Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
This is the meaning of the Allegory set before thee as concerning My plan for the whole of creation before the New Heavens and the new Earth can be created like unto the seed planted in the field it must first pass away as must the heavens as they are at present and the new Earth and Heaven when created as implied by the statement New Heavens and the New Earth shall be as they are now but everything in the Universe shall be pure holy and peace happiness and everlasting life shall exist throughout, free from all wickedness immorality death and disease, wars, distress and fear, greed and immorality poverty starvation cruelty and persecution there shall be in all of the Universe perfect harmony for all shall be known as they know themselves all in it shall be according to My Holy Will and purpose and all the planets therein as was Eden at the beginning so shall they be. The tree does not apply to the Earth itself but to those who shall inhabit the Earth when My Kingdom is upon Earth and the capital city shall be the Heavenly Jerusalem after it descends to the Earth from the Heaven of Heavens and from thence shall My Kingdom spread throughout the whole Universe typified by the tree growing up to reach the stars and beyond. Which means that all who belong unto Me through the blood of the Lamb slain before the foundations of the Earth even the true Messiah after they have descended from the heaven of heavens with New Jerusalem shall inhabit and look after the Earth which shall be once more the Eden it once was and they shall bear children whom I shall take to the planets of the Universe and thence also their children and so on until the whole of the Universe has been populated and every planet shall be like Eden and looked after by all who belong unto My Kingdom forever and ever and upon the throne of David in the new Jerusalem shall sit the King Of Kings and Lord of Lords even the only true Messiah whom I am saith the Lord of Hosts.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
This is the meaning of the Allegory set before thee as concerning My plan for the whole of creation before the New Heavens and the new Earth can be created like unto the seed planted in the field it must first pass away as must the heavens as they are at present and the new Earth and Heaven when created as implied by the statement New Heavens and the New Earth shall be as they are now but everything in the Universe shall be pure holy and peace happiness and everlasting life shall exist throughout, free from all wickedness immorality death and disease, wars, distress and fear, greed and immorality poverty starvation cruelty and persecution there shall be in all of the Universe perfect harmony for all shall be known as they know themselves all in it shall be according to My Holy Will and purpose and all the planets therein as was Eden at the beginning so shall they be. The tree does not apply to the Earth itself but to those who shall inhabit the Earth when My Kingdom is upon Earth and the capital city shall be the Heavenly Jerusalem after it descends to the Earth from the Heaven of Heavens and from thence shall My Kingdom spread throughout the whole Universe typified by the tree growing up to reach the stars and beyond. Which means that all who belong unto Me through the blood of the Lamb slain before the foundations of the Earth even the true Messiah after they have descended from the heaven of heavens with New Jerusalem shall inhabit and look after the Earth which shall be once more the Eden it once was and they shall bear children whom I shall take to the planets of the Universe and thence also their children and so on until the whole of the Universe has been populated and every planet shall be like Eden and looked after by all who belong unto My Kingdom forever and ever and upon the throne of David in the new Jerusalem shall sit the King Of Kings and Lord of Lords even the only true Messiah whom I am saith the Lord of Hosts.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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