Tuesday 23 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    That which I now say unto thee is, what is it that has caused Britain to seek to renegotiate its position in Europe and sought to change the E.U. its treaty its Justice system its desire to rule over all the member states, for by closer Union that is what the EU is seeking to do. Let us look into the past and how and why Britain has survived against all the Empires that have risen. Why did Scotland survive against the Roman Empire when it left the majority of the British Isles alone until the Romans took over Britain with the help of some of the British tribes and fought against Britain when it started its rise into an Empire.

    The answer lies in the belief of the British people right from the last rule of the tyrant Kings of England ending in the rule of King Charles who was beheaded until the rule of the Hanoverian King who started Britain on the path of Empire. King Henry the eighth was one of the last tyrant Kings and because of his desire for a son to be his heir separated Britain from Europe both in as far as religion was concerned and the power Europe had over Britain. The first to rule Britain wisely was Elizabeth the first who believed the monarch was there to serve the people. The second person was Oliver Cromwell and the new model army who stood against King Charles and became Lord protector ending the cruel reign of the Monarch who believed in the divine right of Kings and robbing the people to furnish his own extravagance was his birth right. Until the Hanoverian King, but even he was subject to parliament, but then corruption ruled in Britain.

    How and why did Britain survive against all those who sought to conquer this Island especial against the Germans and the Japanese because it stopped believing might was right, but right was might, right in the sense that this country was a true democratic Nation, right because of true Justice and the rule of the Law which saith the Lord God is based on My Holy Laws and commandments and because also this people had and does have a generous heart who believes in helping people rather than conquering and ruling over others in a cruel and selfish way. A Nation which in the majority believes all in it are equal and no one is better than anyone else. But what does the E.U. believe in, by their deeds ye shall know them. What has it been doing? The answer is eroding all the principles of democracy centralising power finance and the rule of Law to the centre, starting to turn Europe into a republic in all but Name. But why does it need Britain Because it has the greatest financial centre in the World and because of its influence in the Worlds trade and economy. Also because of it’s wealth. Britain has always stood on its own because of the beliefs in the hearts of all the people and the rule of law and that democracy is mightier than any Nation which believe might is right and the only way to rule over others is through either conquest or deception bring other Nations in subjection to themselves as have the Empires of the past. Yea indeed this Island has had its fall into darkness but has rise from out of that darkness into light and will rise even further if it rises into the true light of holiness righteousness and belief in Me saith the Lord Of Hosts. I saith the Lord God have watched over and protected this Nation and will do so long as this Nation believes in what it does and in Me. To Me unbelief is the greatest of all sins and once that belief falls away so shall this Nation fall.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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