Sunday 4 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even as been said as concerning the division of the people and the politicians over Brexit because of the Britain’s past proud history the people of the UK will unite upon Brexit not because their opinions will change in as far as leaving the EU is concerned, but because they are all British and belong to one United Kingdom and are a proud self reliant people as are all the parts thereof the Welsh and the Scottish peoples and also the Northern Irish. Who seek to make their own way in the World especially in this climate of political change and now as in the past are not willing to be ruled by any other Nation or Power or to give up their National heritage or position in the World especially to a union of Nations who seek to marginalise and to erode this Island Nations identity by absorbing it into a Union over which they will have little control or say  in as far as their own destiny is concerned and to become a mere state of that Union. Especial now as I have said afore that the EU because of its unwillingness to reform will split apart at the seams making its demise inevitable of which now is coming to pass it’s not only the UK leaving the EU that is the problem nor the problems it has allowed to exist by the influx of refugees but the stubbornness of the EU to cling to the past and refusing to change with the times and be prepared to meet the challenges of the present modern political climate and to protect its members against the exterior dangers coming from foreign regions also because of the lack of confidence in the parliament by the  member states because of its ineffectiveness to deal with the problems facing the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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