Thursday 11 February 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

                  As has been set down afore thus I repeat what I have stated as to the true creation of the Universe, but I will add this if the theory of evolution was in effect true, the Earth now would be a barren rock in space, even if the evolution took for the advancement of mankind two or more million years mankind would now be a forgotten species. Also the Earth would look like the planet ye call mars, but even if mankind survived for half that time mankind because of its destructive nature would have destroyed itself a long time ago. But what about the cost and benefit of this besides scientist seeking to prove that I did not create the Universe, there is so much poverty starvation homelessness disease and disasters upon the Earth that the funding for these projects could have gone to solving instead of wasting it on vain and unprofitable projects, which have no present concrete benefit to mankind except to try to delve into that place where mankind should not go least they find out at the end a truth they didn't expect or want to discover and is contrary to all their theories and speculation. This I will add that the life expectancy of mankind has not grown since the beginning but has deteriorate for mankind at the beginning lived for more than a thousand years. Also computer modelling is a program constructed by man who is not perfect and is prone to err. Thus to base a discovery upon the creation of mankind’s technology will be foolish in the long run and will be proven so. Also speculate about this how do I get rid of the excess material in the Universe. Are black holes My dust bins? But beware for ye know not with whom ye have to do and to whom ye will have to answer to at the end of thy lives.
                     But also as concerning the big bang as ye put it on Earth does a building build itself or does it have to have a creator who designs and plans it and are workers not employed to lay foundations upon the land bought to build it and does the building erect itself without brickies, joiners and roofers? So the big bang theory is as ridiculous as a building creating itself!
Thus saith the Lord God the scientist of this present age seem to think that by using the speed of light as a means of calculating the age of the Universe and of the Earth and its beginning by calculating how long light from the furthest reaches of the Universe took to reach Earth, creation must be many billions of years old and if the Earth was created at the beginning then it to must be many billions of years old at least many thousands of millions of years old. This is the only supposition they can come to only if they don’t believe in My existence thus their destiny is sealed. But if they do believe then they have to consider what I said at the beginning Let there be Light and there was light do you and they think that was confined to the Earth and it regions nay not so but light was created in an instant throughout the whole Universe, thus their calculations are irrelevant for they calculate a none existent period of time.
                     Now dost thou and they have to see what is also written that to Me a thousand years is as a day therefore it took Me seven thousand years to create the Universe and this Earth. So I give to you a mystery to work out if it took Me seven thousand years to create the Earth how old was mankind Adam and Eve when they fell an were cast out of My Garden?
For what reason did I create mankind? To be my children and to look after My creation I made the whole of creation subject to mankind and gave them the privilege of naming all of the creatures upon the Earth, to tend my garden, even the perfect garden of Eden in Which resided the tree of life the way of which was and is guarded by the angel with the flaming sword.
                     What then is mankind doing now to the Earth building great cities at the cost of land needed to not only provide for mankind but the creatures upon the Earth and what is mankind doing to My creatures and the forests of the Earth and what should My Judgement be upon thee?

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord

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