Wednesday 6 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as the gulf wars a few points have to be remembered, what triggered the first gulf war was the invasion of Saddam Husain into Kuwait to acquire a sea port and Kuwait’s oil of which the Western forces removed him by force from that country and chased him back to Iraq which was fully backed by all of Western Governments, but it fell short of finishing the Job in as far as removing him from power then and there as he had destabilised the middle east by his action of invading by force a weaker middle eastern Nation and that is essentially the west’s mistake as point out by the General in charge Stormin Norman as he was known then, which remark cost him his job. That is the main mistake of the west if they had removed Saddam Husain from power then the second gulf war wouldn't have happened. Like all conflicts America is first to claim the glory and last to take any blame for any mistakes made and if anyone is to blame for the second gulf war it is America. The mistakes in as far as the second for Britain was inadequate military supplies equipment and backup for the troops putting them in unnecessary danger resulting in deaths that need not have happened and afterwards having no coherent plan to stabilize and rebuild Iraq and put in place fundamentally stable Government and civilian counterparts who would have worked  with the new government in helping to unite and stabilize Iraq as a whole also leaving Iraq before the job was fully completed having got involved in another conflict with terrorist regimes.

    But after the first gulf war what did Saddam Hussein do in as far as being a threat to Israel did he not rain down scud missiles on Israel. Also in as far as chemical weapons were concerned did not one of his government wipe out a whole town or village so called testing the effect of chemical weapons on people and who was in charge of that massacre Chemical Ali? What about the convoy that escaped from Iraq into Syria before the Coalition could catch it and why was that so important to Iraq that Syria had to hide it. The coalition had suspicions what it was transporting but could never prove it without invading Syria and if Hussein had nothing to fear from the investigators searching for weapons of mass destruction what was his reason for playing cat and mouse with them?

    So to say he had no chemical weapons is an error. But also a question must be put forward who sold or traded weapons to or with Saddam Hussein before those conflicts in the gulf. The mistakes made by the British Government have been pointed out in the Chilcot report but what about the American mistakes made before in and after both gulf war’s. Will they stand up and admit their mistakes not only in as far as British forces who died in those conflicts but also the American ones why is there a stony silence coming from America in as far as they are concerned. Yes there are references to America’s part in the report but no details why? Are they to ashamed of their part that they have to hide behind a wall of silence and what part did their intelligence agencies play in all of this? Both in sharing intelligence and active participation?

   But one last point who sold or exchanged the Military Hardware he had for cash or oil? Are they not to blame also for what transpired in the destablization of the middle east?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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