Friday, 19 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee these talks in Brussels now have gone on for to long, the E.U. has been delaying an agreement hoping Britain would in the end give in to the E.U.'s offer in as far as the reforms Britain wants and will extend these talks until it gets what it wants in as far as Britain’s request for reform, which when analysed is totally meaningless. Even if a deal was made Greece has shown that each member would object via veto if it went against their membership criteria, which in effect would mean Britain’s deal would be forever being vetoed if any member disagreed with the reforms at any time if they thought it was contrary to their idea of their membership of the E.U.
    Thus at the moment Britain is being held to ransom on its membership and as a Nation outside of the Euro Zone it would be better if Britain now said to the E.U. either you want us as members on the terms we have set down or we exit from the E.U. Britain should play them at their own game.

This  is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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