Thursday, 15 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I at this time that those who kill drug addicts besides being guilty of murder and being Judged and condemned by My Holy Law and commandments as guilty of murder in that I said thou shalt not kill and those who do so are in danger of My Judgment and shall be therefore duly punished, killing addicts cannot and will not eradicate drug abuse from any Nation it must be the traffickers who have to be caught condemned and punished to the full extent of My Holy Law and commandments as is set down in My Word for the addicts are guilty of abusing the body which I gave them at birth and is on loan to them throughout their lives and at the end thereof is returned unto the dust from whence it came they shall if they do die from their abuse be guilty of self murder as shall be all those who are guilty of self murder by any and all means. The suppliers and the traffickers and those who produce these drugs and push them as thou doth put it who give the excuse that they only supply them and it is the users choice to do so that they are guilty only of supplying drugs and nothing else when in fact they are guilty if anyone dies through drug abuse of accessories  before and after the fact, before in supplying band drugs in the first instance and guilty of accessory after the fact in that through their action a human being has committed self murder. To eradicate drug abuse in this manner any government of any Nation would have to kill almost two thirds of the population for that is how virulent drug abuse is in the World at the moment that which is on the surface is but the tip of a monstrous ice berg. Stopping the drug lords and the smugglers and the pushers is the only way that thou can curtail drug abuse. But it is that I can do so if thou doth request if of Me through prayer and belief by plague and crop disease which thou cannot for only through prayer and belief shall reveal thy firm desire for those guilty of these crimes to be punished in this life as well as the next. Cut the source off and in the end drug addiction will cease, but is this form of addictive abuse that causes family problems and poverty the only form of abuse what about alcohol and other forms of addictive abuse. But what happens if it were possible to eradicate drug addiction through murdering drug addicts would those who murdered drug addicts seek to eradicate other problems that are cause by alcohol addiction and gambling addiction by the same method? To solve the problem of addiction first the cause hast to be removed and then the addicts must be given all the help they need. But My Judgment still remains but will never be executed until after an addict dies through self murder caused by their abuse for rather I would that they turn from their addiction to Me seeking My help to remove their need for drugs.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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