Thursday 4 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

      Have I not warned thee and the Nations about the conference and the stance and the attitude of those that where to assemble there and has it not been so? Be ye warned that if thou dost not take action soon ye will have all the refugees of Syria upon thine hands and also more for they are seeking to flatten Aleppo if they cannot conquer the rebels, they will seek as did Russia with the Ukraine to seal the boarders and then any if not all of the refugees will be unable to return there. Also many more will flee and the refugee problem will not only escalate into a crisis but a catastrophe wherein many will perish through starvation and disease, mainly because all the money poured into the areas where the camps are will not solve the problem only sorting out Iraq and Syria will. But even if and it will not happen Assad allows the people to return will they want to with him in power and the Russians backing him up?

     But note this all the work which hath been done in Afghanistan will come to nought if Isis is not stopped for if the Taliban retreat then they will seek to secure the territory into which they retreat and Kabul then will be totally vulnerable thus leaving it open to Isis and they will do with that city what they have done to those in Syria and Iraq making it one of their strong holds. Though the Taliban are terrorists they fight against Isis and in a way they are all that stand betwixt Isis and the people of Afghanistan and Kabul the afghan army is no match for either the Taliban or Isis thus ye will have people from Afghanistan fleeing from Isis and becoming refugees escalating the refugee problem.

      The time for talking is over the time for action is now for if thou dost not then I will require the blood of those who will surely perish at thine hands and My Judgment upon thee shall be swift and terrible.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord

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