Friday 19 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning the position of Britain in as far as the negotiations are concerned it is that Britain is not in the negotiations just for its own benefit but for the benefit of the whole of the E.U. Whilst the members of the E.U. which are supposed to be part of a United Europe are blatantly looking out for themselves and in the process are seeking to dictate to Britain that it should accept all that they propose without question. The part where even if Britain accepts what they propose that it cannot ever again renegotiate or put forth proposals or question any change in the Treaty and that the other members have the right of veto upon the proposals set forward makes it looks as though the rest of the members are treating Britain like the Oliver in the film when he asked for more in the workhouse dining room. The restriction of movement in the present circumstances with terrorism on the increase using the refugees as a means to infiltrate Europe, boarder security should be of paramount importance thus it would be of no great effort to provide security passes for all E.U. members in as far as their right to free movement and those without to not be allowed free movement unless they can prove they are genuine refugees or migrants.
 In as far as benefits are concerned then it should be applied across the whole of the member countries that when any goes to reside or work in another member country they should abide by the benefit system in that country. There should be no favouritism with any of the members. In as far as the so called emergency braking system that is a none starter if it applies to Britain alone. A change for the treaty also in as far as sovereignty is concerned no member country should be dictated to by any other member or any of members of the E.U. all the rules should be agreed to by all members unanimously and if any member objects then the concerns of that member should be addressed.
    But it is looking as though the E.U. is turning the corner of becoming a dictatorship. Who runs the E.U. Brussels or every member of the E.U. by mutual agreement for that is what the E.U. is supposed to be a Union of Member States coming together by agreement to form one common market.
    The common wealth is a model example of how a union should work. Compromise should not be on the table only acceptance or rejection. The sign of a strong leader is that he or she stands by the proposal he or she sets forth and will not back down or compromise in any way

this is the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

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