Wednesday 27 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee no matter what the candidates for leadership of the Labour party are declaring as their qualities and strengths for taking over the Leadership of the party words are not what is needed now but action, action in Uniting the party and pulling it out of its internal divided state and a strong and determined Leader stepping in and demanding that the party pulls itself together to form a strong united front in opposition to the present party in government or else the party in government will quite literally walk all over the Labour party and push through all its policies and also will control the negotiations of the UK leaving the EU without any viable opposition to its policies and any agreement it comes to with the EU upon leaving.

    The Labour party is in fact in danger of totally falling apart and there is no other party in parliament that can form an adequate opposition to the present party in government, thus it is this country is in danger of becoming a one party Nation. All personal difference all personal disagreements all that is dividing the party should be set aside the Labour party MP's are there to represent and fight for the interests and welfare of the ordinary people and the working people of the UK not to be embedded in their own petty wrangling over who should and should not lead the Labour party if the MP's of the Labour Party cannot do what they were elected to do putting their own interest and ambition before what is their duty as MP's then they shouldn't be MP's and members of the Labour Party.

    So what happens in as far as the negotiations are concerned if article fifty of the Lisbon treaty is actioned within the next six months or so? The party in government will have the last say as to whatsoever is negotiated without effective opposition.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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