Wednesday 31 August 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I upon the answer to when life begins and when does the life of animals begin? Or when does the spirit or personality enter an earthly life form. Thou dost already have that answer when ye did what ye so called cloned the first sheep dolly ye called it, ye call it cloning but what did ye actually do? Yea indeed ye didn't clone ye caused the egg to twin the spirit of two separate sheep came into existence. Therefore where does life begin it begins when the sperm fertilises the egg and except for the creation of twins ect the spirit or personality is placed within the egg. That is when I put the spirit in any creature upon Earth the spirit of animals the spirit of fish birds and insects and also in mankind. Thus it is if that sheep’s egg had not life within it and the two separate animal spirits place within after ye dived the egg had not had its animal spirit within when ye so called cloned it they both would not have lived. Its the same with children before they are brought forth from the womb and are still born when the sperm fertilises the egg there is no life there is no spirit no personality placed within only the physical body lives until separation from the womb or dies within the womb what ye call still born the same with a miss carriage. The birth of twins, triplets, quads, and so on the original egg splits a couple or many times and when that happens when they split and the cells start to divide their personality or spirit is placed within. Life I therefore say begins at conception.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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