rebels that oppose Assad and not isis where was the Russian Jet brought down flying towards coalition backed rebels after Putin said he would not bomb these rebels.
    Thou must look at isis and it's forming it is from its actions and structure like unto that which was headed by Saddam Husain. But then Putin and his actions bespeak not only not bombing isis but using them to gain his end control of the oil fields of Iraq and Syria. When he says he is bombing isis positions he has already warned them he is about to attack those positions so that they can get out of the way and give the illusion that he is bombing isis also he has agreed to join the coalition just to get information as to the bombing strategy of the coalition so that he can warn isis where they are going to be bombed. He and Assad only agreed to have other forces bombing in Syria just to delude the west into think he is against isis.
    Where also thou must ask where is the rebels oil going it is to Assad and then onto Russia. Putin wants cheap oil to sell to other Nations and he wants payment for backing Assad and he wants control of the oil field's through his puppet Assad.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Wednesday 25 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to you.

    How thou dost like to hear My Word sent through My servant yea ye read all that is said and say we  need to do this and that needs to be done and we will do this and that but ye go thy way and it is as though nought has been said unto thee for ye listen and do not as long as prosperity falls at thy feet ye say we give to charity and send aid abroad we have done enough surely that which was said to come upon us will not do so, but still what about the sick the lame the young in poverty the elderly of thy land. Look to those of poorer lands than thine own how though they are poor they look after their own they neither neglect or abandon them and yet they have not a tenth of what ye have.
    That which ye have directed resources to the arts science and other luxuries that produces no direct benefit to the population; excluding medical research; should have been directed to that which needed to be done the homeless the poor the sick the lame the elderly the young and the working people of this country upon whose shoulders ye stand and depend for without these there would be no government and all those in government would be out of a job.
    Thus for this that which I relented to bring upon thee waiting for ye to listen and take heed of the warning of that which is to come I say tighten thy belt for poverty is in My hands to be cast down upon thee. Come before Me and repent of thy actions and pray that that which I about to bring upon thee I will refrain from doing so for I say unto thee unless thou dost thy prosperity will be taken away from thee and ye will suffer from My wrath and anger.
    I did set My heart upon this Nation to be My beacon My light and an example to the rest of the Nations a Nation that upheld true Justice the rule of Law mercy an Godliness  a Nation that has at its heart the welfare of it people, a Nation that would have at its heart the Love and Power of the living God against which none would be able to stand and would show the rest of the world that wickedness and disobedience does not lead to peace and prosperity but death and destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Monday 23 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

   If the cinemas have an objection to My prayer being shown then I have an objection to them showing any religious films whatsoever especially Christmas films, if they shouldn't show this because their afraid of offending people then any religious film falls into the category of offending some one.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 22 November 2015


Thus saith the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true Living Redeemer.

    Did I not say that at the last days there would wars and rumours of wars and great troubles and disasters and also there would be those who would be deluded into believing they were doing My Will and obeying My commandments when in fact they were breaking every commandment in My Word are these not they whose end is the bottomless pit forever? Yea indeed these are twice condemned and will suffer everlasting punishment in the pit forever for it is appointed once for all to die and to come before Me in Judgment to be Judged the righteous to pass into everlasting life and the wicked and disobedient to pass into everlasting torment in the pit forever more so those who are deluded into believing they are doing My Will. These are they who committed these attacks and these are they who shall be punished by Me those who have died who committed these terrorist attacks have been cast into the bottomless pit as shall all those who break My commandment THOU SHALL NOT KILL AND THOSE WHO DO SHALL BE IN DANGER OF JUDGMENT.
    Who say I are they who kill indiscriminately by what so ever means are they not wicked and will they not pass into the bottomless pit after Judgement? Yea indeed! To those who question Me I AM THAT I AM say unto thee its I who appoint the day of a person’s birth and give life and it is I who hath appointed the end of a person’s life. The innocent and righteous come to Me the wicked and disobedient to the pit.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Saturday 21 November 2015


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true Living Redeemer.

    This what I say unto thee the only way these two countries are to be sorted out and the terrorist group dealt with is for the Western Nations to mainly concentrate on Iraq and the Eastern even Russia to sort out as it is doing Syria. Both sections of the terrorist group need to be targeted at the same time so that there is no room for recovery, for if one is concentrated on they will move operation to the bases in the other country. Thus it will be a case of catch as catch can. But they need to be dealt with not only in the air but on the ground also.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 19 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

This is a revelation given to My servant of things to come.

   A voice called to me and said come up here suddenly I was before a throne high and lifted up and one sat upon it who shone as the sun in full strength and a voice from the throne said unto me what dost thou see and I saw before me the Earth and the Sun as I stood between them then He who sat upon the throne said unto me look down and I did so and at my feet was what looked like a rock and He said pick it up and cast it down to the Earth and I did so and the rock became like unto a comet and fell into the sea and the seas were contaminated with the comet and all the creatures of the sea did perish and the source of the rivers of water dried up.
    Then He who sat upon the throne said look to the Sun and I look and from it came what seemed like a river of fire and it enveloped the Earth and scorched its surface so that nothing remained upon it. Then suddenly the lights of the skies even the stars of the heaven vanished as one turns out and electric light then He who sat upon the throne said unto me wait for a time and what seemed like many years past and then the Earth started to bring forth plants and trees and animals birds and all manner of creatures appeared upon the Earth and the stars of the heavens reappeared. Then from the heavens appeared a great city and it descended to Earth and from out of it came all those who belonged to God who were saved through the blood of the Lamb of God perfect in every way and He who sat upon the throne said unto me this is that which is to come at the end when all things become new in heaven and upon Earth and I shall dwell upon the throne of David in the great city amongst My people for ever.
This is what the Lord revealed unto me.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To add to the problem of obesity some think that sweeteners will offer a means of reducing weight they will not for as with sugar it enters the body and then the body has to decide whether its liquid or food. Thy body will be as deluded as thy taste buds are it will pass it into thy system as a carbohydrate for as thy taste buds accept it as sugar so will thy body it will not differentiate between sugar and sweetener or as carbohydrate and substitute it does not know the difference you do for you put it in drinks or foods but if someone did not tell you whether they were putting sugar or sweetener in a drink you would not know the difference and accept it as sugar the same with your body no matter what your brain says your body will automatically process it as carbohydrates it is the same with milk in hot drinks reducing sugar makes no difference milk is a food and will add to the bodies weight. PURE WATER IS THE ONLY ANSWER FOR DRINKS. FOOD IS FOOD NO MATTER WHAT THE FORM. DRINKS ARE DRINKS THE PURER THE BETTER.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Tracking down these terror cells in thy countries will not solve the problem of terrorist bombing and attacks, not only from Isis but from all the terrorist groups, the only way to truly sort them out is to destroy them at source don't work from the countries terror cells in but from the centre out for once their bases have been compromised then if information at source is available the various cells around the World can be eradicated. Leaving the centre or the central bases intact means they will only replace them and yea may increase their number.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 16 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thou hast made a decision in as far as putting military forces on the ground to combat Isis. As I said before in the end thou will have to do this for in as far as this is concerned thou must suffer the consequences of this decision! It will only be seen as weakness by Isis thou art doing what a British prime minister did with Hitler tried to appease him and refused to take action against him, what if Isis because of this invades another country wilt thou still refuse to take action resulting in the suffering of more far Eastern peoples bombing alone will not stop Isis and at the moment the Iraqi people have not the strength of will to fight this organization as they need to have. Thou hast to be reminded that thy Nation's refusal to sort out Iraq in the first place as thou should have done which stormin Norman wanted to do resulting in the delayed action of the second gulf war has indirectly lead to the rise of Isis and the situation thou dost find thyself in.
    Read My word as concerning Israel and it's wars and the consequences of disobedience and inaction and the refusal of their king's advisers to see the reality of a situation hoping it would quietly go away in time if left to itself.
    I will remind thyself that I set a watchman upon the walls to warn thee, which has been fulfilled and if thou heeds the warning then the blood is neither on thine hands and on his, but if thou dost not heed the warning the blood be upon thy hands the blood of also those who suffer because of thine inaction I will require it of thee, also if he warns thee not I will require it at his hand.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 15 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as Isis is concerned and their attacks in Paris there is only one way to deal with them and ye know what that is, trying to make peace with them is harder than what one of your prime ministers did before the second world war with Hitler and ye know how that turned out and putting military forces on the ground ye will see in the coming months that there will be no other choice, what Isis is trying to do as well as other aims is to turn the west against the Muslim communities in every European country so that their ranks maybe swelled by those whom the west turns against. These are seeking to unite the Muslim World against the West and doing nothing makes you in their eyes weak and vulnerable.
    Also if ye had dealt with this terrorist group in the early stages of its rise then the loss of life would not be as it is up to date. Yea indeed troops would have died but in camparison with the loss of life untill now it would have been reduced by a significant amount. Your inactivity has be costly in lives to say the least.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 13 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The dietary problems of the west as concerning obesity is understanding the way your body treats what you eat and drink, the main thing that puts weight on is drinks that contain sugar any drink that has sugar in it as soon as it enters the body is not treated as a drink but as a food thus it increases weight doubling the actual food intake and as it isn't needed immediately it is stored in the body as fat and cholesterol, this includes especially tea and coffee which the west treats as its main drinks consumption. Water in its pure form helps the body to rid itself of extra fat and cholesterol and toxins therefore is need for health living on a regular daily basis at least one and a half litres per day.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 12 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To you O Israel set now thine heart and mind on obeying all of My Law and commandments repent through the true and only promised Messiah turn not to the left nor to the right, for all of Israel who truly believes and trust in Me I shall pour out My Spirit upon them and bless and prosper them and none shall remove them from the Land of promise for they shall be establish forever for these are the true children of Israel.
    But to those who do not obey My law and commandments and do not come before Me through the true Messiah even the promised Lamb of God whose blood alone can cleans from all sin and transgression or to put it as this generation would say, the crimes against Me and My Law making them criminals in My sight worthy of everlasting punishment. Those who follow the ways of this generation even the ways of the goyim the Gentiles those who of this World believe not in Me these shall I uproot from the Land of promise I shall cast them out and they shall be cursed an off scouring a people whom the world will hold in contempt a laughing stock twice dead plucked up by the roots and cast into the fire of My everlasting wrath and anger in the bottomless pit forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God of Abraham to you.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In the case of Oscar Pistorious the night he killed his girl friend, he was in bed she came into the bed room saying she was leaving him he tried pleading with her not leave she after rowing with him in a fit of rage after he threatened her, she made a comment about his physical disability and said also she only went with him because of his fame and the fortune that came with it, he lost his temper she saw he was reaching for the gun she knew he had under the pillow and in fear ran into the bath room and into the toilet thinking it would protect her, in a fit of rage he shot into the bathroom door with no intention of killing her which resulted in her death. After he calmed down went into the bathroom saw what he'd done and went to pieces. Thus thou wouldest call this a crime of passion but it is still murder.

    This is the word of the Lord to you.

Saturday 7 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true Living Redeemer and Saviour.

    As concerning the matter of the joining together of mankind both male and female, as My Word states in the beginning I created mankind both male and female which I did Join together as man and wife before my face. In that I did created them male and female I did create them to procreate and to bring forth children and this is the main reason for joining them together and that the two may become one person through true holy and spiritual love. This is and has been set down from the beginning and cannot change there is no other form of marriage before My face that is acceptable to Me which is according to My Holy Moral, Physical and Spiritual Law and no other form will I bless all other forms are an abomination to Me and a breaking of that Law and shall meet with My wrath, anger and total destruction on those who perform and do partake of such. Thus if they be joined before Me as My Word states let no man put them asunder, but for thy weakness there has been set a means of divorce when two can no longer accept one another, which is called putting away of ones wife or husband. Especial in the cases of infidelity and adultery My Law and Judgement upon this is set and cannot change.

    Also I am the author of all life especial that of mankind I give life and I can take it away, mankind at birth are born male and female and shall remain before My face as such all the days of their lives. This is set and cannot and will not change anyone who seeks to change it shall be considered those who are out cast before Me and when they come before Me in Judgement shall have to answer for their actions. They will face being banished to the bottomless pit where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth they shall be consumed by the fire of My wrath and anger.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 5 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The makeup of the Earth according to the scientist has been set down in many volumes of books containing theories not facts, but yet until all their theories are proven facts they should keep their theories to themselves. For what they say as concerning the so called tectonic plates and the structure of the Earth is rubbish and a means to seek to prove that I don't exist and that I did not create this Earth. There has never been any continental shift the continents have been and will remain as they are to the end the only coastland changes are caused by erosion and nought else the theory that the plates cause earthquakes therefore is only in their imagination and their vain attempt at justifying funding for their projects which until they have the proper means to verify their theories making them facts they should concentrate their efforts in dealing with facts not fiction or their funding should be redirected to more meaning full projects that benefit mankind directly. If many of their theories were facts then this Earth would fall apart at the seams and would have ceased existing long ago. If their theory that this earth has been in existence for millions or even billions of years then the Universe and the Earth according to them would be old and nearing the end of its life which it is not it is at its beginning.
    The Earth has only been in exist for thousands of years accoring to thy measure of time and is young and will exist for longer than mankind can or will measure for there will be a new heavens and the Earth shall be renewed it shall be changed back into that which I created it in the beginning My Garden Of Eden pure holy and perfect for in Me not only do you live moved and have your being, but the whole of the Universe has also for I am infinite in all the aspect of My being. The theories and speculations of the entire Earths scientist shall be proven to be nought but parts of their vain imaginings.
    For the truth will out even divine truth. All shall be revealed and they and their theories shall be cast down to the dust of the ground. They shall be held accountable for all that they teach and have taught and if what they have taught is proven to be mere lies falsehoods and delusion then they shall be judged as such.

This is the Word of the LORD to you.

Monday 2 November 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    As afore said! The advice of storming Norman after Saddam’s defeat of his invasion of Kuwait seeking not only to establish a port but to claim its oil fields, was to carry onto Baghdad and sort out Saddam Husain once and for all which the coalition disagreed with which proved to be a mistake, after which Storming Norman was relieved of his command, If the coalition had agreed to do what storming Norman wanted to do would all the weapons of mass destruction then have been found? But then what other secrets would have been revealed? He was known to have used chemical weapons on his own people were did the materials for making them come from, who supplied him and chemical Ali with the knowledge to construct them?
    The warning was give if the coalition did not sort out Saddam there and then that Iraq would continue to be a problem for them for years to come which was proven and that they would have to return to sort him out at a later date which they had to do.
    What must be asked is what weaponry was supplied to him in exchange for his oil, like unto what Assad is doing with the Russians exchanging oil for weapons and military asistance to fight the rebels. But it is not the military weapons rockets tanks shells aircraft ect it is the weapons of mass destruction who was guilty of supplying Saddam with them  as afore said his knowledge and his scientists expertise was limited to ordinary military weaponry. Chemicals and how to construct and use chemical weapons had to come from somewhere, where?
    Then also what was the real reason for the delay in fighting the second gulf war when the reasons for finishing Saddam off there and then was in place especially after the test of their effectiveness by chemical Ali. Thus this leads onto the use by Assad it is reasonable the Russians would never supply him with these weapons and as afore said where did he get those the rebels claimed he used on them from?
    The questions must be put to those who did supply them. I know who ye are and for the supplying of them ye are as guilty as those who used them and My Judgment of thee is set ye will and have seen it coming upon you if thou dost think that which thou hast suffered is all that is to come upon thee then thou art mistaken only to admit thy guilt and duly repent shall My wrath and anger against thee be halted, if not it shall be increased tenfold.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Saturday 31 October 2015

#The #true #servant and #prophet of the #Lord

Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    I have revealed afore times the one I will send before that great and terrible day which signifies the end, that great and terrible day of My Wrath and Anger upon the wicked and rebelious inhabitants of the earth and it is that all others are false prophets those that seek to delude the people for their own profit and glory for I said My Glory will I not give to an other, these shall I visit in My wrath and anger to destroy them from the face of the earth have I not said by their fruits ye shall know them.

    This is the one whom I have said will come. Behold  My servant whom I uphold My elect one in whom My soul delights. I have put My spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the gentiles. HE WILL NOT CRY OUT NOR RAISE HIS VOICE, NOR CAUSE HIS VOICE TO BE HEARD IN THE STREETS. A BRUISED REED HE SHALL NOT BREAK , SMOKING FLAX HE WILL NOT QUENCH. HE WILL BRING FORTH TRUE JUSTICE. HE WILL NOT FAIL NOR BE DISCOURAGED. TILL HE HAS ESTABLISHED JUSTICE IN THE EARTH; AND THE COASTLAND SHALL WAIT FOR HIS LAW.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday 29 October 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The intelligence in as far as the weapons of mass destruction were concerned, that Saddam Hussein possessed which they couldn't find after the Gulf war’s was not wrong. The search by the coalition to find the weapons of mass destruction was taken to late allowing Saddam to secretly move them, for a couple of times they where mislead by him as to where his weapon’s were stored, certain questions must be asked, in as far as the convoy that escaped to Syria was concerned which the coalition believe could have contained weapons of mass destruction which they could not follow because it would have provoke Syria into getting involved. There is the question of Saddam threatening to use such weapons against Israel when he fired his rockets into Israel? Also Jordan’s willingness to make peace with Israel after the wars what changed their mind? Much of Saddam’s weaponry was secreted away by other means because he hope that when the weapons couldn't be found that the coalition could not prove anything against him in as far as chemical weaponry was concerned and would therefore only imprison him.

    The advice of storming Norman after Saddam’s defeat of his invasion of Kuwait seeking not only to establish a port but to claim its oil fields, was to carry onto Baghdad and sort out Saddam Husain once and for all which the coalition disagreed with which proved to be a mistake, after which Storming Norman was relieved of his command, if they had agreed would all the weapons of mass destruction then have been found? But then what other secrets would have been revealed? He was known to have used chemical weapons on his own people were did the materials for making them come from, who supplied him and chemical Ali with the knowledge to construct them?
    The warning was give if the coalition did not sort out Saddam there and then that Iraq would continue to be a problem for them for years to come which it has so proven and that they would have to return to sort him out at a later date.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Sunday 25 October 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

 Jerusalem is and always shall be My City My Holy City therefore cleanse it of all that pollutes it for it is there that I will restore unto it My former glory and raise up a Holy Temple unto My Name. All of Israel is Mine and belongs to whom I gave it to Abraham and to all of his descendants forever.
    I have punished My People for many years but I have and shall return all of them to their own Land and I shall return unto them and they shall return unto Me I shall place within them a New spirit My Spirit and shall surround them around about with My glory. Beware O ye Nations that seek to force My Nation to do that which is contrary to My Holy Will and Purpose as set down In My Word and Torah for if ye turn against them I will turn against thee and bring down upon thy head death and destruction but if ye help My people I shall help thee if thou shalt bless My People and My City I shall bless thee especially if thou dost bless Jerusalem and help to rebuild it bringing it to its former glory and as I was with David and with all the Kings Judges and Prophets of Israel so shall I be with them again and My Glory shall return unto the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem as it was prophesied before so shall it come to pass.

This is the word of the Lord to you.