Friday 23 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the only true redeemer and saviour of all of mankind.

    Thus saith the Lord unto thee of the Nations and to those who have committed most grievous crimes of the murdering of fathers and mothers of children and the elderly of the fatherless and the suckling child of that city in the Middle East the full fury of My wrath and anger shall descend upon the guilty who seek not to repent of their crimes against the people of that city and others in that Nation and these all shall drink the cup of My vengeful retribution for all of their crimes down unto the dregs thereof I shall not let up until  all who have partaken have been fully and justly punished those who have stood by also who have done little or nothing to stop the transgressions of the transgressors of My Holy Law and Commandments in that of the death of the innocent of that city. But I say now take heed and be ye warned My wrath and anger is already being poured out upon the guilty Nations and shall continue as said until those Nations guilty of these crimes have been punished. Ye have had My word and My law and commandments put before thee upon this and other matters and yet thou hast not taken heed of that which hath been put before thee therefore thy blood is upon thine own heads. For it seems that thou dost not know with whom thou truly hast to do and who it is who hath past Judgment upon thee. Thus therefore I say unto thee come before Me in deep humility pleading for My forgiveness peradventure I will take heed and forgive thee of all of thy transgression for if thou dost not then thou wilt most assuredly come to know with whom thou hast to do when the full fury of My wrath descends upon thee and I will not hold back even if it means the full destruction of a Nation or a people. Come before Me whilst there is still time for Me to turn from that which must be done for as well as being a merciful God also I am a Just God and Justice must be done and seen to be done upon all who do commit crimes by the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments. For this say I unto thee sin translated in the modern tongue is crime or crimes, so if thou dost sin thou art to Me committing a crime the crime of breaking the divine law and commandments of the Living God and redeemer and creator of the whole of mankind whom I am saith the Lord God who is infinitely all seeing all knowing and forever present everywhere for in Me all of mankind and the creatures of the Earth live and move and have their being and without Me nothing would exist that doth exist.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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