Saturday 31 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To stop thy petty squabbling over who hacked into and affected the outcome of their election seeking to blame anyone but themselves acting like spoilt children when there are conflicts and disasters happening in the World resulting in the deaths of innocent men women and children whom thou instead of thy squabbling could concentrate thy efforts into helping those suffering from terrorist group forcing the inhabitants to flee from their land and others suffering from famine and drought and also the situation in Yemen which could be easily halted by the Western and other Nations putting pressure of those involved to halt all conflict until the suffering of the people had been alleviated and even then seeking a solution to the conflict in Yemen so that peace could be returned to that region. What is the use in warring over who controls a country if in the end there is such devastation that results in the population of that country suffering so much so that either they flee or be killed and in the end the population is so diminished that the population is almost none existent what use is a government that has no people in a Nation to govern and what is a Nation without its people the people in a Nation is the Nation not the government nor the land or territory a country without people is not a country but an empty wilderness.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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