Saturday 24 December 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time one Nations Leader who seeks to have the sanctions imposed on his Nation lifted or a least eased is in for a disappointment for by the rhetoric put forward by the incoming leader of the Nation which hath imposed the heaviest sanctions not only displays an unwillingness to either reduce sanctions but to increase them or at least leave them in place. For the underlying tone is one of meeting the actions of an aggressor with equal aggression. Yea indeed by the superficial outward appearance these two leaders seem to becoming bosom buddies as thou would put it, but the underlying tone and the reaction of these two to the others statements bespeaks conflict on the horizon. This is displayed by the claim of one leader to enter a nuclear arms race and the other leader to counter it by the statement that, that leaders Nation is capable of defending itself against any aggressor saying that its military might has been so modernised that any aggressive act against it would be futile. These two might posture and proudly brag about their military might but there is one whose weapons they both have no defence against and those are the weapons I have in My arsenal saith the Lord God which are the weapons of what thy scientist call natural events even storms hurricanes tornadoes earth quakes floods plagues diseases famine volcanoes meteor strikes which are at My command to strike when were and how I command them so to do and the ultimate weapon which is to command any one to come before Me saith the Lord of Host to answer for all that they have done in their life upon Earth. All upon the earth no matter who they are travel one path to one destination which none no not one can avoid. But one event in the past emphasises the power of one of My weapons is the that of the meteor explosion over a remote part of the Russian federation what would have been result if that had struck near to or even had hit Moscow, the weapons of mankind are totally insignificant in comparison to Mine says the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the I AM THAT I AM and the ultimate one is that of a solar flare that could in fact wipe the surface of the Earth of all that exists upon it, but in as far as the creation of the new heavens even that which thou dost call the Universe and the new earth it takes but a Word from Me to end the old and create the new. So to brag about thy military might is to be proud and arrogant in the extreme and what is one of thy sayings pride comes before a fall?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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