Monday 31 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto this government of the UK that thou hast to make thy mind up stop rowing over Brexit as I said unto thee in times past a United Nation cannot fall and be defeated and a divided Nation and Government cannot stand and will always face defeat and that means both those governing the country and those in opposition the whole of parliament has to be United over the issue of Brexit no if's and's but's or are's its either a hard Brexit make no mistake no matter what the EU states in as far as tempting Britain to a whole plethora of negotiations over leaving the EU and that way is the same way Britain Joined hard and which will result in prosperity for the UK for the EU is to Britain the chains that bind holding back Britain’s advancement and prosperity in the World and no Brexit and keeping those chains that bind and being subservient to the EU government and Brussels always having that regret that the UK Government  a whole hadn't the courage to take that one step and leave lock stock and barrel. The only Brexit that the EU government wants to give to the UK is a hard one but before it does taking as much as it can get out of Britain in the form of what it claims Britain owes the EU. Britain owes the EU nothing the EU owes Britain for joining in the first place because of all that Britain has contributed to the EU over the years. So which is it to be a hard Brexit or seeking for the pipe dream of a soft Brexit deal and being ripped off and in the end facing a hard Brexit at the end of negotiations or no Brexit and subservience to the EU government and facing the shame of not having the guts to leave. As for the French seeking to entice British business away from the UK that’s nothing new the French the Spanish along with others have in the past always been envious of the British and have many times sought and fail to conquer this Nation. So in the end it comes down to either a hard Brexit or No Brexit there are no in-betweens whatsoever no matter what and one states and a hard Brexit is the deal the UK with end up with at the end of protracted EU negotiations with Britain in the end if the  has its way losing out in every sense of the word. The choice I would tell thee to make is a hard Brexit and that as soon as possible for thine own prosperities sake.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 30 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that now is the time of the pouring out My wrath and anger upon the Nations by whirlwind and scorching of the Earth by the heat of the Sun and by hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, by plague pestilence, famine and by disease and earthquake and by volcanoes by tidal waves or what thou dost call tsunamis and by drought have they and are they not all coming to pass for these are the weapons in My arsenal what thou dost call Natural disasters. These are the means whereby I punish mankind for their breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and unbelief the reason for mankind calling these natural disasters natural events is because mankind refuses to accept that these disasters is punishment for their breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandment and because of their unbelief that even I exist. Thus it was with the Egyptians when I sent Moses to deliver My People from slavery they at first believed not because of their blindness and unbelief and hardness of heart and the following after false gods committing all manner of immoral practices but in the end there was no alternative but to believe that it was I who was punishing them for the slavery of My people and their refusal to let them go out from Egypt to the Land of Promise but that was but a mere example of the destruction of the other weapons in My arsenal which are and have caused the destruction of asteroids comets moons planets suns and galaxies yea indeed the destruction of a galaxy can be caused by Me in an instant.  For I have but to command and it is done say and it comes to pass and none can hinder it. Thus by the fiery heat of the Sun the drying out of the forests and grass lands from drought and the striking of the earth by lightening or the carelessness or the deliberate actions of mankind the fire is kindled and destroys all in its path and none can hinder or stop its advance until it has accomplished its task for beforehand  the land hath been prepared for the burning and nought can stop it and the cause for My striking of the Nations in diverse places of the Earth and the Nations thereof is mankind’s immoral wickedness and their disobedience of My Holy Law and commandments. One maybe two or even three or four disasters striking the Nations can be explained away and blamed on other causes than the outpouring of My Wrath but not such as that with hath come to pass the past few decades each following the other in quick succession and then abating giving mankind a breathing space and when mankind continues on the path they are on despite the warnings and the disasters seeking by Me for mankind to turn from their wicked immorality and disobedient and unbelieving wickedness then these disaster increase and continue until the End and mankind comes before Me in Judgement after all that hath been set down and revealed in My Holy Word hath been fulfilled. Thus no matter what means mankind seeks to hide the truth from others or from themselves it will come to nought for in the end the truth will out and those who seek to hide it brought to shame. as afore said

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 29 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as concerning the Northern Irish border with the South and the suggestion by the Irish Government of a Sea Border between Ireland and the UK bespeaks two reason for this suggestion if it can be called such. One is the EU's using any and all means and political and other official supporters which have political and other means of seeking to persuade the UK to reverse Brexit as it sought and still does use Gibraltar as a pawn in its machinations of trying to keep the UK in the EU. The second is the Border between the North and South of Ireland as with Gibraltar so with Ireland the only Border that can exist and will exist if Brexit goes ahead is a hard Border for a soft border negates on the part of the EU their policy of the freedom of goods and people in that there would be no freedom of the movement of people throughout the EU's Irish mainland North and South for the UK's border policy is contrary to the EU's in the restriction of the movement of people throughout Ireland and in as far as the EU is concerned the UK if a soft border existed would have unfair access to the single market via the soft Irish border. Which would be contrary to the membership terms and conditions of Irish membership of the single market to which the rest of the EU members have to adhere to, thus to have a soft border would mean Britain retaining membership of the single market and the only way that can happen is by staying in the EU. But there is also another reason for the suggestion of a sea border between the UK and Ireland North and South and that is either Northern Ireland remains a member of the EU and the single market which would mean Northern Irish independence for that is the only way that could happen after Brexit but then the Irish Government would say why not in that case go all the way and Unite North and South to become once again a United Ireland but that would not be agreed to by the Northern Irish assembly nor the British government so the Irish Government and the EU government would then state the only Brexit option is a hard border in keeping with the terms and conditions of EU membership and then the EU would then say if Britain is so desperate to retain a soft Irish Border then why leave the EU at all why not reverse Brexit.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 28 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say unto thee O Israel said I not that I am going to cleanse the Land of Promise even the whole of that land I gave unto Abraham and his descendants for ever saying all the Land where on the sole of his foot did tread I would give by promise unto him and his descendants forever and none other and said unto thee turn from off following after the ways of the Nations of the Earth separate thyself unto Me and once more be My Holy People and I thy true and only Living God and redeemer turn from off thy disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments as are set down in My Word and delivered unto thee by the hand of Moses/Mosher repent  and turn ye back unto Me as thou didst long ago in times past and obey from the heart in truth and in spirit all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and I shall protect and prosper thee in all of thy life upon the Earth and none shall ever again shall cast thee forth from the Land of Promise nor shall any other people posses it belongs and shall belong unto the Children of Israel forever. I did so promise once that My People returned to the Land of Israel that they shall never again be cast forth from the land and so shall it be, but all who are in the Land of Israel indeed are not of the Holy People these are they that follow after the ways of the Nations whose hearts are far from Me who heed not nor obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments who have in the past heeded not the warnings of My servants the prophets rising up early to deliver My Word and warnings unto them these are they who are what is termed secular Israelites who know not Me nor wish to do so. These are not true Israelites and these are they who are not of the Holy People to whom the promise of never again being banished from the Land of Promise doth apply. These follow after the ways beliefs and gods of the Nations and thus it shall be they shall follow after them indeed in being cast forth from the Land never More to return for they and their descendants shall be cut off from the Holy People and the Land of Promise forever. Only those who are of Me shall remain within the land who obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments and Word from the heart having hearts of flesh and not of stone for have I not said that I shall take the hearts of stone from My people and replace them with  hearts of flesh even all of those who have been ordained from eternity to be a Holy Nation A royal Priesthood and a people after Mine own heart saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heaven of heavens My People who shall love the Lord their God with all their heart with all their body and all their soul(person) forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 27 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation the time of birth and the passing from the Earth of the whole of mankind from the youngest to the eldest is not in the hands of man nor in the hands of the Judiciary nor the Medical authorities nor in any other authority upon this Earth whatsoever whether mankind as a whole accepts it or no or believes it or no and I have stated what I have afore stated upon parental responsibility says THE I AM THAT I AM and where and when any Earthly authority has the right to intervene in the health welfare and upbringing of children. Thus I do say this that there are Nations under the Sun that dictates the full life and upbringing and control of children’s lives from birth till leaving school even their whole lives; but one thing they have no control over and that is the births and deaths of their citizens; but not only children but their parents also who are told how many children they can and cannot have these have already been weighed in the balances of My Just Judgment and condemned to suffer My Just Judgment upon them. The question must be asked is this path now being followed by the so called democratic Nations where the freedom and rights of the individual are supposed to be the guiding principle of the so called Democratic Nations where the principle of parental responsibility is supposed to be implemented and their right to bring up their children as they wished so long as it is in a proper disciplined healthy and secure manner protecting them from all harm in any way shape or form. Thus it is that any Earthy authority makes a decision or an action upon the matter of parental responsibility that is contrary to My Holy Law, Commandments and My Will and purposes shall have to give and answer for their actions and decisions and if not Justifiable in My Sight and Judgment shall suffer the consequences in this life and the next.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel to thee in as far as the pouring out of My wrath and anger upon all of mankind Nation by Nation as thus is being accomplished at this time and shall go on till all that is set down in My Word and according to My will and purposes have been completed towards all the Nations one by one and none shall be passed by nor overlooked for the signs of this coming age have been before thy face from time immemorial and even more so recently. But it is that if I had struck the Nations without warning of the impending catastrophes and devastation to come upon thee thou would have had the excuse of ignorance saying that I had not warned thee so that thou could have turned and repented but not so now and even more so at this time another sign has been put before thee that of the coming fall in the birth rate for as the end nears so there is less and less a necessity for children to be born and that the set number from the beginning of creation till the end of days shall and hath been thus far completed. But the Judgment to come upon mankind for their recent destruction of the Earth’s environment in that to a certain extent mankind will be the cause of their down fall in that respect and have themselves alone to blame and not Just My Just Judgment and condemnation thus so it hath come to pass for one of the major causes of the descending of My wrath and anger upon mankind is the destruction of My creation, even that which mankind doth call Nature and the environment in that the attempts by mankind now to reverse the damage mankind has cause; though commendable; through mankind’s misuse of the natural resources of the Earth, pollution of the atmosphere upon which all creatures upon the Earth and the plant life depend for their existence especial mankind. attempts at reversing the poisoning of the fountain of waters which as it increase will have devastating effects in as far as the marine life that lives therein and the land after causing poisoning pollutants to be carried into the atmosphere and to be rained down upon the land thus also poisoning the land it falls upon yes indeed the fountain of waters as referred to in My Word and the poisoning thereof are the seas and oceans and lakes and rivers and streams of the World thus it is that mankind’s attempts to reverse the destruction and devastation to the Earth its creatures the environment and even that pollution of Earths orrbit is an attempts to reverse the irreversible that damage done to the Earth is beyond recovery and now heads in but one direction and will accelerate right until the end thereof. There is only one way to undo what mankind has done to the Earth and that will in the end come to pass as is set down in My Word. What do you do when something is broken beyond repair or mending you replace it with another exactly the same thus it will be with the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 25 July 2017


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and creator of all that is was and ever shall be. Did I not say unto thee that the Judgement of the Nations has begun and all shall be Judged and if found guilty of breaking My Holy Law and Commandments and also guilty of the sin/crime of unbelief as is self evident to this day and at this time shall and hath suffered the punishment thereof of My wrath and anger inflicted at the moment on certain of the Nations. But at the outset did I not say unto thee that this is the day of Jacob’s trouble the day that has long been prophesied to come upon the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is that the only way any Nation can and will escape My wrath and anger being poured out upon them is to turn from their disobedience of My Holy Law and Commandments and to obey sincerely from heart all of My Holy Law and commandments as are written down in My Word and the ten commandments which are also set in stone and that unto perfection in spirit and truth so shall all of mankind be Judged. But now not only when all of mankind comes before Me in Judgment to be Judged shall wrath and anger be poured out, but even now in this life, for now it is that I shall not hold back My wrath and anger from descending upon all the disobedient and gain saying Nations of the Earth yea even the whole of mankind from the greatest and the highest to the least and the lowest of mankind wind and fire storm and earthquake pestilence disease famine and drought volcanoes and the cleansing of the land by raging fire storms in diverse and many places. For many years I have kept silent for many years mankind hath done what they wished to do upon the Earth and into mankind’s hands I have given mankind the freedom to prove or disprove mankind’s worth and capability to take care of the Earth and all the creatures therein and live in harmony and at peace with each other caring for each other as they would themselves. But instead what hath mankind done sought to destroy the environment upon which the very existence of mankind and the creatures of the Earth depend, instead of living in peace and harmony with each other, seeking to destroy each other through wars and conflicts ever being aggressive with each other committing all manner of harm to each other, murdering, raping stealing committing all kinds of moral acts and perversions, committing witchcraft adultery stealing from each other being envious of every man his neighbour altering the very Nature and look of thy physical appearances  and in the past sinking down to the extent of cannibalism and the falling down before false gods and committing all manner of idolatry, mankind’s crimes against each other and against the Earth and the creatures that live therein and against the environment are without number but yet are all written down ready for the Judgment of the whole of mankind and not one shall escape My Just Judgement and the punishment of all of the crimes  which mankind hath committed yet there is for this generation and civilization a means of escape and redemption through the only true Passover Lamb Messiah and redeemer which if not taken will seal this civilizations certain destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 24 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I as this time in as far as the birth and lives of all mankind in the respect of being created both male and female this cannot and will never be altered throughout all eternity and the condemnation of the medical organizations of the World to change the medically the sexuality of human beings shall count as nought for when they pass from this life it shall be reversed. But upon their heads shall when they come before Me be total condemnation and the Judgment shall be eternal damnation for meddling in what they ought not and in seeking to alter My chief creation. In other Words playing at being Me which will also in this life from this time forth suffer My curse for their practices. But those who are by medical means altered as afore said they shall after death be resurrected and brought before Me what they were created physically and spiritually and personality wise at birth to become as  adults in as far as their life on Earth was concerned and shall be thus Judged males as males and females as females. For there are those in this World that state everyone should live according to their feelings and take no notice of anything else such as wisdom or the feelings of others or faith or religion of even Me Myself or My Word or My Law and Commandments and that they should follow their feelings alone whose Judgment and condemnation shall be Justly carried out. Thus it is all by My grace and Mercy and Love at birth both male and female are created by Me and their parents being the means whereby I bring all human beings into the World giving them all the gift of life, parents are not creators but pro-creators who have been given the means to bring forth children and the responsibility for their care and upbringing and discipline until they are ready to leave home becoming no longer the responsibility of their parents but responsible for themselves and their actions throughout the rest of their lives. No one asks to be born and no one can die until it is their time as set down by Me in eternity, no matter how some may seek to do so. In My Word suicide is self murder and as such shall those who commit such so be Judged. Thus this warning goes out those who abandon Me My Law and Commandments no matter the reason I shall abandon them giving them over unto their own lusts and feelings and the wickedness of their own hearts so that their cup of My wrath and anger maybe filled up to overflowing ready to be poured out upon them at the time of their Just Judgment.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time indeed there is a simple solution to Qatar's problem which should be applied by the rest of the World and you ask what is it thus it is so set down in My Word saith Holy one of Israel "Do unto others as ye would have done unto thyself in other Words as the U.A.E. has done unto Qatar whether or not the accusations are valid or not the same the rest of the Nations should do unto them until they reverse their present actions against that Nation but another saying of Mine comes into force in this instance and it shall be applied by Me if the rest of the World’s Nations fail to execute Just Judgment upon these false accusers and that is "Judge not least ye shall be Judged for by what measure ye shall Judge others so shall the same measure be meted out to thee" but in this case if those Nations refrain not from their present action I shall Judge the U.A.E. and meet out the same measure of Judgment as they have thus Judge and accused Qatar of even of the same crimes they have in the past committed themselves but I shall increase it tenfold and thus it is that I can and will do far more to them than they ever can to Qatar for the whole of Nature as thou hast thus recently experienced and bore witnessed to is at My Command. But I say this My Judgement shall be a just and righteous Judgment for My Judgment shall based on fact not mere unproven accusations. For is it not said in My Word that the Accuser of all is the Adversary.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 22 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that the business community is seeking to influence government policy and the direction of Brexit with their intention to turn Brexit around because of what they see as disadvantages on leaving the EU's single market and what they perceive as the disadvantages of entering into the unsure territory of global trading outside of the EU and the single market to them it is better the adversary ye know than the one ye don't to them it will seem as though all trade deals setup within the EU will vanish and that they will have to enter into the processes of setting up fresh worldwide trade  deals plus diminishing profit returns and increased overhead costing they envisage being outside of the main EU  trading zone the single market and the customs union and that the tariffs imposed will impact on their profit margins. But what they most surely have not considered it seems that they are in essence commercial servants to the public and not their masters in that if the commercial public refused to purchase their products then they would inevitably face bankruptcy. Thus it is that if their attitude towards Brexit is not favourable to the general public who voted for Brexit they could  easily boycott and isolated those firms that are against or unfavourable towards Brexit and force them into liquidation. Businesses large or small large conglomerates or corporations are all reliant on their customers for their continued existence no customers no business. The trouble with the business community they don’t consider any one else’s interests in as far as Brexit is concerned but their own they are like horses with blinkers on they only want see Brexit going in one direction theirs. Thus also is it with the United Arab Emirates especially in relation to the present Qatar Siege Crisis caused by the U.A.E. if the World refused to buy their oil until they halted their Siege of Qatar what effect would it have on their economy?

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I in as far as the statement on the UK government's Unity on an extended period on the full implementation of Brexit which could as the Newspapers report last for years after the UK officially leaves the EU and on his words that the Brexit process must be driven by pragmatism the meaning of which can mean 'if it works, we don't really care why.' It is a rejection of theory and ideology for means-tested facts and reality and what are the means tested facts and reality of Brexit and none Brexit, the means tested facts are at the moment none existent in that the Brexit territory is an unknown and therefore negates the pragmatic driven approach to Brexit. But the means tested facts of none Brexit no Brexit is remaining in the EU for all the means tested facts and reality are evident from Britain’s previous membership of the EU. In other Words Brexit driven by pragmatism means in essence abandoning the unknown for the known and that means a reversal of the Brexit process, which in the case of the statement made says that this Government is abandoning the unknown of Brexit for the known of the EU. Thus on this premise the question must be asked will Britain ever really officially leave the EU for the wording of the statement on the recognition of the British vote to leave the EU being recognised has the underlying tone that the Government is seeking to find the means of reversing the Brexit process whilst placating the British public that voted to leave by stating Britain will in the future official exit the EU but it will be over an extended period of time maybe years. A transitional period of fully implement Brexit means but one thing that the definition of pragmatism from the late16th century (in the senses ‘busy, interfering, conceited’): via Latin from Greek pragmatikos ‘relating to fact’, from pragma ‘deed’ (from the stem of prattein ‘do’).  seems to  be more applicable to the present government usage of the word than the current senses which dates from the mid 19th century. The saying in this case maybe if it’s not broken don't try to fix it which means in effect that in this respect that the EU's system of government from the British Governments point of view at the moment is not broken which it is because it is in desperate need of reformation from top to bottom. One of the main reasons for leaving the EU was to regain control over Britain’s borders and border security and have the final say as to who can and cannot enter the UK especially in the light of present terrorist threat of which the free movement of people was an asset to the terrorist giving them the freedom to threaten and commit unrestricted acts of terror throughout the EU. But as well as regaining control over Britain’s borders there was the regaining control of British Law and Justice System as well as self determination and the ability trade globally without tariffs or other restrictions, the ability of the British Government to govern Britain without interference from abroad or any other country or Nation or Union of Nations.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 21 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this present time that in as far as the British General Election results where set from the very beginning and also as is set down the outcome of the Brexit Negotiations and as I said there would be a shock in store for many in Government and that I alone knew the outcome of that election that it was set for the rise and fall of many in government so also did it come to pass as it was ordained to do so. So also is as I afore said are the Brexit negotiations set in their course and shall not deviate from that path for also there are going to be many shocks in store for both sides and many disappointments before these negotiations are concluded and that I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation set down this to come to pass from the very beginning as was the outcome of the British General Election. Before the Universe came into existence I AM for Me there is no past present or future all are one to Me. Thus it is that in eternity as on earth before any building can be built on Earth an architect has to design a building and create plans to be approved by the relevant authorities, so also I did in all eternity design and create plans for all of creation the Universe and did lay the foundations thereof an did create all that came into existence in it the Earth the galaxies the planets the stars the comets the asteroids the meteors ever fraction of space betwixt them to the Nth degree even unto perfection down to the minutest detail and did set all the planets and galaxies in the their course which is fixed and cannot be altered by even as thou puts it a micron or the tiniest fraction of a second everything from the beginning is fixed in its course and will follow that set course to the end of its existence as will the Universe for there is perfect order in all of the Universe of which I know and have set down even the end from the very beginning for it is the building built upon the foundation I did set down even the rock of ages an immovable foundation and it is that I alone know the course and path of all creation and only reveal unto mankind what is necessary for mankind to know. But this point has to be made no matter what thou sayest or believe or what thy scientist teach nothing by thy beliefs the teachings of thy scientists or the theories they produce will alter one iota of the fabric and course of the Universe or the course as set down by Me from the beginning of the whole of mankind to walk upon through their life’s journey as My Word saith there is a time to conceive and there is a time to be born there is a time to for all of mankind to toil throughout their lives for their daily bread there is a time to cast down and a time to pick up and a time to give and a time to receive there is a time to marry and a time to give in marriage there is a time to hold on to loved ones and a time to let them go and there is a time to live and a time to die and then come before Me in Judgment all of existence by Me is set and by Me known for every creature upon the face of the Earth the times and seasons are set by Me and are known by Me as also the whole of the lives of mankind from beginning to end. every single iota of the Universe and all that is within it is one integrate whole that can never be altered or halted till all that hath been set down from all eternity hath been accomplished. Mankind are not the masters of their destiny saith THE I AM THAT I AM I alone am everywhere and every when in the whole of the universe at once and in charge of all that in the universe is. Thus now at this time it is that harvest is ready for the reaping as My Words say one sows and another reaps and so it hath been from the time of Messiah till now the seed hath been sown and now it is that the harvest is ready for the reaping the wheat to be separated from the chaff the wheat to be gathered into My Barns and the chaff to be burned in the fire. Thus it is those of My people that truly belong to Me to be gather in to My everlasting Kingdom and wicked and disobedient to be gathered up and bound like unto chaff ready to be cast out into the fiery furnace of My Wrath and anger even the bottomless pit which thou callest hell, were there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth where the fire of torment goes not out forever and the worm of regret dieth not.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 20 July 2017


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I as afore said remember the words of Daniels revelation and the stone made without hands that struck the feet of the image and the fall thereof and the Kingdom thereafter that I am setting up which shall never be destroyed nor left to any other people and that shall consume all Kingdoms and Nations of the Earth and shall stand for ever. Look unto the interpretation thereof and that is this. The first great kingdom represented by the head of Gold was the Babylonian and all the kingdoms which followed are all the Empires of mankind which have arisen and fallen and vanished from the face of the Earth since then until the last one which was the greatest and largest of them all the British Empire and its fall which began in and after the first World War and was completed after the second World war when because of the cost of the second World war and the diminishing authority it had over its territories especially India could no longer hold the Empire together thus the separate territories formed the commonwealth under the auspices of the UK all agreeing that the head of the Commonwealth should be  the United Kingdom’s Queen but as the Nations of the commonwealth are like unto iron and miry clay parts of the commonwealth shall be and have been strong and parts have been and shall be weak and as clay and iron don’t mix then these shall in the end no longer be a part of the commonwealth but shall seek their own independence. The part of the toes of the feet of the Image which are likened to iron are the strong Nations of the Earth such as America China, Russia the United Kingdom and the European Union and the parts likened unto clay are the weak Nations of the Earth. Like the volatile Nations of the Middle East and South America and Africa which can never cleave one to the other. Thus all the Nations of the Earth have sought in these End days to become United together as one as they have done in forming the United Nations. But they shall as they have done never become truly united under one leader for as iron and soft clay can never be mixed together neither can these Nations be truly United and shall never form one United Global Nation no matter how they seek to do so, but in the End shall be split one from the other. Thus to finish as the book of Daniel says in the days of these Kings or Leaders of the Nations shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom/Nation which shall never be destroyed and not given to any other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all the Kingdoms and Nations of the Earth and will stand forever. Thus the last part summarises the whole in as far as the stone made without hands is My Kingdom or Nation like unto a stone made without hands cast against the feet of the Image which is liken unto all the Kingdoms, Nations and Empires of the Earth causing them all to fall and be consumed and destroyed and replace with My everlasting Kingdom/Nation.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 19 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time though various politicians have met with the leaders of the Member states or Nations of the EU sounding them out if they would be willing to give the UK certain concessions on the free movement of goods and people in and out of the UK especially the free movement of people allowing certain restrictions to be put in place to make the UK's borders secure so that the UK could remain a member of the single market. No matter what they are willing to concede it is not up to the individual member states or Nations but up to the EU government as a whole. What has to be understood is one of the main conditions of membership set down by the EU Government and is adamant that it will not give any concessions or grounds on even to any Member state of the EU upon is the free movement of goods and people as a condition of the membership of the single market and if it will not give its members any concessions in as far as membership is concerned it certainly will not do so for the UK, unless there were massive reforms on membership of the single market that would apply to all member states and Nations. Therefore in as far as the Brexit Negotiations are concerned membership of the single market will be off the agenda in as far as the UK is concerned. The devolved Governments and certain parties are under the illusion that they can make a separate agreement with the EU on being in or remaining in the single market. First and foremost they would have to be a fully paid up member of the EU which can only happen now if they leave the UK and become an independent Nation and apply for EU membership which is not guaranteed to happen and may take a substantial time period to accomplish. But it is the EU's silence on this subject that speaks volumes especially in as far as the statement of one former UK prime minister. But there will be certain member states Leaders having visits from the EU Government. But even if there were massive reforms and the UK given concessions on single market membership it as afore said would in no way go far enough  to persuade the UK to change its mind on leaving the EU as this in itself is not the main issue, the main issue is the self determination of the British people to be solely in charge of their own destiny lives and their own country in every aspect of their lives Government trade and finance and Justice system the freedom to make and enforce their own laws without interference from any other source or country or Union of which has been the British way of life for over a thousand years. Therefore not only would changing direction halting Brexit and seeking to rejoin EU if the UK could would fail to respect and to fulfil the wishes of the public but would also contradict a thousand and more years of British culture, tradition and freedoms fought for by many past generation. Britain has always stood proud and free and should remain a beacon of freedom in the present trouble world and times. But a warning as concerning reversing Brexit the EU would never forgive no matter what it says for the UK seeking to leave the EU and would make sure it could never happen again Britain would be totally dominated by the EU and would be a subject Nation and the laughing stock of the World.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The say I unto thee as I have set before thee afore times and hath said unto thee it is I who raise one up and do cast another down as thou hath seen in the recent past in thy general election for I said did I not that the outcome of that election I had set and ordained from the very beginning and that I alone knew the outcome thereof and that for many there would be great shocks in store when the results were announced and hath it not been so was one not cast down from a great height because of over confidence arrogance and pride, thus as I have said I cast down and I raise up thus if the one cast down is willing to humble themselves before Me saith the Holy One of Israel the creator of the Universe and all that in it  is, repents of their pride and arrogance and take heed of all of My Holy Word and Law then forgiveness shall be forth coming and a restoration shall ensued. Thus say I My wrath and anger doth rain down on the unrighteous the unrepentant the disobedient and the unbeliever but My Blessing doth arise upon the humble the repentant and the obedient and all of those who believe in Me through the blood of the true Messiah even the only true Passover Lamb even as the Sun arises at the dawn of a new day or the sun appears after storm clouds vanish. But this do I say to the EU government as I have so done with the UK elections so shall I do with the forth coming Brexit negotiations I it is who hath set the outcome and the deal that the UK is to receive and not those of the EU government for many of those of the government of the EU there shall at the end thereof great shocks in store and well should they consider with whom they have to do in as far as these negotiations are concerned. For it is said in My Word it is a most terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God but also it is an even more terrible thing upon who I descend in wrath and anger. Mt Word doth say do unto others as thou would have done unto thee, thus shall it be as thou shalt deal with the UK so shall I deal with the if in an unfair devious and underhanded way with the intention of how wouldst thou say it seeking to rip I think the word is the UK off that I shall so deal  with thee as thou has done with them but with an  increase of tenfold but and if fairly and honestly and openly having no intention to punish the UK for leaving the EU as thou hast at present that I shall prosper thee so that in no way thou shalt loose the reward of My Blessing upon thee and all who belong unto thy Union. But remember the words of Daniels revelation and the stone made without hands that struck the feet of the image and the fall thereof and the Kingdom thereafter that I shall set up which shall never be destroyed nor left to any other people and that shall consume all Kingdoms and Nations and shall stand for ever.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 18 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee of this Nation upon Brexit and membership of the single market and the customs Union are concerned that the UK must face up to this reality and that is in as far as the negotiations are concerned the only way of staying iin the single market is to remain within the EU. The EU will only make a trade agreement with the UK once it has left the EU and becomes an independent Nation. It is not that the EU wants the UK not to be a member of the single market it is it own membership rules and regulations in as far as membership of the single market is tied in with membership of the EU therefore if it gave concessions to Britain then all of the other member Nations would have to have the same concessions and if Britain was allowed to remain a member of the single market as an independent Nation then how many other member Nations would say to themselves if the UK can remain a member of the single market and yet leave the EU then why couldn't they also follow the UK and leave the EU and yet remain within the single market and the customs Union. Thus the reality of the Brexit situation is this Britain now is between a rock and a hard place in that if it turns tail and reverses Brexit it not only fails the people of the UK in as far as the referendum is concerned but also the total dominance of the EU which will never let Britain forget its audacity in attempting to leave the EU and lack of resolve and weakness in not finishing what it started and it will make sure Britain and the rest of the Member states will never be able attempt to leave the EU ever again. Then there is the attitude of the rest of the World towards Britain if it does give in and reverse Brexit it will become a laughing stock of the World in that it claimed to be a strong independent Nation able to stand on its own two feet and make it own way in the World being the master of its own destiny that could become a global player in as far as trade and finance are concerned on the Worlds stage and then at the first stumbling block turned tail and ran.  That is the hard place of the reality of Britain’s position in as far as Brexit is concerned the rock is to end what it began and leave the EU lock stock and barrel in the only way it in reality can and become an independent Britain and then negotiate with the EU as other Nations have done for a free trade agreement with the EU. The EU will like the carrot before the donkey hold the carrot of the benefits of negotiating a deal that will benefit both the EU and the UK on leaving the EU just so long as it can get as much as it can from the UK before it leaves without giving one iota in return. There is no harm in seeking to negotiate on a friendly basis with the EU so long as the UK is aware that the outcome in the eyes and mind of the EU is to them cut and dried and already set down and they will in no way deviate from their chosen path as shall become self evident in future negotiations. But also the only course now for Britain is self evident and that is to leave the EU and become a proud self governing independent Nation in control of its own destiny and become a global trading Nation and a major player on the World’s stage.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 16 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the statement of a former Prime Minister seeking to halt and reverse Brexit first what has to be considered is the red lines which the EU has set down beyond which it will not go in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned and two of them are the free movement of people and goods throughout the EU yes indeed there is a movement within the EU promoting the necessity of reform but the question is will it go far enough then there the restriction of the tariffs on global trade from within the EU based on the principle that no one member in as far as global trade is concerned should have an advantage over any other member state which in effect negates much of the profitability of global trade from within the EU. Brexits aim is to shake of the shackles of the EU in as far as global trade is concerned. But there are other issues to be considered and one is the former Prime Ministers record in as far as his involvement in the gulf war’s one of which was justified because of the invasion of Kuwait but didn't go far enough in dealing with the Iraqi President the second was mishandled in the extreme by the then British Prime minister and the US president in that they went further than they should have done and that without the full support of Parliament and the Us Government justifying it by the claim that the Iraqi President had a massive arsenal of the weapons of mass destruction. Which lead lead to the second Gulf war and to the total collapse of the Iraqi government and its political structure and was abandoned to its own devises by the British and Us governments instead of staying and establishing a viable political structure and Government.  So how can he trusted in the matter of Brexit but also a question must be asked which of the political remainer activists and others who of late have lost their seats in parliament or resigned as Leaders of their party have encouraged him to speak out as he has done so. But his claims as to the willingness when meeting with some of the leaders of member states of the EU they said they would be  willing to be flexible on the demands by the British government on the restriction of the movement of people to the UK but not the free movement of goods, but even if some of the member states would be willing to do so they would not be able to circumvent one of the main conditions of membership of the single market strictly adhere to by the EU government which is the freedom of the movement of goods and people throughout the EU and even if there were reforms on the table in as far as this was concerned it would in no way go far enough  to meet the negotiating position and demands of the UK which is a total restriction of the movement of people into the UK which if not in place would negate Britain’s border security and not persuade the UK to change its mind on leaving but this in and of itself is not the main issue, the main issue is the self determination of the British people to be solely in charge of their own destiny life and their own country in every aspect of their lives Government trade and finance and Justice system the freedom to make and enforce their own laws without interference from any other source or country or Union of which has been the British way of life for over a thousand years. Therefore not only would changing direction halting Brexit and seeking to rejoin EU if the UK could would fail to respect and to fulfil the wishes of the public but would also contradict a thousand and more years of British culture, tradition and freedoms fought for by many past generation. Britain has always stood proud and free and should remain a beacon of freedom in the present troubled world and times. But a warning as concerning reversing Brexit the EU would never forgive the UK no matter what it says for seeking to leave the EU and would make sure it could never happen again Britain would be totally dominated by the EU and would be a subject Nation and the laughing stock of the World.

This is the Word of the Lord God to Thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 15 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto the religious organizations of this Nation especially the main one of whom I said along with others that they all have been tried and have been tested and have been measured by My Holy Law and Commandments and have been found wanting. Yet thou hath not Listened unto Me saith the Holy One of  Israel thine ears have be deaf to My warnings of the Judgment to come upon thee for to Me who do see thy inward parts spiritually and not just physically thy hearts unto Me seem like unto blocks of granite harder than the nether millstone. I have said unto thee repent and turn and cleanse thyselves of all that doth pollute thee be not as they who are holy on the outside and are but whitewashed graves dead on the inside spiritually cut of from Me; for true Faith is of the heart and the spirit and not of the body and the flesh; whose hearts are far from Me and are as the Sadducees and Pharisees and Zealots of old who put on a pretence of religion just to be glorified and praised by mankind and to be praised for their self sacrifices and so called good works who in performing such have but one motive their own glorification and to have power over others and considered as men and women of God holy and pure and unadulterated yet whose hearts are darker than the bottomless pit to which they are headed these in this life have their reward. But still in the next have to face Me in Judgment. These if they were of Me would not seek the praises and adoration of mankind rather would they avoid it for they would be humble and meek and self effacing having a true and upright heart only seeking the good and the benefit of others. But also there are many who follow not after Me who because of their selflessness and dedication to helping the sick the lame the disable the homeless the elderly the poverty stricken and many other acts of goodness do put to shame those who do profess to be of Me these say I shall not lose their reward at Mine hand for they shall receive tenfold in return for their unselfish acts peace long life and prosperity and if they do come to believe in Me everlasting Life for ever before My throne in My presence. Thus it is that I speak not of those who attended thy places of worship alone but of those who lead them who are twice dead plucked up by the roots ready to be cast into the fiery furnace of My Wrath and anger. But I say also that the evidence of immorality in the main religious organization and organizations of this Nation shall not remain hidden thus far have I brought out into the open much that hath been hidden of immorality corruption and wicked practices especially against the children and there is much more to be brought out into the open so that they bear the shame of their wicked practices of which all shall see and know for there is nothing that shall remain hidden that shall be brought out into the light. even If repentances and cleansing and purification are forth coming then wrath and anger punishment and destruction shall descend upon the guilty and the punishment shall not return thereof until all hath been accomplished in as far as the punishment required by My Holy Law and commandments. At the present the main religious organization of this Nation are unworthy to bear My Name and My authority THEREFORE SHALL BE WITHDRAWN

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 14 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The EU's demand as a condition of equal residential status for UK citizens residing in the EU that the status of  EU citizens should have the same rights as  those living in the EU and should be overseen by the EU's courts of Justice after Brexit. Which indeed reveals the EU’s distrust of the British Courts of Justice which after Brexit will replace the EU’s. But will the EU tolerate the British Court of Justice overseeing the rights of UK citizens residing in the EU the issue being a matter of trust if the EU doesn't trust the British Justice system as it will be after Brexit then how can how can the UK trust the EU's courts of Justice to over see the rights of EU citizens which beggars the question is this where the negotiations become unstuck for the EU insist this matter has to be resolved before negotiations can continue. It not Just a matter of stating that either the EU citizens will be better off under the British Justice system or the UK citizens better off under the EU courts of Justice or the EU's Justice system this point out one major principle to be in place throughout the Brexit negotiations both sides of the negotiations must be able to trust each other in all aspects of these negotiations or the only deal at the end of the day will be no deal at all not only on the part of the UK but on the part of the EU also and all who are involved know what that means.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 13 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The meeting of the political party leaders should never have taken place as intentionally or unintentionally these have given the EU an advantage in the coming negotiations if ever they needed an extra advantage in the first place. Why? Because the British negotiating team is not made up of all the political party leaders especially those of the devolved governments and the Leader of the present negotiating team is far outclass by the EU's team and Lead negotiator. One party Leader the one in opposition made a statement which implied that it was his mandate to represent the three million members of his party who trusted in him to do so which is in as far as he and his party in oppositions duty is to hold the party in government to account, but the Brexit negotiations are not about party politics alone and just his party it is about his and the rest of the MPs duty and responsibility in Government to negotiate a good Brexit deal for all of the people of the UK and that doesn't mean Just his party but all of the political parties that represent the whole of the UK and the meeting with the EU negotiator as intentionally or unintentional s afore said has given the EU an advantage in the coming negotiations  and unless the present teams is reformed and a leader chosen of equal standing with the EU’s head negotiator who has had a least the same level of experience in political financial and business negotiations as their opposite EU number and knows how to use all the weapons in their arsenal and all the tricks of the trade as so to speak to gain the upper hand and win a good deal for the UK. The EU head negotiator by meeting virtually all the parties that are opposed to the present governments position and strategy knows how disunited the United Kingdom real is at the present time and will use that knowledge gained in these meetings to his advantage and at present with the insight he has gained the UK doesn't stand a chance in gaining a good deal. But what the EU wants is for the UK to remain in the EU and if the EU can divide the various devolved governments and the political parties enough and against each other they believe that there may be a possibility of the UK never leaving EU. A strong team with a strong determined leader is needed not only to lead these negotiation but a strong determined and wise Leader with a totally unity party behind them is also needed at the present time in Government to bring back the United in United Kingdom and Unite the whole country to stand together as one not only to win a great deal in as far as Brexit is concerned but lead the UK into the future as an independent rich strong powerful country which can stand tall in the World as Nation to be reckoned and to be traded with.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I at this time in as far as the present siege by the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt what must be asked is it really about the so called backing and support by Qatar of Rebel and terrorist groups that they have put in place such sanctions as to virtual lay siege to that country or is there an ulterior motive or reason such as Qatar’s gas fields that possibly extend across the gulf to Iran. Qatar’s gas exports supply a great proportion of the Worlds demand for Natural gas which has exponentially expanded over the last decade. What has to be taken into account is the Worlds demand for oil has not increased but has decreased forcing the OPEC countries oil prices to be cut but also is it a possibility because OPEC and the Arab states including Saudi Arabia had to cut their oil production seeking they say to increase oil prices or is it because their oil fields are beginning to dry up as the North sea oil fields did, forcing them to seek revenue from other sources meaning Natural Gas. Then thou has to take into consideration Saudi Arabia’s ardent backing of what they call the legitimate government of Yemen and thou may ask what has this to do with Qatar it is about how far the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia  are prepared to go to impose their will on Qatar using their so called support of terrorism as an excuse to impose their will on that country you only have to take into consideration Yemen and the intense bombing of civilians and rebels Yemen is not a rich country and the Saudis are not supporting that government for no returns on their investment of the so called legitimate Government. The question has to be asked is there oil or gas underground in Yemen and if there is it would explain the Saudis support and then the question must be asked if their reason for imposing sanctions using their so called terrorist support as an excuse when the real reason is to getting their hands on Qatar’s gas fields will they go as far as they have done in their support of Yemen’s so called legitimate government using terrorism as an excuse. Or it must be ask how far will they go and thou doth get an idea from Qatar’s government response that they are expecting to have to defend their country by force if necessary meaning that they are expecting to be invaded. You only have to remember Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait and the reason for it and his excuse that he wanted a gulf sea port when he really wanted to get his hands on their oil fields which he knew he could only do so by force. Is Qatar's situation following the same path?

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 12 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee O Israel especially those scattered abroad amongst the Nations of whom I have since thine exile at Mine own hand until the return of thy brethren after a grievous world war provided a safe haven in many countries, except in those times and ages and countries wherein the persecution and the massacring of My People existed and I did return upon the heads of those who persecuted and massacred them a hundred fold what they did unto My people to such an extent that many Nations suffer such destruction as to almost erase them from the face of the Earth, especially the last persecution and massacre of My People at the end of their exile from the promised land because of their rejection of their promised Messiah and because of their abandonment of their one true God redeemer and Saviour having turn their hearts of flesh to hearts of stone as hard as granite whereby was signified by the destruction of the House to My Name and My Holy City for then no longer were My people worthy to have the house to My Holy Name in their midst and no longer was Jerusalem considered Holy but a wanton harlot wandering after the ways of the Nations. But not so now Jerusalem is My Holy City once more and the House to My Holy Name shall once more exist in her and she shall be purified and cleansed no more shall she play the harlot wear the harlots gown, no more shall she wander after the ways of the Nations and the World for she shall return unto the Lord and Her God and she shall be as a holy pure virgin in My sight once more in her shall be established David’s throne and a Worthy Holy and Righteous King shall sit thereon and all Nations shall come and pay homage unto Him who sits thereon for He shall rule the Nations with a rod of Iron. Thus say I then unto My people scattered abroad it is time to return unto that Land I promised to Abraham and his descendants forever for this land is thine and is thy heritage for it belongs to none other and there is no longer the need for Me to provide a safe haven amongst the Nations and those who refuse to return and do wish to follow after the ways of the Nations they shall by Me cast off and abandoned as they have and do abandon Me. I shall take from out of My People their hearts of stone as hard as granite and replace them with hearts of flesh so that once more they are My People and I am the Lord and God and I am their true shepherd and they are the sheep of My Pasture which is all of the Land of Promise.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 11 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I in as far as the termination of a critically ill child as the case of one that is at the present ongoing what I have stated I will reiterate as below.
    Thus say I unto thee as concerning children in a critically ill state if the necessity to end that Child’s life should ever arise then it has to be that the parents of that Child alone has  the right to decide when there is no longer any other course of action but end that Childs life in the most humane way possible in no way can it be nor should it ever be the decision of any Judicial court or any other legal or medical authorities right to end any Child’s life no matter the circumstances for one of thy sayings applies to the circumstances of the present due termination of the life support of one Child where there is life there is hope. But ultimately the ending of all human life has never been in the hands of mankind for it is I who bring a person into existence and after their allotted time on Earth I it is who doth end their Earthly life at that time thus ordained by Me and in the manner ordained by Me and thence to come before Me in Judgment to be Judged according to My Holy Law and Commandments unto perfection and that without exception for there is a saying amongst thee when your time up your time up and thus that time has been ordained by Me from all eternity saith the Lord God of creation. So thus say I if any person doth so end any life whether it be their own their Childs their partners or any other life whatsoever no matter the reason all have to be and all shall be Judged by My Law and commandments and thus punished accordingly as My Law states thou shalt not Kill and anyone who does shall be in danger of being punished by Me and cast in the bottomless pit forever, especially in as far as the young and infants whom I cherish above all of mankind for does it not say in My Word suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens therefore anyone ending a Child’s life I shall never hold them guiltless no matter who they be from the highest authority to the lowliest of mankind. I place a Childs life in the care of their parents and they alone have authority in Mine eyes over their child life and none other. But to those who suffer their Child’s life ending be assured that they are received immediately in to My everlasting Loving arms.
    But in as far as the authorities Judicial or otherwise are concerned though I deplore and condemn any interference in the proper upbringing of children by any governmental body whatsoever and I restate I have placed a child’s care in the hands of their parents until they are of an age to leave the family home. Yet wherein any parent absolves themselves of that responsibility of care by neglect or cruelty both mentally or physically which also means leaving them on their own without any and all responsible supervision then it is the responsibility of the state and the official bodies to step in and take over but and I so state this where the parents meet their responsibility for their children in all and I say again in all aspects of their child’s upbringing the state has no right whatsoever to interfere in that child’s or those children’s upbringing which never occurred until the latter modern period of this civilizations existence.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

 Thus say I at this time saith the Holy One of Israel the only true Living God and redeemer of the Holy People to the religious organizations of this Nation and all the Nations of the Earth that profess to be of Me thou art tried, thou are tested and thou are weighed in the balances of My Just Judgment and are found wanting for all that is within thy organizations that is not of Me and that is contrary to all of My Holy Law and Commandments that doth pollute thee. For shall I call thee whitened sepulchres seemingly holy and pure on the outside yet full of dead men’s bones. Thus it is that unless thou doth repent and be cleansed of all that is contrary to My Holy Law and Commandments and all that is not of Me and is not of My Word nor of the Faith revealed therein as it were by the cleansing fire of Roach Hakodesh whom thou doth call the Holy Spirit I shall cast the forth from My presence into outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth wherein the worm dieth not and the flame of torment goeth not down forever. For thus say I unto thee that Faith as is revealed in all of My Holy Word is the means whereby all who are of Me are given to them so that they can through faith obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments for does it not say in My Word and yea I say it it again not one jot or title shall pass from all of My Holy Law and Commandments till all hath been fulfilled.  Thus therefore there is a Judgment to come upon all of those who are outside of that Faith as revealed in My Word and there is a Judgment to come of all of those that are within that Faith whether it be of the heart or of the mouth only and as it is so set down in My Word and all from either Judgment if found wanting shall be cast forth into the bottomless pit which thou doth call hell forever wherein there is no reprieve whatsoever throughout all eternity.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 10 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as it was with Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs and with Rome and its Empire so are the Nations of the Earth becoming as they were so reliant on their slave population that they could not survive without them as a slave rebellion in the Roman Empire proved the two Empires rode on the backs of slaves. But what are the slaves of this modern era certainly not human as slavery is banned throughout the modern world but still exists underground. The slave of this modern era are the internet the computer and the technological devices that mankind uses and relies on in their everyday lives and upon which the majority of the Business and the financial sector relies for their trade and financial transactions. It is getting to the stage whereby the dividing line between slave and master are merging. The question now must be asked is the Western Modern civilization becoming slaves to their own technological advancement. So as Egypt and Rome couldn’t survive without their slave culture can mankind survive without his technological culture? The answer can be reached by asking what would happen if a sudden massive solar storm hit the Earth or a massive sun spot spewed forth from the sun suddenly and every computer on the Earth and every satellite in orbit was knocked out or fried as thou wouldst put it. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel I the creator and ruler of the whole Universe could indeed cause such a massive solar storm or cause a massive sun spot to strike the Earth which would cause massive electromagnetic fall out enough to fry every computer and computerised machinery no matter how well they were protected, this I will indeed cause to happen but not to such an extent as to cause a massive global catastrophe that the end of mankind will be just around the corner. But to make mankind aware of how reliant he is becoming on his technology and how dangerous that is. The end of mankind is as set down and at that time as is set down in My Word all that I have revealed in My Word and through My servants the prophets shall be fulfilled unto perfection and then the end shall come.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 9 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time beware making any deal with the American Leader as the only reason that he hath promised a deal with the UK is because all tariff free trade avenues into the EU are because of his attitude towards the Paris Climate change agreement restricted to normal National trading arrangements meaning that America has to pay tariffs on all exports into the EU. Thus making a trade agreement with the UK if the UK gets a viable trade agreement with the EU the American Leader can then use the UK as means of exporting American goods and services into the EU without having to pay the normal National tariffs but if the UK doesn't get a good working trade agreement or a tariff free agreement with the EU he will seek to gain trading concessions from the UK on exporting American goods and services into the EU and this is the crux of the matter there will be no powerful trade agreement with the US unless there is a tariff free trade agreement between the EU and the UK or that the UK gives America trading concession for its exports to come via the UK into the EU if the UK refuses then all of a sudden the UK goes to the back of the cue in making a viable trade agreement with the US. The Leader of America has stated his position on trading with the rest of the World if it is not beneficial to America there will be no deal on the table with any Nation and that includes the UK. The deal that the Leader of America wants to make with any country is export as much as possible and import as little as possible and from that stand point the American deal with the UK will be the same. The American leader is only interested in using the UK as a channel for his exports into the EU and importing as little as he can from the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel that I abhor all manner of immorality and as is set down in My Word and according to My Holy Law and commandments as is set down in My Word  all who break that moral Law shall be punished by being cast forth from My presence and after their life ends upon the Earth shall therefore be cast out after Judgement to be banished to the bottomless pit forever that place humanity doth call hell. Though I have no Joy in the death of the even the Wicked all wickedness must be punished especially moral wickedness. Though I have created all of mankind and in of themselves they are all My creation and rather I would that they repent of their wickedness and so have held back My Wrath and anger perchance they will repent, but if they continue unto death in their wickedness and immorality no matter how much I love all of mankind, their rebellion immorality and gross wickedness Unbelief and the breaking of all of My Holy Law and commandments must be punished as is so set down in My Word. Therefore in My Word especially Leviticus chapter eighteen is so set down those morally laws which by Me shall be strictly adhered to and punished according to My Holy Law and Commandments especially as concerningn the sexuall immorality of males lieing with males and females with females and betwixed human beings lieing with animals these by Me will in no way go unpunished. All of My Holy Law and Commandments and the punishments there of shall upon the whole of humanity be applied without exclusion and as the Messiah says and is so set down in My Word not one jot or title shall pass from the Law until all hath been fulfilled and thus also is so set down in the letters of My Disciples even in the book that thou doth call Romans chapter two. A society and civilization that doth tolerate the Breaking of  My Holy Law and commandments and Moral Law is on the path heading down unto destruction and will in the end inevitably reach that destination and fall as others have in the past. Disobedience to and the breaking of My Holy Commandments and Moral Law by Mankind in any way shape or form shall in no way be tolerated or go unpunished. Yes it is so set down that I do Love all of mankind and it is also set down that I love sinners but it is that I do hate their sins and their sinning and great wickedness and though I don’t wish to punish sinners rather would I have them repent and turn through the true Passover Lamb to Me yet if they do not repent, reluctantly they must be punished according to My Holy Law and Commandments. Thus it is that I hate all manner of wickedness and can no longer tolerate it in My presence or upon the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 7 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee at this time that the financial advisory and business organizations are at it again seeking to influence Brexit as they sought to do after the referendum these are nothing less than mini dictators ever seeking to tell people what to do and how to do it which in effect they represent but a fraction of the business community and in no way represent the general public who voted to leave the EU and if this or any other government seeks to take any course of action than that entrusted to them to take in as far as Brexit is concerned would be a betrayal of public trust and a breaking of that principle of the referendum as set down by this government that no matter what the outcome they would respect the wishes of the people of this Nation and would to the best of their ability would complete the task of leaving the EU with the best deal possible.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time saith the Lord God in as far as negotiating a trade deal with the EU at the conclusion of Brexit negotiations what thou hast take into consideration is the negotiating strategy of the EU and its appointed negotiator and the time table he declared was agreed upon and set down by the twenty seven members and the red lines as set down by them beyond which they will not go. If they desire to influence any Nation over Brexit it’s not the UK but the EU and Brussels hardliners. But there is another matter that truly reveals the EU's true attitude towards Brexit and the UK in the underhanded manner in as far as they could not influence Japanese manufacturers to move their British car manufacturing from Britain to the EU now they have gone to Japan directly seeking to have a free trade deal with that Nation especially in as far as the exportation of cars directly to the EU. Meaning that it would no longer needs to export its cars via or from the UK because the free trade deal would give them direct tariff free export access which in essence means that the EU's trade deal with the UK after Brexit will in no way be tariff free, which also reveals the kind of trade deal the EU will offer the UK and that’s why no negotiations on a trade deal with the UK until after all other negotiations have been concluded which in effect means no free trade deal which also means that having to negotiate a trade deal from scratch like any other Nation seeking to negotiate a trade deal with the EU which in effect could take years America being one example. Therefore no matter the rhetoric on not wishing to punish the UK for leaving the EU that is exactly what the EU Government is aiming to do by any and all means possible and the President of the EU has intimated that in all of his speeches as concerning Brexit though not saying it out right. Which means that leaving negotiations for a trade deal with the EU till the very end of negotiations is to channel the negotiations in the EU's favour getting out of the UK as many favourable concessions and deals that it can and the payments that it says the UK owes the EU whilst holding the carrot of a favourable trade deal at the end of the negotiations which it never intends to give the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 6 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus it is that mankind is to be Judged and punished for the orbital space debris or junk that I commanded mankind to remove from orbit around the Earth and if mankind did not that I would do so Myself, which thus far remains to be removed in a safe and an environment space friendly manner. So it is that now I shall remove it over a period of time by increasing the orbital degradation of all that mankind has placed in orbit which not only includes space debris or junk but also mankind’s satellites and space platforms used for scientific research. The orbital space around the Earth is not mankind’s space exploratory dust bin or scrap yard. Thus as said I will and have already increased orbital degradation for many of thy orbital platforms and satellites and that will increase exponentially unless concrete action by mankind is taken to remove the debris and space junk. If not then much of the smaller items that descend will burn up in the atmosphere on re-entry but the larger objects whilst some will not reaching the surface of the Earth some will and be destructive on hitting the surface, whilst those which do not will endanger the aircraft flying at the time and with there being so much debris and junk descending at any one time tracking all of it will be nearly impossible. Thus say I unto thee if thou had seriously attempted to remove it from orbit and had thus far removed a portion of it then all of or some of thy satellites especial defence satellites would have remained and as would thy space platforms. But thus I say unto thee ask thy scientist how many time they have had to alter their space stations orbital trajectory over the past year. The blame can only be laid at mankind’s door for the action in Judgment I am being forced to take reluctantly for mankind’s pollution of the orbital space environment. Though I will have to say that mankind’s efforts to combat pollution and to safe guard Earth’s environment from future pollution is commendable especial in the efforts to remove disposable plastics there needs to be a more concerted effort if the present pollution and future pollution is not going to critical affect mankind’s environment to such an extent that there will be famines, plagues and disease there from that will run out of control and  beyond mankind’s capability to deal with the with and survive them. For if more and more ocean life dies through thy pollution their dead bodies will begin to pollute the oceans of the Earth also, the oceans can deal with the natural process of sea life body decay but sooner or later it will be unable to do so, thus polluted seas will begin to affect the whole of Earth’s natural water cycle and those who depend on the oceans of the Earth for their existence.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 5 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time Cry out Cry out and proclaim the day of the Lord's wrath and anger is to befall the whole of mankind for it is that MY Word for the Nations of the Earth to turn from their wicked rebellious and sinful ways and obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and repent of their sinfulness and wickedness has and is still falling upon deaf ears harden hearts and unbelieving minds well has it been said the day of the Lord commeth as a thief in the night and so it is at this time as hath My Word declared that the whole of mankind would be as they were in the days of Noah before the flood came eating and drinking and getting drunk marrying and giving in marriage and carry on as though no disaster could befall them and committing all manner of wickedness idolatry and immorality carrying on as though that present civilization would never end until it was too late and the flood came and destroyed them all but Noah his family and the creatures of the ark survived the flood. They perished because they heed not Noah’s Word unto them but mocked and derided his claims that I was going to bring down upon the Earth a great flood until it was to late so shall it be as My Word reveals when Messiah comes to claim his rightful heritage even the throne of King David. Thus it is now that My Day is upon thee and soon it is that after My wrath and anger is to be poured out upon all of those who belong not unto Me through the true Passover Lamb even the true and only Messiah, as promised in My Word shall indeed perish but it shall be as afore said all that has been revealed in My Word has to be accomplished even unto the last great Battle and the adversary cast into the bottomless pit chained up therein with all his followers be they who when he fell as a star from the heaven of heavens to the Earth fell with him and those of this Earth of whom he has lead astray and deceived for he is the arch deceiver and tempter seeking like a lion to devour the unwary even those if it were possible who are of Me saith the Holy One of Israel as it also is set down in My Word. Thus it is that the day of redemption is to end and the day of Judgement and of wrath and anger is to begin in earnest and woe unto those who are alive at that time for all shall know what it is to be on the receiving end of My wrath and anger poured forth upon all of humanity thus I say again beware and turn and repent while thou still can for it is soon to befall all of mankind.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as North Korea is concerned that the Nations of the Earth are pandering to his ego via the media attention their giving him worldwide and this is what its all about an egotistical young man who cares about nothing or no one but himself and is not bothered about any sanctions imposed on his Nation and whether or not his people are suffering and starving because of the sanctions or through his extortionate expenditure on his military especially his ballistic missile programme and so long as he's getting worldwide attention he will carry on seeking to provoking Nations like America and Japan and South Korea just to get the attention he craves that puts him in the worlds spotlight and unless he is an ignorant imbecile which he's not and which can be seen in his rhetoric if you read between the lines and consider how he knows just when he has gone far enough in his provocations just enough to get worldwide attention but not far enough to provoke outright conflict and so long as he is getting the media attention he is getting he will as afore said continue doing what he is doing. You just have to consider the last missile test and the attention he gained from that and until this missile test the attention he was getting was diminishing to the extent that until now the media had pushed him into the back ground. But also thou must consider China and how worried China is that he poses a threat to World peace and stability yes they are concerned about his present missile program and the attention its getting and who its provoking but not to the extent of taking any action to force him to halt his present missile program. To China the American president along with his allies of Japan and South Korea posse more of a threat to world peace and stability than the leader of North Korea. He knows that if he did perchance attack any foreign Nation that yes his attack would cause devastation and maybe not even that knowing the military might of the various Nations of the Earth and their defence capability, but it would also result in his and his countries destruction and not possibly the whole of the country but just its capital city.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 4 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the whole of creation as concerning the mismanagement of Brexit and the extreme austerity measures that have been put in place by the previous Prime Minister upon all of the United Kingdom and continued since this party was re-elected with a new Prime Minister at the head of government the austerity measures of which are now crippling Britain. The previous Prime Ministers only redeeming act was to give this country a means of leaving the EU via a referendum with the guarantee that whatever was the outcome the wishes of the people would be strictly adhered to meaning if Britain voted to leave the EU the Government would honour that outcome of which thus far it has totally mismanaged and gives the impression  that it is going to as thou would say it botch up the coming negotiations leaving itself but one avenue of leaving the  EU which is just walking away without any deal whatsoever. Thus it is that the imposition of these extreme austerity measures and the  way in which it is going to take the coming negotiations in the end inevitable will  lead to this governments downfall  in the very near future unless it gets its act together in as far as the negotiations are concerned involving all the leaders of the devolved governments who have a vested interest in seeing that the outcome benefits the whole of the United Kingdom and not just one part of the UK and one party and I say again reverses the extremity of these austerity measure which have caused so much hardship in the public sector, emergency, security and welfare services which has lead to an increase in homelessness a reduction in the care of the elderly and very young and hardship for the unemployed and is one of the major causes of the Grenfell tower disaster and the high-rise block cladding fiasco. Austerity is all very well and can be beneficial if done in the correct way by a sensible reduction of Government borrowing and spending but not to the extreme as it has been imposed thus far. A sensible and wise government would not have gone to the extreme that this government has done but would have sought through various means a sensible and acceptable balance but an unwise and foolish and self-righteous governmental party which believes it is right and all the others are wrong  by its very attitude and careless actions would continue down the path it is on deaf to all warnings and signs of that which they are leading the country down to which if not reversed total economical disaster and a depression not seen since the nineteen thirties. Thus also I say unto this Government that going in the direction it is going will only lead to one inevitable destination disaster for the whole of the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee
from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 3 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the whole of creation as concerning the extreme austerity measure that have be imposed upon this country and all the Nations of this United Kingdom since thou didst become the governing party. Thus it is that the imposition of these extreme austerity measures will in the end inevitable lead to thy downfall and that in a matter of months unless thou doth change course and reverse the extremity of these austerity measure which have caused so much hardship in the public sector, emergency, security and welfare services which has lead to an increase in homelessness a reduction in the care of the elderly and very young and hardship for the unemployed and is one of the major causes of the Grenfell tower disaster and the high-rise block cladding fiasco. Austerity is all very well and can be beneficial if done in the correct way by a sensible reduction of Government borrowing and spending but not to the extreme as it has been imposed thus far. A sensible and wise government would not have gone to the extreme thou hast done but would have sought through various means a sensible and acceptable balance but an unwise and foolish and self-righteous government by its very attitude and careless actions would continue down the path it is on deaf to all warnings and signs of that which they are leading the country down to which if not reversed is a period of economical depression not seen since the nineteen thirties. Thus also I say unto thee beware there is only so far that the path to a period of economic depression can be travelled on before it becomes irreversible. But in as far as the EU court of Justice is concerned if retained as some wish the control of the UK by the EU would be also retained the vote on leaving the EU was for Britain’s complete autonomy in all the aspects of the government of the UK it is a case of either leaving the EU lock stock and barrel or not at all there is no in between no middle ground either in or out Brexit or No Brexit. Henry the eighth had the right idea in as far as Europe was concerned and got out while the going was good.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning children in a critically ill state if the necessity to end that Child’s life should ever arise then it has to be that the parents of that Child alone has  the right to decide when there is no longer any other course of action but end that Childs life in the most humane way possible in no way can it be nor should it ever be the decision of any Judicial court or any other legal or medical authorities right to end any Child’s life no matter the circumstances for one of thy sayings applies to the circumstances of the present due termination of the life support of one Child where there is life there is hope. But ultimately the ending of all human life has never been in the hands of mankind for it is I who bring a person into existence and after their allotted time on Earth I it is who doth end their Earthly life at that time thus ordained by Me and in the manner ordained by Me and thence to come before Me in Judgment to be Judged according to My Holy Law and Commanments unto perfection and that without exception for there is a saying amongst thee when your time up your time up and thus that time has been ordained by Me from all eternity saith the Lord God of creation. So thus say I if any person doth so end any life whether it be their own their Childs their partners or any other life whatsoever no matter the reason all have to be and all shall be Judged by My Law and commanments and thus punished accordingly as My Law states thou shalt not Kill and anyone who does shall be in danger of being punished by Me and cast in the bottomless pit forever, especially in as far as the young and infants whom I cherish above all of mankind for does it not say in My Word suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens therefore anyone ending a Child’s life I shall never hold them guiltless no matter who they be from the highest authority to the lowliest of mankind. I place a Childs life in the care of their parents and they alone have authority in Mine eyes over their child life and none other. But to those who suffer their Child’s life ending be assured that they are received immediately in to My everlasting Loving arms.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 2 July 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time and unto a Nation that is about to follow a path the destination of which another Nation also walked upon, will this Nation end up as that one did? But first the Leader of the US is after gaining all the electorate details of that country why he says it is because of an investigation into electoral fraud of which is but the weakest of excuses to get all the details of that Nations electorate what is his real reason for desiring to acquire that information as everyone knows the source of Americas electoral manipulation and the reason for it? The answer could be that whoever controls the vote of a Nations electorate controls the country and the only way of doing that is by either bribery and corruption or intimidation the reason being to ensure that whoever is in power remains for the duration of their term in office and is assured of re-election to office for another term but if that is the case who is then is the electoral manipulator. But there are also signs that the American Leader is walking on a well trodden path by making sure all who are in positions of power are his ardent supporters and friends, marginalising the media by claims of fake news being reported by the media and by the rhetoric he is using in rallies to those who are already his dedicated followers, also starting a religious and racially motivated campaign against Nations of other race, ethnicity and religion. The question has to be asked if this is the beginning where is it leading to and where will it end? The Nation which the US seems to be following is the same path trod by Rome which was a republic much like America is now and its Leader because of his ambition on controlling the senate by getting his senators elected to the senate against which Pompey and his supporters in the senate opposed him threatening civil war if Julius Caesar managed to get control of the Senate which he did resulting which did in a civil war and in the end Pompey and his armies were defeated after which he became supreme ruler of Rome which in the end lead to Julius Caesar assassination on the Ides of March by Marcus Brutus because they  hoped to bring back the republic, but another civil war broke out instead. After defeating opposing armies Octavius appointed himself "Augustus", which means the first emperor and thus ends the republic and the Empire begins and where it end is common knowledge. But there are also other Leaders who have gained power by similar means but in the end where have they all ended up? This is a warning to America that it makes sure that the ambitions of its present Leader don’t lead to the same conclusion as have others in the past, especially that of the Roman Empire.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord