Sunday 18 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time, Carbon dating of any object organic or otherwise or any other method to prove how long the Earth has been in existence is as invalid and as ridiculous as trying to measure the time and pressure it took in the Earth to form diamonds of all sizes which were spewed out by volcanoes covered in molten lava and ash which over time covered them until they were mined by mankind yes there are what is called industrial diamonds but the quality of them is so inferior to naturally formed diamonds that they are of little or no value in comparison. One factor that must be taken into account is that before Adam and Eve were cast forth from the garden of Eden corruption decomposition decay and the deterioration of the elements and objects organic or otherwise didn’t  exist for over six thousand years ago by thy count the Earth and all that dwelt upon it was perfect and everlasting in every sense of the word it was only when mankind fell in Adam and Eve that the corruption and decay and the deterioration of the atomic: as thy scientists put it; structure of the elements and objects organic or otherwise and the death of all the creatures and the vegetation entered creation. Even the whole of the Universe suffered from mankind’s fall including suns moons stars galaxies and all that exists in the Universe for I saith the Lord created mankind as the chief of My creation and made all things and creatures subject to mankind’s dominion and care of and over them and as mankind was responsible and dominion given over them they also suffered mankind’s Judgment. Thus also the creation of fossils didn't come about till the flooding of the whole Earth those of humanity and the creatures of creation which didn't enter the ark were destroyed by floods others were covered by mud and earth and silt in great quantities in fact many, many tons and then the billions of tons of water that covered the Earth created so much pressure that over thousands of years turned them into fossils those that have been discovered are just a minute portion of the creatures and human beings that were fossilized for then the Earth was not the same as it is now covered in as far as the oceans and seas are concerned and if thou could thou would find that a great proportion of fossils lie beneath the sea beds. Not all the waters that flooded the Earth returned to the clouds of the heavens. Therefore contrary to the claims of scientist that by carbon dating they are measuring the age of any object is an error they are in fact measuring the pressure of millions of tons of earth silt and mud and billions upon billions of tons of water bearing down upon those creatures and humans buried in the earth turning them into fossils. The same as falling objects from space which have suffer the clash of rocks meteors and comets in space which cause them to break off in the first place continuing their journey on in the near vacuum of space until they then suddenly impact the atmospheric pressured of Earth’s atmosphere and then suffered the intense heat of re-entry striking the surface at tremendous speeds what material could not be affected by such events, but in as far as their travelling distance based upon the thousands of years from creation they have not travelled as far as the scientist claim they have. When I created the heavens and all that exist in the universe light did not travel as mankind now measures its speed light by Me was created everywhere in an instant it then didn't travel any distance until after it was created. Also this Universe has only just been born yet because of mankind’s fall needs to be created anew.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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