Saturday 3 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus as I have said afore time a Nation or a political party or any organization or business if divided agaist itself cannot stand but indeed will inevitably fall. Thus this is the situation that is causing so many difficulties and problems politically and nationally in the UK and the main problem is over leaving the EU. If the UK leaves as a divided Nation therefore it cannot and will not be able to become a solid independent sovereign prosperous Nation and in the end will become as I said a fore time a laughing stock of the Nations of the World and the saying will go out here is a Nation that bragged it could leave the EU and become a solid prosperous trading Nation look at it now it has become almost a third world country nearly poverty stricken. Thus it will be instead of providing help and aid to third world countries and starving and poverty stricken Nations and providing support against aggressors it will be needing help from the Nations of the World instead. But and if which no matter what happens it leaves the EU which the UK will do no matter what the outcome of the negotiations it must leave as a solid United Kingdom even those who voted against leaving must unite behind the rest of the Nation because all agreed to abide by the result of the Referendum vote no matter the result and so it must be division is a weapon of those who seek to see the UK fail and fall as many have sought to do over the centuries and to become a laughing stock of the World even those Nations who are angry that the UK should have even considered leaving the EU. To those who were wanting to remain within the EU was thou willing to become no longer British no longer English men and women loosing thy Nation identity and the UK becoming nothing more than a forgotten Nation which has passed into the history of the EU for that is what will happen in the future if Britain had remained in the EU becoming another state with another name a forgotten people and the EU would have taken away the pride and the wealth and all that it means to be British and all that Britain has fought for over all the centuries would have been for nought. Look at what the EU intended to do with the financial centre of the World in London to move the financial centre of the World from London to the centre of the EU if Britain had remained what doth that look like unto thee and to take away by stealth the pride of the British armed force by creating a European army which it said recently it was considering abandoning, no way the EU want also to have one of the most powerful armed forces of the World and still does. So those who wanted Britain to remain are they truly British and have Britain’s welfare at heart or are they EU nationals having only the welfare of the EU at heart willing to forget the Nation which begot them and nurtured and provide for them and protected them throughout their lives. Division is a friend to no one and an enemy to all.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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