Thursday 11 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

       In the beginning I created mankind male and female to procreate and populate the surface of the Earth and the man and woman clung to each other and the two became one, man and wife after they were cast forth from the garden in which I placed them because they fell. They had many children over their long life span the chief of which were Cain and able, after Cain slew Able he fled. Thus did wickedness and unbelief prosper in the world. When Abraham was upon the Earth he and his brother Lot traveled together for many years and Lot decided to part from his brother to go to the cities of the plain because he wanted to settle down in one place. Which were Sodom and Gomorrah and there he dwelt until the cities became excessively wicked and had to be destroyed. After the petition of his brother Abraham I decided to spare Lot and his family and would have spared the city had there been any righteous people within, but there was only Lot and his family so I sent two angles to persuade Lot to leave but the men of the city decided, when they found out they were there to sexualy lay with and abuse them as a result I blinded all the people and destroyed the city because they were acting contrary to the way I created them, men going with men and women going with women.

        Because of that I caused the cities to be destroyed by fire from heaven. So shall it be with all those on the Earth who sink to such a level of wickedness and as My servant wrote in his letter to the Romans 1:18-32 so shall it be upon the Earth as I did with them, I waited until the cup of their wickedness was filled up unto the brim and I will wait now until the cup of the wickedness of mankind is filled up to the brim and then will strike them down unto the dust of the ground to be no more. But it is for Me alone to Judge and not mankind for at last all will have to give an answer for all they have done in their lives at the end before Me.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

 From the prophet of the Lord.

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