Friday 5 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    If thou dost wish to know in part why the whales are beaching then look unto the whaling ships and industry the whales are being hunted by those Nations who hunt for whales. Thus the cruelty of mankind is being executed upon one of My most intelligent creatures, they who hunt them are as those who poach ivory in Africa and other Nations, thus the expression of My anger on the Island of Japan. This is one of the Nations partaking in this practice, which in the end will lead to the extinction of certain species of whales. But the whales that are beaching are those that feel safe in the waters around Britain especial the North Sea wherein they are in protected waters having the oil platforms and are in the waters of the various Nations wherein the whalers cannot go. But as thy scientist have stated the waters are to shallow for them and their feeding habits thus they seek to head into waters that are deep enough for them but the shipping lanes and the tides force them onto the beaches.

    There shall be a consequence for those Nations partaking in the practice.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

from the prophet of the Lord

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