Saturday, 13 August 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as those who pass from Earthly life there is no return in any shape or form for those who do pass from earthly life and enter into eternity wherein time exist not and for them it is Judgement day where they come before My throne to be Judge those who are guilty of breaking My Holy Law and commandments and have not as I have afore said any one to intercede for them are cast into the bottomless pit and those who are Judged and have one who alone is worthy to intercede for them even the Messiah pass on into the heaven of heavens before My throne forever. The reason people  cannot return in any shape or form from the bottomless pit is because there is a great gulf fix between the pit and Earth and between the pit and the heaven of heavens.

    The main reason for putting this before thee is the delusion that people are under through the deception of the adversary that ghost and spirits that haunt various place and people are those that have for some reason or other have either unfinished business or don't want to leave the earth and so haunt the places or people whom they knew upon earth or where they once lived.

     The reality is that these ghost and spirit are those who have fallen along with adversary and have been cursed to roam the earth until the day when their time comes to be Judged and cast into the bottomless pit of this I refer thee to the one possessed of demons of whom it is written in My word that were cast out and pleaded that they could enter a herd of swine and not to be Judged before their time who ran off the edge of a cliff, those were the ones in number who can posses a person who is wicked and weak willed to control them persuading them to commit wicked and criminal acts they wouldn't normally commit.

    The ones of higher rank in the adversaries following can appear as ghosts of those who have passed on with the aim to deceive and lead astray because the can appear in any shape or form to deceive those they appear to. But ye say how can they do this, because they all have wandered and roamed the earth since they fell and they know those who are easily deceived and weak willed whom they want to and can deceive.

    Then there are those of higher ranking that ye know as poltergeists who can move objects and terrorise people But know ye this these cannot cause physical harm to people its the belief that they can and the fear people have of them that causes physical harm and in as far as causing death the person they terrorise are terrorised so much so that their own hearts fail them for fear.

    Thus next up in  the adversaries hierarchy are those that pose as gods using their real names even those of Greek, Roman, Persian and Viking origin and all the others that have existed and do exist and chief of all the Adversary even he who was a prince of the heaven of heavens an angel of light before he fell and came down and caused mankind to fall in Eden and was cast out of Eden and the heaven of heavens to roam the Earth till his time to be Judged and cast into the bottomless pit and the serpent he possessed to deceive Eve was cursed to roam the earth on its stomach. Who can still appear as an angel of light to deceive and lead astray.

     But in the case of the adversary whom ye call the devil and satan he cannot do ought to anyone to cause harm to them or their families without My permission and without a justifiable reason of which Job is the supreme example before he could do ought to Job he had to come before Me to ask permission and give a justifiable reason for that which he did to Job and that was to prove that he could cause so much pain and hopelessness in Job that he would curse the day he was born and would turn against Me to curse Me of which the opposite did come about and instead of cursing he praised Me. But also he is as a ravenous wolf prowling about who through temptation seeks those he can devour by causing those who believe to fall.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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