Monday 22 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The waves of dissent and rebellion against the Idea of a closer integrated EU and the idea of the loss of National identities and the fears that where put forth as concerning the EU's position in as far as security and mass migration border control budgets Justice systems, sovereignty and the influx of refugees amongst whom hide the terrorist seeking to sneak into Europe many of which have succeeded. There are also concerns over finance and trade since the UK voted to and is in the process of leaving the EU. Which now reveals how reliant the EU was on the UK it contribution to the EU budget its trade and its imports and London being the EU's financial centre also the services supplied by the UK. Also the UK's willingness to accept workers from other EU Nations as part of its workforce and that even being willing to continue allowing workers from EU countries to continue working and living in Britain after leaving and allowing EU citizens who have settled in the UK to remain though on a one to one basis, but even if that isn't agreed the British people will be very unwilling to see them leave.

    As put forth afore times and now it is that many of the EU Nations are looking at the UK and its model for National Unity, security and self rule without the loss of National identity, having their own Justice system their own budget their own tax system and in effect their own borders yet remaining a part of the United Kingdom and also the commonwealth still a part of the United Kingdom yet totally independent having their own rulers government Laws tax systems budgets and total border security of which Australia Canada and New Zealand also have their own armed forces which can and will and have supported each other in past conflicts which are independent of each other yet when necessary can and will act as one all of which is a supreme examples of what a Union of Nations should be and look like.

    If the Nations of the EU want to be like America and all agree upon that course for them to go then so be it, but they all have to be aware that they will no longer be sovereign Nations only states with governors. Having no say or control over their own National constitutions National Armies as there will be only one and Borders Justice system taxes and tax laws all will be controlled by a central government which will decide what even their spending budget will be,

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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