Saturday 20 February 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaaca and Jacob

    The negotiations in Brussels have resulted in what can only be described as a worthless and irrelevant and wishywashy agreement and not what Britain wanted or needed. Britain cannot still decide its own destiny and contrary to the assumption that Britain does not have to agree with E.U. laws, rulings regulations and policies Britain and the rest of Europe have no say in the decisions taken in Brussels, Brussels may consult with E.U. Meps from each Nation in its parliament, but it does not consult nor have any input from member governments on the descisions it makes and seeks and will seek to impose its will on all of the member states, this is not just about Britain but about every member who are in effect being dictated to by the E.U. in Brussels. In other words Britain will not be an independant sovereign Nation under this new agreement.  No member Goverment rules their own Nation and National interests Brussels and the E.U. does. In other words Brussels and the E.U. rules Europe.

    If the British government by accepting this agreement  thinks’ that it can veto any or all of the E.U.'s policies and ruling that Britain doesn't agree with or are contrary to the benefit of the British people and economy. Think again, if it tries to do so the E.U. will like it did with Greece threaten it with expulsion, in effect though Britain now is being treated like Greece was before it's decision to stay in. It  to was given an ultimatum either accept the ruling of the E.U. on the austerity measures or get out. But you will still owe the E.U. the loan that you took out with us and the I.M.F. Britain will to be given, if it opposes E.U. ruling an ultimatum if you don't like it get out, but will by the agreement made now be bound to accept its ruling. The E.U. is not a democratic institution it is a watered down version of a dictatorship. As it seeks evermore to impose its will on all the member states and will do more so as time goes on. Look at it this way what was Europe’s position before Britain joined. Economically unsound divided weak and what is it now, I am not say Britain’s joining has been is main contributor to it economic prosperity but has gone a long way to helping the E.U. to prosper for with Britain joining it brought along with it the trading Nations of the commonwealth especially Newzealand  Australia Canada and others.

    Britain has in the past stood alone and because of that has in the past in effect protected Europe form Tyrants and Dictators from the Romans to Spain and its Armada to Napoleon and his conquest of Europe from the Kaiser in the first World war, to defeating Hitler with the help of the Americans and the free French and Polish armies along with the resistance of many countries. To helping America defeat Japan and contributing to the defence of Europe during to the cold war. If Britain had not been independent and stood on its own two feet and been strong in its defence of not only its own Nation but Europe where would Europe be now?

    In as far as trade is concerned Britain’s has been one of the main trading and sea faring Nations of the World what need has it of Europe and to say that if Britain left it would be stepping into an unknown future a literal black hole not so, whoever says this has forgotten the spirit and the strength and the determination of Britain and its people not only to survive but prosper in the most dire of adversities look at the past history of this Nation who is at its best when its back is against the wall it comes out fighting and wins against all odds and never forget at the same time it generosity towards others and other nations. Britain is a great country with a great heart and a great tradition.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord, redeemer and saviour


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