Monday 15 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The leader of any country is one who runs the country for the benefit of the people with the advice of his or her cabinet congress or senate whether they take the advice of their cabinet or not is and should be their prerogative, it should not be that a leader should be subject to his or her cabinet or even to his or her parliament senate or congress except in as far as Law of the Land allows and the bills which have been put forth and passed. For if they are, they are not serving the interests of their people but are mere puppets in the hands of their party, cabinet, congress or senate. A leader is a servant of the people he or she is elected to serve not a servant of the parliament which are also elected members and servant of the people which he or she is in charge of.
     He or she should run the country along the lines of those manifesto pledges and promises set down before he or she takes up the mantle of leadership. The only time that he or she should be subject to questioning by the full government is when they have broken their pledge of office or failed to meet the standards of that office or a full vote of no confidence in their leadership which is not fulfilling their promises and pledges before and when the office of prime minister or president is taken up by the leader of the said party elected to govern. All who take up this office should at all times be aware of their responsibility to the people on whose behalf they serve and should at no time have the attitude that they are anything but servants of the all the people of the country or land they are elected to govern. Anyone who fails to meet the standards set or feels they are not capable of meeting the standards and roll of that office should either be made to give up the office or relinquish such in favour of one who can.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord.

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