Wednesday 10 February 2016



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

      If this government and the people accept and vote to remain within the EU on the conditions set down by and agreed upon by all the members of the EU then this Nation will lose more of its sovereignty and will be pressurised into closer union within the EU community. The problem with seeking to put forward reforms and not standing firm with those reforms and accepting in principle a water down and none binding version which is in effect meaningless. Only gives the EU the impression that this countries government is gullible and weak and thus also if the peoples vote to accept it, they will think that they can impose any policy and treaty reforms by them that they wish to impose. Seeking to bring this country into a closer union within the European Union.

     They seem to forget that this country is not weak and gullible and neither is its people, that this country can stand on its own two feet and that this country when it joined the common market brought with it a vast amount of trade from the British Common Wealth Nations that is now routed through the common market. They also forget that this country with the Americans and the free fighters of other countries defeated the Nazis thus freeing Europe from a tyrannical dictator. They also forget how many times the countries of Europe have tried to conquer this country from the Romans, who by the way only did so with the support of some of the tribes of Britain the second time they tried, but did not conquer Scotland, to the Spanish and the French under Napoleon twice helping the French to defeat the Kaiser and then Hitler. The Normans under William succeeded only because this country had a weak King but slowly they were absorbed becoming part of this country as are now many Nationalities of other countries and cultures. Also helping to the rebuild many European Nations, along with America after the war.

     This Nation is not only strong but kind and generous but when all is said and done to put it in Earthly terms will not have the wool pulled over its eye's. Also will not relinquish it’s centre for finance and trade to any other Nation or even to transfer it to the centre of the European Union. This country has done allot for Europe and should seriously consider reforms put forward as they are not done so without a very serious reason even that the EU in many respects is vulnerable and weak in as far as the proposals put forward for reform point out.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord

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