Tuesday 16 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The Eastern states will object to the curbing of benefits being sent to relatives in their own countries because through the level of benefits being sent home. Britain to a certain extent, is supplementing their economy for the relatives who remain in the Eastern states don't spend that money in Britain but in their own country. Also if these benefits are cut to the same level as it is awarded in their country there will be a greater number of their people falling below the poverty line and it would not encourage those workers to leave their relatives in their own country but bring them to Britain thus their benefits would be spent here. The best position for this is that if those from the eastern state want to work in Britain should be encouraged to bring their families along with them. Britain should not have to supplement other countries’ economies especial when austerity measures are in place in Britain. Also it should be the same with Britain’s working abroad they should be encouraged to take their families with them.

    There is no greater benefit to a families unity and cohesion than when all of the family are together and working together, plus there is also no temptation for either parent to stray, there is no greater sense of loneliness than when a family is divided because one of parents has to work and live abroad for the sake of the family because they can't find work in their own country and when loneliness creeps in there is the desire for companionship which can cause a member of the family to stray. But if a family is true to itself then this will not become a problem and so it shouldn't. Faithfulness and trust and the Love of one’s family especially ones partner are the bulwarks of family life and survival against all odds. A family divided cannot stand, a family united cannot fall.

    My family is that which I will protect against all that arises no matter what, each member to Me is the most precious person in the whole of creation and I will move the heaven of heaven's the heavens and the Earth even all of the Universe for each and every one of them. Till at last they come to be with Me forever I am their Father and they are My children and the sheep of My pasture and I am their true and faithful shepherd. Thus any one seeks to hurt any one of these even the smallest of them I shall totally and utterly destroy casting them into the bottomless pit which thou callest hell forever. For it is that I am all seeing all knowing infinite in every respect without beginning without end in every place at once even the Universe and the heaven of heaven cannot contain or limit Me. I am perfect in every way to the infinite degree totally omnipotent for I say and it is done, I speak and it comes to pass, I command and it comes into existence.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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