Monday 7 December 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Where ye ask is all this rain coming from? Why do ye call the rain forests, rain forests and what happens when they are cut down as they have been in south America where does and where has the rain gone it has to go somewhere the rain forest have been created for two reason one they are the lungs of the planet and two that is where the majority of the rain is supposed to reside. Now ye have and are seeing where it has gone and is going. Stop cutting down the rain and other forests and ye will see the result when they are renewed. Continue cutting them down and things will only get worse.
    This leads onto the second point if those and other forests are cut down where does carbon dioxide go and the carbon emissions from vehicles and other forms of pollution creating machines, tree's don't only filter out carbon dioxide and other carbon emissions but they also filter out other pollutants, so who or what is the cause of the present weather pattern changes but man himself. You are becoming the cause of thine own destruction.
     What is one of the greatest pollution creators. Vehicles of rail road and air. Its not mainly thy factories, though they play a part its thy transportation systems.

This is Word of the Lord to you.

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