Tuesday 20 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I to thee at this time, the referendum for the UK to leave or stay within the EU was for the whole of the United kingdom of Great Britain and not for each one of its constituent self ruled parts or self ruled Nations to independently vote on staying or leaving of which the whole of parliament and the constituent parts thereof to agreed to. If each of the said constituent parts or self ruled Nations had been totally united in their vote to stay within the EU then the vote to leave would not have come about. The vote to leave did happen but if it had gone the opposite way those who voted to leave would have totally respected that vote and would have in no way sought to overturn it, totally respecting those who voted to stay. But could that have been the case with those who voted to stay not so their attitude would have been one of gloating and of derision, but that has never been the case with the leaving voters in fact they have gone out of their way in seeking to accommodate those who voted to stay by seeking every means to stay within the single market and have been frustrated by the hard line attitude of the EU government which has therefore revealed in reality their true attitude until the UK voted to leave of the EU towards the UK and its people that it and they would follow the lead of the EU no matter what and were confident that as a soft hearted and weak willed Nation would never think of leaving. Enough to say they were wrong and it was a total shock that Britain had the audacity to vote to leave which provoked them to anger and into having the hard line attitude they now have. So for those who voted to stay to seek to overturn the vote to leave and if frustrated seek by other means to fractionalize the United Kingdom by each self rule part of the UK seeking by any and all means to independently remain a part of the EU is not only a lack of respect towards those within their own independently ruled Nations who voted to leave, but borders on rebellion against the British Governments willingness to give the British people and especially each independently rule Nation within the United Kingdom a referendum in the first place of which they agreed to abide by no matter the outcome in totality, what have I said afore time a divided kingdom cannot stand and United Kingdom can never be defeated as the past has proven are these then willing to disunite and divide this United Kingdom.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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