Wednesday 17 April 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time even the I AM THAT I AM, am the creator of all that is was and ever shall be and the only true redeemer of mankind and especially the Holy People is the true and only eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood doth cleanse from all sin transgression and the Breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws of those who believe by Faith even as is so set down in My Word for there is but only one path of Salvation whereon all must walk if any desire to enter My Heavenly Kingdom even by He who is called the door of the sheepfold by whom alone can anyone receive redemption and be clothed in His righteousness and who alone is the way and the truth and the eternal life even the Messiah IMMANUEL Thus it is as so said I have search out all of these Nations unto perfection not only to see if any of these Nations are guilty of breaking any and all of My Most Holy Laws and commandments even My Most Holy Moral Laws but to see if any in all of these Nations are holy and righteous and clothed in the righteousness of the Messiah first have I searched out the governments then these Nations as a whole and it is in all of these Nations I have found none righteous no not one. But it is I have found first that the governments of these Nations full of all manner of corruption immorality and great wickedness the neglecting of the poor the sick the elderly the disabled of their Nation and guilty of the destruction and pollution of these Nations environments the cruel treatment of the creatures of My creation of land seas and air and using for their own benefit that which the people of the Nation entrust to the their care to Govern these Nation not for their own but for the peoples benefit these Governments and the Governments of the Nations of the Earth have to realise that they are in office not for their own benefit but for the benefit of all of the people of the Nations they Govern for the people of a Nation to a certain degree can and will exist without a government but the Government of any Nation cannot exist without the people of a Nation and without their trust to govern on their behalf wisely and as they so wish the government they elect to govern their Nation as they promise in their manifesto and in their oath of office by them taken who can and will in the end as hath been recently seen demand their resignation and upon failing to get them to resign will cause them to be driven from office and Governing their Nation. But it is this day that Not only shall the people of a Nation hold their governments to account but I Myself and if they keep not their promises then it shall be not only will the people seek to cause their Government to fall but it is that in wrath and anger shall I strike them down unto the dust of the Ground but before doing so I shall reveal to all and sundry all of their crimes committed in office of which though they seek with all of their might to hide their wicked corrupt and immoral crimes committed in office they shall not be able to do so as I have said in the past I shall bring out into the Light all the hidden things of darkness. But Nevertheless having search out these Nations as afore said and found them guilty of breaking My Most Holy Laws and Commandments but more so the breaking of My Moral Laws as so set down in My Word by which not only these Nations shall be and have been Judged and found guilty of break any and all of them but all the Nations of the Earth who are and shall be Judged one by One until Judgment day. Thus having found these Nations guilty of Breaking any and all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws as so set down in My Word as so said in wrath and anger shall I punish these Nations by whirlwind and fire by great storms hurricanes floods the burning heat of the sun to scorch the Earth thus causing droughts famine plagues pestilence diseases. Thus by these means and others even Earthquakes and tsunamis shall I cause the Earth to refuse to give of its bounty until either all turn and repent or I caused to fall unto the dust of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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