Thursday 7 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee thou dost not know with whom really thou has to do, for it is that I have and will strike all the rebellious and wicked and unbelieving Nations of the Earth with all manner od plagues and diseases and disaster the shaking of the Earth fire erupting from the mountains as I have so struck in these last days many Nations with such as warn them of the wrath to come upon them, that it is now that may of the wicked and unbelieving and rebellious will be judged and that judgment executed upon them so much so that many shall fall and go down to sheol and the pit.

    Thou dost say why it is that I have thus far only struck thy Nation with temper wrath and anger it is so that this Nation might become a sword in My hand not a sword as thou dost understand but a sword of truth and justice with which I shall strike the Nations of the Earth, it is thou shalt become an example to the Nations of what an upright moral and righteous Nation should be which executes Judgment with justice tempered with mercy. A Nation which shall uncover the hidden things of the darkness of other Nations governments so that all their wicked deeds come out into the light that they have committed against the people of their Lands to their shame so that without question My Just Judgment may be executed upon them and that they shall fall and great shall be the fall of them that they shall no more rise up. All the adulterous and Idolatrous and unbelieving Nations those who spend their wealth and material possessions on that which is not bread to feed the lusts of their own wicked hearts leaving many peoples in poverty.

    Those who hold no thought for the wild life of the Earth and the environment of which I placed in the beginning into the hands of mankind to care for and protect them from harm and from the hands of those who would strike them down for no other reason than to feed their greed for wealth and power.

    Upon all the wicked Nations of the Earth shall come a blight on crops so that they grown not nor produce the fruit of the ground, I shall also take such animals from off the Earth and return them unto Myself that thou dost rely on for meat.

    I do this because of the greatest crime of mankind unbelief and rebellion against He which is thy creator, the one whom thou hast many times over said and sought to prove that I exist not well now it is thou shalt know that I exist when I strike thee with the mighty arm of My wrath and anger.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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