Wednesday 31 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I upon the answer to when life begins and when does the life of animals begin? Or when does the spirit or personality enter an earthly life form. Thou dost already have that answer when ye did what ye so called cloned the first sheep dolly ye called it, ye call it cloning but what did ye actually do? Yea indeed ye didn't clone ye caused the egg to twin the spirit of two separate sheep came into existence. Therefore where does life begin it begins when the sperm fertilises the egg and except for the creation of twins ect the spirit or personality is placed within the egg. That is when I put the spirit in any creature upon Earth the spirit of animals the spirit of fish birds and insects and also in mankind. Thus it is if that sheep’s egg had not life within it and the two separate animal spirits place within after ye dived the egg had not had its animal spirit within when ye so called cloned it they both would not have lived. Its the same with children before they are brought forth from the womb and are still born when the sperm fertilises the egg there is no life there is no spirit no personality placed within only the physical body lives until separation from the womb or dies within the womb what ye call still born the same with a miss carriage. The birth of twins, triplets, quads, and so on the original egg splits a couple or many times and when that happens when they split and the cells start to divide their personality or spirit is placed within. Life I therefore say begins at conception.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    How is it thy scientist can peddle theories for truth or mere speculation for fact which is just that mere speculation not fact, which are concocted in their vain imaginations where is the absolute undeniable factual evidence that the Earth has been in existence for millions of years. Yes at the moment there is another of their so-called epochs the epoch of scientist self delusion. The Earth has been but in existence for thousands of years and will not last for millions of years to come before I create the new heavens and the new Earth. Then also it is that these so called scientist claim mankind is evolving when he is destroying himself and his environment at a catastrophic rate which is evidence that the opposite is happening to mankind. Upon what do their theories base their measurements of the age of the Earth on the evidence of a process of carbon dating which is at best  unreliable. Or on the distance of light travelling from distant edges of the Universe to Earth at the speed of light based upon their calculations of light speed when they don't even know except through another of their theories which they call the big bang theory which they are seeking to claim as fact how light came into existence.

    But let us dwell on that for but a moment if it can be speculated that was the Universes origin then what happens when an explosion happens, it gives off a flash of light which last for an instance and then disappears even an atomic explosion last but for moments. But let us for arguments sake say there was an explosion of great magnitude at the beginning of what mankind calls time even if it lasted in cosmic terms as long as it is claimed to have existed does not the light go out no matter how long it has lasted and hast thou with thy telescope in space which the scientist claim to see almost to the edge of the Universe seen that light disappearing or going out, if as thou hast claimed the Universe has possibly been in existence for millions of years even billions then surely thou would have seen that light that lights the Universe going out by now.

    I told thee, but thy stubborn hard hearted arrogance has blinded thee to the truth but to give thee maybe one excuse is thou can never in all thine imaginings comprehend who I am and how insignificant that thou and thy theories are to Me which after passing from this Earth thou wilt come to know and see who I AM and dread that Judgment to be passed upon thee. I created the light in an instant everywhere at the same time in the beginning which of course no explosion can create no matter how great it is and that light shall exist until I command it to cease.

    In terms of the existence of this Universe and thine and mankind’s existence to Me it is like tomorrow when it has passed comprehend that if thou can.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 30 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as the Middle East and Turkey is concerned, Turkey has the right to secure its borders without any interference from the Western Nations especially one which seems to think it has the right to interfere in Middle Eastern politics have I not said the two sons of Abraham were give an inheritance one for the whole of Israel that portion upon which the soles of Abrahams feet trod and the other the rest of the Middle East even Isaac and Ishmael. Thus it is that it is that it belongs unto Abraham’s sons forever only I gave it to them as an inheritance forever; I gave it to them and only I can take it away from them.

    But in as far as one Nation seeking to interfere though thou art aiding the Arabs of the Middle East to rid them of a Tyrant and a terrorist group thine own reasons for aiding those Nations in that region is a selfish one and though thou was willing to aid them to a certain degree along with other western Nations thou was not willing to commit theyselves to the extent of putting boots on the ground with the aim of stopping this conflict of carrying on to the extent it has. If thou had committed thyselves in the first place then some of the Middle Eastern Nations would have been willing to listen but not now for they do count thy promises as empty ones. But upon the problem of the terrorists plaguing Turkey has it not the same right as the western Nations on protecting itself from the terrorist that plague that Nation. Thus it is if those who were told to not cross the Euphrates and stay on their side of the river would not listen to Turkey or any other Nation why should Turkey listen?

    Also is it not true that those supported by a western Nation have their own agenda in fighting Isis and Al-Assad would it not be that they are seeking to carve out some of Syria for themselves apart from the Syrian rebels. thus the question must be asked if Al-Assad and Isis are defeated how many of the terrorist groups would seek to carve the whole of Syria up between them? Like as said not only the Kurds have their own agenda in as far as Syria is concerned but the whole of the other terrorist groups except Isis have theirs and they will use any means possible to attain their goal even pulling the wool over Western Nations Eyes to get the help they need.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 29 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I upon thy forth coming negotiation with the EU upon leaving that they will try every ploy in the book to delay the UK's leaving. Every threat they can concoct they will seek to threaten thee with for as long as there is a delay on leaving the more they hope for a change of the heart of the British people on leaving and also for thy opposition party to get itself together they also hope so that leaving the EU will not be as plain sailing as so to speak thou dost hope for thy party. The threat of the French opposition part is no empty threat no matter how ludicrous it may seem. The threat of changing the border control agreement in Calais ending the British Border controls on French soil, they must be aware will affect the Euro Tunnel which in effect can be used as a counter threat. If the French want to end British border controls in Calais then the British will not accept French border controls on British soil so where does it leave the Euro Tunnel will it have to have its border controls half way down the Tunnel? Or will this amount to closing the Tunnel? will the Euro tunnel become major a bone of contention in as far as British and French borders are concerned if the UK as it will, closes its borders both sides must be asked where does travel through the Tunnel stand and where will the borders between Britain and France be under the channel?

    Thus far have held back the fury of My wrath and anger upon the disobedient and gainsaying of mankind and even as afore said though fallen yet the whole of mankind is My creation and are My children but as a parent holding back the punishment hoping against hope that mankind will return unto Me has thus lasted as long as it has because of My love of mankind and the whole of creation which has been over a vast amount of time as thou dost count time, but to Me but a short while and seeing now that mankind has no intention of turn from its wickedness and rebellion then indeed punishment shall be and is forth coming no longer shall I hold back and if the punishment that I inflict upon mankind doth not bear fruit then it is that I shall indeed banish all of the rebellious wicked and disobedient of mankind forever to the bottomless pit thou doth call hell. The day even Judgment day as thou doth call it, which hath be feared by mankind from the very beginning shall shortly be upon the whole of mankind. That which thus far has and is and shall strike thee is but like unto the correction of an earthly parent it is but a warning that if thou dost continue upon that path thou art travelling and do not change direction and thy ways and return unto Me then there is no option but to bring upon thee that day of the Judgement of the whole of mankind fear and dread.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the Prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee at this time that although mankind fell in the garden of Eden all are My creation and all are still My sons and daughters and all still have My image within though corrupted by sin through the fall, all are the sons and daughters of an infinite Loving Father. But as upon Earth so also is it with Me for the Earthly family symbolises the heavenly and no matter how disobedient and rebellious are thy sons and daughters they are still thy children and so also is it with Me with mankind they are still My children when all is said and done. What happens in the Earthly family when a son or daughter commits a crime or rebells against their parents are they not punished and are they not forgiven if they repent and change their ways. But what happens when they continue to rebel and to cause trouble in the family home do you stand by and allow it to continue or dost thou punish them further and if they then continue for the sake of their brothers and sisters and thyselves dost thou not tell them to leave the family home.

    Then later if they change their ways and prove they have changed are they not accepted back into the family circle. But what happens when they continue so much so that they bring dishonour and shame upon thyselves dost thou not disown them and say that they are no longer welcome in thy home under any circumstance? But now is there not in thy heart a place for them after all as said they no matter what they have done they are still thine own but also is it not so that their banishment causes thee heart ache and pain and a desire and hope that they will somehow change but still deep down you know they will not.

    So also it is as with thou with Me although mankind did as said fall and although they rebelled and sinned and followed after their own will and way and not Mine and have disobeyed all of My Holy Law and Commandments yet if mankind or any of mankind repents changes their way and do obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments through Faith I shall welcome with open arms as the father of the prodigal son welcomed his own son back home.

    But though it distresses Me if thou dost continue in thy disobedience then punishment follows and though I want it not, yet for the sake of all of thy brothers and sisters who have repented and returned unto Me banishment for thy rebellion and disobedience in the bottomless pit forever is the only option. As with earthy fathers so also with Me for My Home Kingdom and creation and peace through outs sake My Will and not the will of mankind, Must Be Done.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 28 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Many are saying now and asking who is God that we should heed His Word and should obey all of His Holy Word Law and Commandments? Who is He to tell us what we can and cannot do how we should and should not act how we should and should not live are we not free to do exactly as we please without suffering the consequences of our actions and what about the scientist who by their theorise and their claims that I did not created the heavens and the Earth and that mankind is advancing and not sinking into barbarianism which will eventually lead to his destruction that mankind originated from the oceans of the seas how demeaning is that to mankind? That mankind is evolving and will eventually reach perfection and immortality. That the whole of creation they claim virtually created itself via the big bang. That also in fact mankind is the source virtually of his own creation. That mankind is not limited to this earth and proves it by so called exploration of the solar system by mechanical devices and also by just going to the Moon. That mankind can even traverse time itself it is not fixed but is pliant and also that there are many time lines and many dimensions. There are no other dimensions and time is fixed and the end thereof set.
     But in as far as travelling beyond the boundaries I have set it is being proven that mankind can only exist in a weightless environment for a limited time and also the Earth has not the resources to supply the materials and the energy for prolonged existence outside of the Earth’s environment for if thou canst measure the speed of the Earth and compute its mass in relation to its speed and then shrink it to the size of a vehicle necessary to carry a number of people in space and then calculate what the rotational speed was necessary to create earth like gravity which mankind needs and the energy necessary to produce that rotational speed even taking into account the almost vacuum of space there is not enough energy on earth to produce it and even if there were then the transportation logistics would be untenable. Also there is the artificial environment in which is lacking that the atmosphere of the Earth produces for healthy continued life which no atmosphere in space can reproduce, not just vitamins and minerals but the nutrients that the atmosphere of the earth supplies for the bodies needs.

    Thus this is My answer to mankind can anyone upon this earth create something from nothing can anything of itself exist without being created? How can an explosion happen without a source and if there is a source then it follows there has to be a creation of that source and if a creation then a creator and the material to create it only it is I who can and have said it was and it is so from nothing I called all of creation into existence! Thus say I unto thee if thou art looking for a source for the whole of creation look not to the stars and their distance look not unto the measurements of the age of dust and dirt rock and ice look unto thine own existence and the existence of all the life that exist around about thee look unto the flight of the birds of the air and how they fly without any engine of any kind look unto the fish of the seas and how they breath underwater and they fear not the great vast of the deep without breathing apparatus and look unto the speed of the creatures of the plains how they race almost as fast as thy transport and acelerate in seconds yet have only breath and muscle sinews and a streamlined body and look unto the strength of the greater animals the bear the elephant the rhinoceros which are many time stronger than any of mankind look unto the trees that live many years and reach unto the sky and live many times longer than  mankind making them almost immortal look unto the insects and their tiny brains which are biological and not mechanical, that mankind could never create and even if they could will never think as they think move even those beyond the sight of mankind as they move of their own self volition having the spirit within which is in charge of the whole whose spirit comes from and returns unto Me. Look unto thine own bodies is there not someone in charge controlling that body what happens after the person vacates that body it dies and decomposes. Thus say I all physical bodies of every creature are but a vehicles and unless mankind’s spirit or the body of any creature has a spirit within and is in charge then it is like in a sense thy vehicles dead without life they cannot move or go anywhere without a driver and the driver in as far as mankind is concerned is the personality in that body. No person no Life and as I am the source of all life and the creator thereof then without Me Life could not and will not exists.

    Thus it is that thou art My creation and all of the Universe is Mine and it is have I not the right as a creator to govern His own creation but also it is that I gave mankind at the beginning these commandments not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and to tend My garden and to look after and protect all of the creatures within it as I did set thee as the chief of My creation and to love Me with all thy heart emotions and will and others as thy self. Thou was perfect and immortality so and it was that I was proud of thee until thou dist fall and didst follow thine own will and way and rebellion was set in thy heart against Me but as I banished thee from the garden which would eventually if thou didst not return unto Me My Way be banished from the whole of My creation and Myself who am the source of all Life forever which is the true meaning of death everlasting in the place I created for those who would not and did not return unto Me.

     Thus it is that I have answered thee for the very reason though corrupt thou art created in Mine own image and if there is any possibility no matter how remote of thou returning unto Me then it is that, that path I will take for as mankind is the chief of My creation though fallen My infinite Love of mankind still remains and it doth and will cause Me great pain to banish those of mankind that refuse to do My Will yet My Will must be done for there can exist no rebellion to My Holy Law and Commandments in the whole of My Creation and Kingdom.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 27 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    In as far as the wicked evil and disobedient of the Earth all who heed not My Word and harden their hearts and do disobey all of My Word and Holy Commandments and those who also act wickedly towards their own people cruelly treating and murdering them My Judgement is fixed I will not relent even if all the holy ones who have gone before from Moses to John the Baptist and all of the Cherubim and Seraphim and the Ark Angels of the heaven of heavens pleaded with Me to withhold My Wrath and anger against all who do slay the innocent of the Earth and those whose hearts are hardened towards the sick the elderly the orphan the homeless and all the poverty stricken and starving of the Earth I will not do so I repeat My Judgment is fixed.

    Thus as I have done so afore time say these Words that now those that are appointed unto destruction shall go there unto, some by war some by plague some by famine some by whirlwind and fire some by hurricane and earthquake some by tidal waves thou dost call tsunamis some by volcanoes and floods.

    But unto all who are obedient unto My Law and Commandments as are set down in My Word I shall prosper and bless thee and shall surround thee around about with My presence that no matter who seeks to come upon thee to destroy or cast thee down by whatever means they plan to do so they shall fail for I it is that shall frustrate their plans and cause them to fall the very way they have planned to cause thy down fall  in other words they are and shall be blind leaders of the blind and both shall be cast down into the bottomless pit

    But unto Israel I say little by little I shall cause all those I have throughout the ages scattered amongst the Gentile Nations to return to the Land I promise to Abraham and his descendants forever and I shall bless Israel and especially Jerusalem and shall return Israel to her former glory and shall cleanse Jerusalem of all that doth pollute it and it shall once more be known as Holy unto the Lord Her God and shall once My glory reside in and upon her to the praise of My Holy Name.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 26 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

        To thee at this time I say unto thee there has been a misunderstanding in as far as My command to sacrifice Isaac by his father Abraham in as far as to what I intended it to symbolise indeed it was a test of Abrahams dedication and faith but it was also to symbolise the coming Messiah but not as many have set it down for this is the true way it should have been understood of which I reveal unto thee at this time.

        As is written in My Word as they went Isaac said My father and Abraham replied "here I am my son" and Isaac said "here is the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" and Abraham replied "God will provide for Himself a burnt offering"

       And as Abraham took the knife to slay his son, the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said "Do not lay a hand on thy son for I now know thou dost fear God, since you have not even withheld thine only son!" Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and Abraham took it and offered him up in the place of his son. Thus Abraham called the place Je-hovah-jireh which interpreted means the Lord Will Provide as is said to this day in the Mount of the Lord "God will provide."

       That as many write Abraham symbolises Myself but Isaac does not symbolise the Messiah he symbolises mankind, the altar symbolises the Judgment of mankind and mankind’s condemnation and punishment.

        It is the ram caught in the thicket that symbolises the Messiah who takes the place of those who believe in Him on the altar of Judgment to be Judged and to suffer and to be condemned to death in their place and afterwards to be their resurrection when He arose from amongst the dead.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 25 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    I did warn thee of that which would be poured out upon all those who are guilty of the atrocities that have been committed in the Middle East on one Nation by its tyrannical ruler and those who have participated in all of the horrendous acts committed against the people of that Nation causing them to flee and many to perish who were not involved in the fighting, but not only on those but those also who are guilty of the same crime by neglecting to sort out that situation in the first place nor getting involved directly to stop those horrendous acts against the people of that Nation from being committed.

    Now thus say I unto all who stood by and did nothing to stop those criminal acts from being committed against the innocent victims of that conflict before it got out of hand as it has done so. Thus hath the cup of My wrath and anger been filled up to the brim and is now to be and is being poured out upon those Nations who have committed those crimes against innocent human beings of that Nation, but as thou doth see upon all of those who stood by and let it happen and thus shall it continue until all have been punished from the least to the greatest. Thus there is but one way to halt My wrath and anger from striking thee and that is to cause it to cease immediately. There is and can be no other way, but be assured if it is not then nought shall halt My wrath and anger from being poured out upon thee.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee I say this did I not command thee to look after the sick the elderly the young the orphan the homeless and the poor of thy Nation and yet thou dost neglect the sick in as far as thy healing services are concerned which are not properly funded and in as far as the training of thy hospital staff is not up to date in as far as medical procedures and safety is concerned there should be in place a regular and advanced retraining programs for all medical staff from the ground up to bring them up-to-date in as far as medical practices, procedures and care are concerned. The neglect of the sick and the elderly and the young is not acceptable. The majority of thy hospitals at the moment are not fit for purpose and those which are not should either be closed down so that lives are not put at risk or should be restructured to meet the present needs of the public at large with proper funding and advanced training in medical procedures and care practices. There should also be in place procedures to vet all staff qualifications so that they can meet the medical needs of the communities they serve.

    If thou dost not rectify this situation then it is that due punishment shall result upon those responsible for this neglecting of the sick the elderly the young in as far as their health and wellbeing is concerned.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    These words do I put before thee that the present governing party of the UK seems to be in the position of putting through and passing their proposed bills and policies according to their manifesto pledge and intent without any credible opposition for at least the next two general elections. Thou may ask why because neither of the two who have put forth their aim to be the opposition party leader have any credible leadership qualities and qualifications in as far as their concerns are not for their parties unity and health but for their own ego's. If either one of these succeed in being declared as leader their personality reveals that the unity of their party will always be fractured and until a credible leader steps forth who has not their own interest at heart but that of their party and the unity and prosperity of the party so much so that whoever it is unites the party to become one cohesive whole and an opposition party to be reckoned with in as far as parliamentary democracy is concerned it will remain as is.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that as afore said this is the beginning of troubles to plague the Nations of the Earth unless they do cleanse themselves of all immorality wickedness and evil that doth reside therein and also all rebellion against My Holy Law and Commandments. But it is that thy scientists have no answers in as far as the prediction of these disasters but there is one I can put forth that they will strike the most wicked and rebellious of the Nations of the Earth first and the least last and those that are pure and have cleansed their Nations of all immorality wickedness rebellion and idolatry and do aim to obey My Holy Law and commandments not at all. These are they that shall escape My Just Judgement being executed upon them, but this must be said I have no joy even in the death of the wicked for I did in the beginning create all of mankind in Mine own image and bringing these disasters down upon mankind is destroying that which I have created it not only causes mankind distress but Myself also for mankind is the chief of My creation.
    But never the less mankind fell and rebelled disobeying My original commandment and breaking all of those commandments I delivered to mankind through Moses. Thus it is that the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments demands punishment as did the original demand the punishment of banishment from the Garden of Eden and the spiritual death of mankind and eventually physical death. As to which I provided a means of escaping punishment, resurrection and a return unto Myself through belief in the Messiah.
    Thus it is that nevertheless Judgment as it is in thy courts of law upon breakers of thy Law so also it is with Me but unto perfection Justice must be done and seen to be done that all may know that as thou dost not tolerate the breaking of thy Laws I will not and cannot tolerate the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 23 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob unto all Nations

    Thus say I unto thee that the only way that the terrorists and tyrannical states can be defeated permanently in the Middle East is by the Nations of the Middle East Uniting in friendship and peace and diverting all their efforts and resources in to ending the conflicts that the terrorists and tyrants have caused. Thus allowing all refuges to be no longer a burden upon those countries to which they fled. As it is that all the majority of them want to do is to return home and rebuild their home and their lives to once more have a Nation they can call their own. Prosperity and security in the Middle East is reliant upon all the Nations coming together in peace and friendship uniting as a whole a united union of Middle Eastern Nations or states.

    Of course this means setting aside old animosities and disagreement even negotiating with old adversaries to find a common ground to create peaceful coexistence. Hatred and animosity towards thy neighbour always leads to conflict, to love thy neighbour as thyself always leads to peace and if a Nation seeks peace waiting for the other to take the first step leads to frustration and enmity often if thou dost want peace it is thou which must swallow thy pride and take the first step.

    Thus this also applies to all western Nations if thou dost want rid of terrorism then Unity and peace betwixt Nations all Nations is the only way for have I not said blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of the Living God.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 22 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The waves of dissent and rebellion against the Idea of a closer integrated EU and the idea of the loss of National identities and the fears that where put forth as concerning the EU's position in as far as security and mass migration border control budgets Justice systems, sovereignty and the influx of refugees amongst whom hide the terrorist seeking to sneak into Europe many of which have succeeded. There are also concerns over finance and trade since the UK voted to and is in the process of leaving the EU. Which now reveals how reliant the EU was on the UK it contribution to the EU budget its trade and its imports and London being the EU's financial centre also the services supplied by the UK. Also the UK's willingness to accept workers from other EU Nations as part of its workforce and that even being willing to continue allowing workers from EU countries to continue working and living in Britain after leaving and allowing EU citizens who have settled in the UK to remain though on a one to one basis, but even if that isn't agreed the British people will be very unwilling to see them leave.

    As put forth afore times and now it is that many of the EU Nations are looking at the UK and its model for National Unity, security and self rule without the loss of National identity, having their own Justice system their own budget their own tax system and in effect their own borders yet remaining a part of the United Kingdom and also the commonwealth still a part of the United Kingdom yet totally independent having their own rulers government Laws tax systems budgets and total border security of which Australia Canada and New Zealand also have their own armed forces which can and will and have supported each other in past conflicts which are independent of each other yet when necessary can and will act as one all of which is a supreme examples of what a Union of Nations should be and look like.

    If the Nations of the EU want to be like America and all agree upon that course for them to go then so be it, but they all have to be aware that they will no longer be sovereign Nations only states with governors. Having no say or control over their own National constitutions National Armies as there will be only one and Borders Justice system taxes and tax laws all will be controlled by a central government which will decide what even their spending budget will be,

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee as concerning My Judgment upon those of mankind as hath been set down by one of Mine own Apostles so Named as Paul in one of his letters as concerning those of mankind who commit most heinous crimes by the Breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments which letter is that to the Romans the first chapter which I shall now repeat let there be no mistake the judgement declare is as set in stone and those who commit such are set to be cast into the bottomless pit which thou dost call hell to burn in everlasting torment forever.

    Thus these are the words as is set down. For although they knew Me saith the Holy One of Israel they glorified Me not as God, nor were thankful for their existence but became perverse in their thoughts and their hearts were darkened professing themselves to be wise changed My incorruptible glory into an image like unto corruptible man and all the creatures of creation. Therefore I gave them up unto the uncleanness of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies amongst themselves who have exchanged My truth for a lie and do worship and serve the creature rather that their creator who is blessed forever for this reason I gave them over to vile passions. For even their women changed their natural use for that which is against nature as likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women burning in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was and is due and even as they did not like to retain Me saith the Lord of Hosts in their knowledge I have and do give them over to a debased mind to do that which is not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malicious, full of envy, murder, strife deceit, evil mindedness these are backbiters haters of Me saith the Holy one of Israel violent, proud, boaster, inventors of evil things, disobedient, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who knowing My righteous Judgment that those who practice such things are worthy of everlasting death not only do the same but approve those who also commit such things.

    As is said this is My Judgment upon those of mankind who commit such things and are considered twice dead plucked up by the root to be cast into the fire of everlasting torment at the end of their lives forever.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 21 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

          Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth I have declared unto thee My fierce anger and wrath against the Nations which refuse to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and it hath fallen upon deaf ears and the hearts of the peoples of many Nations are as hard as granite and refuse to change their hearts from stone to flesh by believing in Me through the Messiah and by faith obeying all of My Holy Law and Commandments therefore those Nations which refuse I shall cause a great storm to arise and descend upon them swiftly no longer shall I hold back I shall roar against them in wrath and anger like the mighty roar of a ferocious lion. Thus shall it be known that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has descended from His holy Mountain to wreak His vengeance upon the inhabitants of the wicked Nations of the Earth to destroy them utterly especially those Nations who are Lawless and do murder their own people.

         Thus shall it be that the inhabitants of the Earth shall know that I AM THAT I AM is the creator and Judge of the whole of the inhabitants of the Earth and that the God of the heavens of heavens exist and shall wreak His vengeance upon the whole of the wicked and unrighteous and disobedient of mankind. For it is written vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay mankind for all of their wickedness and unbelief in Me My Word and the Messiah.

          Thus far have I held back until now but be assured unless those wicked Nations turn back from their wickedness they shall shortly be destroyed and it is that I shall execute Judgment upon them according to the full measure which is demanded by My Holy Law and Commandments as punishment for all of their wickedness and evil that they have committed.

          Thus it is written that the Messiah came not to do away or destroy the Law or the prophesies of the prophets but establish them for until heaven an the Earth pass away not one iota shall pass away from the Law till all of it has been fulfilled and the Just Judgement executed upon all of the disobedient, rebellious and unbelievers of mankind. Which doth mean that the whole of mankind shall be Judged unto perfection which shall not end until every human being has been judged and Judgement executed upon each and every one. Those who are found innocent through the blood of the Passover Lamb of God even the Messiah shall enter into the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens forever and ever and those found guilty and unrepentant shall go into the bottomless pit mankind calls hell, to suffer forever and ever My eternal punishment for their sins.

          Even those who believe in the Messiah will be Judged and their sins revealed and their just Judgment declared and that if they have none to stand in their stead in Judgement and be punished in their place shall be cast into the bottomless pit forever thus it will be then that the Messiah shall come forth to declare He hath taken upon Himself to suffer in their place the Judgement due which hath already been accomplished upon the tree and accepted by Me signified by His ressurection when He conquered death for all who have do and shall believe in Him and thus shall they be acquitted and counted perfectly holy pure and righteous in My sight  their sins forgiven and forgotten and shall pass into the heaven of heavens before My Throne forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 20 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee I put forth these word as I have thus promised so is it and so shall it be fulfil in the respect of this Nation if thou doth comply with all that is set down within My Holy Word and commandments but as afore said if thou doth stray from that path as is set down thou shalt surely fall and great shall be the fall thereof thy future prosperity is dependant unto all of My Holy Law and Commandments failing in obedience results in failing prosperity.

    In as far as thou doth remain connected to the EU whist thou doth so remain it will be that the EU will slow thy progress in attaining thy full potential as an independent trading Nation and London’s full potential as the financial centre of the World. But also as I afore said in as far as thy currency was concerned that thou should not fear its descent for it shall recover. But the advantages of having a weak pound are that it attracts foreign exports and tourism boosting the economy but the down side is of course the higher price of foreign imports and the higher outlay for materials for businesses. But as has been proven higher prices drive away trade lower prices attract trade and that low prices can lead to a higher turnover and in the end greater profit margins greed profits no one in the end. For the more that is acquired through greed the more there are those who desire to take it from those that acquiring it by greed, by any method they can.

    Upon the execution of the criminal element in a certain country calling it Justice, Justice without the law no matter how executed and by whom is lawlessness and also Justice without mercy is no Justice it is extermination all who commit crime must be brought to be Judged by the appointed Judges and if found guilty Judgment with mercy should be executed upon them. Those who are guilty of murder either by a weapon or by any other means including narcotics should be judged according to the Law of that Land and by My Holy Law and should suffer the punishment due. Also those who murder outside of the law even the murdering of criminals are as guilty of murder as are the criminals themselves anyone who catches a criminal should bring them before an appointed Judge even those who are appointed as officers of the Law of any country except wherein those appointed so to do have their own lives at risk and should take any measure to defend themselves in such circumstances or take any avenue of escape they can which also applies to any citizen of any Nation, should bring those they catch before an appointed Judge of that Land or Nation.
    But I say unto thee any lawless Nation shall not escape My Just Judgment and the punishment due according to My Word shall be executed upon them.

 This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 19 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus at this time I say unto thee the Nations of the middle east are descendants of one father even Abraham Israel is descended from Abrahams son Isaac and the Arab Nations are the descendants of Abrahams son Ishmael and the twelve princes which were the sons of Ishmael of which Abraham pleaded with Me to protect and bless his son by Hagar of which I replied that he would father twelve sons who would be princes in the Land of the Middle East from whom would descend mighty Nations and would possess the land from the Nile including the Sinai to the borders of Russia and from that which is now called the Mediterranean to the borders of what is now called India except the land of Israel to whom I gave to Isaac and his descendants forever. These two are in fact brothers and except for Sarah Abrahams wife would have remained with their father. But that what exists now in the Middle East does so as I have ordained it to be so from the beginning. But that which has now come about in as far as the troubles in Syria are concerned with the regime and the terrorist group called Isis it is the responsibility of the descendants of Ishmael and his sons to end the tyranny and the terrorist group called Isis in Syria and Iraq by uniting together and stopping the conflict and suffering in Syria and Iraq so that once more peace can return to the Middle East and also that the people of Syria and Iraq may rebuild their lives and their countries to live in peace and freedom from oppression, terrorism and war. There should be peace not war with all the descendants of Ishmael and his sons.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus before thee I put this vision from abroad was brought a seed to a land in the east a great vast land that had lain barren where many people dwelt and the seed was planted in that land and nurtured and watered till its branches spread so much so that it dominated the land so that many who dwelt in the land were forced to move away but because the land had lain barren before for a long time and the  fruit it bore was a good sign that the land again would produce crops and  be no longer barren they moved though reluctantly.  But those who ate the fruit from the tree fell ill and died so those who dwelt in the land knew then that the fruit was poisonous so that they decided that it had to be cut down least others especialy children who dwelt in the land ate of the fruit of the tree and died. Thus the axes were  sharpened and strong men employed to cut it down and they set to chop it down but they found that it was as hard as granite like unto ebony and they toiled night and day to cut it down even to the extent that they cut through over three quarters of way through the trunk and still it remained standing so those that had desired it destruction employed more strong men but still it stood and after wedges where hammered where they had cut through the trunk they heard the sound of cracking and creaking and then suddenly slowly it began to fall and when it struck the ground it shook the earth so much so that it seemed like unto an earthquake had struck the land and a great shout went up and all around those who had toiled and those that dwelt in the land began to celebrate the end of this poisonous tree which had born fruit pleasant to the eye but poisonous if devoured.

    The land is a Nation in the Middle East the tree is the regime that ruled it the axe men are the rebels and those who dwelt in the land are those who turned against the regime that tyrannised them which at first seemed to be a government that would rule for the benefit of the whole of the people in that Nation and in the end turned out to be a cruel tyrannical dictatorship. Thus the cutting down of the tree is that which is in progress now and the felling of the tree is its assured end over which the whole of the population shall celebrate when its fall comes about which it will.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 18 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee that the care of thy homeless is the responsibility not only of the Government but of the whole of the country and mistreatment of the homeless is not acceptable especial those that are homeless children. Thus say I unto thee that unless thou hast experienced homelessness ye cannot understand what it is to be homeless its is demoralising and degrading especially when it is not the fault of the person or families that are homeless and as afore said this My servant does understand and know for as it was with Moses when he went out to wander in  the wilderness to learn humility and the frailty of humanity and as it was so with the Messiah who was driven out into the wilderness to be tempted by the adversary to be tested to prove He was the Messiah so also My servant was placed in the positions he was to not only learn humility and the frailty of humanity but also to understand the meaning of what it is to be homeless.

    Yes it is that there are those in that position which is of their own making but thou dost not have the right to judge especially when thou dost not understand the circumstances that force them into those circumstances what does My Word say Judge not least thou shalt be Judged and a worst thing descends upon thee than those whom thou dost condemn for it is that I can and will Judge thee and as thou art aware I through various means can place thee in their position by taking from thee all that thou dost posses casting thee down and out by those means at My command.

    Also it is a saying amongst thee that charity begins at home thou dost send great amounts of aid to foreign countries seeking to alleviate their poor and down trodden and homeless what about thine own? How can anyone look after and care for others when they are ill themselves therefore heal thine own Nation before attempting to heal other Nations. For an health Nation is an example to others to become healthy and to treat their people aright if thou dost  thine own.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 17 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith thou unto Me that thou hast set before Me thy prayers and they go unanswered and thou sayest doth I not see and hear thy prayers yea it is that thy sins are the problem for I do see and hear but because of thy sins and thou dost not pray unto Me as is set down in My Word I cannot and will not answer thee although it is that My desire for thee is to come before Me with thy prayers in the way I have set down in My Word which is the only way and that is through the only true Messiah only He it is that can intercede with Me on thy behalf for if thou dost come through Him because He is the true Passover Lamb He it is that is perfect without sin and infinitely perfect as My Word saith there is no way unto God except through the Messiah. He it is who is the only door way to the heaven of heavens then it will be that thy prayers will be answered, but one thing more prayers that are answered will not always be according to thy desires but according to thy needs and those that are most swiftly answered are those for others. Also take into account My Way and Will is not thy way and will and all things will be done according to My Will and purposes.

    Thus say I unto thee try it and see what blessings will be in store for thee if thou dost pray according to that set down in My Word.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee I say these words that any Nations leader who has gone to another Nation cap in hand to smooth over a future trading relationship will put forth the impression to a strong trading Nation that its Government is weak and its stance on the investment that was proposed for a development project in Britain in conjunction with another European Nation which has for the time being put on hold shall if it is willing to increase its investment in and trade with and in Britain proceed as previously planned, but as long as the necessary security issues are addressed and that the security Britain proposes is put in place for the duration of the project. But this say I trading with a Nation that has a very weak human rights policy and record is asking for trouble from Me saith the Holy One of Israel for I do not condone the mistreatment of any Nations people by any government upon this Earth. Thus say I unto those Nations as said afore time beware for as thou doth mistreat thy people so shall I visit thee in wrath and anger as thus I have already done so in as far as those disasters that have struck thee so far with the minimum lose of life, thus if thou dost continue mistreating thy people then it shall be as I did with Japan so shall I also do unto thee but more so that thou shalt know it is a most fear full thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

    Thus say I also that those Nations which have suffered thus far those disasters that they have are a result of My wrath and anger against them for not taking heed of My Holy Law and Commandments as is set down in My Word, thus say I unto all the Nations thus far that I have struck in wrath and anger it shall continue to increase till in the end thou shalt turn from thy disobedient ways unto obedience to My Holy Law and Commandments as set down in My Word or perish. For it is all of what thou dost call nature is at My command and all I have to do is but to say the word and it will obey all that I command it so to do.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 16 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

Thus saith I unto thee at this time take heed of all that I have put before thee afore times and set thy heart to obey all of My Law and Holy commandments turn from all manner of wickedness and immorality and give to the poor provide homes for the homeless heal the sick care for the elderly find families for the orphan deliver the down trodden and those who are in bondage and slavery. Turn repent through the blood of the Passover Lamb even the only true Messiah and I shall prosper thee and make of this a mighty Nation I shall protect thee from all harm and thine enemies shall not prosper against thee in any manner whatsoever financially or in battle I shall be with thee to defend thee and it is that whomsoever doth fight against thee fights against Me and against Me who shall stand for it is that the arm of flesh and of their weapons shall fail them for it is as thou dost know and see My weapons are plague and pestilence and floods and famine whirlwind and storms volcanoes and earthquakes and the striking of the Earth with meteors against which there is no defence whatsoever.

But turn and repent not and it is that I shall turn against thee to cast thee down and place thee betwixt the upper and the nether mill stone and shall crush thee into dust even the dust of the ground thou shalt fall and rise no more. This is not My desire for thee for it is that I do want thee as My Nation so that thou mayest be an example to the World that they might turn unto Me because of thee for they shall see and know that it shall be with them as it is with thee.

But it is if thou dost turn not as above so shall it be and this example shalt be given unto the World that it is a most terrible thing of a wicked and immoral Nation to fall into the hands of the Living God to be Judged and to be cast down into Sheol even the bottomless pit forever.

From this time forth all wicked and immoral Nations and those who obey not My Holy Law and commandments shall be Judged found guilty and shall be cast down to rise no more.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 15 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    That which I put before thee now is to warn thee that the day of troubles prophesied in My Word which have only just begun shall continue and the troubles increase until all hath been accomplished as hath been set down in My Word. Thus shall it be that I shall cleanse that city which belongeth unto Me and shall cast down and destroy within it all that doth pollute it even all that belongeth not unto it that belongs to the gentile Nations and shall raise up once more the House unto My Holy Name wherein is the Holy of Holies and shall take the stony hearts of My people out of them and replace them with hearts of flesh so that they might return unto Me and I unto them and that once more My Glory might return to the house to My Name to the Holy of Holies. So shall it shall be known amongst the Nations that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer hath return to dwell amongst His people.

    Thus also shall it be that I shall not only cleanse that City which belongeth unto Me but I shall cleanse the whole of Israel that no more shall there be in that Nation which is My Nation anything that doth pollute it and which is contrary to My Holy Law and Commandments. Also this say I whomsoever standeth against Israel standeth against Me and whomsoever shall stand against Me saith the Holy One of Israel shall fall and shall go down unto Sheol even unto the bottomless pit where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth forever.

    Thus also it is that a city which is presupposed to be where My Garden was shall indeed face My wrath and anger many have fought over that place no more for I shall wipe that place clean of all that doth pollute it so that all shall know it is I who hath done this unto that place.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 14 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say unto thee at this time the report upon a further delay on starting negotiation to leave the EU because the government is not ready will cause problems for the party in government. For it has to consider loosing the confidence of the British people if delay keeps on happening then when a general election happens whether early of later it will find itself being replaced by the Labour party. That is if, as it is inevitable will happen, the Labour party gets its act together and the British electorate because of the delays looses confidence in the government will elect the Labour party to replace the present party in government.

    Also what has to be taken into account is that if negotiations don't start soon it will cause National divisions in as far as those who wanted and still want to remain hoping leaving the EU will never happen and that the government will keep on delaying activating article 50 of the Lisbon treaty so that in the end exiting from the EU will never come about and those who voted to leave will start protesting against the government delaying starting negotiations saying that there are those at the head of government who never wanted the UK to leave the EU who voted to remain who are responsible for the delay, who then will start accusing the government of deliberately delaying starting negotiations.

    This government will if it continues delaying will find itself how dost thou put it between a rock and a hard place the rock being the Labour party and the hard place being the British electorate. Which may seem to the government at this time, laughable in as far as the Labour party is concerned but that will soon end. But the divisions in the Labour party are they the cause of internal dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in the Leadership? Or is it that there are within the Labour party elements that have infiltrated it to deliberately cause division so that it cannot form a solid and comprehensive opposition to the present party in government? What is the saying divide and conquer are there those in the labour party who don't belong to the Labour party seeking to divide so much so that as a political party it becomes totally ineffective.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 13 August 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as those who pass from Earthly life there is no return in any shape or form for those who do pass from earthly life and enter into eternity wherein time exist not and for them it is Judgement day where they come before My throne to be Judge those who are guilty of breaking My Holy Law and commandments and have not as I have afore said any one to intercede for them are cast into the bottomless pit and those who are Judged and have one who alone is worthy to intercede for them even the Messiah pass on into the heaven of heavens before My throne forever. The reason people  cannot return in any shape or form from the bottomless pit is because there is a great gulf fix between the pit and Earth and between the pit and the heaven of heavens.

    The main reason for putting this before thee is the delusion that people are under through the deception of the adversary that ghost and spirits that haunt various place and people are those that have for some reason or other have either unfinished business or don't want to leave the earth and so haunt the places or people whom they knew upon earth or where they once lived.

     The reality is that these ghost and spirit are those who have fallen along with adversary and have been cursed to roam the earth until the day when their time comes to be Judged and cast into the bottomless pit of this I refer thee to the one possessed of demons of whom it is written in My word that were cast out and pleaded that they could enter a herd of swine and not to be Judged before their time who ran off the edge of a cliff, those were the ones in number who can posses a person who is wicked and weak willed to control them persuading them to commit wicked and criminal acts they wouldn't normally commit.

    The ones of higher rank in the adversaries following can appear as ghosts of those who have passed on with the aim to deceive and lead astray because the can appear in any shape or form to deceive those they appear to. But ye say how can they do this, because they all have wandered and roamed the earth since they fell and they know those who are easily deceived and weak willed whom they want to and can deceive.

    Then there are those of higher ranking that ye know as poltergeists who can move objects and terrorise people But know ye this these cannot cause physical harm to people its the belief that they can and the fear people have of them that causes physical harm and in as far as causing death the person they terrorise are terrorised so much so that their own hearts fail them for fear.

    Thus next up in  the adversaries hierarchy are those that pose as gods using their real names even those of Greek, Roman, Persian and Viking origin and all the others that have existed and do exist and chief of all the Adversary even he who was a prince of the heaven of heavens an angel of light before he fell and came down and caused mankind to fall in Eden and was cast out of Eden and the heaven of heavens to roam the Earth till his time to be Judged and cast into the bottomless pit and the serpent he possessed to deceive Eve was cursed to roam the earth on its stomach. Who can still appear as an angel of light to deceive and lead astray.

     But in the case of the adversary whom ye call the devil and satan he cannot do ought to anyone to cause harm to them or their families without My permission and without a justifiable reason of which Job is the supreme example before he could do ought to Job he had to come before Me to ask permission and give a justifiable reason for that which he did to Job and that was to prove that he could cause so much pain and hopelessness in Job that he would curse the day he was born and would turn against Me to curse Me of which the opposite did come about and instead of cursing he praised Me. But also he is as a ravenous wolf prowling about who through temptation seeks those he can devour by causing those who believe to fall.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 12 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee and thy government at this time, article fifty of the Lisbon treaty needs to be implement as soon as possible. For there are a couple of questions involved in the attitude of the EU as concerning activation of the article first they were eager to get the UK to activate article fifty and then two, they suddenly changed their minds and said the UK can take as long as it see's necessary in implementing the article and starting negotiations for leaving and stood back allowing Britain to take as long as it likes., why? Because the longer the UK takes in activating the article the more the UK pours into the EU budget and all trade with the UK remains the same as do the terms of membership until the UK activates article fifty and starts the process of leaving the EU thus the leaders of the EU saw that it was more to their advantage to delay the start of negotiations and changed their attitude from one of trying to get the UK to apply the article as soon a possible to that of being positively amicable in as far as delaying the activation of article fifty possibly with the secret hope that the UK would never activate it at all.

    But as said before one of the main stumbling blocks of leaving the EU is the membership of the single market and its terms and conditions in relation to the referendum vote and the main reason for voting to leave the EU if the UK wants to remain in the single market the freedom of movement of people and goods is one of the main conditions that has to be got around if Britain wants to regain control of its borders and remain in the single market either the EU changes its terms and conditions or the UK stays outside of the single market or the British public are willing to accept the EU terms and conditions which according to the reason for leaving is not an option.

    There is though another problem to consider in as far as the government is concerned which is that delaying to long will have an overall detrimental effect on the British economy  because of the financial and business investment uncertainty that delay creates for until negotiations for leaving begins and the financial and business sectors don't know where they stand in as far as trade and investment is concerned the future at the moment is to them an unknown and an unknown in business and finance causes a static environment. Plus delay will also affect future negotiations for trading with the rest of the World, the longer the delay the more reluctant some Nations will be willing to open negotiations for trading with the UK it will also create uncertainty in as far as trade is concerned with the rest of the commonwealth.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee at this time as concerning that city under attack in Syria that its regime is accused of using chemical weapons against its own people as did Saddam Hussein do unto his own people. Both countries did as Syria does now, belong to the Ba'ath Party. So also has this regime committed this atrocity more than a number of times against its own people and the West has stood by and accepted the claim of the regime denying the usage of chemical weapons because they claimed there was no concrete evidence once may have been a false report, twice questionable but a third time or more there is a certainty that chemical weapons have been used. But when evidence is provided as it will, will it be that the West will act directly against the Syrian regime is the question?

    Inaction makes those who have a knowledge of atrocious acts as guilt as the perpetrators. Though if the West is not willing to act directly against the Syrian regime it could supply the necessary weaponry to free that city from the siege it is under so that the suffering of the people there could be alleviated.

    But there is the question of guilt by association of the crimes committed against the people of Syria and those in that city near the border of Turkey of which Russia is guilty of unless it distances itself from the Syrian regime. If it does not do so then Justice with Judgement shall indeed descend upon Russia to the same extent as that which will descend upon the Syrian Regime this saith the Lord of Host I promise shall be accomplished.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 11 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time is that many people who voted to leave the EU expected that all the Billions Britain was and still is contributing to the EU budget would immediately stop and that it would be used for the benefit of Britain and not the EU, especially extra funding for the N.H.S. which it desperately needs. The problem is that until article 50 of the Lisbon treaty is activated and Britain begins negotiations for actually leaving the EU none of the benefits expected will materialise. The borders will remain open, the contribution to the EU will remain and the EU conditions of membership will remain in place. Nothing can and will happen or change until this government activates article 50 of the treaty and begins actual negotiations to leave.

    The question must be asked why article 50 has not been activated yet? Is there a genuine reason or is this government stalling will article 50 ever be activated is there a wish that if it stalls long enough that Britain will forget the referendum vote and remain a member of the EU? Also what is its policy on the single market all is quiet in Westminster to quiet?

    Also it must be asked if this government doesn't for the foreseeable future activate article 50 what will the fallout be, will it be committing political suicide if it delays to long and what is too long for the British people to put up with the governments excuses for delaying the start of negotiations?

This is the word off the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee the scaremongers are at it again with their forecasts of loses to the U.K.'s economy if when finally it leaves the EU that it also leaves the single market. But one part of staying in the single market is the freedom of movement condition that the EU is adamant it will not alter especially just for the U.K. But one of the main reasons for the U.K. voting to leave the EU was to get back control of its own borders thus negating the possibility of retaining membership of the single market unless there was a way of getting around the condition of free movement of EU members states of people and goods that the EU insists upon is a condition of membership. Even if the so called predictions of the economist and various business and financial organizations, was correct which it is not nor will be. To stay in the single market retaining freedom of movement is contrary to what the U.K. voted for to get back control of its own borders which was the wish of the majority of the British people.

    The question must be asked where have these predictions originated is it that the EU is worried that if Britain when it leaves because it wants to regain control of its own borders, cannot retain its membership of the single market because one of the main conditions of membership is the freedom of movement of people and goods it will have a catastrophic effect on the EU's economy enough to destabilise it so much so that the effect will last for years if not decades. Is the EU so dependent upon the UK's economy and membership that it cannot do without the UK being a member in some shape or form?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This I say unto thee am I not the creator of all things in the heavens and the heaven of heavens of the Earth and all that is upon and in the Earth especial mankind who was created in Mine own image who whilst mankind was in My garden had only one restriction place upon mankind and that was to not eat of the fruit of one tree. Who was perfect and perfectly free until mankind fell. Even so after mankind was cast out of the Garden of Eden was allowed total freedom so long as mankind did according to all that was commanded of him according to My Holy Will and purpose.

    But even so as Adam and Eve were cast out they returned unto Me through the promise of the Messiah to come but there was no restriction upon their freedom. Also when Cain slew Abel he knew and believed in Me else he and his brother would not have prepared their offering unto Me as a sign of worship. Though Cain murdered his brother and then fled did I make of him a slave to Me no and have I ever made slaves of any human being on Earth? No! That I will never do only human beings enslave other human beings taking away their God given right of freedom prosperity and happiness. Slavery has many forms but there is one imposed by various Nations so that an elite few may prosper in wealth possession lands and power and the rest are their virtual slaves. But what about those Nations who trade with these are they not as guilty as those who take away their God given rights what is the price of human life? Foreign investment and trade a high price but nevertheless the price of slavery. The question comes back those Nations who have taken away the human rights of their people or don't have a human rights policy are they really slave orientated Nations? Yea indeed they are and those who trade with them as much slavers as they are.

    What would thou say if because of this crime that these Nations commit against humanity, those who committed it, I caused to go into the same slavery as their people and what would the Nations who partake in their crime say and do if I caused them to fall and be conquered and to go into the same slavery also. Is not the saying applied in this instance do unto others as thou wouldst have done unto thyself.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 8 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee at this time I say unto thee a Judgment is coming upon all of those teachers and preachers and vicars and pastors and priest and leaders of all those religions that claim to be of Me and are not for it is that all who are of Me saith the Holy One of Israel need not nor desire power position or wealth of any kind no fancy garments nor fancy houses or palaces for those that live in these are of the rich and powerful of this world and are not of Me. Those religions and churches and charities of this world that plead and request donations from their congregations and donars who do not use it to feed the poor to put a roof over the heads of the homeless to send all they receive to poverty stricken countries are not of Me they are there for their own benefit and to fill their own bank accounts and pockets with the hard earned money of their congregations and those who donate their money. They are deluder’s charlatan’s robbers of the poor and needy of the sick orphan and disabled by denying them that which people have donated to help them.

    Thus say I unto thee those who are truly of Me have the position I give unto them when I send them out as they are without script and without extra garments and if they have more than they need to give it to those who have it not and need it the most the wealth they have is that spiritual wealth that I give unto them the wealth of divine Faith the true Faith and at the end of their lives to enter My Kingdom forever and ever and their power is the power I bestow on them the true power of the living God the power of  Ruach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit. Their calling is to go out to preach and teach My Word in spirit and truth heal the sick cleanse the leper and even raise the dead if I call them to do so to give to the needy to help the helpless and to carry the burden of those who are too weak to carry their own, to freely give as I have given to them freely even eternal life and to demand nothing of any one much less their hard earned money.

    Dost thou hear or see My servant requesting donations or funding do you see him requesting any position or wealth or power of any kind no and neither do any who are of Me saith the Lord of Hosts all those charities and religious organizations that plead for donations to help poor Nations and to help poverty stricken people and those who are starving especial the young who don't deliver unto them all that they receive shall be revealed for the charlatans and confidence tricksters they are these who are they who rob the poor and give to the rich even unto themselves. These I shall Judge and shall cast down and shall cast them into the same position of those whom they deny the help that they need.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 7 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as concerning the difference between love and sex, love is from the heart of mankind towards each other it is a selfless caring of another human being without consideration to their self or wellbeing the best definition of Love is found in the letters of the disciples but has been hidden in an old tongue. It says without Love a person might as well as not exist for anything that is done without love is useless and empty love is patient and selfless, is kind to all, is not jealous of anyone else is not arrogant, does not misbehave itself, its ambition is for the welfare of others, it cannot be provoke to anger, does not think evil of or against others. Is not happy when acts of evil or crime, against mankind are committed. It trust others no matter what and bears all manner of adversity and has confidence that in the end all things will work together for good.

    All things will pass away except Love, I saith the Lord God of Host am the source of all pure Love and as I am eternal so also is Love.

    Sex is a physical act for the procreation of offspring and nought else the pleasure found in the act is just a fleeting pleasure that is a gift from Me is to emphasise the pleasure in taking part in the creation of a human being. But lust hath perverted it so much so that it is considered by mankind as what is the word making love, love cannot be made for it is and has been in existence before the creation of mankind.

     But let another point be set forth and in My Word I said that a man and a woman should be joined together in marriage so that the two become one flesh, but that doth not refer to the sexual act but refers to the birth of a child in that child the two parents become equally one for is it not so that the characteristics of both parents are found in the child does not one parent or others say he or she takes after their father or mother in certain characteristics of their personality or looks and both in other ways. The sexual act was for the procreation of children and that alone. But also I mention this any parent who harms their child not only harms their child but themselves for the child and the parents are one.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.