Saturday 6 February 2016


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

    Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay against all of those who kill My creatures meaning the whales  and others that have been slaughtered for no other reason than, what they say is for scientific research, but is also for other reasons, even to satiate a desire for exotic foods.
     Against those who kill for ivory and the Nations who buy that ivory, for those who pay for it are as guilty as those who kill for it. Also upon those who hunt My creatures for sport and pleasure and upon those who miss treat animals in their care, thou art judged found wanting, found guilty and condemned.
    Also against those who kill their own people for no other reason but to secure land and power and riches and the oil feilds. Against the murderers of women and children the elderly and the helpless and the homeless, against the rapist and the terrorist upon thieves and robbers upon fraudsters and con artists and liars upon these shall I wreak vengeance as has never been seen before and shall never be seen again. The commandment thou shalt not kill shall be applied unto perfection, as shall all other commandments as pertaining to the actions above!

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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