Sunday 29 November 2015



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Have I not said sort out Iraq first then thou canst concentrate on Syria, look unto that which is happening in Syria where the oil is going from Syria and from Iraq's oil fields cutting off isis oil revenue in Iraq will cause its funding to be reduced. But thou must ask about that which Assad and Putin are doing concentrating on getting rid of rebels that oppose Assad and not isis where was the Russian Jet brought down flying towards coalition backed rebels after Putin said he would not bomb these rebels.
    Thou must look at isis and it's forming it is from its actions and structure like unto that which was headed by Saddam Husain. But then Putin and his actions bespeak not only not bombing isis but using them to gain his end control of the oil fields of Iraq and Syria. When he says he is bombing isis positions he has already warned them he is about to attack those positions so that they can get out of the way and give the illusion that he is bombing isis also he has agreed to join the coalition just to get information as to the bombing strategy of the coalition so that he can warn isis where they are going to be bombed. He and Assad only agreed to have other forces bombing in Syria just to delude the west into think he is against isis.
    Where also thou must ask where is the rebels oil going it is to Assad and then onto Russia. Putin wants cheap oil to sell to other Nations and he wants payment for backing Assad and he wants control of the oil field's through his puppet Assad.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

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