Wednesday 21 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as I have before put before thee as concerning the strength and the weakness of a Nation seen in division and unity. The strength of the Nations of the Earth lies in unity amongst all the Nations of the Earth taking a united stand against all forms of terrorism and terrorist groups, divided Nations leave themselves vulnerable to terrorism and in these divided Nations terrorism flourishes where as in the Nations that are united as one, terrorists cannot and do not flourish even though they try to do so. Thou must ask thy selves where have the terrorists flourish the most in Iraq when it was weak through divisions in its whole cultural structure or when it became a united whole and its ambition was to rid itself of the terrorist group Isis it once more became so strong and united  a Nation that it has and is defeating that terrorist group in Iraq. But what about Syria whilst it was attacking the terrorist group in a united effort with help of other Nations Isis was heading for total defeat but when all efforts were concentrated on getting rid of the Syrian rebels from Aleppo suddenly the terrorist group once again started to flourish and once again has taken over Palmyra, why because that Nation is as a whole totally fragmented and divided against itself the terrorists taking advantage of the disunity within that Nation have again started to gain ground. It was the same with Afghanistan when the Nations of the West went in and got rid of the majority of the terrorists peace started to return to that Nation. But what happened when they left the terrorist groups came back and started to take over territory they once possessed why because the Western Nations left Afghanistan with a weak and divide government and Nation. What is happening to Yemen because it is a divided Nation the terrorist group have infiltrated it with the aim of setting up bases in that country and of doing what they did in Iraq and are still seeking to do so in Syria terrorist groups prey on weak and divided Nations. The one thing that should be happening is that all the Nations of the Earth should unite as a whole against all forms of terrorism and terrorist groups for terrorist and terrorism cannot prosper in any and all Nations that are totally united as one people all having the same aims and ambitions to rid the world of terrorism and the seeking of peace and prosperity for all the Nations of the Earth. But there is still one Nation which is divided in its political system and its culture which is leaving it weak and open to terrorism and terrorist groups and unless it becomes totally united in every respect of the word it is heading for a fall and that is the USA.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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