Monday, 19 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This do I say unto thee that unless the Syrian regime cuts its ties with the the Iranian revolutionary guard and other groups of militia that have allied themselves to the regime claiming to aid it in defeating the Syrian anti government rebels in Aleppo and other rebel enclaves, it will not only have a massacre of the rebels and the civilians in Aleppo on its hands but the  Syrian regime and the Russians will find they have another war on their  hands when they try to get the revolutionary guard and the various militia groups that were once their allies to leave Syria of which even now is starting to develop in that any orders to cease fighting so that the rebels, their families and the civilians may be evacuated are virtually ignored and even countermanded. Thus the regime in the end could find itself without a country when these militia refuse to leave and start to try to occupying parts of Syria seeking to claiming it for themselves along with the revolutionary guard the Kurds and the occupation of the borders by Turkey because of the occupation of certain territories along the border by the Kurds and then there is Isis which will take advantage of this situation to try to take over parts of Syria once again. In fact Syria could become so fragmented as to become totally unrecognisable as a Nation in its own right. All of this could have been avoided if in the beginning a diplomatic solution could have been agreed on by all sides.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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