Friday 31 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation saviour of mankind especially of all of the Holy People who belong unto Me saith the Holy One of Israel through faith in the only true Eternal Passover Lamb the only true Messiah IMMANUEL. Thus say I unto thee at this time that as I said so have I done searched out the whole of the Earth and this modern civilization to see if there be but one righteous Nation on the face thereof and as I said no not one even Israel hath fallen far from Me who follows after the ways of the Nations that keeps not covenant nor obeys from the heart through Faith in the promised Messiah all of my Holy Laws and Commandment and refuses to cleanse all of the land of promise of shrine and temples to false messiahs, false gods and false prophets and refuses to build the house to My Name thus it  is that no longer will I tolerate the land of promise to be so polluted and shall cleanse it of all of that doth pollute it unto perfection and shall for the sake of those within the land that obey not My Holy Laws and Commandment nor keep covenant even that I made in the wilderness with Israel through Mosher/Moses My servant and My Friend I shall curse them and the land thereof so that no longer shall it yield the bounty thereof and I shall indeed cast out of the Land of Promise and down unto the dust of the ground all who belong not unto Me and all of those who refuse to obey all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments it is said in My Word THAT JUDGMENT SHALL BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD AND SO SHALL IT BE EVEN AT THIS TIME AND AT THIS DAY EVEN THE JUDGMENT OF ISRAEL SHALL BEGIN AND THEN FORTH WITH ALL OF THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH no longer shall I refrain from punishing all of the Nations of the Earth no longer shall I hold back the full fury of My Wrath and Anger in the hope that the Nations will turn from their great wickedness and immorality and the breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments for this generation and for this civilization there is no hope there can be but one verdict of My Just Judgment of the Nations of the Earth and that is guilty and there can be but one sentence and that is casting down unto the dust of the ground and into the bottomless pit forever. Yet I do say if there be but one Nation that doth repent and turn unto Me yet will I as I promised to do when Abraham pleaded with Me  not to destroy in wrath and anger the Cities of the Plains even Sodom and Gomorrah and said if there could be found any who were righteous I would not destroy those cities of which I promised so to do if  I found but one person who was righteous in My sight so will I do with the Nations of the Earth if there is but one Nation willing to repent and turn unto Me through Faith in the eternal Passover Lamb even the only true Messiah I will delay Judging and destroying all of the rebellious and disobedient Nations of the Earth especially if it was Israel that returned unto Me through faith whole heartedly to keep covenant and all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments but if not then Judgment shall proceed starting with Israel and then all of the wicked immoral corrupt disobedient rebellious and Law  breaking Nations even the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments Thus as I said and thus it shall be done even as I have so said and so revealed that the Judging of the Nation shall be Judged and punished one by one in the way and manner I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation have so revealed. But as said so shall it be done even according to My Will and Purposes as is revealed in My Word. The punishing of the Nations of this modern civilization thus far has been but a warning or a foretaste of that which is to come but this day of the Judging of the Nations shall be shortened for the sake of all of those who are of Me in this generation and those who are yet to be the children of the Living God. But note ye this that unto me saith the Holy One of Israel a thousand of thy years is but as a day unto Me.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 30 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God f Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the only true redeemer of mankind unto thee at this time as I said so have I done in as far as bringing all hidden things of darkness into the light that light that reveals to all that which hath been hidden until now in the corridors of the governments of the Nations even all of the iniquity great Wickedness the bribery and corruption the immorality and deception the living in the lap of luxury whilst others starved that hath existed for centuries  and still exists in all the Governments of the Nations of the Earth none shall be excluded, nothing shall remain hidden all shall be revealed and none of those guilty of corruption who hold high office shall escape all shall by Me be brought into the open cast down and punished according to My Laws and Commandments. Has hath been brought out into the open the systematic abuse of children and women by those who have held high office in the religions of mankind and local Government to heights of power all aspects of the immoral abuse of women and children of corruption great wickedness  and the breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws especial as concerning the children of this civilisation from the heights of the corridors of power in  government to the lowly corridors of the various institutions both charitable and others even to the very street walks of towns and cities nought shall remain hidden from the most horrendous of sins and crimes committed by those in power to the so called petty sins and crimes of the streets, all shall be brought out into the open nothing indeed shall remain hidden all shall be by the light of Divine truth be Judged even according to My true and Just Judgment as is set down in My Word. But the situation in Venezuela if it is not brought under control will be a catalyst for the down fall of many if not all of the South American Nations as said a spark can cause the destruction of a great forests and the deaths of many of its inhabitants so as can  this disaster in the Venezuelan Nation turn the present disaster into a catastrophe of epic proportions resulting in the deaths of millions either way if the Nations around about force the civilian population back into Venezuela many will die through lack of food and medical attention but if they are allowed to flee could easily overwhelm the economise of the surrounding Nations of which Brazil because of that possibility happening in there has order its military to patrol is borders but no matter how large the Brazilian Military is it will not stop determined desperate civilian migrants crossing neighbouring borders. The same situation arose when the Syrian civil war happened the population fled the war zone to the various border of the Nations around Syria in the Middle East but it did not stop there and resulted in a mass migration of refugees from war torn Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to the West and to Europe but because the Nations of Europe where wealthy enough to absorb many of the refuges even so it was a drain on those Nations resources which took them in. But because many of the South American Nations are not as wealthy as the Western Nations any influx of migrants fleeing Venezuela on the scale it is could easily overwhelm their economise resulting in the collapse of the poorer South American Nations. Though I have no joy in the death of the wicked saith the Lord God of Hosts yet because of the great wickedness immorality iniquity and abuse and the neglect of the children and women of those Nations in any way shape or form by those who have or do hold office in Government and in the various religions of the South American Nations  also because of  the disobedience of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the neglect of their sick disabled homeless and elderly and the treatment of their environment and the creatures of the Earth I shall punish all the Nations of South American as have thus been Judged and found guilty saith the Holy One of Israel of the crimes and sins of great wickedness immorality iniquity and corruption  and shall be punished by those means as so set down in My Most Holy Laws and Commandments and especially My Moral Laws.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 29 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of the Heavens and the Earth even the whole Universe and all that in it is, thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth even to the whole of this present civilization that all the Nations have I weighed in the balances of My Just Judgement and all I have thus far found are wanting in that I have not found upon the face of the Earth not one righteous Nation no not one including the Land and the Nation of  My people Israel which yet refuses to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and to keep Holy Covenant thus as I said I would do unto the unrighteous Nations of the Earth so have I done thus far Judged and punished various Nation for their sins and crimes of great wickedness, immorality and corruption and for their sins of commission and sins of omission especial in as far as the Syrian conflict was and still is concerned where the innocent men women and children are suffering the horrors of war through no fault of their own at the hands of their aggressors as is also the situation in Yemen were the powerful Nations of that region are terrorising the civilian population of that Nation and also Myanmar where yet the Nations of the Earth are doing little or nothing to aid those that have fled that Nation and are now living in abject squalor in refugee camps on the border of a Nation that can little afore to help them but does so to the shame of the western Nation thus for the sins of the western Nations even the sins and crimes of omission and the neglect of the Nations to meet there God give responsibility towards all of their fellow human beings I shall escalate the punishment of those Nations that could have resolved the situation in the war ridden and poverty stricken regions either by applying pressure on the Nations involved or by direct intervention and especially by the UN which at the moment is not as it was a peacemaker betwixt warring Nations intervening in civil wars and with the help of various member Nations alleviating the suffering of many civilians not only in refugee camps but in the poverty stricken Nations of the Earth. Thus I have eased on punishing the Nations thus far by those disasters I caused to strike the Nations I have struck of the west in the hope on My part for the Nations of the west to repent of their sins of omission and take positive action to resolve the conflicts affecting the civilian populations suffering therefrom and to take action in alleviating the suffering of the refuges in the refugee camps the world over and those in poverty stricken and war torn countries  especially in as far as the children are concerned that are at this moment suffering from starvation and dying in great numbers that need not to do so if the wealth Nation of the Earth supplied the resources needed to put an end to the suffering and the dying children of the Earth of which it has abundance  of. Does not the unwillingness of the wealthy Nations to provided the resources necessary bespeak the sins of a selfish callous and unfeeling hard heart and uncaring western civilization which has little or no thought for those fellow human beings suffering from poverty neglect and the ravages of war only for its own luxurious standard of living it wallows in and supplies only the little help and aid it does to placate its selfish conscience comparing the standard of living the wealthy Nations enjoy with those of the poorer poverty stricken war torn Nations of the Earth there is a great gulf fixed is it little wonder that the migrant situation has arisen and shall escalate as more and more people become aware of the standard of living enjoyed by the western and the wealthy Nations of the Earth by the advancement of education and techknowledgey and communications in the poor Nations of the Earth. Thus as I have said I shall escalated the punishment of the Nations for their sins of omission and the neglect of their God given responsibility to aid those fellow human beings that are in desperate need no matter the cause, double that with which I have thus far struck the Nations. Thus shall it also be that the guilty Nations of the war crimes against innocent civilians I shall strike in wrath and anger in death and destruction and a casting down of that Nation to the very dust of the ground those Nations shall not escape the full force of My wrath and anger. But in as far as the rest of the Nations of the Earth as said I would search out the Earth to see if there be but one righteous Nation of the Face of the Earth and as I said so I repeat have I done and found no righteous Nations no not one upon the face of the Earth thus it is by My Holy Laws and Commandments if this situation remains so then all the Nations to come before Me in Judgement are and shall be condemned to suffer everlasting punishment but if any shall before Judgment then they shall be accounted in My sight righteous and Holy and shall be by Me accounted blessed and shall prosper in all they do upon the face of the Earth to the glory of My Holy Name.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 28 August 2018


Thus saith the lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel unto thee as concerning the UK leaving the EU that the EU is far more afraid of a no deal Brexit than the UK is for many reasons the major being the membership fees that the UK pays to the EU the imports that Britain gets from the EU which is far more than the UK exports to the EU, UK Tourism which shall decrease if border and passport controls and other charges are put in place especially to Spain and the Mediterranean the tariffs generated by the UK trading with other Nations outside of the EU the loss to the EU's Job market of which many were employed by British firms because it cuts their wages bill. The EU never ever thought if Britain did vote to leave the EU it would get to the stage it’s reached. The EU has backed itself in a corner from which there is no escape except if the UK stays in the EU and never actually leaves the EU. The EU has and will use any and all means at its disposal to keep the UK in the EU without crossing the red Lines it set at the beginning of the negotiations and that means using scaremongering tactics from politicians the Business and Finance sectors UK remainers encouraging them to protest against Brexit encouraging sympathetic British Politicians and members of the Business sector who are in favour of the UK staying in the EU to champion a remain campaign to encourage the British electorate to overturn the Brexit vote that was in favour of the UK leaving the EU and getting full control of the country its laws its government its legal and Justice system and its destiny being free to trade with whom it wanted to and to negotiate deals with other Nations without the EU government forever Looking over the UK governments shoulder seek ever telling it what it could and could not do. What the EU is real afraid of is if the UK leaves the EU and becomes a self-sufficient prosperous sovereign Nation it once was others who are dissatisfied with the EU and the dictatorial way it oversees the member Nations governments and the running thereof some might follow the UK and leave. But is not only that, that the EU concerned about is after the UK has left the EU will suffer from a financial black hole from which it will never recover leading to the breaking up of the EU. The UK's survival therefore is not dependent on the UK staying in the EU it is the other way round as the past before the EU existed proves the British Empire was not built by a weak dependent people but by a strong determined Nation though in the end its over confidence in its own might lead to it down fall as will another Nation that is now falling even unto destruction and as said is like unto a bull being lead to the slaughter what should be asked who is holding the rope leading the bull to the slaughter house.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 27 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the only true living God even the Holy One of Israel and redeemer of mankind that for the institutional abuse of women and children especially Child Abuse there can be no mercy and no forgiveness from Me saith Lord God of creation not only because it is condemned by My Holy Moral Laws and My Commandments but also because there was no mercy shown to the victims of these crimes only can there be the full outpouring of My Wrath and anger and My condemnation descending on the perpetrators of these horrendous moral crimes. My Holy Law demand Justice and thus I say Justice shall be swiftly executed upon those in this life who have committed these crimes as it hath already been done in the life to come for they were Judged the verdict was given and punishment executed instantly upon them by their being cast into the bottomless pit and into the Lake of Fire that exists therein. But let Me make it crystal clear to all involved in the committing and covering up of these crimes the intuitions and the organizations they belong to that My Just Judgment shall be executed upon all of them past and present and even all who belonged to and who now belong to, who ran and still do run these institutions if when these crimes came to their attention sought cover them up and hide them from the sight of mankind for fear of the shame and rightful public condemnation and the shutting down of these intuitions and the criminal charges that would have been brought against those who ran these institutions and organizations instead of bringing them to the attention of the authorities sought to cover them up and the victims that survived left to suffer for the rest of their lives the consequences of their ordeals, but this I say though of little comfort in this life all of those involved in these crimes all of those guilty of committing these crimes and the covering up of them by those who ran these institutions and organization being as guilty as those who committed these crimes by being accessories after the fact as the court of mankind would put it who have passed from this life will suffer for their crimes for all eternity and that as it were is set in stone and those in this life all as I have afore said these wicked immoral criminals and the crimes they have and do commit are as guilty as those who committed these crimes by being accessories after the fact as the court of mankind would put it who have passed from this life will suffer for their crimes for all eternity and that as it were is set in stone and those in this life all as I have afore said these wicked crimes shall no longer dwell in darkness hidden but shall be brought out into the light as shall all of those who committed these crimes and those who covered and still cover them up they shall no longer remain hidden and I say there is as said I said afore for all of those involve in the crimes of child abuse and the abuse of women and the young there shall be no mercy and no forgiveness in this life and the life to come only a certainty of looking forward to the outpouring of My wrath and anger in Judgment descending up on them all in this Life and the Life here after.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 26 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God f Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel unto thee of the Nations as I have afore said and do vehemently repeat that in as far as the hidden things of darkness are concerned that I said that I shall bring out into the light even all the hidden things of the darkness of great wickedness immorality and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments that exists in all of the Nations of the Earth especial the abuse committed by the immorally wicked of mankind even against the children of the World that are most precious in My sight. Thus it is that the abuse of children in every way shape and form that is committed in all of this so called civilised society no matter the Nation is totally and utterly condemned by Me saith the Lord God of creation but more so do I condemn those who sexually abuse children whom shall be cast by Me saith the Holy One Of Israel cast into the deepest depths of the bottomless pit/hell. Though one point must be made and that is how can this present civilization the world over be called civilised if it treats its children, young and women in the way it does even as equally as it abuses the environment the seas and oceans and the creatures of the Earth? Even the majority of primitive civilizations of the past never treated their children and young in the same way this civilization does there were in the most of the past civilizations three respects respect for their children and young the elderly and all their environment and the creatures that lived therein except in extreme circumstances but in the main the application of those respects where strictly adhered to as can be seen in the recently discovered primitive tribes of the Amazonian Jungle. Only the most wicked of past empires and civilizations did commit such wickedness who were warned if they turned not from their great wickedness immorality and corruption that I would rain down upon them death and destruction causing them to fall even unto the dust of the ground who heeded not the warnings I gave them of which I did soon after cause their fall and destruction. To Me saith the Holy One of Israel the awareness of these and the past hidden things of darkness I have brought to light have galvanised various Nations into action in as far as the existence of this horrendous evil that has existed hidden from sight by the unwillingness of society to admit to its existence or lack of willingness to admit to its existence or the shame it produces and as thou doth say it hath caused it to be swept under the carpet and as thy say goes out of site out of mind. Thus in as far as the situation that now exists is concerned there is much talk much public speaking and a declaration of intent to deal with the immoral abuse of women children and the young with the utmost urgency bringing those who commit such crimes to justice is it as it hath been in the past all intentions and little or no action as one of thy saying goes the way to the place thou doth called hell is paved with good intention is this going to be the situation with all of those Nations and organization guilty of hiding those who committed these horrendous practices being full of good intentions yet ending up in the place I call sheol the bottomless pit and the lake of fire that dwells there in for be assured I shall not allow this to be dealt with as other similar crimes have been dealt with in the past for all the children and young of the Earth are most precious in My sight for of such is My Kingdom of the heaven of heavens for I will punish all of those who do commit such crimes against  children and the young and women but  those guilty after the fact of these crimes against children and the young I will indeed in this life and the next most severely punish but also I shall punish even those guilt after the fact who make declarations of intent bring to Justice those guilty of committing these crimes but do not put their declared intentions into practice. But on saying this on My Part I shall continue to bring to the light the hidden things of darkness for that which hath been thus far revealed is but the tip of a mountainous iceberg that would put the highest mountain on Earth to shame. But unto those who commit such crimes their place hath already been preserved in the deepest depth of the bottomless pit even the eternal lake of fire wherein the flames of punishment and torment go not out for these who commit such crimes there is no redemption no forgiveness for their crimes no matter how they do plead for it the heavens to them will be as brass and My ears shall be stopped up as their ears were to the please and cries not only of voice but of the heart of their victims. But in this life from now on these that I see committing those crime shall feel the full force of My vengeance descending upon them and no matter where they seek to hide on Earth there is no place hidden from My sight not only of the Earth but of the hearts and minds of all of mankind I see all and from Me nothing is hidden from My sight and there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed in the Judgment of all of Mankind.  Thus it shall be not only the person that commits these crimes I shall punish as but the village town or cities because of the shame it brings seek to hide it from public view causing these immoral criminals to escape Justice thus it shall be now those who seek to cover up these crimes and those who commit them shall have to answer to Me saith the Lord God of the Host of heaven now as it shall be with the village town or city that seek to cover up such crimes so shall it be with the Nations also for upon all of these shall descend My Full wrath and anger even to the extent of the whole Nation being punished that doth hide and not deal with these wicked immoral crimes and criminals in bringing them to justice once brought in to the light of day.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 25 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Jacob and Isaac

    Thus saith the Lord God unto the Nations of the Earth as I have thus begun to weigh the Nations of the Earth one by one especially all of the Mighty Nations in the balances of My Just Judgement so shall I continue to do so until all the Nations of the Earth have been by Me Judged unto perfection thus it is that any of the Nations thus Judged that shall be found wicked immoral corrupt and breakers of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be punished by  whirlwind and fire hurricanes and storms mountainous tidal waves and earth quakes volcanoes  and floods and the burning heat of the Sun. But I have refrained from punishing the Nation to the fullest extent of the fury of My Wrath and anger so that those of mankind who so desire to turn unto Me through the Eternal Passover Lamb forsaking all manner of immorality wickedness corruption to obey from the heart through faith in the eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah IMMANUEL, all of My Holy Laws and Commandments, can do so for as My Just Judgment is Holy and true so also am I merciful to the those who turn from their wicked corrupt immoral and evil ways and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments unto Me I will forgive them of all of their sins crimes transgression and iniquities. But if they refuse this final opportunity to avoid the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon them what of a certainty shall follow on thereafter is the full fury of My wrath and anger I shall not hold back nor refrain from punishing those who refuse to repent and turn unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even unto casting them down unto the dust of the ground physically for as I saith the Lord God created from the dust of the ground mankind so shall I return the guilty of the Nations that have broken all of My Holy Laws and commandments to the dust of the ground for it is so ordained as mankind hath been created from the dust of the ground so shall all of mankind according to the flesh by Me saith the Lord God returned to the dust of the ground physically and personality which is the soul of mankind unto the bottomless pit and sheol spiritually that which ye call hell. But now say I unto the unrepentant Nations not only shalt thou suffer from the disasters afore set down but that which is to follow on is that which I said in My Word shall befall the Nations who turn not from their Immorality Wickedness Iniquity and corruption even the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments when given the chance even those plagues diseases pestilences drought famine against which there shall be no defence and no relief for these plagues diseases pestilences of which the only comparison can be the plagues and disaster I sent upon the Egyptian Nation if they refused to let My People go though far worse shall these be for this civilization and generation, for these plagues diseases and pestilences shall befall all of the Nations that have heeded not My Word and turned not from their wicked immoral corrupt evil ways and all manner of iniquity to obey from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 24 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation who dwells on high in the heavens of Heavens who reigns over the whole of creation of which He commanded and it was so spoke and it came into being even all of the stars of the heavens the planets the galaxies and all the fabric of the material Universe. The Earth and the creatures that live and move and have their being on the surface thereof but last of all saith I unto thee the chief of My creation which was mankind created in Mine image to the glory of My Holy Name a reflection of My being to whom I gave dominion over the whole of My Creation and into whose hands the responsibility for care welfare and protection all the creatures of the earth and the seas and the skies and of all living thing on the face of the Earth the  environment the grass the trees the flowers and plants to tend and care for them especially in My garden of Eden the responsibility of which to this day is mankind’s and if mankind should neglected their responsibility then mankind will have to answer for their failure to meet the responsibility I gave to all of mankind in the beginning the fall did not absolve mankind of their responsibility towards the whole of My creation I placed in their hands. Thus did mankind fall from their first estate bring upon themselves and through them upon all of their descendants the sentence of everlasting death and to be cast out of Eden and from My presence to suffer for their sins the full sentence of death casting out of Eden yet did I have mercy upon mankind by providing by promise of a way whereby mankind could regain their fist estate through a promised redeemer revealed in the promise I gave that the seed of the of the woman should bruise the serpents head and seed of the serpent  should bruise his heel. Meaning that I would send a redeemer who would provide a way back to Me saith Holy One of Israel even He who was and is and ever shall be the eternal promised Passover Lamb that would become the supreme sacrifice on the altar of grace My unmerited loving kindness who would suffer the full punishment in the place of all of those who through Faith accepted Him as their Passover Lamb sacrifice for all of their sins crimes and transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments the punishment of which is the shedding of the blood of those found guilty of so doing.  For without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin thus the punishment for all sins transgressions and crimes in the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments is death everlasting which was first executed upon Adam and Eve and then upon all of their descendants because they disobey the first commandment I gave unto them not eat the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Which they did break thus resulting in their spiritual death and after a thousand and a half years their physical death. Thus corruption enters the World as did time because before then time existed not only eternity. Thus there is only one way back  unto Me saith the Holy One Israel the true and only living God and that way is the only true Messiah and none other. Thus I shall weight in the balance of My Just Judgment according to My Holy Word Law and Commandments all the Faiths of mankind and if I find them to be false faiths then they and their followers by Me shall be condemned and shall when they come before Me in Judgment be cast out and into the bottles pit forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 23 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus said I unto thee in times past times that I would bring to the light all the hidden things of the darkness of this World of which I have done and shall do at this time and shall continue so to do until not one iota remains hidden from the sight of the of all of mankind and all is revealed of the wickedness immorality and corruption and the Break of My Holy Laws Commandments nothing I say of the evil of this world shall remain hidden. All the wickedness, immorality, iniquity, corruption, the abuse of children not only physically nor mentally but the failing of parent to meet their God given responsibility toward their children not only to look after but to love care for protect and discipline them until their responsibility ends when they reach adulthood for then they become responsible adults, responsible for all of their Words thoughts and deeds before Me all the days of their life until they come before Me to be Judged. Not saying that the sins of their youth I shall pass by for all must bear responsibility for all of their own sins crime and transgressions that they commit throughout their life on earth and must suffer the punishment due for committing those sins, crimes and transgressions and for the breaking of any of My Holy Laws and commandments for be assured that none shall escape Judgment and if found guilty all must pay the price for their sins crimes and transgression and the breaking of any or all of My Holy Laws and commandments. Thus I shall bring out into the light all of  the abuse physically and mentally committed against men women and children in certain Government and private institutions throughout the Earth and all the neglecting of the homeless the widow the orphan the Elderly the sick and all that which the wealthy Nations seek to hide from public view that goes on behind the scenes spending billions on useless research projects that are of no practical benefit whilst their people suffer poverty homeless and destitution. Thus it is that I shall mainly bring out into the open and into the light the past and present practices of the various institutions that are set up to care for the young and the Old that instead of caring for them abuse them not only physically but mentally, but more so shall be brought out into the open and into the light the hidden wickedness evil abuse of all those who profess to be of Me but whose hearts are cesspits of all manner of iniquity great wickedness and perversion using their position to abuse children in secret whose hearts are as black as the deepest depth of the bottomless pit and whose hearts are as hard as the nether millstone and the stench of their corrupt, wicked, perverse, abusive and immoral souls reaches to the very heights of the Heaven of Heaven even My very throne thus provoking My wrath and anger to descend upon them thus say I to the whole of mankind that which hath thus far been brought out into the light of divine truth is still nought as to that which remains hidden especially the abuse of those children that are most precious in My sight that are suffering the world over not just hundreds not thousands but millions about an eighth of the Earths total population thus hath My cup of wrath and anger shall indeed descend upon these abuser of children and the young and all the those that wickedly abuse men women and children in any way whatsoever all of these wicked abusers of mankind upon the Earth that are hidden shall not remain so they shall all be brought out into the open and all of their sins and crimes shall be seen and revealed by all of mankind not onlt to their sham but there condemnation in not only facing the Justice of the courts of mankind but facing My wrath and anger that shall be out poured upon them for My cup of wrath and anger against these is filled to the brim and ready to be and shall be poured out upon them both in this life and when they come before Me for these there is only a certain looking unto being cast in to the bottomless pit forever for these there is no forgiveness no redemption I say again not one shall remain hidden all shall be brought out into the open for the cup of My vengeance hath been filled up to overflowing and shall be out poured upon them resulting in their being cast into the lake of fire that resides in sheol the bottomless pit/hell but not only against these shall My Wrath and anger descend but also against all of those who were aware of this plague ravaging the children and young of the Earth and did nought to bring it to the attention of the authorities so the guilty could be punished but kept it hidden from the sight of mankind which makes them as guilty as those who commit these atrocious acts of wickedness and shall but Me be equally punished. Thus that great and dreadful day of the Judging of the Nations hath come upon all the Nations of all of humanity that day of reckoning when all of mankind shall have to answer for all of their sins crimes and transgression both against others of mankind and also in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments all of mankind shall Judged weighed in My Balances and if found guilty of breaking any and all of My holy Laws and Commandments condemned and shall thereby be punished according to My Holy Laws and Commandments as are set down in My Word.

This the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 22 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee saith the Lord God of the whole of creation that in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned they were a none starter from the very beginning and have been an exercise in futility going round and round in circles and in effect getting nowhere and the cause the red lines set down by both sides beyond which neither side are and were willing to go. The Brexit negotiations should have begun with a clear feild  and no red lines beyond which either side could not venture  but on saying that both sides wanted their cake and eat it the for the  EU it was either keeping  the UK either within the EU which it still hopes it will and if not for the EU to come out of the Brexit negotiations smelling of roses having got the best of both worlds the backstop solution the UK's agreement to pay up to forty billion in exit fees with the European courts of Justice still having an influence in the affairs of the UK and keeping Gibraltar and Northern Island in the EU and the transition period with the possibility of it being extended if any complication arose on either side over the UK's final departure. Thus the UK also wanted its cake and eat it but not to the extent of the EU all the UK wanted was a progressive beneficial proactive trade deal why the EU said that the UK wanted its cake and eat with the red lines it put in place was its way of saying in no way was the UK ever going to get any sort of trade deal whilst reaming in the EU but still like the donkey with the carrot on a stick it has used the offer of a trade deal as a carrot to encourage the UK to give into the demands of the EU a trade deal that the EU as said intended never to give the UK which can be seen if anyone cares to look at the red lines set down at the beginning of the negotiations and the four principles of the single market and the customs Union of of which of which it states is one red line it will never cross or compromise on . Thus as I have said so have I done because the UK has stuck to the peoples referendum vote on leaving the EU but at the same time being generous to a fault in seeking to come to an agreement with the EU on beneficial trade deal that would enhance future cooperation between the EU and the UK after the UK left I have cause as I said I would prosperity to befall this Nation in as far as global trade was and is concerned. That no matter what the deal if any at all with the EU after the UK leaves it will becomes one of the most prosperous wealthy Global trading Nations of the World and it would be in the EU's interest to cooperate with the UK in as far as trade finance and industry is concerned for Britain would be to the EU a stepping stone to global trading prosperity for if the one thing the UK is good at and that is Global Trading with the Worlds trading Nations and being one of the foremost charitable Nations in providing aid and assistance to other Nations in poverty and distress thus say I what a Nation gives freely to those Nations suffering from major disasters and to the poor down trodden war ridden Nations of the Earth I will return unto them tenfold in prosperity peace and health and welfare especially in as far as the children and the youth of that Nation  that Nation shall I watch over and protect from all harm and alarm and whatsoever plague and drought and famine and pestilence and disasters befall others Nation they shall not come near unto those Nations which are under My protection and  of which are surrounded about with My presence.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 21 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee at this time for the iniquities of one and for the iniquities of two as I said so have I begun to Judge the whole of the Northern and Southern American Continents even as I said I would from the Barents sea to Cape Horn so shall they all be Judged weighed in the balances of My Just Judgement and if found guilty of all manner of wickedness corruption and immorality they by Me shall be punished and shall fall even unto the very dust of the ground for one Nation and for two Nations and for four more shall their governments for their corruption iniquity and great wickedness that shall be revealed shall they not escape the full punishment of My wrath and anger descending upon them for all of their crimes against their people and in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus is it no matter who they seek to blame for the situation their countries are in they are alone guilty and shall be Judge and Condemned as such for there is nothing hidden in as far as these corrupt governments are concerned that shall not be revealed. I have and am still after Judging and finding all the Nations of the Northern and Southern American Continents guilty of all manner of wickedness iniquity immorality the cruel treatment of the poor and down trodden of their Nations their treatment of their sick their disabled and elderly and their wasting of billions of money to fund useless projects of no practical value instead of feeding poor healing the sick giving homes to the homeless finding homes and families for the orphans meeting the needs of the needy the elderly and the infirmed and bed ridden and the starving of the poor Nations of the Earth wallowing in the lap of luxury whilst other suffer; have punished them and still am punishing a hard hearted unbelieving rebellious Nations and it shall continue either until those Nations do turn and repent of all of their wicked crimes sins and transgressions or go down to the dust of the ground to be no more to these I say thou so far hath had but a foretaste of My Wrath and anger death and destruction which is nought compare to that which is to come and descend upon all of thy Nations if they turn not for all of their wickedness iniquity immorality and in as far as the governments thereof of their corrupt and wicked ways how did I say how are those who seek to deceive others are deceived themselves into believing that there would not be a day or reckoning to come upon the Earth well that day hath now come not upon the Nations of the Northern and Southern American Continents only but upon every tribe and Nation peoples tongue and cultures of all of the Earth. Yea indeed I say unto all of the Nations of the Earth the long dreaded day for all of the wicked of the Earth that day of reckoning no  longer is a far off but near at hand eve at the door when all of mankind shall have to answer for their life on Earth and if found wanting when thus Judge by Me cast into the bottomless pit and flames of the Lake f fire of everlasting  torment that lies therein wherein the flames go not out for all eternity and if found guiltless holy and righteous in My sight through faith in the blood of the true and only Passover Lamb eve the Messiah shall be lead into My Heavenly Kingdom to receive the Just reward of their promised inheritance.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet off the Lord

Monday 20 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord of God of the whole of creation blessings where blessings are due mercy where mercy is due forgiveness where forgiveness is due and Just Judgment where Just Judgment is due to descend upon any and all of mankind and the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is that salvation is given to those who come before Me in deep humility repenting of their sins crimes and transgressions not only in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws Commandments, but crimes, sins and transgression committed against others no matter who they are friend or foe family or stranger and that must be through Faith in the shed blood of the only true Eternal Passover Lamb of God the Messiah IMMANUEL for it is if any of mankind is redeemed by Faith in Him then not only do they become Holy Pure and righteous in My sight but are able to obey unto perfection all of My Holy Laws and commandments and to dwell in My presence for ever both upon the Earth and in the life and in the Next before My throne forever for as soon as a person is redeemed through the Blood of the eternal Passover Lamb to them is given immediately total and utter forgiveness of all sins, crimes and transgression in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments according as is set down in My Word but also everlasting life that is those who in truth and in spirit truly repent of all of their crimes, sins and transgressions through Faith in the Messiah shall be brought from death spiritual to life eternal. But those I say of mankind who turn and repent not then there is but only the short span of thy life to Live before Judgment Day. But in as far as the rich and powerful in this life as said My Word it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that those who are rich and powerful in this World to enter My Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens. For the unrepentant and the rich and powerful at life’s end once the angel of death claims thee then only Judgment for thee awaits and thus it applies to the rich and power full Nations as well who do not use their wealth for the benefit of other Nations not only thy excess but of thy necessity for what ye give to the poor and down trodden the sick the disable the homeless the elderly the orphan and the poor starving drough famine and war ridden of the Nations of Earth in this life thou shalt receive tenfold not only in this life but in the life to come especially if redeemed according to the true and only Faith as set down in whole of My Word through the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb the  Messiah as I am the one and only true eternal infinite Living God there is no other so also is My Word and must be treated and believed in as such. In the Judging of the Nations one follows another and if found guilty of the crimes, sins and transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandment so shall be punished accordingly even unto perfection. Thus far those Nations that have been found guilty of Breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments have in part been punish but there is one that soon shall cease to exist from the face of the Earth and better it would be if they fled that Nation before the full fury of My Wrath and anger strikes. Island of the seas and oceans I raise up and also Islands I cast down to sink beneath the waves to be no more and so it hath been from the beginning of creation and so shall it continue by those means I have so ordained to come to pass.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 19 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Israel and of all of those of mankind who believe in and follow in the footsteps of the only true Messiah the Eternal Passover Lamb of God IMMANUEL who gave HIs life for all of His people throughout all of the ages even of every Land tribe and Nation so that they may be redeemed and dwell with Him in the heaven of heavens for ever after Judgement day when all of mankind shall be Judge by Me saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and as it were the sheep shall be separated from the goats the righteous from the unrighteous the upright from the fallen not only of mankind but of the heavens and heaven of heavens of those that are destined to inherit My Kingdom and those who are destined to inherit the bottomless pit and to be cast therein even in to the lake of fire where the flames of torment go not out forever. Therein shall all of those who for their breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments great wickedness iniquity and immorality are to suffer eternal punishment wherein also is the adversary and his followers to be cast therein for all eternity. Unlike the prisons of mankind there is no reprieve no release no parole the sentences of those who have been sentenced to be cast therein being banished from My Kingdom for the breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and for great wickedness iniquity and immorality and for original sin for their treatment of fellow human beings of the creatures of the Earth of every kind under the Sun and their destruction and pollution of the Earth’s environment upon the Earth in the oceans and seas and around the Earth and outside of Earth atmoshphere shall be forever. Thus say I at this time how are mighty to fall even down unto the pit and sheol/hell even now at this time by the striking of My swift and terrible sharp sword wielded by He who hath been chosen to wield it and hath be commanded to go forth and strike those Nation so Judged and those Nations to be Judge and if found guilty punished according to My Holy Law and Commandments even to strike all of the Mighty Nations of the Earth. But down unto destruction goes one mighty Nation with a Nation following closely at its heels and there after once this mighty Nation and the Nation following hath fallen so shall another mighty Nation follow on after walking in the same footstep as the one gone on before. But for those in the middle East afore time Judged found guilty of crimes against innocent men women and children even the murdering of them and condemned by Me for their crimes and warned of the out pouring of My wrath and anger to descend upon them at a time so appointed by Me thus has it been that I held back until their cup of My wrath and anger saith the Lord God of the Host of the heaven of heavens  was filled up to the brim for all of their crimes against their own and other peoples which now being filled up to overflowing shall be poured out upon their heads until the full requirements of My Laws and Commandments in punishment for their crimes hath been met of which shall result in their death and destruction until not one remains upon the face of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time saith the Lord God of the creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that dwell upon the face of the Earth and the creatures thereof how are the Mighty Nations of the Earth to be cast down by Mine own Hand wielding the swift terrible sharp sword of My vengeance even that might one the modern Babylon the Great known by another Name the stench of whose crimes transgression and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and sins rises up into My very nostrils. The crimes of the conquest of and the of treatment of a Native peoples which inhabited and owned the lands that now this Mighty Modern Babylon possesses, this Mighty Nation this Modern Babylon that is to fall and great shall be the fall there of a great shall be mourned by the Nations of the Earth at its passing never again to rise from its ashes. For I have Judged her uncovered all her transgression I have search this one out unto perfect to see if there can be found in her any that are righteous that follow not after false faiths that are not the true and only Faith who bow not down unto false gods and idols which are no gods but the creations of mankind’s vain imaginations and practice all manner of abominations whose crimes and transgressions and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments are without number a Nation guilty of racism towards many of its ethnic communities especially at this time even unto the very heights of its Government and unto every aspect of its security forces. That once enslaved peoples of another continent who committed unforgivable crimes against those who once posses the  land before it as hath been done by another Nation to it aboriginal natives that is now in part suffering from the out pouring of My wrath and anger for all the crimes it has committed in the past. Thus far have I poured out My wrath and anger death and destruction on this Mighty Nation this Modern Babylon and yet it considers not the disasters previously befalling it as an out pouring of My wrath and anger but attributes it to a creation of their own and their scientist theories and vain imaginings claiming as the culprit for these disasters on that with they call Nature that exist not nor ever shall for it is I who govern all of creation from the tiniest nuclear particle to the orbits of the planets and the death and birth of stars to the spiral rota ion of Galaxies and unto ever iota of the whole of Universe ever planet star comet asteroid ever galaxy ever particle of matter by Me hath been created and is known by me for with Me saith the Lord God of creation nothing can exist that doth exist and all of mankind every creature and all of the Universe in Me Lives and moves and has its being and from Me cometh into existence every creature in the Universe and every creature comes into and passes from existence at My command existence in all of the Universe. Men and women when they come together to bear children are procreators with Me but I am the origin of all life. Thus it is saith the Lord God that I am the ruler and creator of all that is was and ever shall be that the Messiah Love and is the one who did Love and does Love all of My People everywhere so much so that He gave His life for them and for them was resurrected from the dead and Roach Hakodesh whom thou call the Holy Spirit is He who works out My Will and purposes on the whole of the Earth and in all of creation according to My Will.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 17 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel the redeemer and saviour of mankind throughout all lands peoples and Nations unto thee at this time in as fa as Brexit is concerned I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation say that there is indeed no way that the UK can ever again be a member of the EU as it was before and if it does seek to return to the EU it will be the bigest mistake the UK and this Nation could ever make for the tems and condition for returning to the EU would mean that the UK would have to never again seek to leave the EU and would forever be bound by its rules and regulations in other words the EU would seek to humiliate the UK for even considering leaving the EU and then the question of the Norther Irelands independence from the rest of Ireland would brought into question would it not be that the reunification of Norther and Southern Ireland would be one of the conditions of rejoining the EU as a full member having the full benifits of membership along with Gibralter being returned to Spain of which both Nations have sought to accomplish with the backing of the EU in the Brexit negotiations without a humilating capitualation on the part of the UK admiting its mistake on seek separation from the EU and the conditions above would they not be some of the conditions for the  EU to even consider re-admitance of the UK to the EU especialy the single marked and the customs union and the European Courts of Justice which would then hold sway over whole of the United Kingdom and there is the question of the commonwealth and what would its trading relation ship be with the EU and the UK after the Brexit negotiations have compelted and the UK has left the EU. Now the pocess of leaving hath begun as said reversal of Brexit would be a humiliating defeat for the Uk and its people. Therefore as the course now in as far as Brexit is concened hath been set cut and dried leaving is the only remaining option for the UK and none other but still the EU will seek to use the Irish boarder question as a means to reunite Northern and Southern Ireland and Gibraltar and Spain as hath Southern Ireland and Spain have sought by various means so to do. In as far as Parliaments Brexit Deal Vote is concerned this was the peoples vote ratified by an act of parliament and as the MP's are elected to govern on the part of and for the benifit of the British Public then it is imperative that they fulfill their sworn duty to respect and carry out the wished of the British people as per the refurendum vote and any deviation by any MP should but will not warrant their deselection to stand to be re-elected as MP's to Govern this great Nation on behalf of its people. But is now nolonger the peoples Brexit having een hijack by the Buisness and Finance sectores nolonger is it Britian regaining its sovereignty and getin free from EU dominance over ever aspect of British Life f Parliament being able to make its own Laws without interference from Brussels to freely trade the World over for the UK to get controle back of its education services and heath sector of being free from ever havin to contribute billions to the EU that could be used for the health and wealfare of the British People to regain the freedom won by Elizabeth the first when she took the throne and stood up to the Spainish court and defeated its Armada with My Help saith the Lord God andfrom then on all who followed in her footsetps of Oliver Comwell of Disraely of Weligton and Lord Nelson and of Chrurchhill and many others that have fought for and to keep this Nation its Islands and its people free from the conquest and dominence of other Nations. Brexit is not about trade and industry its about its people and the freedom of this Unied Kingdom to rule itself without outside interference. This Nation has and has had two Great Queens that have throughout their live dedicated themselves to the sevice of their people and their Nation without any thought for themselves first to gain fully this Nations freedom and to keep it free and to keep together the former British Colonies in a commonwealth of Nations and the latter secretly working irelessly behind the sceense for the benifit and prosperity and welfare of her Nation and the her People.

This is the Word of the Lor God unto thee

rom the propfit of the Lord

Thursday 16 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee even at this time as afore said the Heaven of Heavens are My throne and before that throne in the heaven of heavens before Me eternal in the heaven of heaven even My Kingdom are all the hosts of the heaven of heavens and all of those who belong unto Me from every generation even all of those that have gone on before all of those upon the Earth of every land people and Nation who now belong unto Me and those who are to become of Me through the blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL for all peoples of every land and Nation upon the face are equal in My sight for in the heaven of heavens there is but one Nation and that is My Nation and one Kingdom and that is My Kingdom and one people My people and one creed of Faith MY Faith and  My Holy Laws and commandments that shall be obeyed perfectly and willingly but not by force in the heaven of heavens accord unto My Will and purposes as hath so been ordained from the beginning in all eternity. As I have said so have I done upon the face of the Earth and as I have said afore as concerning the Judging of the Nations so shall it continue to come to pass and nothing shall halt or hinder it until all hath been completely fulfilled even the fall of the Might Nations of the Earth that races towards their own destruction and another follows closely on the heels of their demise and is already falling not a mighty Nation but still the leader thereof who considers it so being proud and arrogant who by deception engineered his rise to become the popular ruler of his Nation who is in all but Name its Dictator and will in no way relinquish his hold on power though seemingly to allow democratic elections yet they shall they be democratic in name only. Better it is for those who are the partakers of this trade war that now exists with this Mighty Nation the one first to fall, to withdraw from this war completely for there are no winners in war only losers and in as far as this war is concerned in the end it shall be that only one that shall suffer there from and that shall be the instigator of it the Mighty Nation that is to fall and as concerning this Mighty Nation which is likened unto a sheep being lead to the slaughter what must be asked who is the one holding the rope that is leading this sheep to the slaughter. Though to the leader of another Nation whose stench of wickedness and cruelty and the slaughtering of his own people rises to the heaven of heavens thy Just Judgment draws nigh when thou art to come before Me in Judgment for all of thy crimes in the breaking of all of My Holy Commandments and Laws and thine aggressive actions taken against My People and  slaughtering of all the innocent men women and children of thy Nation think ye that thou hast escaped Judgment nay not so for if it was that I allowed thee to continue upon the face of the Earth for a time then it is was for a purpose for all things work together for good and for the glory of My Holy Name and as I am infinite in all of My being so also MY patience is infinite knowing the span of thy life before thou was brought into existence for as My Word says it is appointed for all of mankind once to die and then to come before Me in Judgment and this say I saith the Lord God as it hath so been ordained from the beginning so shall it come to pass especially casting into sheol/hell all the wicked and immoral and the breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandment after being found guilty as thou wouldst say it  being proven guilty as charged.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 15 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord of the Hosts of Heavens creator of all that is was and ever shall be who speaks and is so an commands and it comes to pass the heaven of heavens is even My Kingdom where therein is My Throne and the Earth is My footstool I have said afore and so say I unto the whole of Mankind that which hath been ordained from before I created the heavens and the Earth where My perfect plan for all of creation was laid out and set in motion and as thou sayest it as it were set in stone and carried out unto infinite perfection when at My Command the Heavens and the Earth were brought into existence and upon which as I so commanded the earth to bring forth the plants and trees and all the herbs of the field came into existence as also were the creatures of Land seas and air bought into existence by Me an as it were with the creatures of land sea and air so was t with the chief of My creation formed from the dust of the ground by Me even according to the flesh whose personality was created in Mine own image that of mind emotions and will yet one indivisible whole who then being deceived fell from their first estate and were banished from My Garden and My Kingdom and given the promise of the coming of one who would restore many of mankind to their first estate and the rest cast down unto sheol forever. Thus it is for this reason give I this what ye call narrative of creation of the heaven and  the Earth the creatures of the Earth and of the creation of mankind and their fall and banishment thereof from My presence and My Kingdom, even to set before thee that the Land of Promise and the City of Jerusalem are Mine and those to whom I have given it by Promise even unto Abraham and his descendants forever it belongs alone unto the children of promise even the descendants of Abraham and none other and there never ever again from this time forth any that shall posses the Land of Promise but the descendants of Abraham and though ten thousand times ten thousand, thousand come up to take it from them they shall never ever do so for whomsoever fights against Israel fights against Me saith the Lord God of Israel and whomsoever no matter the multitude, fights against Me shall face defeat at My Hand they shall be cast down to the dust of the earth they shall never ever again exist on the face of the Earth but shall indeed be cast into sheol and the pit /hell forever. Thus say I the only way to peace with Israel and with all Nations is to make peace with Me saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heaven of Heavens for if all upon the face of the Earth make and are at peace with Me how can they then fight against each other.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 14 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel creator and redeemer of all of those of mankind that belong unto Me out of every tribe land and Nation that have been redeemed by the blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb poured forth, the only cleansing flow that can alone cleans mankind from all sins and transgressions even when found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by Me when forgiveness is sought for in truth and in spirit through Faith in the Eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah it shall be given. But say I this once anyone who hath repented and by Faith is forgiven for all sins and transgressions through the blood of the Lamb the Messiah if then anyone returns back unto their former ways of sins, transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments then for them there is only one destination set and that is in Judgment condemned totally and utterly and then to be cast into the bottomless pit/hell for all eternity without reprieve this though say I those who stray far from Me I as a good shepherd shall I seek them out and bring them back to My fold rejoicing but there is a vast difference between those who stray for these are lead astray by the adversary being weak in the faith but those who fall are those who are twice dead plucked up by the roots ready to be cast into the everlasting flames of the lake of fire that is in the bottomless pit. But those who do by Faith in the Messiah persevere until the end these shall indeed inherit the New Earth and the Kingdom of heaven for behold all things shall be made anew after the passing away of the old heavens and the old Earth. There shall be in the New Heavens and on the New Earth no evil wickedness, corruption, death, disease, poverty, sickness nor all the evils of the old Earth shall ever exist. wherein a child shall be older that the oldest human being that ever existed on the old Earth and when after reaching maturity shall live forever and the commandment given before mankind fell shall be obeyed unto perfection even as I said then go forth be fruitful and multiply and fill the whole of My creation with thine offspring. But now at this time and in this age shall be fulfilled all that which was prophesied by the prophets of old and not one prophesy and not one revelation as concerning these days and the days to come shall remain unfulfilled for all things must be fulfilled even all of the Law and the prophets every jot and title of the Law and every revelation as concerning this age and time revealed by the prophets as shall all of that which hath been revealed as concerning My people Israel and the Land of promise the rebuilding of the House to My Name and the cleaning thereof unto perfection. The Heaven and the Earth shall pass away before My Word shall pass away and remain unfulfilled.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 13 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation the end of a Mighty Nation draws nearer and nearer step by step deal by deal offense by a offence; for as My Word says offences shall come but woe betide those by whom they come; leading to repercussions from those offended and from those suffering at the hands of this one from bad trade deals excessive import duties beyond reason to whom should be said of this mighty Nation Judge not least ye shall be Judged for with the same measure ye judge others so shall ye be Judged for thy past sins and crimes against other Nations in secret and in the open for thou sayest thy Nation has been robbed by many a Nation in the past but how many Nations hast thy Nation robbed other Nations of not only their wealth but their people and how many Nations and peoples hast  thou abandoned leaving them to the mercy of cruel tyrannical dictators not that thou could not have help them but thy Nation did not want get involved least ye be dragged into a civil war. Sooner or later it was that thy Nation would have to answer for all of thy crimes sins and transgression not only against others but also against Me, I said sooner or later but now because of thy recent actions and arrogance the World over sooner now will be applied unto thee O Mighty Nation of the Earth rather than later. Do as My Word says saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven unto other Nations as ye would have done unto thine own Nation least the rest of the Nations of the Earth turn on thee and rend thy Nation to pieces. Judgement within by Me saith the Lord God and Judgment from without by the Nations of the Earth for thee the destination of the path thou art upon leads to the Isolation of thy Nation by the Global trading Nations of the Earth and also from the other Mighty Nations of the Earth that seek the means to bring thee crashing down to the dust of the Ground but it is not by their hand shalt thou fall saith the Lord God of Hosts but by the striking of My Terrible Swift sharp Sword of Vengeance for say I unto thee Mighty Nation thou art likened unto a Bull being lead to the slaughter but look I say unto the one holding the rope that is leading thy Nation to the slaughter even thy downfall. Read in My Word of Abraham and his defeat and slaughter of the Kings in the valley of Shaveh who was met by Melchizedek King of Salem city of peace on the plains of Mamre afterwards. As was then so is it now many Nations there are now that follow after the ways of cities of the plains of Sodom and Gomorrah and as I did with those cities so shall I do with the Cities of the Nations I did promise not to flood the Earth ever again and so hath it been and so shall it be until the end of the ages but I did not promise ever again not to do what I did unto the cities of the plains and as I so Judged them so shall I Judge all the Cities of the Nations of the Earth and if there be but a few righteous souls within a City I shall not punish that City but shall be merciful unto it but if there be no righteous souls within a City then as I punished Sodom and Gomorrah so shall I punish all the Cities of the Earth for the great wickedness immorality and disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as I said as it hath begun so shall it continue even My Judging of all the Nations of the Earth and words of comfort and joy will not return unto the Earth until the Judging of the Nations hath been completed.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 12 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the Lord God of the whole of creation thus it is for the great wickedness, immorality and corruption and of breaking all of My Most Holy Commandments and Laws especially My Moral Laws by the Nations that I have Judged the Nations and in Judgment having been found guilty  have I punished the Nations with the disaster they have been struck with but yet they blame these disaster so striking them on the extremes of Nature; that same Nature which is a part of My creation and at My command; and not on My Judging of them for their great wickedness immorality and corruption. Thou has stopped up thine ears to My Word of warning and blinded thine eyes to the truth that is before thy face as said afore no more shalt thou be warned when My Swift and Terrible Sharp Sword of My vengeance shall in wrath and anger be by Me Commanded to strike those Nations I so Judge to be guilty of all manner of wickedness, immorality, corruption pollution of the environment and mistreatment of the creatures of the Earth even of the inhumanity of a Nation towards its own people by the Government of that Nation in any way shape or form that in Me there is only order and there is no confusion so shall the Judging of the Nations be in the order I have so decreed from the very beginning from the rich and powerful and those who hold high office down to the lowliest of the land shall all in that Nation be Judged and if found guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments so shall they be punished thus Judgment begins with the government of a Nation so Judged and if found guilty of breaking the least of My commandments and Laws shall be punished according to the punishment set down in My Word. Therefore as corruption is rife in all the Governments of all the Nations of the Earth so shall all the Governments of the Nations be Judged and when if found guilty punished according to THAT WHICH IS SET DOWN IN MY HOLY COMMANDMENTS AND LAWS REVEALED IN MY WRITTEN WORD. But I shall not Judge by the sight of Mine Eyes nor the hearing of My ears but in righteousness shall I Judge all the Nations of the Earth unto perfection for all the secret places of the hearts of mankind cannot be hidden from Me there is nothing hidden that cannot be by Me revealed and bought out into the open even all the secret places of the darkness and wickedness of the hearts of mankind shall not remain hidden but be brought out into the light of truth to be seen by all. Thus shall the Judging of a Nation begin with the Governments of the Nations along with the rich and powerful these shall be the first to be Judge and if found guilty the first to fall down even unto sheol/hell and the bottomless pit forever along with the adversary and his followers.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 11 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation the sooner the better it would be for the UK to accept that there is going to be a hard no deal Brexit and be prepared for it to happen the negotiations with the EU on the Brexit process in as far as a trade and finance deal is concerned has been a waste of time and effort right from the start as the EU set down its red lines beyond which it will not and cannot go especially in as far as trade and finance were and are  concerned it said when the Brexit process and the negotiations on the UK leaving the EU began that the UK could not cherry pick as it put it and if the UK had been adamant on its red lines beyond which it would not go then the negotiations in as far as Brexit was concerned would have been short and sweet for the two no go areas of the these negotiations are on the EU's side its four freedoms policy on trade and finance meaning membership of the single market and the customs union and the oversight of the EU courts of Justice and on the United Kingdom’s side that it would in no way relinquish any part of the United Kingdom for any reason whatsoever especially in the negotiations for a trade and finance deal were concerned example reunification of Northern and Southern Ireland so that a free open border could exist between the two and the good Friday agreement could continue and there could exist between Spain and Gibraltar if it remain in the EU an open border effectively being separated from the UK and returned to Spain as also would it be with Ireland. But if the UK agreed to Northern Ireland and Gibraltar remaining in the EU where would it leave the UK still outside of the EU after Brexit and the EU still insisting on its four freedoms policy which if the UK will not agree to them then a trade deal with the EU  would and is definitely off the table. The point is that unless the UK remains a member of the single market and customs union adhering to the four freedoms of the EU there can be no trade and finance deal and that means the whole of the UK not just two parts of it which would mean that effectively the UK remaining in the EU. But as said if the UK agreed to Northern Ireland and Gibraltar remaining in the EU the UK still could have a trade deal with the EU. The bottom line is that unless the UK remains in the EU there can be no trade and finance deal with the EU and there is no way of negotiating round these two red lines unless not one side both sides are willing to compromise and in as far as that is concerned even if both sides are willing to compromise there is little or no room for compromise. So you see that no matter what each sides tries to do to come to an agreement unless the UK is willing to break up the UK and the EU forget its four freedoms policy the Brexit destination has been cut and dried from the very beginning, a hard no deal Brexit.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord God

Friday 10 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The freedom to choose is a basic human right given to mankind upon their creation from the dust of the ground physically but spiritual in Mine own Image which is seen in the personality of every human being upon Earth and as I AM so was Mine image in mankind created even with the freedom of choice of which mankind calls free will. Mankind in Adam and Eve was given the choice of obedience or disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments the one time mankind was truly given freedom of choice even to obey or disobey the very first commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil on pain of death spiritual and eventually physical, the pivotal point in human history that would determine the course humanity was to take for the rest of their existence from the beginning and end of time even until Judgment Day. For until they fell and through them the whole of humanity, time existed not and began when they fell and were cast out of Eden and time will end with Judgment day when all of humanity past present and future comes before Me saith the Holy One of Israel to be Judged when the heavens and the Earth are rolled up as a scroll is rolled upon and cast into the fire be burn and as a new scroll is rolled out ready to be written thereon so shall the New heavens and new Earth be brought into existence wherein time exists not for of the New Heavens and the New Earth there will only be a beginning and no end wherein death and corruption wickedness and immorality exist not and humanity shall exist forever in the state they were originally created before they fell the difference being that My will in all of the heavens and upon the New Earth shall be done willingly as it is throughout all of My Kingdom. But who are these who are upon the new Earth all of those who choose by faith to believe in the only true Messiah the true and only Passover Lamb of God both man and God whom I AM and was will to be sacrificed upon the altar of grace for all of My peoples sins, transgression and crimes and after My sacrifice was accepted I arose and ascended to the heaven of heavens to sit at the right of My Father and their Father until the creation of the New Heavens and the New Earth where created when the heavenly Jerusalem is to descend to the Earth along with all of those who believed in Me where upon the throne of David I shall reign forever and ever. But to quieten the clamour did I not say who hath seen Me hath seen the Father and that I and My Father are One as is Roach Hakodesh the three in one true eternal God redeemer and Saviour of all of the Holy People even all of those who truly believe in and do follow the true and only Messiah even I AM THAT I AM and this is Mine image which I created mankind in even the personality of mankind, Mind, Emotions and will the Mind is the image of the Father the Emotions the Son who loved His people so much so that He took their place in Judgment and the Will Roach Hakodesh He who carries out the Will of Father and Son in all of the Earth. But as concerning the freedom of choice given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden mankind all are given but one choice in all of their lives on Earth to either to believe by Faith in the true Messiah and to repent seek forgiveness and redemption through the blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb and then obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as are set down in My Word throughout their lives on Earth according to My Will willingly as it so done in My Kingdom of Heaven so it shall be done upon the Earth and then at the end to enter My Kingdom of Heaven forever for My Kingdom shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas and oceans of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 9 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee even the only true redeemer and saviour THE I AM TAHAT I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA concerning the Judging of the Nations one by one and that which thus far hath been fulfilled in as far as the outpouring out of My wrath and anger upon the Nations of the Earth thus said I that I would Judge the Nations and weigh them in My balances of true Justice and if found guilty of great wickedness immorality and the breaking of and disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments I would punish those Nations as required by My Holy Laws and Commandments one by one and so it hath come to pass and so shall it continue to be accomplished especially at this time upon those Nations that have been Judged the verdict given and the sentence past out and the punishment due being applied thus said I that the whole of the Nations shall be Judged one at a time and so it hath come to pass the punishment for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments is being applied and shall continue to be applied until all of those Nations that have been Judged found guilty and sentenced and the punishment completed even according to My Word but not just a part of the Nations thus Judged that punishment shall be applied but to the whole of the Nation thus Judged shall be punished be carried out for it is not Just one part of a Nation that is guilty but the whole of the Nation is guilty as a Nation of the breaking of all of My Laws and commandments of great wickedness immorality of greed murder lies the abandoning of the responsibility of the Nations to care for their homeless their sick their elderly and their orphans as they should and as I required for them so to do also the pollution of My Creation of corruption that exists in the governments of the Nations of the inhumanity of mankind towards each other the abuses committed against children the perpetrators that have by thy Laws been found guilty yet have not been punished as they should have been but who have yet to face Me in Judgment and they should be sore afraid for as said all children are most precious in My sight for of such is the My Kingdom of Heaven I said I would be Merciful to the merciful but these shall be cast into the deepest depths of sheol/hell to suffer the extreme torment forever. Therefore as a criminal that is Judge and hath been found guilty of a crime in thy courts is punished according to thy Laws so Must the Nations if found guilty of breaking My Laws must also be punished according to My Laws and Commandments and it is that I am a Just and merciful God that if a Nation being found guilty of breaking My Most Holy Laws and Commandments even My Holy Covenant if that Nation as a Nation comes humbly before Me seeking in all sincerity and truth forgiveness and repents from break My Holy Laws and Commandment to obey them as a Nation then it is as I am merciful so shall I be merciful unto those Nations and shall forgive them of all of their sins and crimes in the breaking of and disobedience of all My Laws and Commandments they shall become Holy and Righteous in My sight but this I do say as a warning if a Nation seeking forgiveness is forgiven and all sins and crimes forgiven and passed into the land of forgetfulness and counted in My sight Holy and Righteous if they should return unto their former ways of sinfulness criminality immorality and wickedness and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments then for that people and that Nation there shall be no forgiveness only a certain looking forward unto the final Judgment when all the wicked are cast into the bottomless pit where in is the lake of the fire of everlasting torment and as they have so treated Me so shall I rain down upon their heads My Most terrible wrath and anger unto their destruction and their passing from the face of the Earth forever. But of the those Nations that are unrepentant wicked unrighteous sinners and criminals breaking of and disobeying of all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments these shall be weighted in the balances of My Just Judgment and if found wanting or as thou sayest it guilty of all they are accused of shall be punished one by one even according to My Holy Laws and Commandments of which in My Word the sentence thereof is revealed and declared and shall be applied unto perfection.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 8 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Host even the Hosts of the heaven of heavens of which My Command unto them goes forth for them to ready themselves for battle and for them to be positioned into ranks and to await the Captain of the Lord hosts even the armies of the Heaven of Heavens to lead them into battle against all of the enemies of Israel even My People saith He who is the first and the last the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end of all that is was and shall be upon the Earth. Yet do I call out to the Captain of My Host saith the Lord God of Israel get thyself and the hosts of heaven ready for battle but hold back until all the Nations of the Earth have been Judged the verdict given and their punishment is decreed let punishment be completed and where blessing is awarded let blessings be given. But still wait until all the enemies of My People are gathered on the plain give them time to ready themselves for battle and let them come forth even until they reach the very borders of the Land of Promise and then command the Host of Heaven into battle against the armies of the Nations that have come up against My people and Land of Promise and even against My People Israel. For as hath been decreed in My Word saith the Lord God of Host so shall all be accomplished at the time and place decreed and none shall hinder or halt its coming or the end result thereof. For whomsoever doth come up against My People to destroy them and scatter them abroad doth come up against Me saith the Holy One of Israel and whomsoever doth come up against Me shall not and cannot stand but yet let it be known that as I so said unto all the prophets of old to whom I did reveal to them the coming of this day of Battles the details thereof to be held back until that day approaches and yea is even at the door. Mourn O ye Nations of the Earth Mourn for the fallen that are to fall in that day for all that do go up to the plains of Battle shall not return no not one shall remain to bear witness to the destruction of the armies of the Nations of the Earth that are to come up unto that place.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 7 August 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God f the Host of the Heaven of Heavens unto thee at this time in as far as the troubles now facing the whole of mankind that these will not diminish but escalate in conjunction with the level of mankind’s wickedness Immorality disobedience to and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and of mankind’s persistent cruelty the creatures of My creation that inhabit the Earth and the Environmental pollution that despite the call for mankind to reduce pollution it hath increased to such a level now that to reverse the effects thereof will take many generations of humanity to even touch the surface in reducing the level of pollution. Now and in the future not only will the outpouring of My wrath and anger cause the down Fall of many Nations but also the effects of the pollution created by mankind of the land seas and oceans will soon begin begin to affect the whole of humanity in fact it is already to a certain extent already beginning to do so. As will also the pollution caused by mankind of the orbit of the Earth begin to affect the environment of the Earth not only debris and dead satellites but all of mankind’s orbital techknowledgey upon which mankind relies for communications, entertainment and Military purposes of which I could saith the Lord God wipe out with but one medium solar flare reaching Earth’s orbit. Make no mistake all of what thou doth call Nature is at My command and as I so say so doth it obey Me even as I have so controlled from the very beginning all of that which thou doth call Nature that hath been set in its course by Me from the beginning of creation and so shall it continue to do so for I have ordained the course Nature takes for the health and well being of mankind and the creatures of the Earth but so also can I command the elements of Nature  to strike the Nations in punishment for breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the great wickedness and immorality of mankind by Hurricanes Tornadoes Earth Quakes Tsunamis floods volcanoes avalanches landslides and fire to ravage the Nations Lands and forests as also can I command the clouds to withhold the release of their water to replenish the Earth so that drought plagues the Earth and can as seen in Egypt at the times of Mosher/Moses and since raise up in punishment  plagues and pestilences and diseases famine of which mankind has little or no defence as hath been proven over the last two decades or more. Thus so far have I held back the full force of My Vengeance poured pout in wrath and anger for mankind’s treatment of the planet and the creatures thereof but My patience is running out because of mankind’s blindness deafness and hardness of heart in ignoring the warnings thus sent forth for mankind to turn from their treatment of the planet and its creatures and that if mankind did not do so then mankind would be punished by Me saith the Lord God as is being revealed in the disasters now facing mankind and still I relented from pouring out the full fury of My wrath and anger but there has to come a time if mankind doth not turn back fully from walking upon the path they are now walking on that the full fury of My wrath and anger shall be poured forth upon all the Nations of the Earth especially upon those who misuse abuse and pervert My Holy Word and Law to the extent that mankind hath turned the truth of My Word into a lie by adding  unto it and taken away from it and by seeking to confine My Word to their systems of theology, doctrines and teachings of which they understand not limiting it to the confines of their intellectual schools colleges and Universities of which all are not of Me and Never shall be or can be the more mankind by his theology seeks to understand My Word the less mankind will understand it because My Word is simply Divine truth but yet it is simply profound and is beyond the limits of the understanding of the minds of mankind in their Natural fallen state as said in My Word so say I now to understand My Word and to enter My Kingdom ye must be converted through Faith in the Only True Passover Lamb the Messiah and must become as little children for of such is My Kingdom of Heaven saith the Lord God and creator of all that is was and ever shall be.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee this generation especially in as far as Brexit is concerned is plagued with two obsessions one is economics and the other is manmade theology neither of which are of Me saith the Holy One of Israel. Though I say this the Government of this United Kingdom hath been elected to serve all of the people of this Nation and not Just one sector of society meaning business finance and service sectors the elected Government has been elected especial in as far as Brexit is concerned to negotiate a deal that is for the Benefit of all of the Nations and peoples of the UK and if that cannot be achieved in these negotiations then there is but one course of action remains. Thus say I also that if a hard Brexit is forth coming yes it will affect the UK but more so the EU that it will have two of its main gateways into Europe slammed shut one trade exports and imports and two the Tourist industry ie the Euro Tunnel and cross ferry channel which will immediately affect the EU,s economy and the logistics of re-routing the transportation of goods imports and exports throughout Europe and the reintroduction of border controls and the collection of EU tariffs the stepping stone into Europe that the UK once was after Brexit will no longer exist. The UK will be able to expand its trade finance and service sectors the EU will have to restrict many of them and I say unto the companies thinking about moving to the EU count the cost of doing so especially in exporting thy products to the UK the UK will not be restrict by the EU ever again in as far as global trade is concern but those companies that move into the EU will.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord