Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth I have declared unto thee My fierce anger and wrath against the Nations which refuse to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and it hath fallen upon deaf ears and the hearts of the peoples of many Nations are as hard as granite and refuse to change their hearts from stone to flesh by believing in Me through the Messiah and by faith obeying all of My Holy Law and Commandments therefore those Nations which refuse I shall cause a great storm to arise and descend upon them swiftly no longer shall I hold back I shall roar against them in wrath and anger like the mighty roar of a ferocious lion. Thus shall it be known that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has descended from His holy Mountain to wreak His vengeance upon the inhabitants of the wicked Nations of the Earth to destroy them utterly especially those Nations who are Lawless and do murder their own people.
Thus shall it be that the inhabitants of the Earth shall know that I AM THAT I AM is the creator and Judge of the whole of the inhabitants of the Earth and that the God of the heavens of heavens exist and shall wreak His vengeance upon the whole of the wicked and unrighteous and disobedient of mankind. For it is written vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay mankind for all of their wickedness and unbelief in Me My Word and the Messiah.
Thus far have I held back until now but be assured unless those wicked Nations turn back from their wickedness they shall shortly be destroyed and it is that I shall execute Judgment upon them according to the full measure which is demanded by My Holy Law and Commandments as punishment for all of their wickedness and evil that they have committed.
Thus it is written that the Messiah came not to do away or destroy the Law or the prophesies of the prophets but establish them for until heaven an the Earth pass away not one iota shall pass away from the Law till all of it has been fulfilled and the Just Judgement executed upon all of the disobedient, rebellious and unbelievers of mankind. Which doth mean that the whole of mankind shall be Judged unto perfection which shall not end until every human being has been judged and Judgement executed upon each and every one. Those who are found innocent through the blood of the Passover Lamb of God even the Messiah shall enter into the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens forever and ever and those found guilty and unrepentant shall go into the bottomless pit mankind calls hell, to suffer forever and ever My eternal punishment for their sins.
Even those who believe in the Messiah will be Judged and their sins revealed and their just Judgment declared and that if they have none to stand in their stead in Judgement and be punished in their place shall be cast into the bottomless pit forever thus it will be then that the Messiah shall come forth to declare He hath taken upon Himself to suffer in their place the Judgement due which hath already been accomplished upon the tree and accepted by Me signified by His ressurection when He conquered death for all who have do and shall believe in Him and thus shall they be acquitted and counted perfectly holy pure and righteous in My sight their sins forgiven and forgotten and shall pass into the heaven of heavens before My Throne forever.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth I have declared unto thee My fierce anger and wrath against the Nations which refuse to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and it hath fallen upon deaf ears and the hearts of the peoples of many Nations are as hard as granite and refuse to change their hearts from stone to flesh by believing in Me through the Messiah and by faith obeying all of My Holy Law and Commandments therefore those Nations which refuse I shall cause a great storm to arise and descend upon them swiftly no longer shall I hold back I shall roar against them in wrath and anger like the mighty roar of a ferocious lion. Thus shall it be known that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has descended from His holy Mountain to wreak His vengeance upon the inhabitants of the wicked Nations of the Earth to destroy them utterly especially those Nations who are Lawless and do murder their own people.
Thus shall it be that the inhabitants of the Earth shall know that I AM THAT I AM is the creator and Judge of the whole of the inhabitants of the Earth and that the God of the heavens of heavens exist and shall wreak His vengeance upon the whole of the wicked and unrighteous and disobedient of mankind. For it is written vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay mankind for all of their wickedness and unbelief in Me My Word and the Messiah.
Thus far have I held back until now but be assured unless those wicked Nations turn back from their wickedness they shall shortly be destroyed and it is that I shall execute Judgment upon them according to the full measure which is demanded by My Holy Law and Commandments as punishment for all of their wickedness and evil that they have committed.
Thus it is written that the Messiah came not to do away or destroy the Law or the prophesies of the prophets but establish them for until heaven an the Earth pass away not one iota shall pass away from the Law till all of it has been fulfilled and the Just Judgement executed upon all of the disobedient, rebellious and unbelievers of mankind. Which doth mean that the whole of mankind shall be Judged unto perfection which shall not end until every human being has been judged and Judgement executed upon each and every one. Those who are found innocent through the blood of the Passover Lamb of God even the Messiah shall enter into the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens forever and ever and those found guilty and unrepentant shall go into the bottomless pit mankind calls hell, to suffer forever and ever My eternal punishment for their sins.
Even those who believe in the Messiah will be Judged and their sins revealed and their just Judgment declared and that if they have none to stand in their stead in Judgement and be punished in their place shall be cast into the bottomless pit forever thus it will be then that the Messiah shall come forth to declare He hath taken upon Himself to suffer in their place the Judgement due which hath already been accomplished upon the tree and accepted by Me signified by His ressurection when He conquered death for all who have do and shall believe in Him and thus shall they be acquitted and counted perfectly holy pure and righteous in My sight their sins forgiven and forgotten and shall pass into the heaven of heavens before My Throne forever.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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