Thursday 8 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

 Unto those Nations which could have taken action to halt the slaughter which has and is happening in Aleppo and in effect have done little or nought to halt it but sit on the side lines and by those Nations inaction I say this to them I have thus Judged thee as guilt as those who have committed the crime of mass murder of the Syrian people in Aleppo. But will these Nations also take little or no action in as far as that which is happening and will happen to those who are unable to flee from the Syrian regime who will be incarcerated in camps around Syria as others have been and will be subject to interrogation as those who are already in the camps have been subjected to, which in as far as the Syrian government is concerned, amounts quite literally to torture. Having thus Judged and found guilty those Nations which have stood by and let it happen I have already begun to and will execute Judgement on those Nations which could have done so much to halt the massacre of the citizens of Aleppo but did not, thus I shall cause to descend upon them plagues and diseases upon their crops and  domestic animals and upon the people also and by storms earthquakes and even volcanoes so that they might understand what it is to suffer such as the people of Aleppo have suffered and will suffer at the hands of their own government and their allies but already those of the Syrian regime and those involve in that which has and is happening in Aleppo have been Judged and their punishment awaits them once their cup of My Wrath and anger against them hath filled up to overflowing they will not escape My Just Judgment it will be executed upon them.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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