Friday 30 December 2016


Thu saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord those Nations which have done little or nothing to halt the atrocious war in Syria and that which has occurred in Aleppo who confess their guilt in this matter and seek My forgiveness if they repent in deep humility confessing their crime of inaction in as far as seeking proactively to end the war in Syria and that which hath happened as concerning Aleppo shall obtain forgiveness but the burden of guilt shall not be erased from human history for those who partook thereof. But upon the matter of obtaining forgiveness there shall be a price and that price shall be that thou shalt do everything in thy power to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people especially those in refugee camps in the Middle East and Also help in the rebuilding of Aleppo so that the inhabitants can eventual return and rebuild their homes and lives. But I do say this those who have caused such atrocities shall not escape retribution for their crimes but as I am a wrathful and angry God I am also merciful and perchance if they do seek in true humility from the heart eventually they might obtain mercy but the price of that mercy must be a very high price for them to pay indeed. Thus say I what shall be the price of peace and security in Syria and in the Middle East.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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