Wednesday 31 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the hosts of heaven what hath been set before thee in as far as the government document is concerned is virtually what I promised to do in as far as the prosperity of this Nation was and thus far is concerned in that I said unto this the Governing party of this Government if it took heed of all that I put before in as far obeying all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Law but not only the party in Government but the whole of the Government and Nation then I would in as far as this Nation was concerned after leaving the EU I would prosper this Nation so much so that it would become the envy of all the Nations of the Earth but and if the Government and the Nation did not that instead of prosperity there would be poverty and depression so much so that this Nation and its Government would be cast down to become the laugh stock of the rest of the Nations of the Earth. What this Nation needs is not a weak wishy washy government which does not know in which direction to go in as far as leaving the EU is concerned that is divided against itself being practically leaderless and disobedient of all My Laws and Commandments especial My revealed Moral Law set in My Word on which this Nation once claimed to be founded is becoming an immoral lawless and wicked Nation. For a Nation to have a strong health and prosperous future the Government needs to have a strong united determined healthy leadership and government that has a vision and a goal for the future of this Nation a prosper future and is determined no matter what to achieve that goal determined taking its place on the Worlds stage as a major player having a leading roll in as far as Global trade and finance are concerned. My Word says all things work together for good to them that Love God and all things shall work together for the God of this Nation if it and its government take heed of all of My Most Holy Word. But at the moment this Government is not the one to lead this country into a bright health prosperous future.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 30 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I even the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee in as far as the Brexit transition period is concern that if agreed on by the UK government is virtually agreeing to be told by the EU what Britain can and cannot do which in effect means staying in the EU without a voice in the EU's Government and also no freedom to set up trade deals with the global trading Nations without the EU's central Governments approval. The EU said it was in no way seeking to punish the UK for leaving the EU but what else is it but a form of punishment for having the audacity of seeking to leave the EU knowing that the UK wants desperately to have that transition period and must agree to the EU's terms and conditions for having that transitionary period which in effect means for the two year transition period the UK has to agree to be virtually being dictated in every possible way by the EU government. Britain would have been better off being a full member of the EU with all the freedoms and benefits and a voice in the EU parliament than agreeing to be subject to this EU straight jacket of a transitionary period. The arrogance of the EU is plain to see in its expectation that the UK government will agree in every way to such a transitionary period and more the fool it if it does agree which would reveal how weak and wishy washy this government negotiating team and leadership really is for in effect it would be for two years as thou wouldst put selling Britain down the river and allowing the EU to dictate to the UK and its government and shame it for trying to leave the EU. Better would be for the Britain to leave the EU without any form of transitionary period that agree to a transitionary period governed by the terms and conditions set down by the EU without any and all of the benefits of being a full member, But this in reality is the EU by dictating it own terms and conditions for the trasitionary period that Britain in effect would see that it would be better off not leaving the EU and having all the benefits of membership than agreeing to this sham of a transitionary period for at least the next two years thus it will put forward the proposal that the UK remains a full member for the next two years and if at the end of that two year period if it still wants to leave it can but it will be hoping during that two year period the UK will change its mind and remain a full member and the EU will make every effort by hook or crook to make sure Britain stays a full member.
But one question must be asked and answer given who really Governs the UK the people who elected the Government or the finance and business community for only they will benefit from a transitionary under these terms and conditions and no matter what they say all they are concerned about are not the electorate of this country but their own costs profit margins and bank balances. But one thing they neglect to consider and that is it is the electorate who provide the work force for their businesses even in this technological era. What would happen to the financial and business community if suddenly the electorate felt the transitionary agreement was not in their best interest and in protest decided to withdraw their labour? This transition is not about the leavers and remainers but about the business and financial sectors profits and losses if there was no transitionary period and by getting it would hope to change with the EU the UK's mind over that period on leaving the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 29 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob unto thee

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation who made the heavens and the Earth by the Word of His mouth who commanded and it came into being who said and it was so. To the Nations of the Earth I say these words that now I put before all that there are now to come upon the Earth dark days in which the hearts of many will fail them for fear of that which is and shall come upon the whole Earth, war and not peace world wide and in many places of plenty and prosperity poverty and starvation in place of the fruitfulness of the Earth famine and in the places of the peacefulness and calm of the Earth Earthquake, floods tsunamis and fire spewing from mountain tops in those parts of the Earth wherein afore they did not occur and in others drought and famine and a bareness of the Earth when the clouds withhold their rain, that time shall and is coming when the oil fields of the Earth run dry and oceans and the seas refuse to give up their bounty when indeed the creatures of the deep are but few in number. The dark days also of plague and diseases and pestilences for it is as I have said if mankind heeded My Words and did turn from their wicked immoral ways and their unbelief and obey all of My Holy law and commandments that I should cause all who did so to prosper and live in peace and live off the plentiful fruitfulness of the Earth. That indeed the dark days of disaster famine plague floods Earth quakes fire spewing from mountaintops drought of whirlwind and fire would pass the obedient by for I would overshadow them and protect them from all harm and alarm and the wiles of the Adversary. But none have taken heed deaf ears and hard hearts and blindness of eyes have My words met and so shall it be with mankind when the darkness of these terrible and dreadful days befall mankind as they definitely shall and all of those who have refused to take heed of My Holy Word and the warnings sent forth and have refused to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments through Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb cry out to Me for mercy and forgiveness and for Me to hold back My Wrath and anger remember the rich man and Lazarus when in the bottomless pit of sheol the rich man cried out for Abraham to send Lazarus to but dip his finger in the water of life to cool his tongue for he was in torment and what answer did Abraham give the rich man and what were Abrahams last words? That there is a great gulf fixed and so is it for all mankind who believe not and do not take heed of all of My Holy Word and Obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments in that day for there shall therein in that day be many crying out for mercy and forgiveness and but a sip of the water of life to quench their thirst and the answer the rich man got shall be given unto them that have been Judged and condemned to the bottomless pit there is a great gulf fixed betwixt the pit and the Kingdom of Heaven also known as Abrahams bosom and that forever. All the daylong have I warned thee of the dark days of the Last days the days of trouble and disaster and days of wrath and anger of the day of the Judging of all of humanity to come when all without exclusion shall have to answer to Me saith the Holy One of Israel for their lives upon the Earth and shall be thus Judged by My Holy Law and Commandments unto perfection even the Adversary and his followers. None shall escape the Day of Judgment no not one past present or future, whether any believe or no it shall come to pass.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 28 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts as concerning the American Leaders declaration that America is open for business but his idea of being open for business and the Global Trading Nations idea of America being open for business are in fact poles apart for his idea of trading Globally is like unto a four lane motorway/freeway and a dust almost unused dirt track, the four lane motorway/freeway is American exports to the Global trading Nations and exports from the Global trading Nation is like the almost unused dirt track which is the same way every Multinational company runs their business to cut overheads down cost of materials need for production as cheap as possible wages as low as they can possibly get away with paying their employees and the their sales profits as high as they can make them the same with buying and selling land buy it as cheap as possible and sell it for as high as they can sell it for and if that means sitting on it until the price per acre is right and then sell it to the highest bidder. Thus it is as he said America first but at what cost to the American Nation when the rest of the Global Trading Nation really understand and see in operation his import and export policies will the Global trading Nation continue to import American goods if it is but a one way street or highway where the World Nations are importing from America more than they are exporting to America I doubt it, his idea of a reciprocal trading and the Worlds are diametrical opposed to each other a one for one trading policy in as far as import and export is far from his idea of the way he wants to trade with the Global trading Nations. Which could mean in the end in as far a trading with America on a one to one basis could be how low can trading with America go and will it lead to a trade war with America. The end of all of this is you cannot govern a Nation on the same basis as a Company is run. The head of a company is the ultimate authority in that Company and any opposition or questioning by anyone of that authority can and doth result in summery dismissal of any and all opposition where as in politics and Government there is the constant presence of opposition and a questing of the authority and the decision making of the head of the Government and the vote in the governing party of a vote of no confidence in its Leader.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 27 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of heaven even unto thee at this time in as far as the attitude of a mighty Nation and its Leader who see's not what the effect is going to be of his threat to with draw aid to a middle eastern people if they are not willing to do what he wants them to do even to come to the peace table and discuss a solution for peace with a Nation he and his Nation support to the extent of moving their embassy to that which he hath declared as their Capital city. Thus say I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation it is not his right nor his authority to declare what that Nations Capital city is that right belongeth to only one person and that person alone hath that right even I for Jerusalem is My Holy City and Israel and it people belong to Me alone saith the Lord God of Hosts and none other. By trying to force that people to the negotiate peace by blackmailing them with the threat of withdrawing aid will not create an environment that encourages them to seek a peaceful solution to the situation that now exist it will only escalate the tension created by the American leaders declaration of calling Jerusalem Israel’s CAPITAL CITY whether it is or is not. That is a matter for Israel’s Government and President and I Myself saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. There can be only one path to peace in that Nation and that is My path and My way and none other and that path and that way can alone be found in My Holy Word Law and obedience to all of My Commandments. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel I will in no way tolerate any Nation peoples or Government of the Nations interfering in My Peoples afairs for it is that if any Nation is against My people there I shall be to defend them and woe betide any Nations that doth come up against Me saith the Lord God for it is that they shall be cast down unto destruction they shall no more be found upon the face of this Earth as said Israel is My promised land of which I gave unto Abraham and his descendants forever and to none other and as I have so declared in times past Jerusalem is My Holy City wherein My Name shall dwell forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 26 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that I abhor all and any form of persecution that forces any of mankind to believe in that which they don't want to believe the same with any form of slavery I WILL NOT AND DO NOT SEEK TO FORCE ANYONE TO BELIEVE IN ME It is that I would rather mankind willing comes to believe in Me I do want slaves only willing servants and sons and daughters. But of course there are consequences if any of mankind do not believe in Me and obey not from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by Faith, as I have afore pointed out and there are rewards for those who do come to believe in Me through the Promised Messiah even the eternal Passover Lamb and both in the end are permanent and will be forever. But I do say to all who persecute and of mankind for their beliefs in false faiths I it is who can and shall Judge and condemn them in the end when they come before Me at the day of Judgment when all mankind at the end of time before the creation of the New Heavens and the New Earth are to be Judged the verdict given and the punishment or reward applied. But I say this those who seek through persecution to force any of mankind to believe in what they believe and do teach they have already been Judged and have but till they come before Me at Judgement day to have their punishment applied forever the same with those who enslave by whatsoever means any of mankind they have been Judged condemned and have but at Judgment day to have their punishment applied forever for these and the former there shall no mercy for the crimes against mankind for all the creatures of the Earth including mankind and slavery persecution and imprisonment without just cause are by Me condemned and are most abhorrent to Me saith the Holy One of Israel the only true Living God and creator of all that is was and ever shall be.

This is the Word of the Lord God to Thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 25 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the redeemer of mankind whose existence is from and unto all eternity who in the beginning created the Universe with the Word of My Mouth and shall cause it to cease even as it was created and then shall I by My Word set forth the creation of the New heavens and the New Earth and the old Earth and Universe shall pass into the darkness of forgetfulness. For the old shall be as a garment that is worn out only fit for the burning but the New shall be created perfect and incorruptible and shall never wear out for its existence shall last for all eternity. But as said that I would cause all the hidden things of darkness to be brought out into the light and be revealed to all even all of the corruption wickedness iniquity and immorality of this present civilization the whole World over and thus far hath been reveal but the tip as thou wouldst put it the iceberg with the bulk beneath the water line hidden in the depths thereof. Thus it is that when all is revealed and bought before My Judgement throne as evidence of the real state of this present civilization a Judgment shall be given as to the punishment to be applied for it is as thy courts cannot declare a verdict on the crimes a person commits without producing incontrovertible evidence and thy criminal legal system has as it foundation My Holy Laws and Commandments so also it is in My courts of Justice this civilization cannot be Judged and convicted and punished without incontrovertible evidence of the crimes of this civilization and humanity  in the breaking of My Holy Laws especial My Moral law being presented before My Judgment throne and before Myself saith the Lord God of the whole of creation and even in My Court of Justice mercy can be given if there are extenuating circumstances can be presented for I AM a merciful and Just God and where mercy can be given it shall be. But make no mistake where there is no cause or reason for mercy and forgiveness for the crimes of this civilization when evidence is produced and a conviction warranted the punishment shall be swift and terrible especially upon the unrepentant, the wicked, the immoral the corrupt and the unmerciful and upon all who are guilty of break My Most Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws in as far as the whole of mankind is concerned.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 24 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the situation in Syria is concerned either what I put before thee afore comes to pass in thine obedience to My Holy Will and purpose for that Nation bringing an end to the tyrannical dictator and his regime or the situation there will in the near future get out of hand spilling out into the Nations surrounding Syria in as far as the conflict between Turkey and the Kurds is concerned for some rebel groups will side with Turkey and some groups with the Kurds especially some of the terrorist groups still within Syria and especially the Syrian Regime presently in Government that occupy parts of Syria for now it is only the Syrian Kurds that are fighting the Turkish army but what if the Iraqi Kurds come to the Aid of the Kurds in Syria will Turkey escalate the conflict by attacking them. Did I not say unto thee that the only way to peace, Unity and the safety and security of the Syrian peoples both those who are in the refugee camps and those that still remain in Syria itself is for the demise of the Syrian Regime in Government and the free Election of Democratic Government by all of the people of that Nation which in effect can only be brought to pass when all of the Syrian refuges can return home without being in fear of their lives joining with those in the Country to elect a true Democratic Government. All of Syria has to belong only to all of the Syrian People which means all that now occupy parts of Syria that are not Syrian must leave either by agreement or by force after the fall of the present Syrian Government which will be accomplished either with the intervention of the United Nations negotiating an agreement with all who should not be in Syria to leave. The Syrian rebels to lay down their arms and with their people bring about the Election of a Democratic Government. But one thing of necessity must happen and that is the international community must do every possible to help and assist once a Democratic Government is in power to help to rebuild that Nation especially Russia as it is the Western and Russian armaments that have helped to devastate much of that Nation. But this warning I do put before thee unless this is brought to pass then the whole of that region shall find itself going from one conflict to another with no sign of peace for many years to come not only for Syria, Turkey and Iraq but for other Nations also in that region meaning Lebanon, Israel, Sinai, Jordan and others also. The whole region will turn into a powder keg ready to explode.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 23 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee well did I say a divided Nation or Government cannot stand and must of necessity fall and such it is with Syria before that country can once more become a United peaceful country the divided Government of Syria and its Leader must fall and another take its place a country ruled by force and fear will always be a divided Nation and such is Syria with the Government not even being in full control of its Capital City that being partially controlled by the Syrian rebels. But in as far as the rest of that Country is concerned part is control by Syrian rebel groups part by terrorist groups part by the Kurds occupying territory near the border with Turkey and finaly part by the Divided Syrian Government. Which has resulted in conflict with Turkey which is seeking by force to push the Kurds out of the Syrian territory they occupy along its border of which they are finding it difficult to do because the Kurds have western backing. Russia could intervene but as before with Afghanistan when Russia virtually invaded it so now with Syria. Only a true Democratic government elected by the people of that Nation can ever bring peace to that Nation and only on the basis that all influence from Nations involved in the Syrian conflict previously cease and desist and allow the Syrian people to rule their own Country their own way with international Community only helping were necessary and at their request. This can only be achieved after the Regime now in Government falls and in the end it shall and as said is replace by a true Democratic Government elected by all the people of that Nation. Thus must one condition apply that the country if peace is to be achieved on a permanent and not temporary basis which is obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments saith the Lord God creator of the Host of Heaven and of all of mankind.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 22 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as afore said all the hidden things of darkness shall be brought out into the light and revealed to all and as the immorality of this present civilization is being brought out into the light and shall continue to do so till all is revealed, so shall also other hidden things of darkness be brought out into the light as shall of those who practice such wickedness as do these do upon the whole of their own Nations and peoples and that is the corruption, the lies the deceit the bribery and the theft of that which rightfully belongs to the citizens of every Nation on Earth and where doth all this hidden darkness exist even in the Governments of every Nation all of their sins and crimes against their people shall be brought out into the light and revealed and then brought to an end to this say I is My promise saith the Holy One of Israel even the God and creator of the whole of the Universe and all that therein exist to all the people of every Nation everywhere. All those politicians in Government who commit such wickedness shall either repent and turn from their wicked ways or perish at Mine own hand by plague or disease or be cast down and out of their places down unto the very dust of the Earth these are they that shall lose everything as they have taken and stolen from the people of their Nation so shall I take from them but those who do turn and repent and commit to living upright and honest truthful lives I shall in mercy forgive although they shall be punished but that punishment shall last but a short while and after the storm clouds of My wrath and anger dissipate as doth the morning mist when the sun arises in full strength so shall My favour and forgiveness return unto them and they if they be true and upright flourish in all that they do but if they do return unto their former ways I shall knot and see it and as the wicked perish so shall they. All in government are entrusted and elected by the people to deal honestly with that which the people have entrusted to their care even the Health Wealth security and welfare of all of the people of the Nation they in Government are not there for their own benefit but for the good of all the people on whose behalf they Govern and serve and if  they cannot do that in an upright honest and open manner putting their people even before themselves they are not worthy to hold such high office and should therefore be cast there from and be assured they shall be this is My Word unto all saith the Lord God and creator of mankind. The days of Corrupt tyrannical and cruel Governments are over and shall be brought to an end. Thus hath not My Word said that I shall rule all the Nations with a rod of Iron and so shall it come to pass the Upright Moral and obedient Governments shall prosper and it shall come to pass that soon the Nations of the Earth shall learn war no more and peace and prosperity shall reign over all the Earth and My Glory saith the Lord God shall cover the face of the Earth as the waters cover the sea.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 21 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel even thy God and creator and the creator of the whole of the Universe as concerning all the rebellious and wicked immoral Nations of the Earth thus have I weight in the balances of My Just Judgment and hath decreed that which is to befall one Nation thus Judged after warning it if it repented and turn not from its wicked and rebellious and immoral ways what would come upon it even My wrath and Anger unto destruction, yet the warnings put forth were took none heed of by that Nation believing that I exist not and continued as afore and now upon that Nations shall of a certainty wrath and anger unto destruction shall be poured forth out upon it as it shall be with many others who think I exist not and am but a creation of the imaginations of those  that are either deluded religious fanatics or those who seek to lead astray many of mankind to manipulate hold power over or deceive into parting with their possessions or wealth or property or to glorify themselves in the sight of mankind appearing righteous and holy when in fact their hearts are darker than the bottomless pit itself even all of those who are teachers of false faiths or are false prophets or false messiahs of which there are many upon the Earth who know not the truth nor know Me even as those who were like unto the scribes and Pharisees and Zealots of old seemingly righteous on the outside yet as My Word saith full of dead men’s bones who go to any lengths to make one person a disciple of theirs they being deceived in thinking that if they follow them and believe their teaching they will become a child of heaven when indeed they make them twice the child of the Adversary and as thou would put it of hell destined to the bottomless pit forever or those who go to extremes seeking by any means whatsoever to prove I exist not even many of thy scientist who will in the end but prove as past civilizations intellectuals and those who are professed atheist have done that in reality that I do exist but by then it is too late for them for either they are on the brink of passing from this life or that they are on the receiving end of My wrath and anger and whose end is set as is the Earth set in its path around the sun and all of whose names are written down in the book of everlasting life and death to be called out when they come before the seraphim in whose hands it is held and who points in the direction of their final destination even the bottomless pit; even that which thou callest hell; where all who are not of Me along with the Adversary are cast therein forever As said afore thou has but experience disasters that are but a warning s of that which was to come if the wicked immoral unbelieving, rebellious disobedient Nations of mankind did not turn and repent of their wicked immoral unbelieving disobedient ways and take the path of obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments. But It looks as though the only way mankind will take notice of ought I warn the Nations of is if I do indeed bring about that which I warned mankind and the Nations of maybe then they would repent but that would be repentance through fear of Me and as My Word says that is the beginning of wisdom rather would I though, have mankind repent and turn unto Me and obedience to My Holy Will Law and commandments willingly,  but mankind will not therefore wrath and anger and destruction shall be poured out upon all of the rebellious wicked and immoral Nations of the Earth. So as My Word says and as it shall thus come to pass MY WILL SHALL BE DONE OF A CERTAINTY ON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN THE HEAVEN OF HEAVENS.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as beware the far eastern Wolf in sheep’s clothing who caused a mighty Nations Leader to back down from taking military action to halt his Nuclear weapons program and the warnings I gave out as concerning the real ambitions of that tyrannical Leader who is now by deceit lulling that Nation to the south and to a certain extent the West into a false sense of security by his desire to partake on a friendly basis in that Southern Nations Winter Olympics under a joint Korean Flag which in fact in reality displays his real ambitions and intentions which is indeed to unite the whole of that peninsular under one United Government but not under a joint Government but under one Government with him at it head. Remember the nineteen thirty six Olympics and which countries leader lulled the whole of Europe into a false sense of security by hiding his real ambitions for his Nation  and the whole of Europe until his military rearmament program was completed and what followed thereafter. What is the main reason for offering the olive branch at this time is it not the sanctions imposed by the west and China having a crippling effect on his Nations economy so much so that it is not only affecting the Nations economy but his Nuclear weapons program of which lately has seemingly come to a standstill, it would be better to keep the North Korean leader by the South at arm’s length and treat his overtures of friendship with some scepticism until his real intentions one way or the other surface. Consider the treatment of his people and Nation and his attitude to the West the solid allies of the Southern Korean Nation and people and consider the sanctions crippling effect on the Nation and his Nuclear weapons program and the necessity for that Leader to either bring about the end of sanctions by offering the olive branch of peace between North and South or to open another supply route so that he could continue his Nuclear weapons ambitions.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 19 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heavens and the heaven of heavens and of the whole of creation especially mankind and the creatures of the Earth of birds and beasts of the fields of reptiles and insects of fish that inhabit the oceans and seas of the Earth especially the later who are now suffering injury and death from that with which thou hast polluted the oceans and seas with it is bad enough that the pollution of the area around the Earth is polluted with thy machines both active and inactive and the waste thereof that thou doth continue to pollute earth orbit with but shortly that I shall cause to cease to be for all in the orbit of the Earth shall be cast there from unto the Earth some of which shall burn up in the atmosphere but others to large to burn up shall indeed crash down unto the Earth causing much destruction but it shall not be done without prior warning saith the Holy One of Israel. But in as far as thy pollution of the seas and oceans causing death and injury to the creatures thereof as I have thus far as a warning cast forth a fraction of that with which thou hast polluted the seas and oceans with that shall be increased to such an extent that not one beach or sea shore shall escape thy pollution of the seas and oceans being cast thereon and thou shalt see what it is to walk upon the beaches and sea shores in fear of injury from thy pollution cast thereon. But it is not only shall this be done unto those Nations that are guilty of those crimes committed; for that is what they are crimes maybe of omission to dispose of thy waste materials sensibly being unaware of the danger it presents to the creatures of the Earth and even humanity; but nevertheless I do consider it a most heinous and careless crime a crime of negligence to take care of that which I place in thy care from the beginning to look after and protect even the environment and the creatures of the Earth for which thou in the end will have to give an answer for. But there is also a warning already given of that which is to befall those Nations guilty of these crimes and of disobedience to My Holy Will and Law and Commandments which is to strike especially one Nation a most wicked and careless Nation whose pride hath even scaled the heights of the heavens and shall be cast down there from a Nation that  considers itself the mightiest of the Nations Earth against which none of the Nations of the Earth can stand, this may be so of the Nations of the Earth but by the power of My right hand it shall fall and great shall be the fall thereof this warning hath been given in a vision which if that Nation humbles itself not shall suffer that which shall cleanse its land of all that exists thereon.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 18 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This vision I have sent by My servant as warning to a wicked and abominable immoral Nation of that which is to come upon it if it turns not from its great wickedness immorality iniquity idolatry and disobedience to My Holy laws and commandments.
    Thus it was that a man in white raiment stood before me and said servant of the Lord God of Host come hither and he took me to a cliff high and lifted up and stood me on the edge thereof and said unto me what seest thou and I said the sea wide and deep and he said look towards the horizon and now what seest thou and I said nothing but the waves of the sea and he said look again and in the distance I saw coming towards the shore but a small wave higher than the rest and he said keep on looking and as I looked I saw as it came nearer it grew in size to what seem the size of a house and then the size of a block of flats and as it came even closer I saw it was higher than the highest building on Earth and I began to shake in fear for soon it would sweep over me and I fell on my knees hid my face between my knees waiting for it to sweep me away but it passed over me without harming me and I looked up and now on either side of me were two seraphim with wings spread out over me to protect me both were like burnish bronze shinning almost as bright as the sun with wings shining bright almost as bright as the sun. The man in white raiment that stood in front of me said man well favoured by the Lord God most high stand on thy feet and I did so and he said knowest what this vision means and I said not so my Lord and he said it is the coming disaster that shall strike a wicked and adulterous Nation full of all manner of abominations immorality and disobedience to the Law and Commandments of God and it is that this wave shall arise in the west as thou sawest it and shall become even like unto a mountain of the seas and it shall cleans the land on which that Wicked and abominable Nation stands so that it exist no more upon the face of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 17 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of all that is was and ever shall be that the EU has come at last to the realisation finally that the UK is really leaving the EU thus the statement of one of its leading politicians that the UK can if it so desires change its mind and remain a full member of the EU which will be music to the ears of remainers but in fact because of the position that the British Government is in and its firm promises to fulfil the wishes of the British people vote upon in a full legal referendum to leave the EU if it decided to renege on its promise apart from its triggering article fifty would result in outright rebellion and as precarious as the position of the British Government is would result in its immediate demise and would in a matter of days result in a call for a general election which in and of itself posses a plethora of problems in as far as there is no party in government no matter their claims of being able to Govern this Great Nation as it should be as bother major parties have shown major weakness in both government and in opposition and until there is a party strong enough and determined enough to meet the needs of the British people especially the sick and elderly also in the restructuring of the educational system which is bordering on collapse because of the government policy of place the schools in the hands of academies the hospitals in the hands of trust and the transport system in the hands of the private sector and placing to many government contracts in the hands of a single contractor resulting in the tax payer having to foot the bill for the contractors failure both major parties track records show that they are both un fit to govern but the question remains is there any party or person capable of taking over and governing this Nation as it should be. But in as far as the EU's coming to terms that the UK is realy leaving it is and will now begin to persuade it to stay for the potential of the UK on the Worlds stage as major trading Nation is in reality one asset the EU cannot afford to lose. But as afore said unless there is a total reform of the whole of the EU structure the UK remaining in the EU as it is now would be like being tied to wagon going downhill out of control with a massive stone wall at the bottom of the hill.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 16 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the true and only Living God and redeemer indeed I have been patient and merciful to this Government allowing it to remain in power when easily in the last General Election for its rebellion against My Holy Will and Law and Commandments I could have cast it down and raised up another in its place and so shall I do unto this government because it hath not taken heed of all of My Word and warnings that I have put forth unto it and I shall indeed cast down the present Party in Government and raise up another after Mine own Heart in its place that is willing to take heed of My Holy Word as it hath been written down in that covenant delivered to My People in times past and hath been translated into the languages of all of the Nations of mankind and to obey all of My Laws and commandments as are so set down.  But as I did to the government of My People when in the past they rebelled against Me and lead My People to rebel against Me also and to disobey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even as I have so done unto them when they rebelled against My Holy Will and Law and Commandments following after all manner of wickedness and the worshiping of false gods bowing down before them even the works of their own hands, bowing down to images that neither speak nor move nor posses any life in and of themselves whatsoever bringing upon them all manner of disasters warning them if they continued in the way they were going that I would even cast them out of the land of promise saying unto them through My servants the prophets that they shall suffer exile until they repented of their crimes of rebellion and of disobedience to My Holy Law and Commandments humble themselves before Me and return unto Me to obey from the heart My Law and Commandments and restore the House wherein My Name resided and keep to the Holy Covenant I made with their forefathers through Mosher/Moses My servant and friend of which after many generations they did return unto Me in deep humility confessing their crimes against Me and My Holy Law and Commandments restoring the House wherein My Name resided and did obey all of  My Holy Law and Commandments through the Faith in the Promised Messiah to come and once I saw they had indeed returned to the true Worship of My Holy Name in the House to My Name I did restored all of My outcast people to their Promised Land but warned them that if they ever returned unto their former ways I would once again cast them forth and so for the past two thousand plus years until Just after the last World war they have suffer exile for their final rebellion against Me and My Holy Law and Commandments and they who are the true children of the Living God whom I AM saith the I AM THAT I AM even the true children of Israel children born of the Promise I gave unto Abraham and His descendants forever shall never be cast out ever again from the Land of Israel the Land of Promise only those who are not true Israelites and children of Promise shall be cast forth from Israel never more to return. Thus it is as I have afore time cast down My Peoples government so shall I do unto the political party that governs this Land. There is but one hope for them and that is to do that which the Government of My people did if not the for them there is no hope of even again all they fall of Governing this Nation ever again.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 15 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    That which now I put before thee is a warning unto this government as concerning its stewardship of that which the people of this Nation have entrusted by electing this political party to Govern this Nation on their behalf entrusting them with their wealth health welfare security and prosperity. That the words found in My word that I wrote on the wall as concerning the Judgement of a Babylonian King and Emperor that he had been by Me saith the Lord God ;"Weighed in the balances and found wanting and that, that Kings Kingdom would be taken away from him and given to others." So shall it be so with thee I have weighed thee in the balances as concerning thy stewardship whist Governing this Nation and have found thee wanting thus not many days hence shall thy stewardship and governance of this Nation be taken away from thee and given to another more worthy to take thy place for it is I alone who raise one or one party up to govern a Nation and it is by Me weighed in My balances and if found worthy do continue in their stewardship but and if found wanting their stewardship is taken from them and given by Me to another counted more worthy. But not only hast thou failed in thy stewardship but also in hearkening unto My Words of warning as concerning obedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments I have been merciful and patient with thee but that patience is now at an end as I so said it would. But it is not only thou that shall be weighed in My balances the balances of true and Just Judgment but all of thy Nation in as far as the direction this Nation is going that of disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments and it is as I have in the past done so with My own Nation and People so shall I do unto this Nation if it ceases not to disobey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even My Most Holy Moral Law. For I say again unto thee all the hidden things of darkness even all that is wicked and immoral and perverse shall be bought out into the light of divine truth and all who practice all manner of wicked and immoral and perverted and depraved practices shall be Judged thereby and punished according to My Holy Will Law and Commandments by disease, plague whirlwind, fire, flood and famine. They shall be brought down even unto the grave if they don't abandon the path they are on repent and turn unto Me by Faith saith the Lord God of Israel by that way which is so set down and revealed in My Word for there is no forgiveness of sin/crime without the shedding of blood even the blood of the true and only Passover Lamb who is without spot or blemish Perfect Pure and Holy.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 14 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and of the whole of creation still this people refuse to hear the Word that I have put before them and unless they turn from their great wickedness and immorality and corruption do turn unto meeting the needs of the sick and injured properly the homeless the poor the elderly the orphan the destitute of this and other lands that they are capable of aiding and do turn from their polluting of My creation and from disobedience to all of My Commandments and Laws as set down in My Holy Word I shall cast this people forth from My sight and shall appoint these to catastrophes to descend upon them war to take peace from the Land, famine to take the bread from their mouths that they may understand what it is to suffer poverty and destitution and to be homeless living out in the open on the streets starving having to beg for food to put into their bellies and plague and disease to know and understand what it is to be on the sick bed with none to care for them nor to make every effort no matter the cost to heal and care for them. Even as this people have in the prosperity of their lives in this land to a great degree ignored the plight of others and offering but token aid and help; remember in My Word that which is concerning the widows mite; so shall this be done unto this people if they turn not and continue to blind their eyes to My written Word and stop up their ears to the warnings set before them. But its shall not only be applied unto this land but also unto My People Israel who do not adhere to the Holy Covenant I made with them as one other hath in the past said if they turn not to adhere to that Holy Covenant and all that is therein set down then shall be it such as are to be cast forth from the land shall be cast forth not only of My people but even all of the strangers residing therein who obey not My Holy Laws an commandments and such as are set to perish by famine shall hence forth if they turn not perish and such as are to fall by the weapons of war shall of a certainty fall by those weapons and their dead bodies shall lay in the streets un buried food for stray dogs and the scavengers of the deserts and vultures for I shall make of the land a desolation and only those who are truly of Me shall remain in the end in the Land of Promise and prosper within the Land and shall raise up the House to My Holy Name.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 13 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee the policy on external global Nations having access to the EU's single market and customs Union that they either pay the exorbitant tariffs or agree to the free movement of goods and people and contribute to the EU's central fund which is in effect holding those global Nations that want access to its single market and customs Union in effect to ransom stating either the global trading Nations pay the tariffs set down by the EU or agree to pay a set fee into the central fund and agree to the free movement of goods and people. The same deal that will be offered to the UK after leaving the EU it being then no better off if it agrees to the deal offered in as far as trading with the EU by having to agree to the free movement of goods and people and contribute to its central fund virtual in effect the same amount it was paying as a member of the EU and agreeing to certain terms and conditions of the EU's central courts of Justice on the said movements of goods and people or paying the EU's set tariffs applied by the EU to trade with any of the member Nations. The EU is in effect unless it reforms all of its trading policies and the restrictions placed upon global trade in and out of the EU that are part of its constitution committing a slow form of suicide in that sooner or later the global trading Nations especially America which has sought a free trade agreement with the EU and because of the policies of the EU upon trading with an external none member Nations which has prevented the EU and America coming to a mutually agreed bifacial deal on trade for both the EU and US, the US and other global trading Nations will in the end stop seeking a trade deal with the EU and in effect isolate the EU in as far as the Global trading markets are concerned. This is where the UK can and will come into its own in as far as global trade is concerned and the demise and breakup of the EU will begin as more and more members will seek to leave the EU and rejoin the Global trading community. So in effect the UK needs not fear losing access to the EU's single market and customs Union because as thou wouldst say it these two; meaning the single market and the customs union will soon become in effect in the end dead ducks.

This is the Word of God to unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 12 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I in as far as Brexit is concerned even as a fore said the course and end of Brexit hath been set and there is nought that can change that in any way whatsoever and the sooner that all of the self governing Nations of the United kingdom accept that fact the better, for the terms and conditions as set down by the EU upon Britain leaving the EU are fixed and even if the EU government was willing to compromise upon the major parts of Brexit because of the EU constitution the only Brexit that is available to the UK is a hard Brexit the EU is bound by its own rules and regulations in as far as trade and industry and the financial sector is concerned the problem is if it makes a bespoke trade deal with the UK then all of the other Nations outside of the EU that have access to the single market and the customs Union would demand the same deal as the EU gave to the UK which would result in the rules and regulations set down by the EU in as far as trade and financial services and access to the single market and the customs Union becoming null and void. Once outside of the EU then the discussions for a trade deal with the EU can really begin but not in reality till then. The one part of the negotiations that is going to delay trade negotiations from truly getting under way is the so called transitionary period that the UK is seeking an agreement on with the EU for until that trasitionary period is at an end can a trade agreement if one is in the offing be legitimised and put in place. Access to the single market and the customs Union would have to be on the same basis as other Nations outside of the EU have with EU with all of the terms conditions and contributions required by the EU. One problem is still in place and will have to be resolved and agreed on if a soft border between Northern and Southern Ireland is to be put in place and that as soon as possible, which if not done soon will result in a hard border and until that is signed sealed and delivered and set down in black and white there are going to be major difficulties especially on the Southern side of the border and with the good Friday agreement it will only take one major fall out between the North and South of Ireland for the situation to revert back to the hard border days and one of the major problems that could spark it off is the present self governing situation in Northern Ireland while there is no agreement between both sides on power sharing there will be always the possibility of conflict arising.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 11 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith He who hath created the Heavens and the Heavens of Heavens who sitteth upon the throne of His glory He who hath mapped out the stars and the planets in their places and set them in their course unto all of mankind hearken and take heed of all My Words that I have and shall set before thee from this time forth even the Word as concerning My Holy Law and Commandments as are so set down in that covenant I made with Israel to obey them from the heart and through them commanded the whole of mankind also to obey all of the Laws and Commandments set therein and that any who do break and or disobey any or all of My Laws and Commandments  especially My Moral Law written in the Word delivered not only to the whole of Israel but unto all of mankind that dwelleth upon the Face of the Earth to obey them but if they obey them not shall  by Me be accounted accursed and in this life My Just Judgment shall descend upon them and when they come before Me at the end of their Lives shall be Judged by that same Law and Commandments as so set down in My Holy Covenant every jot and title shall be applied unto them and if they fail to meet any and all of the requirements of My Holy Law Commandments perfectly shall be therefore banished to the pit and into the blackness of darkness of the pit forever wherein the light of life exists not, but all of those who by faith do meet through the blood of the only true Passover Lamb even the Messiah shall enter into the Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens to receive their rich reward and to dwell before My Throne forever to be at last true, pure and perfect children of the Living God. Even I who AM THAT I AM put before thee these Words. But be assured even as it is so set down in My Word so shall all be fulfilled as written therein as concerning that which is now to come upon all of the Earth even upon the whole mankind who take none heed of the Word so set before them even to obey from the heart by Faith all the words of My Holy Law and Commandments especially even I say these Words unto My People that I command all the Words of the Covenant I made with Israel by My servant Moses to be read out before all of Israel and if they upon hearing all of the Word of the covenant I made with on Horeb and obey them from the Heart I shall forgive them of all their sins and transgression and the crime of breaking that covenant  and once again they shall truly be My People and I their Saviour and redeemer and they shall once more be the Children of the Living God. But and if they heed not as I have so said unto the disobedient Nations of the Earth they shall be by Me counted accursed and shall no longer be My People and I shall no longer be their God and saviour and redeemer and all of those who take heed and do obey and adhere to all the Words of the Covenant even the covenant that I made with Israel shall remain within the Land of Promise and all who do not shall be cast out and be banished from the Land of Promise forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 10 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Holy One of Israel that what thy Prime Minister hath done in the actions taken in as far as the Governments Cabinet is concerned emphasises the weakness  of the government contrary as to that which was intended show which is solidarity and strength especially the Prime ministers leadership. Thus say I what was lost in the last election in as far as this government is concerned can never be regained and as I said that if the Government would even obey and adhere to all My Holy Laws and Commandments not only would I have strengthen this government but I would have also prospered them and this country in all of its and their endeavours but they did not take heed or listen unto Me saith the only true Living Redeemer and Creator but instead they stopped up their ears and blinded their eyes to My Law and Commandments and I warned them that if they did this even walk contrary to My Holy Will and purposes that I would cast them down even unto  the dust of the  ground and instead of prospering  the Government in all of their endeavours that there would be nought but failure and disaster and in the end if they remained in power they would lead this Nation down poverties slippery slope. The best action this government now can take is either to hearken unto that which I afore said unto them or resign and hold a General Election and allow another to take their place. In as far as Brexit is concerned the only outcome under their governance is a hard one and none other. As I said if this government doth take none heed of My Word unto them that the outcome of Brexit would be one and one only. All everyone hast to do is to look at the present track record of this government since the last snap General Election where this country is going to end up if this government does not change direction or there is not a new Government is in place before the direction that this Nation is going in is irreversible. Remember the maritime saying rats deserting a ship are the first signs that it is about to sink. Look unto the Buisness abd Trade sectors.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 9 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith Adonai the true and only Living God unto thee even at this time as concerning the Judging of the Nations and the striking of My swift terrible sharp sword, thus far have I express unto thee My wrath and anger that shall before the Nations one by one and have thus far struck the Nation with whirlwind and with storms and with the trembling of the Earth beneath the feet of the people of various Nations these have not been full force as they were but a warning that if thou dist not turn from thy great wickedness immorality and disobedience of My Holy Law and Commandments that which would follow would be far worse than that which I have thus far sent upon thee. But as ye did a fore in as far as these warnings were concerned thou didist harden thy heart stop up thin ears and blinded thine eyes to that word which was put before thee one of the reasons being thou dist submit to the teachings of thy scientist who teach those disasters came not out from Me but were acts of Nature but even now they are becoming convinced there is more at work than just acts of Nature but still thou doth hearken unto them and sit at ease in thy compliancy believing sooner of later it will end and all will go back to normal and thou can get on with thy lives as before, how do the deceivers deceive themselves into believing a lie. It is that this as said is but the beginning of troubles and that worse is to follow so much so that thou cannot even imagine what is to come disaster after disaster famine flood tidal waves the size of high rise blocks of flats, pestilence and diseases such as the Earth has suffer afore especial Britain and Europe and London when the great fire consumed much of London and the black plague that struck most of Europe and Britain which came at that time because of the great wickedness disobedience to My Holy and Moral Law and their great unbelief Idolatry and the practice of those who delved in that which they should not have. Much in the same way thy scientists are doing and what they are teaching at this time. But I say unto thee that which is to come upon the disobedient unbelieving and wicked, immoral Nations of the Earth as compared to that which has gone on before shall pale into insignificance as to that which shall strike the wicked gainsaying immoral disobedient unbelieving Nations that I said I would Judge and punish according to My Holy Law and Commandments one by one. I ask thee what indeed caused the demise of the Aztecs of South America even their wicked rituals Idolatry immorality and the worshiping of false Gods and human sacrifices, but ye may say the Spaniards that landed there cause that to happen nay not so they were as with others that landed in America North and South were used to punish and eventual destroy them, even as the Roman Empire was used to punish My People for their disobedience to My Holy Law and commandments and other Nations and tribes were used to cause Rome’s demise such has it been throughout history. Empires have risen got over confident proud boastful saying nought can defeat them and cast them down and they can do as they wish in all the Earth their immorality rebellion great wickedness knows no bound and then it is I warn them to turn from their wicked immoral ways but they stop up their ears harden their hearts blind their eyes and then the final wickedness burst from their lips even the God of the heaven of heavens cannot defeat them cannot cast them down and then it is the Full fury of My wrath and anger is aroused and it is reluctantly that I Judge them and bring them and their Empire down unto destruction even unto the dust of the ground. So shall it be with all Nations Kingdoms Empires that rebel against Me saith Holy One of Israel who break My Holy Laws and Commandments and commit all manner of immorality and great wickedness. Thus say I if I refrain not from punishing Mine own people and Nation when they commit great wickedness immorality idolatry and rebel against Me Their creator think I will refrain from punishing the Nations of the Earth for their great wickedness immorality disobedience to My Holy Law and commandments. If thou dost think that think again for the punishment of the Nations shall be a hundred fold worse than I would punish them.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 8 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This is what I say unto thee it is now that thy country seems to be without a Leader who is willing to take on the responsibility for that which the country has elected and entrusted them to do lead the Nation and its people. Churchill would have consulted parliament's mps's and military leaders for advice but to him the ultimate responsibility and the final decision was his he would have not sought to burden anyone else right or wrong on that score and would have never gone to parliament for a vote neither should thy prime minister. Margaret Thatcher was also one who did not shirk the duty of leadership where would the Falkland’s have been if she had sought a vote in parliament would it now be called the Malvinas? Yes she did consult parliaments mp’s as did Churchill but as with Churchill the final decision and responsibility was hers she was not called the iron Lady for nothing.  A weak Prime Minister is not a leader but a follower and a danger to the prosperity and security of a Nation

    Let thy Prime minister take on the mantle of leadership or let someone else stand in their place.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

 from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heaven of heavens thus hath the fury of My wrath and anger hath struck the Nations of the Earth for their disobedience to My Holy Law and commandments for the Immorality, iniquity, depravity and great wickedness that exists in all the Nations of the Earth and so shall it go on until all the Nations have been Judged and punished thus Judgement shall go from one Nation to another and they shall reap the harvest of the seeds they have sown even whirlwind and fire earthquake and famine and plague diseases and coming of vast storms and tidal waves of such height that they shall cleanse the land whereon they strike. Thus it is that which has thus far struck and is striking one Nation is but a foretaste of that which is to befall it. Thou it was who did not heed the warnings given and even now thou wilt not take heed an turn from thy great wickedness and immorality and from thy disobedience to all of My Most Holy Law and commandments and thus I say because thou dist not take heed but hardened thy hearts and stopped up thine ears and blinded thine eyes refusing to see that which was right in front of thine eyes denying My very existence and I did say if thou didst not take heed what the consequence would be if thou sowed to the wind that thou would reap the whirlwind of My Hot displeasure and the fury of My wrath and anger and I said unto thee if thou were warned and heeded not My Word put before thee that thy blood would be upon thine own heads and thus it is that thou was warned and thou did not and hast not listened and taken heed and turned from thy Wicked Immoral and perverse and depraved and disobedient  ways and that which is to come which will place that which is now coming to pass and that which hath come to pass in comparison to that which is to befall the Nations but like unto a summers breeze before the harshest of winter storms strikes, in effect that which is coming to pass now is but the calm before the storm a storm of the full fury of My wrath and anger that is to be poured out upon the Nations of the Earth one by one starting with the most perverse, immoral, wicked and depraved Nation upon the face of the Earth that is blatantly breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments who believes I am but a myth created by those who seek to delude and lead astray and have power over others a creation of the false faiths and the mythologies of mankind a figment of mankind’s imagination who now will soon come to realise and know that I am not and that I am as real as thou art even infinitely more as I created mankind in Mine own image spiritual before they fell perfect in every way therefore take that perfect image and expand it in every way unto infinity  and thou wilt but have a very minute idea with whom thou hast to do especially when I do strike those who believe not with the full fury of My Hot displeasure, wrath and anger and cause their fall even unto the depths of sheol  forever. The doors of heaven shall be shut up the heavens will become as brass to the inhabitants of the Earth until all that is revealed in My Word hath been fulfilled unto perfection as concerning these days now upon thee if at this late hour repentance is not forth coming and by late hour I mean but days thy days not Mine. Remember the promise of Elijah in My Word.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 6 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus saith the Lord God of the hosts of heaven I set My swift and terrible sword to strike the Nations of the Earth one by one and it hath done even as I so commanded it to do. But say I unto it rest now for thou must be weary and in need of rest return unto thy sheath and renew thy strength that once more in the future thou might be drawn ready to strike the Nations again and punish them for all of their wicked disobedience to My Word and Law and Commandments delivered unto Israel by Moses and by Israel to the whole of the Nations of the Earth. But saith he even My swift and terrible sharp sword how can I rest when in all the Earth and in all of the Nations there is such great wickedness, corruption, murder, rape, the breaking of all thy Moral Laws and the commandments how can I rest when there is such cruelty debate deceit debauchery depravity the lack of caring for the sick the homeless the elderly the orphan and the abandoned children of the World the persecuted and those forced to flee from their homes and lands. No! I cannot rest and shall not rest I shall go forth and strike the guilty and wicked Nations of the Earth until they are no more and I shall strike all upon the Earth that go contrary to thy will and purpose and do break all thy Holy Laws even thy Moral Laws and Commandments and shall not return unto my sheath until my work is done  and the wicked Nations of the Earth exist no more upon the face of the Earth so says My swift and terrible sharp sword and I say unto it even as thou hast thus set thy purpose so to do so shall My swift and terrible sharp sword do and it shall not therefore rest as it hath said until its mission hath been perfectly completed.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 5 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto My people Israel that are indeed true Israelites for not all who dwell in the Land of promise are true Israelites but are only so physically and not spiritually who do not worship Me saith the Lord of Host nor do adhere to all of My Holy Law and Commandments as is set down in the Torah nor do take heed of the writings of the prophets and of the writing of King David and of his son Solomon but indeed take heed and follow after the ways of the Nations who do not truly know Me. This do I say unto all who are true Israelites take hold of thy possession and thy rightfull inheritance for the Name given unto thee by the Nations of the Earth is derived but from one tribe of Israel when there are twelve who are yet to posses their rightful inheritance in the Land of Promise given to Abraham and his descendants through promise as a possession forever. Thus say I unto thee My People return unto Me and obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as set down in the Torah and I shall return unto thee. But I do say unto those who are Israelites in Name only who follow after the ways of the Nations thou if thou doth not forsake the ways of the Nations and return unto Me I shall indeed cast thee forth from the Land of Promise for Israel is alone the possession of those who are indeed the true Children of Israel the true children of promise who are so in Spirit and in truth and whom I shall alone bless and prosper and surround them about and overshadow them with My presence they alone shall be children unto Me and I a Father unto them and as a father shall indeed protect them from all harm and alarm and from all of their enemies for whomsoever doth come up against Israel doth come up against Me and whomsoever comes up against Me shall not stand but shall be utterly and totally destroyed and wiped from the face of the Earth. Israel is Mine and My peoples and theirs alone and they alone shall posses it from this time forth even forever more. Thus say I forget not Elijah and the promise given.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 4 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Creation unto thee at this time as concerning the protests in Iran and the interference by the American Government and its Leader and his careless rhetoric will he be so forth right in his rhetoric when and if there are repercussions from the government and the revolutionary guard which could cause that Nation to sink into a civil war or if the Government of Iran take punitive measures and start to suppressing the protestors by force of arms causing the death of thousands of their people, yea indeed he may voice his objections and further his rhetoric in support of the protestors which will cause more harm than good along with the UN which will condemn the Iranian Government and do nothing to stop the violence or bring an end to a possible civil war. But if the actions of the Government and the revolutionary guard did through taking such punitive measures cause the protests to turn extremely violent and take up arms which could end up eventually  in a civil war would America come to the aid of the those that are seeking to bring down the government and bring an end to the revolutionary guard or would America and its Leader sit on the side lines as they did with the Syrian regime and watch it massacre their people as did the Syrian regime the Syrian people. Better to refrain from carless rhetoric if there is no intention to practically aid the Iranian people if the protest turns into a civil war or into a massacre of the Iranian protestors. For except for aiding the protestors if civil war erupts there is little or nothing America can and will do same with the UN. There is a distinct possibility if any action is taken to aid the protestors by Western Nations in a practical way could be seen as western interference in the internal affairs of Iran by other Nations of the Middle Eastern states that are of the same religion causing them to side with the Iranian Government against what it will term as Western aggression taking into account the past actions against others of the same Faith taken by the American Leader. If the Western Nations don't want to get embroiled in what could end up as a religious civil war then it would be best for the moment for the Iranian Government and people to sort-out their own internal problems.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee at this time I say unto all who needlessly kill or cruelly treat any of My creatures through any means whatsoever either by hunting or poaching wild creatures of the Jungles, plains or grasslands of any Nation upon Earth or from the oceans and seas lakes rivers deserts or wastelands be they animals, fish, birds, reptiles or insects or by capturing and imprisoning them for the purpose of profit or gain they shall indeed suffer My Just Judgement and the full fury of My wrath and anger and also shall in this life suffer a most horrendous death at Mine own hand by disease by accident as thou wouldst call it by famine and plague whirlwind and fire of such epic proportions that they will cry out unto Me for mercy and it shall be I shall show them the mercy they have shown unto My creatures and in the life after death they shall be cast into the bottomless pit forever that which thou calls hell, these shall not survive and there shall be no place on Earth whereby they can hide from Me saith the Holy one of Israel, but also those lands or Nations or countries that harbour such as commit these crimes shall also suffer My wrath and anger full force through plague and famine and diseases whether knowingly harbour them or not there shall be no excuse for protecting or profiting from such as these and that excludes no one whatsoever there is no excuse for killing needlessly My creatures or cruel treating them or imprisoning them in such environments that is such that causes their deaths or distresses them in any way whatsoever. Thus it shall be also  I shall indeed descend soon upon those Nations that are the most guilty of these crimes My wrath and anger shall be such that I shall strike these Nations with storms and hurricanes and whirlwinds with Earthquake and with fire until they are either destroyed or they cast out all who do commit such crimes against My creatures and Myself for all the creatures go out from Me and at death return unto Me in spirit and in truth and each and every one that doth die I know how where and when and how they died and by whom. All the creatures upon the face of the Earth are precious unto Me as are all of lives of Mankind and I say again I have no joy in the death even of the wicked but My Just Judgment must be executed upon all who break My Holy Law and Commandments especially in as far as the creatures of the Earth are concerned.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 3 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God of Hosts what is the American leader playing at how childish can he get by issuing the statement he has concerning the North Korean Leaders arsenal and the size of his that he made recently by stating mine is bigger than yours what does this remind thee of?  Boys in the school yard saying mine is bigger than yours does it not?. This American Leader doesn't realise the danger he is putting America and the American public and some western Nations in it does not matter how many Nuclear weapons America has it only takes one getting through the American defence network to destroy a city the size of either New York or Washington and the deaths of millions of Americans. This one should concentrate on internal issues such as terror threats the American drug problem gun control internal politics National security National debt international trade and diplomatic relations with other Nations ect, than go around the World either by Jet or by the social media picking it seems fights with other Nations first Iran now North Korea who next?

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 2 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that many of thy scientist blame what they call global warming on the increase of greenhouse gasses of co2 emissions’ and of industrial pollution ascending into the atmosphere and the chemical waste disposal into the rivers and seas and have done so over the past generations from the beginning of the industrial revolution. Indeed the beginning of the industrial revolution began in many respects what the scientists call global warming to begin to increase slowly at first and then exponentially until now it is at the pace its now and will increase in speed. But thy scientists have been searching for an answer as to what is the causing of global warming as they call it in the wrong direction. Thus say I unto thee what they call term as the cause of global warming I say it is mankind’s destruction of Nature as the cause by mankind’s pollution of the atmosphere by industry and by the multimillion vehicle emissions that rise up into the atmosphere daily and other such pollutants mankind has released in the past into the atmosphere and also upon the land and in the seas and oceans but still these are but in a sense products of the real cause of what thou doth call global warming The real culprit of what thou doth call global warming is that which causes the destruction of forests and grass lands of farmlands of agriculture which is the creation and expansion of large towns and the expansion of cities but by mainly cities which are now expanding on a daily basis taking up more and more of the Natural environment. The destruction of what thou doth call Nature itself My creation. Why do I say thy cities because of the pollution they produce but mainly because of the land they destroy when they expand and grow without being aware of nor caring about the consequences. The forest the trees the grass the flowers even the weeds the moorlands all of that Natural beauty of the Earth thou doth admire is not just for show it is the Earth lungs and what happens in human beings when their lung capacity is reduced or they lose a lung so also with the Earth but more so with the Earths lungs they deal to a vast extent with the pollutants in the atmosphere they breath in carbon dioxide and with it other pollutants and breath out purified air for mankind and the creatures of the Earth to breathe without them life on Earth cannot exist. So also with the oceans and the seas in recycling the water evaporating it from the seas and depositing it in condensed rain upon the Earth and the rivers purify it as it travels down to the sea ready to be harnessed and used by mankind upon which mankind relies upon to live and without which will cease to exist. Thou hast seen what polluted water does to a Nation what would happen if instead of cleans water falling as rain polluted water fell upon the land what devastating effect would it have on mankind and this will happen if pollution of the seas and oceans does not cease and be reduced Thus say I as the encroaching cities devour more land reducing the Earth lungs so also the pollutants cast by mankind into the seas not only kill marine life but reduce the seas and oceans ability to cause the natural evaporation process to continue unhampered which reduces water pollutants which is the same with the air from the forests and plants. The more pollutants and carbon dioxide emission are released into the atmosphere without the forests and the whole of the natural environment being able to convert it to breathable air or oxygen then it has and will result in the climate heating up. By reducing the size of cities and cultivating more and more land giving it back to Nature can help to stem the rise in global warming as they scientist call it but it will not halt it till all damaging pollutants are band. But the reduction of global warming though halted will take centuries to reduce if ever at all. But there is now one last warning as to what I shall do if mankind refuses to reverse mankind’s destruction of the Natural environment and pollution of the seas and oceans I shall cause to rain down upon mankind death and destruction. So the danger mankind posses to his own existence will not in the end destroy mankind. But it is that as promised in My Word the old Earth shall indeed pass away and a new Heavens and Earth be created in its place. Where there is no death or disease or growing old for all upon that Earth shall be immortal and live forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 1 January 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God and creator of the Universe at this time in as far as the pollution of the oceans and seas of the Earth are concerned thy efforts to stop the pollution of the Earth seas and oceans that are affecting the marine life of the oceans the fish the mammals and the birds that depend upon for their existence is insufficient there needs to be brought to an end using the Oceans and the seas as thy rubbish dump and as a fore said all that exists in the seas shall be returned unto thy beaches and shores of all the Nations of the Earth that have access to the sea but think ye in land thou wilt escape many Nations and inland cities have tidal rivers and water ways these to will be affected until there is a major effort by all the Nations to cleanse the seas and oceans. But not only will the shore and beaches suffer so will all of those who depend upon the oceans and seas for a living soon if nothing is done to protect marine life there will be a repercussion in the form of a marine famine in other words the fish stocks of the oceans and seas I will reduce drastically as punishment for thine abuse of the seas and oceans. But if thine efforts are multiplied to clean up the oceans and seas then My wrath and anger will be held in abeyance for a while and once I see that thine efforts are producing results then will the fruitfulness of the seas and oceans be returned unto thee. But still there is the matter of the debris or rubbish circling the Earth of which I warned thee that this also hath to be dealt with by those responsible if not then I will deal with in either of two ways one by causing all the debris and rubbish to be cast down to the surface of the Earth including all thy satellites and space station or by a massive solar flare circling the Earth burning everything in orbit out of existence which will in effect cause the surface of the Earth to suffer greatly. Rather would I have it that mankind cleaned up it own orbital mess but of a surety it will be one way or the other either I will do as said or mankind deals with it.

This is the Word of the Lord Go unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord