Sunday 31 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    As said upon another occasion when there was an horrendous attack upon another innocent victim who was a member of the government of this Nation who was murdered in her constituency by that same terrorist group as that priest in France who was murdered in his church. Those who have committed this most heinous crime have thus been rewarded according to MY Holy Law and Commandments as revealed in My Word and thus have they both been Judge found guilty and cast into the Bottomless pit; that which thou dost call hell; forever without reprieve and so shall it be for all others who walk upon the same path and commit the same crimes which these have done and those who still exist upon Earth who have thus been involved shall surely in the end receive when they pass from this life the same Judgment. Also that priest has received his just reward according to My Most Holy Word Law and Commandments and gone to the place ordained for him.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee at this time that every Nation has the sovereign right to rule its own Nation without interference from any other Nation in as far as its internal Justice system is concerned especially wherein it is in the case of a said rebellion against that government elected by all of the people of that Nation except in the case of an elected government turning tyrannical and persecuting, terrorising, murdering and denying  the right of the people to live in peace, freedom, prosperity and happiness being subject only to the Just and upright rule of the government in power which has the interest of the people as their main reason for governing that country.

    Therefore if there are found any acts committed against any people which are contrary to My Holy Law and Commandments as revealed in My Word shall be Judge by Me and if found guilty shall be duly punished even according to the punishment as set down in My Word of which also are revealed many examples of the punishments imposed by Me upon those Nations Governments which have in the past committed such acts  against their people and Nation.

    But upon saying this Judgement and Justice must of necessity be tempered with mercy Justice that is not tempered by mercy is not Justice. For as I am a just God and visit wrath and anger upon the wicked and rebellious I am also a merciful God duly forgiving those who repent truly of their disobedience and rebelliousness and do endeavour to obey all of MY Holy laws and Commandments. But make no mistake I shall visit wrath and anger upon those governments that are wicked and cruel and unmerciful and unjust in the governing of their people.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even at this time and to a Nation afar off who treats its native people especial young according to that which is contrary to My Holy Will, law and commandments I see and hear their voices especial as some have come to believe in Me, ye who have suffered disasters in the past such that they have devastated the various states of thy Nation and wondered why have I struck thee thus. Thus say I unto thee unless thou dost change thy treatment of these native peoples then that which thou hast suffered shall be nought unto that which shall come upon thee, thou hast sown to the wind in the treatment of these peoples and if thy treatment of them changes not then thou shalt reap the whirlwind of My wrath and anger not only in as far as fires and flood and such other plagues and disasters but also in as far as thy peace and prosperity is concerned.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 30 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time what have I said unto thee afore time about a Nation and a government being divided thus look unto the middle east what has been the main tactic that the Terrorist have used in Iraq and Syria to establish their caliphate in those two Nations so easily. It is because of the principle of divide and conquer. They have first caused each Nation to be divided against itself by turning Shia and Sunni and other factions against each other and against the government making those Nations weak and vulnerable then invading the country meet little or no resistance. In both these countries they are now on the back foot as so to speak because Iraq is and has become a united country again and able to attack and defeat the terrorist. But Syria because of its wicked regime still remains divided and allows them to retain their base in that country.

    So what have they now done and succeeded in doing in Turkey infiltrated that faction in the military that attempted a coup which if succeeded would have allowed them to take control of Turkey but as they have failed the blame has been placed upon that faction within the military that attempted the coup and not the terrorist group as the last thing they want is a united Turkey turning against them militarily speaking and now being internally destabilised is still no threat to them even if their plan now has not succeeded.

    But now dost thou see what the tactic these terrorist are using in the west and in Europe it is to infiltrate and destabilise western Nations especially those who are attacking them from the air so that the main attention is turned to in those Nation which are suffering from terrorist attacks and disruption from the citizens blaming the refugee's and migrants and the governments for those attacks from the external terrorist problem and more onto the internal destabilization those Nations are suffering from with the aim of disrupting the attacks of those Nations upon the terrorist group in the middle east.

    Thus say I unto thee turn the blame of thy people from off the refugees and migrants and on to the true source and unite the whole of the Nation’s attention on defeating this terrorist group called Isis.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the peophet of the Lord.

Friday 29 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Thus say I unto those Nations which have an open door policy towards immigrants and refugees that have the impression that the terrorists are seeking to turn those Nations against the refugees and immigrants so much so that they will forsake their open door policy and close their borders not so.

The terrorist are not concerned whether there is an open door policy or not their aim is not to close the doors of a Nation to immigrants and refugees, their aim is to destabilise the Nation from within by turning the citizens of the country against the governments refugee and immigration policy and against the refugees and immigrants within the country so that the possibility of conflict between the citizens of that Nation and its government and conflict between the citizens and the refugees and immigrants arises, much like they have succeeded in doing within Turkey. To them the open door policy is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.

Putting thy focus on thy open door policy as the sole aim of the terrorist is a mistake as to what will cause more disruption and destabilization than the creation of tension between the government and its people and between the people and the refugees and immigrants blaming the government and the refugees and immigrants as the cause of the terrorist attacks.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Upon the proposal of the building of new nuclear reactors in thy Nation a few factors must be taken into account considering the instability of nuclear elements and the disposal of waste the production of energy by building a new generation of nuclear reactors is first and foremost that there are the dangers no matter how rare of a meltdown and the effects such would have on a vast area on the south of the country based on the Chernobyl  and Fukushima incidents which must be taken into consideration. Even if extreme measures are taken to prevent meltdown there is still to be taken into account Natural disasters such as earthquakes tidal waves and extreme storms striking coastal areas also the danger of human error. But even if measures are taken to avoid catastrophic events causing meltdown there is the cost necessary for building the reactor, the cost of the energy produced both to the government and to the consumer and then at the end of the day who will reap the overall benefit and profit from building the reactors. If it is in house then obviously if the country can afford it and all other sources of low carbon production of energy is taken into consideration as alternative sources and adequate measures are taken to prevent a disaster such as meltdown occurring are put in place then serious consideration should be taken on proceeding to build a reactor. But if not in house even with the advantages of it bring jobs and the increase of profit to the local area's economy for a number of years. When it is completed the jobs and increase profit to the local economy will cease leaving many unemployed and possibly businesses suffering.

    But the main factor is an economical one Britain leaving the EU was to prevent billions ending up in the EU's pockets and what will happen if foreign investors build these reactors except for the initial saving of building the reactor all the profit except for taxation will go abroad without any risk to the investors if an accident did occur plus if built in house quality of the build is assured if via a foreign investor there can and will be doubts as to the quality of the build.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 28 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

    Thus say I unto thee that which is not too far off is even My return unto the Earth says the only true redeemer of all of the Holy People shall I indeed find true faith and a following after the true and Only Faith on the Earth and in the hearts minds and will of the inhabitants of the Earth or will I find all given over to all manner of wickedness, lust and Idolatry. Abandoning all obedience to My Holy Commandments, Word and Moral Law, even as it is revealed in My Word. Shall it be that My return shall be to Judge all the inhabitants of the Earth visiting upon then wrath and anger and destruction casting all the disobedient and rebellious and the followers of the Adversary with him into the bottomless pit or hell as thou wouldst call it. As afore said whether thou dost believe this shall come to pass or no matters not for as said all that is revealed to come pass upon the Earth in the near future shall do so that as is thou would put it written in stone. At the ordained time and at the appointed moment it shall happen and shall not be passed by and none can stop its advent.

    But as revealed before all that is set to happen before My return shall and is coming to pass and shall continue till all be accomplished.

    But in as far as this Nation is concerned true democracy cannot exist without a balance of those in power and those in opposition so that one party does not get overall control so that, that Nation turns from being a democratic Nation to a dictatorship visiting all manner of injustices upon the people of the Nation. True democracy rules for the benefit and on behalf of all of the people, dictatorships are ruled to benefit the government in power and for the rich and powerful only and are for the benefit of none except the elite of any one Nation.

    But on the point of leadership the recent terms used by one at the head of the party in government about the opposition party and that used by one seeking to take over leadership of the opposition party makes that one no matter the intention it was meant to mean unfit for leadership. Making remarks as to an opposition parties state is one thing denigrating its leader is another as is seeking to cause the end of another party’s existence. Each and every MP in parliament is there to govern on the behalf of all the people of the Nation with due respect for all of its members and parties and not to act like a bunch of squabbling children.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 27 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee no matter what the candidates for leadership of the Labour party are declaring as their qualities and strengths for taking over the Leadership of the party words are not what is needed now but action, action in Uniting the party and pulling it out of its internal divided state and a strong and determined Leader stepping in and demanding that the party pulls itself together to form a strong united front in opposition to the present party in government or else the party in government will quite literally walk all over the Labour party and push through all its policies and also will control the negotiations of the UK leaving the EU without any viable opposition to its policies and any agreement it comes to with the EU upon leaving.

    The Labour party is in fact in danger of totally falling apart and there is no other party in parliament that can form an adequate opposition to the present party in government, thus it is this country is in danger of becoming a one party Nation. All personal difference all personal disagreements all that is dividing the party should be set aside the Labour party MP's are there to represent and fight for the interests and welfare of the ordinary people and the working people of the UK not to be embedded in their own petty wrangling over who should and should not lead the Labour party if the MP's of the Labour Party cannot do what they were elected to do putting their own interest and ambition before what is their duty as MP's then they shouldn't be MP's and members of the Labour Party.

    So what happens in as far as the negotiations are concerned if article fifty of the Lisbon treaty is actioned within the next six months or so? The party in government will have the last say as to whatsoever is negotiated without effective opposition.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 26 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee why Scotland’s Government and Northern Ireland's want to leave the United Kingdom is beyond reason for have not all the Nations within the United Kingdom got the best of both world's true home rule and in effect independence without interference from the British Government except on issues that concern the whole of the United Kingdom and have all these not got a say in how as a whole the United Kingdom is Governed what Nation upon Earth has all of these benefits none.
    So why is it that these are willing to throw all of that away to become a part of an undemocratic Union that seeks to impose its will on all of its member states who have to accept all that the EU government dishes out that  now and in the end will have no true home rule and no true independence over its Judicial system it laws taxes education and welfare system all will be controlled by the central government of the EU.
    But still it would be even better if all these Islands where United as one yet having true independent home rule having full control of their own internal affairs without interference from the central government except on issues concerning the whole of these Islands. Each part of these Islands also knowing that they have the added security of the mainland forces if they should ever need them and a say in how the whole of a truly United Kingdom is Governed.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

      In My Word there are these Words, I Will call a people that were not My people and her beloved that was not beloved and in that place where it was said ye are not My people there they shall be called the children of the Living God.

     Thus say I unto thee of which Nation do these Words apply. Tell Me if ye can which Nation have I protected over the ages from the time of the Romans. Which Nation has suffered many trials and much tribulation yet hath not hardened its heart to others and never been really defeated?

     A Nation that in times of war has come to the aid of many Nations on the verge of defeat and has rescued them out of their plight. That Nation I have by that power in Mine own had  caused the ships of the invader to be swept aside and sink beneath the waves.

    That Nation that I separated it from many other Nations giving it Kings and Queens and a Leader after Mine own heart who would help to mould this Nation into being what it is today of those Kings and Queens who sat on this Nations throne of whom I caused to fall protecting it from their wicked ways and ambitions.

    Of an conqueror who sought to invade this Nation whose mind was changed by the raging of many storm that of which I caused so that he gave up seeking to invade this Nation and that one who suffered defeat twice at the hands of the same Nation he sought to invade by that one I raised up in that Nation to defeat he who had visions of empire by conquest..

    Of that invader who sought to invade that Nation but because a of what seemed like and unfathomable reason which was placed in his mind changing it so that he took another path. Who also had in his mind placed that an invasion from many Nations would come where it did not.

    Also that Nation, who along with others, fought to free a whole continent from the grasp of two evil dictators, not just to protect itself but to free the people of a whole continent.

    That Nation whose heart is so full of compassion that without hesitation goes to the aid of others in times of need and when disaster and plague strike the people of that Nation have no hesitation of even putting their own lives at risk to save and help others, a people when it comes to giving to those in need seem to have bottomless pockets.

    Thus say I consider the widows mite in My Word and expand it and apply it to this Nation that reveals the heart of this Nation and people. Think now over the last year and what has happened in the rest of the World that has not come near to this Nation yea it has suffered from some disasters but that was because of unbelief and disobedience to My Holy Commandments and setting of the people’s hearts to much on possessions. But how many lives were lost in those disasters think as I did with other Nations I did not with this one, loss of live was almost nonexistent to make the people aware that possessions can be replaced lives cannot even animal life, a Nation in which I have raised up leaders who have turn defeat in victory.

    Yea indeed this Nation has made many mistakes and hath caused harm to others unintentionally and intentionally but over the past couple of centuries has more than made up for and repented of that which they have done.

    Ye know that Nation that one who was at one time not called My people and by My Name and her who was not called beloved who has come to be beloved and of its people who shall be called children of the Living God, that Nation I chosen from amongst all the Nations of the Earth to be My own Nation, apart from Israel. That Nation I have protected and overshadowed throughout the ages so that in it would be raised up he who with the sword of truth justice judgment and mercy should strike the wicked, unbelieving and rebellious Nations of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 25 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time the SNP wants Scotland to remain or rejoin the EU but is that what Scotland really wants or has fought for since the Romans conquered England and Wales but not Scotland and never did and over the ages has fought over many centuries; first the Romans then the English until King James sat on the English throne; for its independence. Then over the centuries Scottish Leaders have also fought for Scotland’s independence especially Robert the Bruce and William Wallace does the Scottish people real want to swap one Union for another especially now that the UK is Leaving the EU and becoming again an independent Nation with Scotland gaining true home rule and could in the future become a truly independent Nation not subject to rules, regulations and Laws of any other Nation? Also knowing if Scotland needed it would have full backing and aid of the British government and does it want to Sacrifice its position and say on how the whole of the UK is governed? Does Scotland now having home rule want to sacrifice it for the Laws rules regulations and systems of Justice and the lack of democracy that the EU has; if it does become part of the EU; and will impose on it?

This is Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee as concerning the SNP's aims to remain a part of the EU and eventually become independent from the UK make no mistake that is what will happen if Scotland is admitted as an independent Nation. Which must be pointed out, the Scottish people in their referendum, as a whole didn't want, much to the disappointment of the leadership of the SNP, to leave the UK and become independent. But it’s not becoming an independent Nation alone that should concern Scotland it’s the economical implications and the security problem that has arisen with the EU's freedom of movement policy, that what has happened in the EU could without the added security of the UK's security forces; which would and could not be denied Scotland in an emergence situation, but the UK has to and must when it leaves the EU secure all its borders; happen in Scotland.

    Also that the SNP along with the whole of the UK took part; which wasn't mandatory they could have objected and refused; in the referendum on leaving or remaining in the EU, it was though the mistaken confidence of the SNP that Britain would vote to remain and that there was no danger of Britain leaving, which was a shock to the whole of the UK the EU and the rest of the World. But they agreed to abide by the outcome of that vote. This then is the crux of the matter, Scotland had a referendum and though there was disappointment amongst the SNP's leadership they in the end accepted the vote result to remain a part of the UK. Mainly because Britain was then still in the EU and there was always the possibility of another referendum. But after the leave remain referendum the backlash from the SNP's leadership and that of other parts of the UK has been and still is contrary to their agreement to abide by the vote result. Though the majority of the country has settled down to the fact the UK is leaving and even the majority of the Scottish people have also done so the SNP has not making all sorts of accusations looking like spoilt children scream, stamping their feet and crying out because they haven't got their own way.

    What the concern is, is it the wishes of the whole of Scotland to part from the UK and remain or become part of the EU or is it just the SNP's is the SNP trying to dictate the future of Scotland without due consultation of the whole of the Scottish people. Also are the Scottish people aware that closer integration in the EU eventually will lead to a deteriorate and eventual a loss of National identity by just becoming another member state or province of the EU.

    Also is it that the SNP is concerned about the welfare and the prosperity and interests and security of the Scottish Nation and people or their own desire on gaining power by becoming Scotland’s rulers and would there be free and fair elections if that happened and would the SNP be the only electable party in Scotland which to a certain extent was revealed in the general election. What other parties in Scotland can mount a viable challenge to their hold on power once if they gained it?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 24 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Even to thee of the Nations that I said in times past that I should send unto thee My servant before that great and terrible day of the Lord God of the whole of creation whom I AM and now it is as thou dost see that the dawn of that day is upon thee to accomplish all that I have set down in My Word as concerning that day of My terrible wrath and anger. Thus have I sent him perchance that he could turn the hearts of the children to their parents and the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of inhabitants of the Nations of the Earth unto Me least I send a great curse upon the Earth. I say unto thee and to all the inhabitants of the Earth look unto the Laws of Moses and the statutes that are to be obeyed therein look and see that thy Laws are not MY Laws and My Laws thy Laws therefore say I turn ye from thine own ways and the paths of the wicked shun, obey all My moral Laws even those moral statutes that are contrary to thine own understanding of morality turn and obey all that I have set down in My Word and Law and I will open up the windows of heaven and pour upon the multitudes of those Nations who obey all of that which I have set before thee such blessing that thou shouldest prosper in all thy endeavours and shall put such peace within thine hearts that passeth all understanding and protect thee from all of thine adversaries so much so that they shall perish before thine eyes.

    But the warning goes out do not do that which I have set before thee and wrath and anger death and destruction plague and famine such has never been seen upon the Earth shall follow. This though I do say unto the Nations who obey all My commandments set down in My Word and thou shalt be blessed indeed and that which is to come upon the wicked and disobedient Nations shall pass thee by.

    But nevertheless all that is set down in My Word as concerning that day which has thus now dawned upon thee shall be fulfilled unto perfection even that which thou calls the great and terrible day of the Lord God of the heaven of heavens even My day saith the holy one of Israel. Whether thou believes of not matters not one iota for I have set this day as hath been revealed in My Word and nothing done by mankind or any Nation upon the Earth can stay My Hand until all be accomplished.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 23 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the only true living redeemer.

    Thus say I unto thee this is but a reminder as to My servants position in relation to all political parties and religeous organizations and cults upon the Earth.
     My word unto thee is this, My servant belongs to Me and Me alone he doth not belong to any earthly religious organization body or cult on earth and ever shall be totally impartial in all things and shall and is governed alone by My revealed Will and Law as is set down in MY WORD  and shall Judge all as I command and is responsible to Me alone. I separated him from his mothers womb to be My servant all the days of his life he is Holy unto the Lord his God it is I who have brought him up and revealed all of My true Will and purpose for all of mankind and the whole Universe and it is I who alone shall Judge and have Judged him I am His Father and he is a son of Mine.
    Thus asking to what religious body organisation cult of faction he belongs to is a question only those who seek for Me and My servant to justify their religion and beliefs and as said he belongs to Me and believes only in what I have revealed unto him and taught him to believe and nought else.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that the Terrorist aim now is not only to cause fear and terror by those methods they normal use, but also to destabilize a country by entering into a country posing as genuine refugees and migrants settling into a country until such time as they are accepted as being genuine. Then committing acts of terror making it look as though many of the refugees and migrants are the source of the terrorist threat in addition to the people blaming them of being the cause of internal problems facing their country thus causing the people to turn not only against the migrants and refugees but against their government for allowing so many to enter into the country putting pressure on the economy affecting jobs and livelihoods. This then brings about protests from the population and an excuse for the extremist groups to attack refugees and migrants not necessarily to murder them just to force them out of their country. But the refugees especially having nowhere to go will in the end start protesting they are being victimised and may react in a way that causes conflict with the people of that country.

    Radicalization has been one of the terrorist’s main weapons in instilling fear in western Nations. But they are now seeing that it is not having the desired effect and so are turning to other methods of attacking the west by destabilising a country internally causing it to be divided against itself and the weapon that the terrorist groups will use is if they can is to cause internal conflict. No matter how few or how many there are turning against the migrants and refugees will never solve the terrorist threat only aid it. If adequate border control and security in a Nation is in place and the movement of people is controlled to such an extent that terrorist are prevented from moving freely around Europe then the acts of terrorism can and will be reduced freedom of movement is the terrorist greatest advantage over the security forces in any country in Europe and the West.

    One thing should be noted though that terrorism and the sadistic and horrenous fame that is generate by it can cause acts of terror by a person not affiliated to any terrorist group. But saying that those kinds of acts of terror are in no way connected to previous acts of terror by terrorist groups is a mistake. The problem is any person who has suicidal tenancies may see this as a means of leaving this world being remembered by all even as a crazed murdered who would otherwise have been just another suicide statistic.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus hast thou been warned of the infiltration of terrorist's via the influx of the migrants and refugees and the lack of adequate border control and security. But what better weapon have many terrorists groups got than destabilizing a Nation by turning a Nation against itself as they did in Turkey. The signs of internal terrorist groups can be seen in the form of their attacks and their targets if they are against immigrants they will target immigrants if they blame the government for the problems within a country they will target that government and military targets. Like unto the British IRA conflicts in Northern Ireland they targeted military, government and protestant targets the same with the military wing of Unionist groups their main targets were those that belonged to the IRA.

    The format of a terrorist group like Isis is to target areas where there are large groups of civilians and cause terror either bombing or by shooting at the public indiscriminately  their tactic mainly is causing fear by murderous acts of terror. But the internal terrorist groups usually proclaim who they are and why they are doing what they are doing. They don’t just claim they are a citizen of that Nation they claim usually on the spot who they are affiliated to or by wearing recognised clothing that symbolises to which group they belong and their targets are specific.

    The terrorists now after their success in Turkey in destabilizing that country seem to be using the tactic of trying destabilise a country by turning its people against each other by pretending to belong to an internal terrorist group otherwise why did the terrorist in Germany just say he was German without declaring to which internal terrorist group he belonged to as other terrorist groups have done so in the past?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 22 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time negative speculation on future financial events usually cause them to happen. Now upon the financial forecasting organizations basing there forecasts on limited monthly figures and not that of the report of a full quarter leads to the view that these organizations are either hoping or trying to provoke a decline in market trading so that their forecasts of a recession after the UK left would prove that their forecasts were accurate and that they as forecasting organizations could be relied on for producing accurate financial and trading forecast reports.

    There is nothing more likely to cause a decline in financial and market trading that the financial forecasting organizations which traders have relied on in the past to give a negative forecast as to future financial and market trading which make companies make adjustments in accordance with the forecasts they receive if positive investing and if negative make what they see as necessary cut backs which will lead to a financial and market trading decline. All of the forecasts on such limited figures should be treated as wishful thinking on the part of financial and trading forecasting organizations seeking to prove themselves as reliable and accurate forecasters thus justifying their existence as reliable organizations.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 21 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that at the moment the Labour party needs to get its act together and to put into place a strong determined leader who knows how to deal with the opposition in a firm manner and is prepared to stand their ground no matter what who understands the concerns of ordinary working men and women and also those of ordinary house holders especially those in local Association Housing rented accommodation and the need for a comprehensive plan for an massive increase in rented accommodation.  My servant not only fought for the working conditions of ordinary working class men and women when he held the position of a GMB Union convener but also for the ordinary tenants of the local authority by being on the central committee of the towns tenants residents association and the chair of the North district tenants association and was well known by all the local councillors and the staff of the towns tenants association and worked for the local housing department. Also when he retired he never gave up his membership as a Union Steward of the GMB.

    In its present state the Labour party is of neither use nor ornament in as far as it opposition to the present governmental party and that party is having a field day with little or no effective opposition to any of its plans for the future and where is the Labour party in as far as the negotiations for the UK leaving the EU is concerned by now it should be taking a front row seat making sure Britain got the best deal not only for the present party in government but for all the ordinary people and working class men and women of Britain which without there wouldn’t be a Britain.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee and ask what the tower of Babel syndrome is? It is a story of Empire building by one or many so that they might have power, wealth, stature and total control above and over all others. It was not Nimrods aim just to reach heaven and MY throne but to have power over all the peoples of the Earth at that time to have all the wealth and power people and lands in his possession to be to the people as I AM to the whole of creation it was his aim to be a god on Earth. So has it been since then and so also have I done to all others who have followed in his footsteps. They gather together the Nations by agreement or force they acquire power and wealth lands and people build many cities carve many statues in their image build many palaces and exalt themselves to the heights of the heaven of heavens. So that in the end they consider themselves as gods and when they have filled the cup of My wrath and anger to overflowing I cast them and have cast them down to rise no more many Empires have risen and fallen and all follow Nimrod and have the same syndrome the tower of Babel syndrome and all have and shall when they reach their zenith suffer the same end as did Nimrod and the tower of Babel.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning the EU and what it terms as closer integration, the question must be ask how much closer? Closer to the extent of there being just one parliament and one government one president and one prime minister one central budget for the whole of the EU membership and in future will it be even called or known as the EU?

    What will be the capital city of Europe be, oh Brussels. But what about the member Nations will they even be Nations and not just European provinces and no longer having their own governments and prime minister's or presidents but provincial governors appointed by Brussels or locally elected as is a local mayor or as the US state Governors? Will each province be known by their National name or such as the province or state of France, Germany, Italy, Austria and so on?

    One currency one capital one Nation if you will be able to call it that one Prime minister one President abolition of rotational presidency all National borders governments sovereignty control over local judicial systems and budgets all prime ministers all presidents and National identity gone, except one in Brussels Capital City! One Judiciary system one police force one Army Air force and Navy this is in fact where closer integration leads when it reaches its ultimate conclusion. But what about any member state or Nation leaving the EU, when closer integration really gets underway? It will be very difficult at least almost impossible as every part of the member’s National structure and economy will be so integrated that it will amount to political and economical suicide to even try to leave a closer integrated EU. Also would it be the EU then or the Belgian Republic or even Empire?

    Thus also the question must be asked what the UK has just avoided being involved in for when the EU started upon the path of closer integration it would have required the UK to either join them or leave and as Britain had been excluded from closer integration Britain would have opted to leave or would it. But when that would have come about what would have been Britain’s economical state as the EU wanted and would have gained the movement of the financial capital of Europe and possibly of the World from London to Europe preferably Brussels. Which would mean Britain’s stand as a leading world economy and London’s position of the financial capital of the world would have been lost. In other words Britain could have been classed then as a second rate Nation. Also the question must be asked what its standing then would have been in as far as a World power to be reckoned with. Also would it have been able to maintain its membership of N.A.T.O? But this now will never come about but has to be appreciated that when Britain reached this crossroad it chose the right path to walk upon.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This scenario is mere speculation of what could happen; not saying it would; if Scotland became independent and joined the EU, if it met the EU's criteria for membership.

    For arguments sake let us say that Scotland had a referendum in the future and became independent. It therefore applied to joined the EU and succeed in its application and was able to contribute to the EU's central fund that part of its G.D.P. that the EU required of it. In return it got a rebate and other benefits. But except for foreign investment and trade that rebate was suddenly cancelled and the benefits stopped what effect would that have on Scotland’s economy and Government for the rebate and the benefits are dependent on the EU's economic prosperity and if that declined it would have to stop all rebates and benefits. Also what if for some reason in the future Scotland fell into the same position as say Greece where it had to borrow from the EU and the I.M.F. and they implemented austerity measures equal to that say of Greece and it defaulted on its balance of payments because its economy couldn't afford to pay the due repayment and Scotland had to give up some of its or all of its assets. Who then would legally own Scotland? Also what would be the British Monarchies position in that scenario. The last question would have to be the UK's government’s position if that happened and would the UK bail out or be forced to bail out Scotland.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus why is it that I have ordained this path for the UK in that of its separation from the EU? Mainly because of its security in relation to the terrorist threat but not only that but for the UK's prosperity and also that it might once again play a major leading roll on the worlds stage.

    But in as far as the EU is concerned it was to provoke it to reform its whole structure which it has thus far refused to do, which will be to its own hurt in the sense of lacking to make it borders more secure because of the terrorist threat via infiltration of Europe by the means of a greater influx of migrants and refugees coming into Europe through Turkey and other countries bordering Turkey. The terrorist groups will use the instability that is in Turkey at the moment to their advantage by means of forcing migrants and refugees to flee through Turkey to Europe hiding its followers amongst them.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I in as far as the I.M.F. is concerned on their claim that the UK's leaving the EU has thrown a spanner into the works; as thou wouldest say it; for forecasting the worlds and the UK's economic growth or decline in that they have predicted especially for the UK a point nine percent decline in the UK's economy for the foreseeable future. But the only spanner cast in to any works was cast into the I.M.F's economic predictive or forecasting capability. Whilst the UK was in the EU their forecasts could be within an acceptable margin of error for the future of the EU's and UK's economy to a certain extent considering all the variables then being, as they were fairly stable. But the UK's leaving the EU in as far as London being the financial capital of Europe and the world the UK's leaving the EU has destabilised Europe’s economic stability which was inevitable but on a temporary basis so that in as far as the I.M.F. is concerned it has no longer a stable economic structure on which to base its economic forecasts for the future not only for the EU but for the rest of the World as the EU's and the UK's economic stability does affects the rest of the World economic stability in as far as finance and trade are concerned. Thus therefore who better to use as a scapegoat on which to blame for the I.M.F.'s inability to accurately predict or forecast the future economic growth or decline of the World’s economy than the UK and its leaving the EU.

    The so called forecast for the UK thou wilt see shall be contrary to that which the I.M.F. predicts. No one except I saith the Lord of Host can know and reveal the future for as I have said afore all things past present and future are in My Hands. Thus it is I alone know the end from the beginning.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 19 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Look not for the days to come to pass wherein it is revealed in My Word as concerning Jerusalem for I say unto thee that time has passed even that day prophesied in My Word of Jerusalem surrounded around a bout with armies that the desolation of Jerusalem was nigh that day was accomplished by the crusades when the armies of Saladin and the armies of the west fought over and made desolate Jerusalem for those where the days of vengeance that all things written down as concerning Jerusalem and that of My people that they should perish by the sword and be led away captive and scattered amongst all Nations as was written a forehand that it should be accomplished and the days of the treading down by Gentile Nations begun and should continue until the days of the Gentile Nations were accomplished once that has been ended then the times as set down in My Word begins and has begun when Israel regained possession of the land of Israel.

    Even these days have from then on begun and have thus escalated until this day when floods and storms, volcanoes and Earthquakes in many places have come to pass also pestilences and drought and disease and the scorching of the Earth in many countries of wars and rumours of wars and great distress in many places. But to come are the signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars of the Heavens the increasing of storms and the coming of massive tidal waves or tsunamis’ because the inhabitants of the Earth neither took heed of My Word nor obey My commandments according to My will as revealed in My Word. But indeed rebelled following after the ways of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and the excesses of the Roman Empire which caused Me to bring about its fall.

    Thus as hath My World proclaimed I shall come to the Earth descending in a cloud with great glory, thus when thou shalt see all the signs set down in My Word thou shalt know that the coming of the Son Of Man is nigh.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 18 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee at this time that the borders betwixt Turkey and Greece and Turkey and Syria need to be made more secure and the borders betwixt France and Britain need also to be made more secure and strengthened in every way as now that which Isis has sought to do in Turkey has failed and there has been success in France they will redouble their efforts to infiltrate and destabilise Turkey so that they can move through Turkey into Europe. The main objective is the movement of refugees if they can weaken the Turkish border with Syria and restart the movement through Turkey of refugees they can use it as a means of infiltrating Europe via Greece.

    It has through that which it has attempted to do in Turkey to a certain extent reduce the west’s attacks in Syria via Turkey and will not give up seeking to destabilise that country as much as it can.

    Isis now see's France especially the south weak and vulnerable because of the lack of security in certain regions and especially that horrendous event which happened in Nice.

    In as far as the problems within the British Governments opposition party if all the parties membership do support their leader all the Mp's in that party should forget their difference and seek to unify the party behind the Leader for at the moment there is no signs of a credible strong firm and determined person coming forward to take over from the present Leader who will unify the party so that it becomes a strong and capable opposition party able to stand against the present ruling party as afore said a party divided against itself cannot stand and a party united cannot be defeated and for the Nations sake there not only needs to be a strong determined governmental party but a strong determined opposition party so that this Nation might step forward onto the Worlds stage strong and determined to make its independent mark on the World stage once again. Look unto the US which has its faults and failings yet both parties are in and of themselves strong and United no matter their differences and this is the US's political strength, a unity in power and in opposition.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 17 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say unto thee that the troubles that have begun in Turkey are just beginning thus far Isis's attacks have been via radicalization and mass migration of immigrants but now it seeks to enter Europe overland and that the only way is via Turkey. The destabilization of Turkey would mean that it would halt N.A.T.O’s usage of Turkey as a land based means of attacking Isis negating Turkeys control of the refugee problem and the return of mass refugee movement towards Europe.
    There are factions in Turkey that can be provoked to rebel against the Government and this Isis will seek to do by infiltrating the factions as it has already done in the armed forces provoking certain sections of the Army to attempt a coup though it has failed it does not mean there will not be other attempts as the Leader of that country is well aware. But what has to be realised is if the problem of rebellion against the Government increases in Turkey then the chance of it turning in to a civil war increases. Turkey must not give the factions in its country any excuse to escalate its actions from protests against the government to actual open conflict. Turkeys Unity and Stabilization is not only essential for the war against Isis and control of the refugee problem but also for its own internal stability peace and security.
    Democracy relies on the unity of the people and the government and as said a Nation united cannot be defeated either internally or external which unity the population have shown by its open support of its government and its democracy in the recent attempted coup. The support of the population must be encouraged in all aspects of life in Turkey whether civil governmental or militarily.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 16 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at the present moment that Of which I have afore said that a Nation divided against itself cannot stand and what has happened in a Nation that borders Syria and is one that is thus far a threat to Isis and one that keeps the conflict in Syria from spreading even further than it has also keeping the refugee problem in check. Even Turkey and what is one of Isis's tactics? That of dividing a Nation against itself inciting rebellion so that it can infiltrate that Nation and spread as it did in Iraq.

    Thus this has happened in Turkey Isis has is followers in Turkey who have incited some in the military to rebel and take over the country. Whether or not they are followers of Isis that has to be discovered. But this do say I that Turkey's government has to regain overall control and re-establish its authority in all of Turkey, the saying divide and conquer in this situation applies. A divided Nation cannot stand and Syria’s Government and Isis would like nothing more than to see now Turkey divided against itself whether or not the cause of it is internal or external but in this case the cause is the result of external influences inciting a portion of the Military to rebellion mainly because Isis is losing ground in Iraq and its influence in Libya is diminishing. The reason for more attacks in the rest of Europe is not only because of the lack of Border Control but because Isis is in many places on the retreat thus to re-establish itself it will use any and all means to halt its retreat and advance in the rest of the world and the main obstacle now is Turkey.

    Yes the Military in Turkey in the past many time have taken action in Turkey to re-establish stability and democracy. But now at a time when stability is not the main issue but the conflict in Syria keeping it in check and within Syria’s border and the Syrian government’s attacks on its own people. Turkey is at the moment a means of supplying the coalition rebels and one of the west’s main routes and supporters of attacking Isis and a main barrier keeping it from spreading into Europe. Turkey’s government needs the west’s support in re-establishing unity and stability.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 15 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    That one who in France has committed that horrendous attack has indeed come before Me has been Judged and condemned as My Holy Law demands and has thus been cast into the bottomless pit where; unlike those in life who commit such acts are cast into prison for a set term and are released;  this one’s term in the bottomless pit which thou dost call hell is forever without reprieve and all of the innocents who have thus perished in the attack have gone onto their reward in the heaven of heavens forever.
    Thus now amongst the living there needs to be a time of mourning and of sorrow and of remembrance and then a time of healing.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    On the negotiations for Britain’s exiting the EU yet having a beneficial trading relationship with the EU which benefits both the EU and the UK and avoiding unnecessary tariffs detrimental to both sides. There should be a request made to the EU for a draft on its complete terms and condition for having an amicable and beneficial trading relationship when Britain finally exits the EU. So that the British government can examine them as to which of those it can agree to and those of which it cannot accept or those of which it needs to discus to see on which ones there can be compromises made to suit both the EU and UK.

    There has to be established an agreement upon the residences of EU citizens who wish to remain in Britain and those British citizens that wish to remain abroad which should be on an equal basis. EU citizens are welcome in Britain and Britain hopes its citizens will also be welcome in the EU. That there should be certain freedoms of movement to and from the UK with the minimum of restrictions even only those which address the threat of terrorism and the security of the UKs borders. But in as far as the immigrant problem is concerned Britain does not wish to stop completely immigrants entering the UK nevertheless to avoid putting any strain on the British economy and the threatening the British public safety and security numbers must and have to be restricted the only exception should be on the refugees seeking to escape war torn Nations or of persecution which endangers their lives.

    An agreement of border crossings with and within the EU have to be addressed, if Britain is willing to apply the minimum of restriction on border crossing for EU citizens so should also the EU for British citizens especially in the case of Gibraltar’s borders with Spain.

    As to Britain contributing to the EU's budget as other Nations which are outside of the EU is concerned that should be such as Britain can negotiate as the minimum that the EU can agree to, making the EU aware that the continuation of trade and movement of labour is more beneficial to the EU than the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 14 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    These words say I unto thee though there is pressure on the New Governmental party by the EU to implement article fifty of the Lisbon treaty. Such should be taken into consideration that they are seeking to exert more pressure now than later on so that they can negotiate to their advantage catching this new government off balance. Strong and sure foundations as to the position Britain will and has to establish before any negotiation commence with the EU.

    Therefore full discussions aiming at getting an overall agreement and strategy from all the National Governments of the UK must be established so that all in thy language as ye put it are singing from the same hymn sheet, there must be no division no conflict no disagreements when entering in to negotiations, as the EU will use any weakness to divide and gain an advantage that will overall benefit the EU and not Britain fine voices and  cold divisive hearts will be theirs; no matter their exterior demeanour; with the aim of discrediting the UK in the eyes of all of its members so that the UK will be seen as having made the wrong choice in leaving the EU and so that any other member having ideas of leaving the EU will be discouraged from following the UK's example.

    But the aim of the UK is not to encourage or discourage any other member to stay or leave the EU. The UK's negotiations will only be for Britain to get the best deal it can and having an amicable and profitable relationship with the EU and other trading Nations.

    But there should be established in the minds of the EU that there will be no compromises as to the deal Britain wishes to obtain from the EU in as far as it will benefit all of Britain’s National governments firstly and the EU secondly.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 13 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The stone which the builders rejected has become the head cornerstone. The rejection of the reformations set forth to the EU which brought about the referendum result in the UK is like unto the stone being rejected by the builders of the European Union which will now become in the end one of the major cornerstones of European and world democracy once again. The shackles of the EU have been cast off and the course for the UK has now been set for a United and prosperous Nation in the near future which will set an example to the rest of Europe and the world what a true democratic Nation and union should look and be like.

    The UK is when all things considered a true democratic Union in itself, yes there are problems still remaining and there are difficulties ahead but look at the Nation as a whole incidents involving guns are minimal, law and order in Britain is the envy of the world racism though of late has increased is nowhere at the level of some other Nations.

    Though there is poverty still in Britain which needs to be addressed it is a lot  lower than even some of the most powerful Nations in the World and Britain sends more aid than many other countries to poverty stricken Nations. Is first to aid Nations struck by plagues and disasters not only from the UK's government but also the many volunteers who are the first to respond to the cry for help from those Nations instantley.

    The devolution of power to its own internal Nations, so that they can run their Nations democratically with little or no interference from central government, If that is not the example of a truly democratic Union I don't know what is, but also these Nations also have a voice in the running of the whole of the United Kingdom. Is the EU run in the same way that Britain is as a Union of Nations? No! Should it be yes!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    All eyes in the EU are now on the UK and if the negotiation are successful those which are concerned about their membership of the EU, even those who are considering on taking the same path as the UK will try to use the UK as a means of leverage on getting  a better deal from the EU parliament over immigration, border control because of the threat of terrorism and the flooding in of immigrants which threaten to overwhelm their economy and the EU moving to more a democratic union than that which it is now but if unsuccessful will seek to take the same path as the UK. There are members within the Union who don't want closer integration and if the closer integration is the only option of staying within the EU will follow the UK and exit from the EU. Intransigence on the part of the EU especially at this time will herald the breakup of the EU which will be inevitable if the EU government is not prepared to reform its whole constitution abandon closer integration and move towards a more democratic structure than it is a the present. Unity in the EU is more important now especially in the present world economic climate that the aims ambitions of the EU autocrats who are not taking into account the other members wishes or opinions. As also the UK’s government must make sure that all the National governments within the UK must have their wishes and opinions on the future course of Britain be taken into account especial in the negotiations on leaving the EU.

    As with the UK so also it is with the EU unity needs to be established amongst all the members and in consulting all the members they will say unto thee that the path they wish the EU to take is more towards a Union Like the UK has than that which is in place at the moment in the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Division breeds destruction and in the end if thy Nation is divided it shall not stand it shall fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Unless in as far as the Nation is concerned there is a strong and firm leadership whose ambition and aim is to unite Britain in all its walks of life so that this Nation becomes a prosperous and a strong trading Nation and division prevails the end to which this Nation will be heading is that of which I have warned thee that shall inevitably come about. There has to be brought about in the whole of the country unity in all walks of life trade and business there must be equality amongst the inhabitants of the land and there has to be improvements made in the health services the welfare system in the care of the elderly the sick the disabled the poor and the homeless.

    All the political parties must be consulted and their concerns discussed and if possible dealt with. Don't consult and allow all parties to get involved in the negotiations over leaving the EU will result in such political division which will tear this Nation apart and the breakup of the United Kingdom and its inevitable fall.

    Arrogance has no friends and is no one’s friend it only has enemies!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 12 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Did I not warn thee over the divisions in thy parliamentary parties look ye unto the party in opposition think not that this division if not sorted out will not affect the whole of the Nation and thy Government it will still be divided and until these division are sorted out the stability of the Nation and the economy are in jeopardy. Thus say I unto thee the obstruction in the party in opposition which is the main cause of division has to be removed. Unity in all the parties for economical prosperity and confidence in Britain of all the World markets has to and must be re-establish with strong leaders on both sides who will Lead their parties as their manifesto pledges have affirmed that they would  fulfil also their promises to the Nation and to their members.

    I say this for the necessary negotiation to take place to the benefit of the whole Nation on leaving the EU all parties must be consulted and stand as one in as far as these negotiations are concerned so that a stable solid relationship to the benefit of both side might be established.

     As said afore time a Nation divided cannot stand and a Nation and a party United with strong purposeful leadership cannot fall and as also I have said if I am with thee who can stand against thee none no not one but if I am against thee thou cannot stand but fall ye shall.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 11 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The election of a new premier and Leader of thy Nation has been accomplished and as hath been ordained afore time, for it is I who casts one down and cause the rise of another so that thy Nation might be in the hands of a person fit to lead thy country into the future and to keep a steady hand on the helm as so to speak.

    Thus say I unto thee now the course has been set for this country as I have ordained the path is before thee now walk ye on it. A path not easily to be trod with many hardships and difficult negotiations ahead but the rewards if thou doth walk upon a is set down in My Word shall be great for this Nations and for the people of this land and for the benefit for not only of this Nation but for other Nations also and for an example for all the Nations of Europe.

    But in as far as thy constitution reforms should be initiated so that a situation like this should never again arise even the putting in place of a deputy Prime Minister so that if a resignation or other such events transpire that someone in an emergence could step into the breach.

    But this election of a new leader and Prime Minister will steady all the financial and trading markets of the World and the value of the currency, but now negotiations with Europe needs to be accelerated.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 10 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To this world and to this Nation Justice with Judgment and mercy has to and is returning to the Earth.  The ordinary people of the World have had enough of corruption in government of corrupt businesses and organizations which prey on the weak and vulnerable have had enough of corruption in Law enforcement and in the Justice system of mankind and their cries I have heard and I saith the Lord of Hosts will act. Corruption must and will cease in Governments Nations Businesses in the Law and Order organizations in all of the civilizations of the World and all of the legal businesses which charge more than that which is fair and right same with the financial and trading markets their corrupt practices will cease or they will cease to exist. Those who resist the changes to come will fall to the dust of the ground, corrupt Businesses will collapse corrupt governments will fall corrupt organization no matter who or what they are will be crushed, terrorist organizations which kill maim and cause terror will be Judged Condemn and destroyed utterly by Mine Own hand saith the Lord God.

     As will all false and corrupt faiths who defraud those whom they lead astray pretending to be the true preachers and teachers of My word only to rob their followers of their hard earned savings. These shall I cause one of the disease of old to plague them even that which thou dost know as Leprosy they shall not escape these who do take My Name in vain using it for their own evil and wicked ends.

    I warned thee of the Judgment to come up all who those who break My Holy Law and commandments who prey on the weak the innocent on the defenceless of Law enforcement agencies and Governments who bow down to the so called rich and powerful who rob the sick the weary the elderly the orphan the starving the downtrodden of that care and protection and the necessities for life peace and happiness. The downfall of those governments who force their own people to live in slums so that they can live in luxury, security and comfort.

    These all shall be replace by upright true fair and just governments organizations, law enforcement agencies and business and financial and trading markets.

As said true Judgment with Justice in all walks of life will and is to be returned unto the Earth. The days of the wicked the corrupt the cruel the tyrant the dictator and lawless organizations is and will come to an end.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 9 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This revelation I will put before thee that My servant will not speak of his past nor brag about aught that he has done and at My command it is that he sets; though reluctantly; down these words he knows what is to be a soldier and of his uncle who was one of the first Royal Marine Commandos when it was first created in the second world war and his grandfather who fought in the first world war and died of cancer long before he was born and another of his uncles of the second world war who was a tank commander. Also his father who served as a tank transporter driver in the second world war. So it is that he understands what those in the gulf war’s went through and in spirit was with those who fought in Afghanistan and was disgusted by the equipment supplied to the troops of the gulf wars and told others that they should not have had to fight under those conditions. That it was the government’s failure to supply its troops with the proper equipment to do the job they did in Iraq, which resulted in unnecessary deaths.

    But he was also aware that at some time he would have had to be sent into battle in the future when he volunteered to join the army when he was seventeen it was his choice and his responsibility which he alone had to bear come what may.

    Though what is above I saith the Lord of Hosts have also commanded these words to be put before thee as concerning My servant which he left out and shouldn't have done so. He knows what it is to be the child of a broken marriage and have to look after his brothers and live with his grandmother until his teen years, to have a stepmother and to have to go into care because of problems in the home, after leaving care living in a bed sit till going into the army and after wards working in the mill. He also knows what it is to be homeless living on the streets almost starving to death until I saith the Lord took him in hand and lead him to a salvation army hostel in Manchester wherein when he walked in and sat down a salvation army officer I directed to offer him a meal and a bed and then claiming social security vouchers so he could stay in the hostel wherein he joined the salvation army and worked in the hostel with the salvation army looking after those who were in the same situation he had been in. Afterwards leaving the Salvation Army and gaining other employment in engineering and moving back to his home town.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee thou was warned about the lack of the control of the sale of weapons and has thou hast ignored the warning it is that thou hast sown to the wind and now wilt thou reap the whirlwind of thy neglect or wilt thou as thou dost say grab the bull by the horns and wrestling it to the ground preventing the situation that thou art now facing because of the anger of coloured Americans Mexicans and Hispanics in thy society which are rebelling against white Americans persecution of them. Which if not dealt immediately with could escalate into a war between coloured and white Americans in other words a civil war a war plagued by many Middle Eastern Countries theirs thou was to free them from tyranny this is racial.

    The attitude of many Americans has to change in as far as the coloured communities are concerned and no matter the opposition gun control has to be applied with immediate effect.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 8 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    In as far as that which I have put before thee a vision of that which is to come, questions will be in the minds of mankind. Like why did I create the Universe and more so the Earth as thou calls it as I did with just enough to encourage mankind to populate the planet and explore the Earth and even go to the Moon as thou dost call it. But not enough to explore except by sight beyond the boundaries set of the Earth and Moon. the planets that inhabit that which thou dost call the solar system have been created to adorn the solar system and until the new heavens and Earth that is all they will be adornments and nought else. After that is another matter, that planet thou dost call Mars of which thou at great cost have sent and a waste of wealth is all that mankind will be able send to that planet it is and will be beyond mankind’s capability in as far as resources are concerned, but even if they were available the deterioration in thy physical structure over the time period it takes to get there even with that planets weaker gravity will not allow thee to exist on the surface even if thou couldest land and if thou didst survive to return the further deterioration in thy physical structure that journey will cause will not allow those who do return to land on earth ever again and they would eventual die in the void of space.

    Then the questions as to the limitations set is one that I have placed because I wanted not the wickedness immorality murder debate deceit adultery and the corruption of fallen mankind to spread beyond the confines of this planet until the New Heavens and New Earth were created and those of mankind who became My Children who were taken from the Earth before the New creation were returned afterwards to the Earth pure holy and perfect in every way to live forever in the New creation and to go forth and populate it. For all would be as the angels of heaven and all the present restrictions place on mankind because of mankind’s fall would be lifted. In as far as the wild life is concerned they to shall exist as all living things shall be and they shall converse with mankind and the children and they shall live and play together in perfect happiness for there shall be none harm in all of My creation and as My Word say the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb and a child shall be able to play on a snakes nest without fear of harm.

    But one thing shall come to pass in thy solar system in the new heavens and new Earth all the planets of the solar system shall become inhabitable. Of which thou knowest who it shall be that shall dwell on them.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This do I put before thee that there is a saying amongst mankind because there are more unbelievers and sinners and have been throughout all the ages than there are righteous that in hell thy term for the bottomless pit and sheol that there must be more in hell than there is in the heaven of heavens. As afore said this is untrue as My children shall be more than ten times ten thousand and thousands of thousands than all the grains of sand on the sea shore and in the sea and hath it has been revealed the bearing of children after the new heaven and earth have been created shall continue and that the youngest child shall be older in thy years than the oldest of mankind and all of mankind shall live forever and shall occupy the whole of creation meaning the whole of the Universe as thou dost call it.

    How shall they move when the children grow into adults which they shall remain forever in thy years about twenty five translated into the years of the new heavens and earth hundreds of years old of which then they shall grow no older as there is no death sickness or disease of any kind. But it is I who shall move them as I moved a disciple in Acts of the Apostles in the bible instantly from one place to another and so shall it be with all of the what thou dost call planets they shall be moved instantly when they come of age to populate a new planet until its population is as it should be and then their children shall be move to another planet until all the planets of the Universe are populated which will take thousands or millions of millennium to complete. In the new heavens and the new Earth all shall be holy righteous obedient and perfect in every way.

    But as for the place thou dost call hell to thee it hath a bottom but not the true hell the bottomless pit, it is called that for the reason that it goes on forever there is no bottom so no matter how many are cast therein it shall never be full up or over crowded but the opposite all in it shall feel totally alone more even so when it dawns on them it is forever.

    In as far as calling the adversary the ruler of the bottomless pit or hell as thou dost call it is one of the greatest lies ever that mankind believes as the truth for he is not in charge of it or its ruler but is to be also cast into the bottomless pit forever and will be a prisoner as all others in it are.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 7 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee thou dost not know with whom really thou has to do, for it is that I have and will strike all the rebellious and wicked and unbelieving Nations of the Earth with all manner od plagues and diseases and disaster the shaking of the Earth fire erupting from the mountains as I have so struck in these last days many Nations with such as warn them of the wrath to come upon them, that it is now that may of the wicked and unbelieving and rebellious will be judged and that judgment executed upon them so much so that many shall fall and go down to sheol and the pit.

    Thou dost say why it is that I have thus far only struck thy Nation with temper wrath and anger it is so that this Nation might become a sword in My hand not a sword as thou dost understand but a sword of truth and justice with which I shall strike the Nations of the Earth, it is thou shalt become an example to the Nations of what an upright moral and righteous Nation should be which executes Judgment with justice tempered with mercy. A Nation which shall uncover the hidden things of the darkness of other Nations governments so that all their wicked deeds come out into the light that they have committed against the people of their Lands to their shame so that without question My Just Judgment may be executed upon them and that they shall fall and great shall be the fall of them that they shall no more rise up. All the adulterous and Idolatrous and unbelieving Nations those who spend their wealth and material possessions on that which is not bread to feed the lusts of their own wicked hearts leaving many peoples in poverty.

    Those who hold no thought for the wild life of the Earth and the environment of which I placed in the beginning into the hands of mankind to care for and protect them from harm and from the hands of those who would strike them down for no other reason than to feed their greed for wealth and power.

    Upon all the wicked Nations of the Earth shall come a blight on crops so that they grown not nor produce the fruit of the ground, I shall also take such animals from off the Earth and return them unto Myself that thou dost rely on for meat.

    I do this because of the greatest crime of mankind unbelief and rebellion against He which is thy creator, the one whom thou hast many times over said and sought to prove that I exist not well now it is thou shalt know that I exist when I strike thee with the mighty arm of My wrath and anger.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee I put before thee that which is need in the one who is to lead thy government, one who is able to unite not only their own party but to get all the other parties together and agree on a sound strategy for leaving the EU in an amicable way that doesn't alienate the EU towards Britain one who is also cognizant on all the legal ramifications involved in making leaving the EU as smooth as possible. But also bring on board business leaders from small and large companies. Not one who is confined to a narrow minded vision of Britain’s relationship with Europe and the World one who is able to setup long lasting trade deals with the Europe and the rest of the World and one who has had past experience in all the various fields of  trade and finance that will be necessary to gain a good and long lasting deal with the EU for Britain and is more than capable of continuing to negotiating  trade and financial deals with the rest of the world especial India, China, the middle and  far eastern Nations and the USA.

    One who is able to form a solid and united cabinet that will not follow the same path as that of others in parliament as afore said united thou wilt stand divided thou shalt fall and great shall be the fall thereof.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 6 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as the gulf wars a few points have to be remembered, what triggered the first gulf war was the invasion of Saddam Husain into Kuwait to acquire a sea port and Kuwait’s oil of which the Western forces removed him by force from that country and chased him back to Iraq which was fully backed by all of Western Governments, but it fell short of finishing the Job in as far as removing him from power then and there as he had destabilised the middle east by his action of invading by force a weaker middle eastern Nation and that is essentially the west’s mistake as point out by the General in charge Stormin Norman as he was known then, which remark cost him his job. That is the main mistake of the west if they had removed Saddam Husain from power then the second gulf war wouldn't have happened. Like all conflicts America is first to claim the glory and last to take any blame for any mistakes made and if anyone is to blame for the second gulf war it is America. The mistakes in as far as the second for Britain was inadequate military supplies equipment and backup for the troops putting them in unnecessary danger resulting in deaths that need not have happened and afterwards having no coherent plan to stabilize and rebuild Iraq and put in place fundamentally stable Government and civilian counterparts who would have worked  with the new government in helping to unite and stabilize Iraq as a whole also leaving Iraq before the job was fully completed having got involved in another conflict with terrorist regimes.

    But after the first gulf war what did Saddam Hussein do in as far as being a threat to Israel did he not rain down scud missiles on Israel. Also in as far as chemical weapons were concerned did not one of his government wipe out a whole town or village so called testing the effect of chemical weapons on people and who was in charge of that massacre Chemical Ali? What about the convoy that escaped from Iraq into Syria before the Coalition could catch it and why was that so important to Iraq that Syria had to hide it. The coalition had suspicions what it was transporting but could never prove it without invading Syria and if Hussein had nothing to fear from the investigators searching for weapons of mass destruction what was his reason for playing cat and mouse with them?

    So to say he had no chemical weapons is an error. But also a question must be put forward who sold or traded weapons to or with Saddam Hussein before those conflicts in the gulf. The mistakes made by the British Government have been pointed out in the Chilcot report but what about the American mistakes made before in and after both gulf war’s. Will they stand up and admit their mistakes not only in as far as British forces who died in those conflicts but also the American ones why is there a stony silence coming from America in as far as they are concerned. Yes there are references to America’s part in the report but no details why? Are they to ashamed of their part that they have to hide behind a wall of silence and what part did their intelligence agencies play in all of this? Both in sharing intelligence and active participation?

   But one last point who sold or exchanged the Military Hardware he had for cash or oil? Are they not to blame also for what transpired in the destablization of the middle east?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Unto thee that thy political structure needs reform in as far as the leadership of thy parties are concerned. When thy prime minster resigned it should have been that a deputy Prime minister should have taken over the leadership of thy party immediately and become the prime minister until a general election was called or the deputy accepted as the new Prime Minister. This would have meant that there would have been economic and political stability in Britain and the negotiations for leaving the EU could have been started as soon as the deputy took office. But also in as far as the financial and trading markets were concern there would have been stability in known Britain’s government was not as it is now in a state of flux until a new prime minister is elected and negotiations after the implementation of article fifty of the Lisbon treaty can proceed and stability and unity can return to Britain economically, politicaly and socially

    But in as far as the Leader in the EU is concerned in his alluding the EU like unto a boat and Britain abandoning the boat without any plans about leaving had not been in place before it left after the referendum on leave or not leaving the EU, firstly no one least of all the EU expected Britain to vote to leave and secondly no one expected the Prime minister to resign. But in as far as the EU boat is concerned Britain has left just in time before the EU becomes so overcrowded that like unto an overcrowded boat capsizes and sinks to the bottom of the ocean and the ship Great Britain has to come and rescue any survivours

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 4 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    These words I say unto thee as concerning the future of the EU and the UK. That an economical and political storm is approaching the whole of Europe and also the Western Nations and a depression even greater even than that of the great depression of the thirties. Of which if the UK had remained in the EU would have suffer along with the EU as the EU will suffer the worst of the depression because of its political and economical structure as it is now and also because of its unwillingness to reform. One of the causes has been the migration of and the coming migration to Europe from the Middle East and other Nations. But also there are other factors such as the economical shift of wealth through the rise of once poor Nation from economical poverty to economical prosperity.
    But now as it was in the days when the Roman Empire fell shall it be for Britain, because Rome abandoned Britain when it fell Britain was saved from the worst of its fall. Thus is it because of the EU's governments intransigence that Union which is in all but Name and Empire shall follow the Roman one it fell because Rome was the cause of the Empires fall so also is it with the EU that wherein its governmental centre is that will be the cause of the EU's fall and those Nations which remain a part of it as did the Nations of the Roman Empire suffer so shall those of the EU. But not as then, Britain has saved itself by leaving the EU though Britain shall suffer some of the effects of this coming depression it shall escape the worst which it wouldn't have done if it had remained within the EU.
    Now it is that Britain needs a strong firm determined leadership to see it through the times to come one that will not back down nor crack under the strain but will stand as a bulwark in the times to come a rallying point and an example to the rest of the World as to what  a strong leading Nation in troubled times should be.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The present generation of the youth of this country are protesting against Britain leaving the EU saying they have been robbed of their future, what future, they were warned that if Britain left the EU that the high life they were living would to a certain degree come to an end sooner than if Britain remained within the EU and even then the high life would have had to come to an end for the young people whose major philosophy was live now pay later without any consideration for the future not only for themselves but for the generations to follow, and only considered the future when it threatened their way of life. The question must be asked of those who were between eighteen and the late twenties and even early thirties did you bother to get involved in the referendum didst thou even consider weighing up the issues in as far as remaining or leaving and the impact it could possibly have on thy social life not so all that thou was concerned about was living it up, going out enjoying thyselves. Seeking to go with members of the opposite sex, go out to bars pubs and clubs and going on holiday having the time of thy lives abroad, having fun without a care in the world. Thou only hast they self to blame it’s no use protesting after the event when thou didst not take the time to get involved.

    Thus say I unto thee as has happened in the past with the generations of other Nations which have indulged themselves in a high life living it up without caring for anyone but themselves sooner of later it must end sooner or later must come the time when thou has to pay for the high life that thou hast lived sooner or later circumstances change and the abundance of wealth starts to dwindle and the hard times return, the struggle to earn a living keeping body and soul together, suddenly having to care for others which have entered into thy life. Because of wars and migration and famin and disasters and terrorism floods and earthquakes dwindling food supplies overcrowding crop failures the movement of wealth from the west to the east and the far east when suddenly poor Nation's climb out of their poverty and the wealthy Nation sink into it. One of the reasons being that those wealthy Nations have misused and abused those resources that where entrusted to them,  not only to care for their own people, but the poor of other Nations. Those billions that were used on projects that benefited no one only the lust for knowledge which in the end does not feed the poor does not care for the sick the helpless the homeless the orphan, space project costing billions, research into the past costing millions scientific research funds that benefited no one and put no food into anyone’s belly.

    How much could all that has been spent on  projects have been spent on benefiting the health service, the welfare system helped to avoid disasters causing as much damage as they have how much could have been channelled in fighting climate change and poverty funding the protection of wild life defending  Nations weaker than thy own.

    The Western Wealthy Nations have allot to answer for and thus saith the Lord the West will have to answer for all that it has done and has failed and is failing to do. For its misuse of power of resources and wealth its waste of those resources placed in its care not only for its own benefit but for the benefit of other Nations that the West was supposed to aid in helping to avoid disease war and poverty.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.