Sunday 30 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee O Israel why has thou not turned from off thy disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments and why follow ye the ways of the wicked adulterous and immoral Nations of the Earth and why tolerate ye the pollution that doth pollute the whole of the Land of My people have I not returned thee unto the Land of Promise as I so promised in times past so to why has thou wearied Me Israel with all of the breaking of the Covenant I made with thee saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens through Mosher/Moses My servant in the wilderness have I not returned thee unto the Land of Promise have I not made fruitful the land of Israel and prospered thee and poured out many blessing upon thy head have I not given thee the victory over all of thine enemies and all of those who came up against thee to rob thee of the Land of promise yet as I have returned thee to the Land of Promise and to bless thee thou has not returned unto Me and have not restore unto Me the House to My Name that it might once More dwell therein. Therefore as thou hast not taken heed of My words and My word of warnings and hast turned thy back against Me so if thou repentest not of thy breaking of My Holy Covenant and refuse to build the House to My Name and to cleanse the land of all that pollutes it I shall turn to My back upon thee to punish thee for all of thy transgressions I shall with draw from thee the blessing that I have rain down upon thee and instead of showers of blessing drought and a famine shall seize the whole of the Land of Israel thy land shall no longer be fruitful and prosperous land but shall be barren waste land fit only for inhabitants of the desert and thus shall it be that all shall see and know that it is I saith the Holy One of Israel that hath brought this down upon thee in wrath and anger for all of thy transgressions and disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and I shall not return unto thee too once More bless thee and rain down showers of blessing upon the Land of Israel and return prosperity to the whole of the Nation of Israel until thou as a Nation returns unto Me to once more become My People and the Lord thy God and redeemer as of old and  Israel once more becomes a land flowing with milk and honey.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 29 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time that the Faith as revealed and taught in My Word as is, is the only true Divine Faith all religions of the World are manmade the True Faith is not a manmade religion it is the Only True Divine Faith that is revealed and set down in My Word and is that Faith alone that I have commanded all of mankind to believe in and that as is set down in My Word all the Religions of the whole Earth are mankind’s creations not Mine all their doctrines theologies systems of belief their articles of Faith their interpretations are of mankind and are manmade and all of their translations if they be not WORD FOR WORD AS IN THE ORGINAL TEXT are not and cannot be of Me and therefore are false faiths and are a corruption of My Word that mankind has twisted and pervert it to use for their own advantage as did the Pharisees and Sadducees of old did for wealth power and self glory. My Word hath been by Me through the prophets and the priest and those chosen by Me to faithfully set down word for word what I commanded them so to do. All that is set down in My Word, word for word plain and simple in context needs to be translated into the common tongue of other Nations but needs no interpretation as implied by the Religious Leaders of the Worlds religions truth and especially divine truth needs no interpretation and so doth the true and only Faith what is written is written and is to be read and understood as is and it means what it says and that is what I have and do say unto thee at this time through My Word written down and translated by those chosen by Me who were faithful and true who set down as commanded My Written Word, word for word as I dictated unto them and translated it into the languages of the Earth. All the books positions in the Word should be so organized as they are so organized in the original and all the books that are not of Me and are of mankind should and have to be removed. My Word in context is one whole Covenant and not two Testaments that doth teach but one true Faith and not many Faiths as mankind has so divided it into even all of the different doctrines theologies teachings and preaching’s that do not adhere to the original. The Faith is the only True Faith and the only Faith by which any and all of mankind can be redeemed and resurrected spiritually from the dead or as thou wouldst say it born of the spirit Roach Hakodesh whom the western Nations call the Holy Spirit. All of My Holy Laws and Commandments are set down in the order I commanded them to be set down and are not to be altered in any way whatsoever and they are commanded by Me for the whole of mankind to obey and the only way they can be obeyed perfectly is through faith in THE ONLY TRUE FAITH by the shed blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb of God the Messiah as is set down in My Word and there is no other way mankind can be saved from My Wrath to come in Judgment upon all of mankind. Thus it will be when all come before Me believing that their belief in their Religious Faith taught by their Religions will save them from being Judged condemned and cast into the bottomless pit wherein is the lake of fire of everlasting torment they will find that they are sadly mistaken and have been lead astray to believe in a false manmade Faith.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 28 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens even My Kingdom saith the Lord God of Jacob and of Isaac and Abraham well said I that the Nations from the Columbian Border to the Northern Border of Mexico should be given the chance to repent of their Great wickedness immorality and the abuse of women and children and of the lawlessness that exists in these Nations even the breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments especially the commandment thou shalt not kill and whomsoever doth so shall be in danger of being cast into sheol the bottomless pit forever. But My word of warning of the wrath to come upon these Nations has fallen on deaf ears and they have also blinded their eyes to My Words of warning written in My Word and hardened their hearts against Me and My word. Thus have I said to many of the Nations of the Earth that the weapons I have in My arsenal are greater than the mightiest weapon on the Earth possessed by any of the mightiest of Nations for as I have proven against My Weapons of war there is no defence and they make the weapons of mass destruction possessed by mankind seem like unto a firecracker compare to a Nuclear explosion for it is that in but an instant of time if it were My Will to do so destroy every weapon of mass destruction that mankind now possesses I could even cause the weapons of war now possessed by mankind to be made useless and cause mankind to revert back to using the basic weapons of what thou calls the middle ages swords and spears catapults bows and arrows and lances by one simple act causing all the oil wells of the Earth to run dry yea indeed some weapons such as rifles and other weapons would survive for a short time but in the end would cease to exist for it is that even thy power stations need fuel to produce electricity and water to power thy hydro electric power stations at the moment there are insufficient Nuclear powers station to supply the needs of mankind never mind the domestic and industrial transport needs thus I ask if oil was to cease to exist what would happen to this civilization and all of its technological achievements? But I say unto thee that even though My weapons thus used are Mighty and against which mankind hath no defence there are other weapons in My arsenal that are not of this Earth with which I could strike the Nations especial one messenger of doom that is prophesied in My Word to strike the Earth and to poison the fountain of waters even that which is Named Wormwood and of a surety will do so but many have asked where is it to strike obviously in a sea or an ocean but where and when the when is quite soon and the where is and has been revealed by Me. As the Earth surface is to be burned by the fire of the Sun so hath it been ordained before Judgment day for this messenger of doom to strike the Earth not only to strike one but many Nations that exist in one place wherein the fountain of waters exist and what are the fountain of waters where doth the greatest amount water evaporated from the Earth’s surface to form clouds to water the land to form streams rivers lakes and ponds so all the plants crops trees of the fields and forest be watered and the flocks herds and mankind may quench their thirst throughout all of the Earth that is the fountain of waters. Thus it is then for the Nations from the southern border of Columbia to the Northern border of Mexico those Nation shall perish and be cast down unto the depths of the Earth that have not repented of their sins and crimes against Me and My Holy Laws and Commandments in the breaking thereof and so it is  that all the Nations may know that it is I the Lord God that  hath brought this catastrophe upon all of those Nation and what the consequences are of provoking Me to strike in wrath and anger any Nation that doth disobey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and doth commit great wickedness immorality committing all manner of the abuse of women and children the neglect of the poor and homeless and the elderly the pollution and destruction of My creation whether it be on land or in seas and oceans or in the heavens above the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 27 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith Lord God unto thee at this time there are only two answers to Brexit and I who from all eternity knows the end from the Beginning know the outcome of Brexit and that it as it were set in stone and cannot and shall not be altered though for Me to reveal the outcome would be contrary to My Holy Will and purpose for the UK and all that I have ordained for the future of this Nation for every part thereof is interdependent on the other and that I the only true Living God am the God of order not confusion therefore nothing must interfere in the path the Brexit negotiations must follow and the decisions that both sides will make so that the outcome of Brexit is as it should be so that all things in the end work out to the glory of My Holy Name thus what I have ordained in as far as Brexit is concerned may not be to the liking of many especially politicians on both sides of the fence never the less it is for the good and the best outcome of Brexit for the UK and the EU that will lead to a prosperous and secure future not only for the UK but also for the good of all of the children of My people throughout the Earth and for Israel itself if thou doth want to know why that will be so thou will have to search out the answer which is to be found in My Word. But say I this one political leader needs to consider the previous Prime Ministers efforts in his negotiations with the EU and the promises and agreements made that were not worth the paper they were written on and the failure of his negotiations which resulted in the referendum being called of which the EU was aware that if the negotiations failed a referendum would be called but did not believe that the British people would vote to Leave but to remain it was a shock as much to the EU as it was to the UK government of which even the Government did not believe at first that the people had voted to leave. Thus say I reformation is all well good in relation to Brexit but this I do say one sided reform cannot and will not be the answer to Brexit in the present negotiations yes reform is needed, but for it to work both sides will have to be reformed to make Brexit work to the advantage of both the EU and the UK. But like as said there is from a human perspective only going to be one of two conclusion to Brexit in or out no in-betweens no half measures the UK voted to Leave and it either stands by its decision or takes the easy way out resulting to put it in thy vernacular Britain going down the drain. The sticking point in these negotiations is the Irish Border of which there is no answer to and the EU knows and has from the beginning known it and is using it as leverage in getting its own way that is either the UK remains in the EU or loses Gibraltar and Northern Ireland if it wants a good Brexit deal from the EU. But the Irish political party though it will not say it but its actions betray its real ambition is not to share power with a Northern Irish political party using any excuse not to do so but to achieve its ultimate goal a United Ireland. This though is the  road block in the Brexit negotiations the open border problem is just the EU's way of saying that unless the UK gives up Northern Ireland there will be a no Brexit deal and if the UK agreed to effectively give up Northern Ireland by allowing it to remain in the EU that would in the end result in a United Ireland as the UK’s jurisdiction over North Ireland would end if the UK agreed to Northern Ireland remaining a part of the EU and then the EU would, though not a first start negotiate with the Irish government for Irish unity over which the UK would have no say for then the UK will have left the EU and even the Northern Irish politicians would be subject to and have to agree to any proposal put forward by the EU especially Irish unity.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 26 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jcob

    Thus saith the Lord God the only true redeemer of mankind creator of the heavens and the Earth unto thee at this time that the EU is using the same tactics as did the Romans when Rome sought to conquer Britain and was sent packing by the British it returned seeking not to conquer but friendship with the British tribes or so the tribes were given to believe when in fact their motives were to conquer Britain by deception by setting the tribes against each other the Romans strategy was divide and conquer for they knew if the tribes of the British Isles were United Rome would stand no chance in conquering these Islands and now the same tactics are being used by the EU and to a certain extent are working by encouraging the division between leavers and remainers which never existed after the referendum though the remainers were dissatisfied with and were against leaving the EU Britain had voted to leave and the majority of the remainers accepted with reserves the result. Since the referendum vote when the EU realised Britain was actually wanted to and  going to leave the British EU politicians who wanted Britain to remain and were sympathetic to the EU cause and afraid of losing their positions and benefits if Britain left have been asked to encouraged remainers to protest and seek another referendum vote to leave or remain with the hope that another vote would result in Britain staying in the EU because of the numbers which voted to remain being such a narrow margin between Britain leaving and remaining but that is where the remainers and the EU have deluded themselves into believing the vote would be in their favour when if act the opposite would be true as the vote to leave is and was not based on whether or not Britain would be better off remaining in the EU or leaving but on Britain regaining its sovereignty on the ability of parliament to truly govern the United Kingdom and not be subject to rules and regulation of the EU government being able to pass its own Laws without any interference from the EU courts of Justice being able to trade with any Nation Brittan wanted to without being subject to EU trade laws and tariffs to able to stand on its own two feet and be as it was in the past an independent sovereign Nation not being subject to the Governments and Laws of any other Nation being in effect a subject Nation without any real say in Governing itself truly the reason for leaving of remaining in the EU seems to have been lost and replaced by trivial reasons the real reason for leaving still remain and would still bring about the same result for Britain in the EU is a subject Nation subject to Laws and Government no matter how little or how much the EU holds sway over the British Nation and people. Though if the margin had been greater as in Roman times if the tribes had been more United in defending Britain the Romans would have left Britain alone as they left Scotland and the picts alone they Knew that they could never defeat the picts to wild to aggressive and to United so they built Adrian’s wall to try to keep them out of Britannia as it was then called. The attitude of the EU government is if divide and conquer worked for the Roman it could Work again and thus far it has done so and if Britain remains divided as in Roman times once Rome had established its hold on Britain by getting the tribes to do the job for them for the next four hundred years Britain was just another conquered and subject Nation robbed by Rome of all of its natural and domestic resources. Britain once more has to again become a United Kingdom not just in name only but in heart and mind as are the Nations of Europe there are no such divisions in France Germany Italy Spain Belgium Holland ect only in this Nation is their such division that can be used against it by those who seek to subject this Nation to their will. Ever since secession of Britain from Europe the Nations of Europe one by one have sought to conquer this Nation and it being united has stood triumphant over all of its enemies is it now going to give into the EU by giving it exactly what it wants Britain to do become again a subject Nations losing its right to govern itself to make its own laws to regain its sovereignty to become once again a Nation to be reckoned with both in respect of trade and power or to become again one of the most wealthiest Nations on Earth or to be dragged down with the EU when it inevitably falls as did the Roman Empire because of its arrogance decadence great wickedness and immorality and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments this EU is as the Mighty Nations of the Earth are to fall and shall be split asunder by the sword of My Justice place in whose hand I placed it to cast down the wicked Nations of the Earth even unto the depths of sheol.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 25 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the only true redeemer and saviour of mankind well have I warned thee of that which hath come to pass upon this Nation that did not take heed of My Word that a divided Nation cannot stand and if ever there was a Nation divided it is the UK but what or who is the cause and at whose door can the blame be laid for that a past referendum will reveal the answer  especial the result of the nineteen seventy five referendum and the winners and the losers the winners at that time though many were against it the vote resulted in remaining in the EU the main driving force behind that were the members of the political parties who bent over backwards and went out of their way to in not so many words virtually bully the Nation into voting to stay within the EU the point that needs to be put forward is those who voted to leave and though disappointed with the result did not in any way seek as the remainers have done so with the result of this referendum in seeking to overturn and to reverse the vote to leave the Brexatiers at that time though against staying in the EU in no way did they seek to overturn the vote to stay as the present remainers have done so. The Brexiters did then their best to support the vote and the then Government to make membership of the EU work to the advantage of the UK. But this time the vote went the other way and what happened with this referendum that did not happen then with the past referendum vote both leavers and remainers forgot which way they had voted and became united in supporting the UK's EU membership this time though the remainers thought that the vote would go their way and got a shock when it did not go their way but instead of accepting the vote as did leavers had done so in the past accept the vote to remain in the EU refused to accept the vote to leave as soon as the referendum vote result was known and have since sought to overturn the Brexit vote by any means they could. Why because of their over confidence and arrogance in think that the only sensible outcome to the referendum vote would be remaining in the EU and even when the vote was publicised could not believe that the majority had voted to leave the EU and still don’t and still go out of their way to overturn it with the support of the politicians in Government and from the EU government itself which also could not believe Britain had voted to Leave thus between them they have divided this Nation and as said afore a divided Nation cannot stand and if this Nation remains divided then this Nation will fall and the blame can and will be laid at the doors of the Remainers and their EU government supporters who would once they had achieved their objective would have cast them aside reneging on false promises made then indeed if Brexit was overturned the EU would make sure that Northern Island under closer integration would have become United with Southern Island and Gibraltar once again would become a part of Spain that they would seek to move as they have in the past suggested moving the financial centre of the World from London to the EU preferably either Brussels or Berlin if ever Brexit was over turned and the UK once again became a full member of the EU it would become the laughing stock of the World a third world Nation having little or no say in world affairs. A weak willed Nation that had not the guts or the determination to stand on its own two feet a back woods Nation. A divided Nation for the remainers and the EU are deluded into thinking once Brexit was overturned that would be the end of the matter and as afore all would come together in seeking to make EU membership work to the UKs advantage not so for the if the UK as a divided Nation as it is at present became an EU member once again the backlash would affect the whole of the EU and the EU would be then wishing that the UK had left the EU the battle now will not go away look at what caused the last British Civil War of which the then King was but a spark that lit its fuse. But when all is said and done the EU seems to be suffering from a Roman Empire complex.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 24 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee as concerning the great wickedness immorality iniquity the abuse of women and children and all the corruption drug dealing and smuggling that has reach epidemic proportions by the Nations of the Land Mass from Columbia’s Northern border to the Mexico just North of Mexico City so that ye may know that it is I who am the Lord God of creation and all things upon the Earth are subject unto My Will in the heavens and upon the Earth that I command and it is so says and it comes to pass that I shall unless these Nations do turn from their great wickedness iniquity immorality and the abuse of women and children especially children and the mass murders that are committed and the breaking of and disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments  as I wiped from the face of the Earth Sodom and Gomorrah so shall I wipe not only the cities on that land mass between North America and South America from the face of the Earth but the Nations also but not as I did unto those cities shall I do unto these Nations for that whole landmass I shall cause to sink beneath the waves of the ocean in that region thus say I that which ye call the San Andréa’s fault stretches further south than what thy scientist have thus far discovered and goes deeper and at this time is catastrophically unstable because of the deep movement in what thy scientist call the Earth Crust. Thus say I as afore said unless these Nations do turn from their iniquity and great wickedness the stench of which rises up into My Nostrils I shall indeed cause this catastrophe to befall all of those Nations on that land mass but it shall be that not only shall those Nations suffer My wrath and the striking of My Terrible swift sharp sword upon those Nation but all Nations shall see and know that it is I saith the Holy One of Israel who AM THAT I AM who that done this unto the Nations of that region and that My Will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and that all who do break and disobey My Holy Laws and commandments shall suffer the due punishments as set down in My Word full measure.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 23 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and redeemer and creator of the Universe and of all those that do belong by faith unto Me through the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb thus saith as I have and will continue to punish the rebellious wicked immoral breakers of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments with destroying winds and storms Whirlwinds and Firestorms Hurricanes and Tsunamis as thou doth call them even Tidal waves that have brought down and destroyed many manmade structures yet they are nought as compare to those that I have called forth to come from the ends of the Earth to strike the Nation because of mankind’s disobediences and unwillingness to turn to and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments who still blind their eyes and deafen their ears to all that I have put before mankind and revealed as concerning that which hath and shall descend upon all the disobedient and rebellious unbelieving Nations of the Earth even that which is to come great plagues and pestilences and diseases that will make the ten plagues of Egypt seem like unto passing summers illnesses in comparison. But say I this saith the Lord God of the Host of the heavens and heaven of heavens especially unto the wild west that America still is where the Law of the Gun as hath been seen of late still rules even the resident of the White House. Thus it shall be that the Law of the Gun in that Nation that will be one of the main factors that will cause the end of that Mighty Nation amongst other means. Thus the full fury of My wrath and anger is aroused against all those who seek by force of arms to rule this mighty Nation even as Iran is so ruled by its revolutionary Guard causing the deaths of a multitude of innocent civilians and imprisoning without justifiable reasons many others except they disagree with the Military Controlled Governments of the Nations even two other Mighty Nations one of which a mighty Typhoon struck are to and shall fall by He who is My right hand into which I have placed My Swift terrible sharp sword and the Iron rod that it is to rule the Nations of the Earth and to shatter all the wicked and rebellious Nations of the Earth in pieces,  peace shall be returned to this Earth but not by the rule of mankind’s Laws but by Mine that shall be strictly and perfectly enforce throughout the whole Earth even as it hath been so set down and revealed in MY WORD SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS UPON THE EARTH even the punishment for the breaking thereof as is so set down and revealed so shall it be done unto all the breakers of My Holy Sacred Laws and Commandments

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 22 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the only true Living eternal redeemer unto thee of the EU who have for years taken for granted and taken advantage of the UK and its people thou doth think that thou all that thou hast to do is to push the UK and its government so far and it will give into thy demands in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned beware thou art not driving this Nations government to a cliff edged that will lead to accepting thy proposed plans for Brexit not so thou art indeed pushing this country and its government into a corner and ye know what happens when this Nation is pushed into a corner as Europe found out in the second World war this Nation first defends itself against all odds and then prepares itself to go to war against all who seek to ride rough shod over it, the song Rule Britannia that symbolised the British Empire in the past still applies to this Nation that still has a strong heart and will and a determined Nature that will never give in no matter the odds that this Nation will not become the slaves or servants of any other Nation and that includes the EU. Keep on pushing if thou will, keep on seeking and or trying to cower this Nation into submission and thou will find that thou will as the saying goes bit off more than thou can chew, This Nation will stand firm on that which it now not only asks of the EU but demands from the EU a fair deal or No Deal and contrary to all the predictions of all those weak willed scaremongers who seek to drive by fear the UK back into the EU's arms that the only ones afraid of leaving the EU are not true Britain’s but those who bring shame to the British Nation and its people by calling themselves British.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 21 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I saith the Lord God of Jacob even He who says and it comes to pass commands and it comes into being to all the Nations of the Earth that from the South shall arise a great storm that shall strike South America even as I so struck North America so shall I strike the Southernmost Nations of South America for their great wickedness immorality and idolatry for one of My Most sacred commandment is thou shalt not make unto thy selves any graven images of any likeness of aught that is heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the seas rivers or oceans of the Earth. Thou shalt not bow down unto them nor serve them FOR I AM THAT I AM, AM A JEALOUS GOD who shall visit the iniquity of the fathers not only upon their own heads but also on their children unto the third and fourth generation of all of those who hate and believe not in Me and shower mercy and blessings upon the multitude who do believe in and Love Me who also keep My Holy Laws and Commandments. For the breaking of this commandment and for the breaking of all of the rest of My Holy Laws and commandments as said I shall strike these Nation with a great storm the winds thereof that shall go throughout the whole of those Nations that do break My Holy Laws and commandments who repent not of their great wickedness immorality and the breaking of all of My Most sacred Holy Laws and Commandments with the winds thereof that shall cause such devastation that the Nations so struck shall know what it is to fall into the hands OF THE ONLY TRUE ETERNAL INFINITE LIVING GOD. But the breaking of this one of My most sacred and Holy Laws and commandments is not just confined to the Southern Most Nations of South America but to the whole of the Americas and it is that thus far only by storms and whirlwinds and great hurricanes have I struck the Nations of the Earth yet not all, but it is that indeed all shall feel the outpouring of My wrath and anger by these storms and hurricanes whirlwinds and tidal waves of such ferocity that many a coastal city’s towns and villages shall cease to exist from the face of the Earth many of mankind think and believe and hope that it cannot get worse than it already has done but so long as mankind doth commit all manner of wickedness immorality corruption cruelty and persecution towards their fellow human beings especially children and break all of My Most Holy and sacred Laws and commandments so shall My wrath and anger continue to strike mankind and the Nations of the Earth but say I this that thus far it hath only been by these storms hurricanes whirlwinds and fire storms have I struck the Nations of the Earth yet that which is to come upon the Nations of the Earth are great fountains of fire spewing forth from the bowels of the Earth and the moving of the Earth beneath the feet causing building to crumble and fall down to the dust of the Earth but also shall come such plagues as struck Egypt at the time of Mosher/Moses these shall not be confined to just one Nation but shall go through and devastate many Nations thus are the troubles to come upon the Earth in these last days are foretold and revealed in My Word upon all of mankind at this time in these the last days.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 20 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and redeemer even the Holy One of Israel as concerning the days now come upon the face of the Earth even the last days before Judgement day of which I have ordained and revealed in My Word the day of troubles for the whole of mankind of wars and rumours of wars of famines the great trembling of the Earth beneath the feet of the spewing of great fountains of fire from the bowels of the Earth of great storms whirlwinds hurricanes and typhoons of famine pestilence plague diseases and drought of which hath yet to come of a truth upon this wicked immoral corrupt destructive disobedient civilization yes indeed great storms hurricanes typhoons and tornadoes have I thus far struck those Nations in punishment for their great wickedness immorality corruption and iniquity as I said I would and shall bring upon all of the disobedient gain saying and rebellious peoples of the Earth especially those that have by Me been weighed in the balances of My Just Judgment shall descend plagues and famines pestilence and diseases upon man and beast upon crops and vines and trees especial and upon domestic herds and animals of which thou hast in the past had a warnings of that which is come of a surety upon all of mankind. For ages past have I warned mankind of these days to come upon the Earth but as My Word hath revealed that mankind especial at this time would ignore these warning and would carry on living as though the present civilization will last forever believe that what mankind’s scientist claimed as concerning the whole of creation its origins and age of the Earth through mankind’s scientific machinery that their theories of evolution were not just mere speculation mere theories but the truth of which mankind now almost is persuaded the theories of the scientist are not just theories but in fact the truth which in effect turns the truth of My Word into a lie as My Word so reveals this would come to pass and that the whole of mankind would be deluded into believing a lie to be the truth and the truth of My Word to be a lie but as I also said and so shall it shall come to pass that I shall make of them a laughing stock and hold them in derision and contempt by proving their words to be that which they are lies and a means of persuading mankind by believing in their theories and lies that they could erase Me from existence and prove My Word to be but the delusional prattling of deluded religious fanatics and those who seek to control the masses through religious mysticism and superstition and a fear of death and what is to come thereafter. But as I have said afore time that by believing I exist not that I would cease to exist even as the invented gods of passed civilizations have ceased to exist because those who believed in them no longer did so, so also would it be of Me not so as the last days and the approaching day of Judgment shall prove. Thus it is that I do exist independent of mankind’s belief or unbelief in Me or My Word of truth. But one word I will set forth seek down into the depths of thine own hearts if thou dare and there shalt thou find My Laws and Commandments written thereon and if thou doth find My Laws and Commandments ye shall find He who hath written them thereon but also thou shalt find the answer also of that which doth happen when thou doth pass from this life. But this I do say that by these signs that have come upon the Earth recently are the signs of the last days and the coming day of the Judgment of mankind which of a surety aproacheth even the day of reckoning.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 19 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God unto all of the Nations especially unto the EU and UK, But to correct one point that I AM THAT I AM in human terms as I created mankind in the first place in My image and as the Messiah was in the flesh the Godhead manifest bodily so am I saith the Holy One of Israel for the Messiah and I are one in Spirit and truth the eternal creator of the whole of creation without beginning or end infinite in all of My being and not confined to the limits of flesh and blood for all are the same in the Kingdoms of Heaven made in Mine image for it is that flesh and blood as so saith My Word cannot inherit My Kingdom for in the Kingdom of heaven there is neither male nor female all are as one and the same in Mine and the Messiahs image if through faith are redeemed through the death and resurrection of the Messiah and have been resurrected through His resurrection unto Eternal life in My presence saith the LORD GOD OF THE HOST OF THE HEAVENS AND THE HEAVEN OF HEAVENS EVEN MY KINGDOM. But as concerning Brexit and the negotiations and the scaremongering that is happening throughout Europe especially in the UK and as concerning the claimed catastrophic effect that Brexit is going to have on the UK's economy all of which has arisen not at the beginning of the Brexit negotiations only when it became a certainty the UK was in fact going to leave the EU where did all these scaremongers come from all of a sudden and who is behind it, there is a simple answer however there is going to be from those who are responsible utter and total denial. But thou hast only to consider all who are seeking to stop Brexit from happening by trying to scare Britain into staying in the EU all the financial advisory organizations and companies all the companies from the business and financial sectors and the multinational companies especial the Japanese and the EU car manufacturers, In fact the origination of the scaremongering tactics used and those used to propagate it have but one recruiter that is frightened by the prospect of Brexit happening especial the no deal scenario this one wants Brexits reversal at any cost which indeed is revealed by the way the negotiation have been conducted. If Britain was not such an integral part of the EU and one of the mainstays of its economy especially with the constant opposition to some of the EU’s policies especially closer integration and opposition to a single European Military the UK’s desire to leave the EU would have had an enthusiastic response and the UK would have left the EU at the very beginning of the EU negotiations it was the same in King Henry the eighths and queen Elizabeth the first days but then persuasion and negotiations were not used to try and keep the UK in Europe but by force of arms and the Spanish Armada Europe never forgave King Henry the VIII for taking Britain out of Europe and the then Church of Rome. Contrary to the scaremongering any one with any sense only has to look at Britain’s past to know that once Britain leaves the EU it will become a prosperous Global Trading Nation a Nation to be reckoned with on the Worlds trading stage especially in as far trade commerce and financial services are concerned and also its Military which will play a more important role in World Peace Keeping. What should be asked of these scaremongers is whose back pocked are you in. But when all said and done I need not name the one for the scaremongering tactics nor the one more afraid of the UK leaving the EU than the UK is afraid of leaving which is the fears but a few and not the majority if the truth be known Britain is glad of finally becoming free from the restrictive shackles and dictatorial attitude of the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 18 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Thus saith the Lord God even the only true eternal redeemer of mankind even of those who through faith in the messiah are save from My wrath to come upon the face of the Earth at this time even upon all of those who have partaken in the murdering of innocent civilians even the Syrian regime and it allies and those also that join themselves unto the allies of the Syrian regime thus as I said I would from the ends of the earth have I called for mighty storms to strike the wicked rebellious and immoral nations of the earth even of great whirlwinds tornadoes and fire storms and so have they struck and shall strike until the punishment decreed hath been fulfilled. Thus it shall be that the fire storm that is to engulf the whole of the Middle East hath begun for the one that hath by any means sought to regain a Nation and believes his victory is in sight is unaware hath by his actions and those of his allies lit the fire storm that shall engulf the whole of Middle East did I not say the Battle field hath been made ready and awaits the combatant armies of the Nations to gather thereon and now awaits the armies not yet  gathered there that shall enter that battle field and then shall the fire storm of battle rage in its intensity until there is nought remaining on the battle field of the Middle East but the remnants of the armies of the Nations of the Middle East and the Western Nations. Thus therein also doth his and his allies defeat and down fall come about even the fall of the second mighty Nation along with all the allies of that Syrian dictator that instead of negotiating peace and preserving his Nation hath by his actions destroyed not only but hath cause a multitude of his people to flee and become refugees and most of the rest hath he killed thus is the ruin of a Nation almost complete except for the coming battles yet to be fought on the battle field of the Middle East did I not say saith the Lord God that in this one’s victory shall be his defeat that his regime and their allies. They shall all fall never again to rise if the path they are on is followed unto its final destination of which they shall as that destination for these Nations hath been ordained by My Holy Will and purposes. Both they and their allies. Of which one Nation is now suffering the full force of My wrath and anger.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 17 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God and unto all the Nations of the Earth that I have set before thee the Iron Rod by which I shall Judge and punish all the Nations of the Earth even My Holy Laws and Commandments and shall Judge all one by one so shall it be done. Thus it is even as the judicial system of mankind is, so is Mine but far more stricter but this I say that the terminology use to describe the breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandments compared to thine though the same, different terms are used mankind uses the terms crime and criminals to describe the breaking of and the breakers of mankind’s Laws and yet those who break My Holy Laws and Commandments by mankind the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments sin and the breakers thereof sinners yet there is no difference as to the meaning of both are the same those who break thy Laws and My Laws are in My sight criminals and the breaking of them crimes both therefore in as far as thy Judicial system and My Judicial system are the same therefore if My Holy Word Laws and Commandments by mankind had been properly translated at this time the terminology in as far as crime and criminal, crimes and criminals would be the same there would be no difference but at the present time ye use different terms for the secular and the religious but it should be that there should be no difference betwixt the two and that is the rule by which My Judicial system is governed all in My sight who do break any of My Holy Laws and commandments are in My sight criminals and the breaking of those said Laws and Commandments crimes and as it was so termed before sins and sinners so now it shall that I command that the terms used for the breakers and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments be called crime and criminal and crimes and criminals as it should have been in the distant past translated and such shall it be any who do break any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments by Me shall be termed as criminals and the breaking thereof in My sight crimes of which the perpetrators shall be Judged as such and as it was in as far as no sinner can enter My Kingdom unless  through Faith in the shed blood of the Passover Lamb the Messiah meaning His death and resurrection and are forgiven and cleansed of all of their sins now it shall be that for sin and sinner crime and criminal shall be applied thus it shall be that no criminal shall enter into My Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven unless  through Faith in the shed blood of the Passover Lamb the Messiah meaning His death and resurrection and are forgiven and cleansed of all of their crimes. Thus it is now all who commit the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments shall be Judged as criminals and as mankind’s Laws so it shall be with Mine but as said perfectly applied and as it is with the Judicial system of mankind so it is and has been with Mine all are innocent until proven guilty but the difference shall be Mine shall be adhered to perfectly and the evidence shall be produced shall be perfect indisputable proof of guilt for I do not Judge as mankind Judges the proof of any persons committing the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments shall be from the actual act presented as committed and the hearts of the breakers thereof for it is that the hearts of all of mankind are open books before Me nothing shall and can be hidden from My sight. Thus as I do Judge by the Iron Rod of My Holy Laws and commandments all of humanity so shall it be with all of the Nations of the Earth this terminology in as far as the Nations are concerned shall be used. Thus as thy Judicial system follows set procedures so also doth Mine but say I this where forgiveness is asked for if it is through the blood of the Passover Lamb the Messiah it shall be given and where mercy is required and needed it shall be applied by Me saith the Holy One of Israel.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 16 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and creator of all tjat is was and ever shall be even the New Heavens and the New Earth after the old like a scroll is rolled up and cast into the fire and a New one is brought forth ready to be written thereon. The new Heavens and the new Earth wherein righteousness dwells throughout in all the hearts of all of those who are to dwell upon the face of the new Earth even all of those who belong to Me that are indeed the sheep of My pastures the true and only everlasting children of the Living God wherein is My will done in all of the Earth as it is so done in My Kingdom of the Heavens where My children and I are one in spirit and truth perfectly where all are known as they know themselves where nothing is hidden for My light doth shine throughout  all of the Earth. Thus as said I then I shall Judge the Nations of the Americas from the Bering strait to cape horn one by one and as I said so have I done even measured them by the Iron Rod of My Holy Laws and Commandments and those that have fallen short so have I and so shall I strike even down unto the dust of the ground the most wicked immoral breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandments down unto the least disobedient of the Nations of Both continents of the Americas and the pouring out of My Wrath and anger shall continue till every Nation on both continents hath been punished as it is so set down in My Word and punished according to the requirements of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments of which is demanded thereby of all of mankind perfect perpetual obedience upon pain of death everlasting upon coming before Me at the time of the Judging of all of mankind at the time of the destruction of the old Earth and Heavens ready for the creation of the New Heavens and the New Earth. But it is also that I said that by the iron rod of My Holy Laws and Commandments other Nations of the Earth shall be Judged and punished and so have some and many are yet to be Judged and punished and so shall they once the full fury of My Wrath and Anger hath been poured out upon those Nation thus Judge and punishment decreed even unto perfection. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel that the Iron Rod of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be executed as is so set down in My Word upon the whole of the face of the Earth and all of the Nations that dwell on the face thereof.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 15 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that dwells therein even of mankind whom I created in Mine own image from the dust of the ground to be chief of My creation to care nurture and protect the whole of My creation yet who fell short of the responsibility given as hath been proven since being cast out of Eden even unto this present day. Thus say I unto thee that all the Faiths of all the Nations shall be by Me measured by the Iron rod of My Most Holy Word, Law, Commandments and the only true Faith as is set down in My Word the perfectly pure and Holy yet the plain and simple Divine truth yet simply profound,  especially those faiths that are declared by mankind to be the true Faith yet are in reality but the vain imaginations of the minds of mankind who know not the true Faith nor wish to know it nor believe in it. Blind Leaders of the blind and both they and those who follow after them shall both descend into Sheol and the pit forever. For there is only but one true Faith as is set down and revealed in My Word the Whole of My Word what the Nations of mankind do call old and new Testaments are yet only one true Holy Covenant the covenant of the only true divine Faith the Faith of the Promise given of a coming Messiah the promised delivered in the death and resurrection of the true and only Eternal Passover Lamb of God and the Covenant of Faith in the Messiah as the only true redeemer and saviour of Mankind of all of those who by the true and Only Faith have come to believe in the Messiah in times past and of those who now have by the only true faith come to believe in the Messiah and those who are by the only true faith going to believe in the only true Messiah in the future right until Judgment day. That true and only Faith that is in the hearts of all of those who truly believe in the Messiah IMMANUEL as the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb of God of every tribe people and Nation upon the face of the Earth for there is but one way any one of mankind can come before Me saith the Holy One of Israel and that is through Faith in the only true Passover lamb of God there is none other. But saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven My Kingdom upon Earth is not in buildings of wood brick or stone but in all of the hearts of all those who have been and are redeemed and are going to be redeemed by the Messiah IMMANUEL for upon Earth there is but one Lord God even I AM THAT I AM one Faith one Word wherein are all My Holy Laws and Commandments are set down and written One kingdom one revelation that doth reveal the truth Faith delivered by My servants in the past and at present and in the times to come upon the Earth and none other and but one true Holy People that belong unto Me that are not born of flesh and blood but of The Holy spirit and Divine truth/Roach Hakodesh.

This is the Word of Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 14 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that dwells therein even of mankind whom I created in Mine own image from the dust of the ground to be chief of My creation to care nurture and protect the whole of My creation yet who fell short of the responsibility given as hath been proven since being cast out of Eden even unto this present day. Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth to the civilizations and cultures that exist now upon the face of the Earth that by My rod the iron the rod of My Holy Laws and commandment shall I thence forth measure all the Nation of the Earth and if any fall short of measuring up to that rod then I shall with that Iron rod strike those Nation that fall short and do not measure up and shall smash them in pieces as doth a potter smash into pieces a vessel that comes from the fire of the kiln marred and unfit for use they shall all be smashed to pieces and cast therefore down unto the dust of the Earth they shall be no more for them their end shall be as fixed as the stars of the heavens they shall be cast down destroyed and be cast into the bottomless pit. As I have thus far stuck the Nations striking buildings and possessions and in mercy preserving the majority of the lives of those affected by the disasters I have thus far struck the Nation in the hope they would turn from their disobedience of My Holy Laws and Commandments and return unto Me but because ye of the Nations refuse to believe in the Messiah as the only true redeemer and eternal Passover lamb and be cleansed by His blood poured forth so that ye may in My sight would become Holy and righteous for without the shedding of blood as afore said there is no remission for sin/crime and through Faith obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as I did with the Nations of the Earth ending with the downfall of Rome so shall I do so with the Nations of the Earth at this time that measure not up to the Iron Measuring rod of My Holy Laws and commandments I shall strike those Nations with whirlwind and fire with tornado and storms as never before seen upon the face of the Earth and as with the North Eastern European Nations and the Nations of Asia so shall it be with all the wicked and immoral and disobedient Nations of the Earth the storms whirlwind and fire that is to strike the Nations of the Earth will make the passed storms seem like unto a summers breeze or like unto a bonfire at festival times.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 13 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of all that is was and ever shall be, unto thee O mighty Nation of North Eastern Europe and of Asia I say this as I have so struck the Nations of South America so shall I strike thee in the days to come for I call saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel from the ends of the Earth a raging storm against thee of which there is no defence thy weapons of war in thine own eyes may be mighty and vast in number but before the raging storm I shall send against thee thy weapons of war shall be even as chaff before the summer threshing floor or as the leaves of winter blown hither and thither in the slightest breeze thou by thy great armies may intimidate other Nations and thou may against the weaponry of other Nations be able to defend thyself fending off their weapons of war but against My Weapons of war there is no defence as one Mighty Nation is about to find out. Thus say ye why strike I thee thus even because of the attacks of thy weapons of war upon the defenceless women and children of Syria. But what of that region in Syria thou art now attacking if it is laid waste and thou doth gain the victory over the rebels and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian it shall be but an empty victory if thou doth consider state of  the whole of Syria and the devastation that is that Nation for in thy victory will be thy defeat for that Nation shall never recover from the ruins that are now Syria how will Syria recover when peace returns cities towns villages laid waste an economy that is in ruins the Nations population scattered abroad and the Oil wells that shall shortly by Mine own hand be caused to run dry Syria is now a Nation in ruins all of its people either refugees or poverty stricken or dead. What happens win or lose when the fighting hath ended a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions hath been cause not by the hands of peace makers of which peace could have been brought about if the Syrian regime had seen sense and stopped it happening before it started, but by the hands of war mongers the repercushions from this devastated Nation shall be felt throughout the Middle East for Years to come and then if peace is resumed what is to stop the return of the terrorist group recently defeated will say I unto that Nation will thine allies remain therein thy land to defend thee will they not seek to return to their own Nations and once gone what then but this say I as a certainty thy victory if any shall be thy defeat and of thy coming before My Judgment seat to be Judged for all of thy crimes both thee thy regime and thin allies shall all suffer at My Hand Death and destruction Wrath and anger. Thus say I the North Eastern European Nation to be struck by the raging storm I have called forth from the ends of the Earth shall be such a devastating storm that will make that struck which Japan and the hath struck and is about to strike the American continent seems in comparison like unto a summers breeze.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 12 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in as far as the coming negotiations on Brexit are concerned a partial Brexit is no Brexit no matter how it is presented or under what guise it is put before the public and that is exactly what the Brexit deal will be a bad deal, for unless the EU has dropped, reformed or water down its four freedoms and proposed plan put forward from the British Government if it meets even partially the fundamentals of those four freedoms is a betray of the many millions of British voters that voted to leave the EU in fact that Brexit will mean that BRITAIN WILL NOT BE LEAVING SOON OR NOT EVEN AT ALL. If the Brexit deal offered by the EU is not in agreement with or meet all of the requirements of Parliament as set down in Law and all of the British public who voted in a referendum set out at the beginning of the Brexit negotiations then all and any deals offered short of meeting those requirements should be rejected outright. But this say I that no matter what each side intends to be the outcome of the Brexit negotiations Brexit will follow as said the path that I have ordained for it to go and it will not deviate to the left nor to the right until its destination is reached and that destination is that the UK will leave the EU lock stock and barrel in that way I have ordained Britain to leave no matter what anyone says or does to the contrary Britain will become a free independent trading Nation despite the scaremongering tactics of those who fear that Brexit for Britain will be a cataclysmic disaster not because they have the welfare of the British People at heart but they fear that Brexit will affect their profit margins overheads and Bank Balances. How short sighted are these who will risk massive investments in the hope of massive returns and I say hope for as all business know any investment in even the most secure of ventures is a risky business at most yet decline to invest in one of the most secure ventures of all time especially when London is the financial hub of the World’s economy and the past successes that before the world wars made Britain great in as far as global trading is concerned yea more so should they be the ones seeking to expand their horizons not confine them to the straight jacket of the EU single market and customs union these being but two markets that are straight jacketed by their so called four freedoms and all of their rules and regulations so much so that any Nation seeking access to their markets have in some cases had to spend years in negotiating a trade deal America being but one example and the Brexit negotiations being another which if those same rules and regulations had not been in place the Brexit negotiations would have been concluded by now and if the EU had agreed on the proposals put forth by the former Prime Minister Brexit possibly would have not happened in the first place.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 11 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation that as I so warned so have the last days have come upon all the face of the Earth the signs thereof are seen in South America and the economic disasters coming about upon that continent which thus far hath only struck two Nation which will affect all the Nations of South America but not only the economical but of the migration of those fleeing starvation seeking aid then there is also the conflict happening in the Middle East and the conflicts to come in the Middle East and then there is what ye call the Natural disasters happening World Wide those that have come and gone the recent disaster that struck Japan and those which of a certainty are follow eve storm whirlwind hurricanes tsunamis and tornadoes. That which also is to come even the end of one major what ye call fossil fuel. Thus it is that the ages of plenty are coming to an end and the beginning of the age of worldwide austerity and poverty mankind to long, especially the western and wealthy Nations of the Earth have been living of the fat of the land but now that fat will and is vanishing and leanness and poverty is replacing it. Thus say I the wealth Nations of the Earth will really come to know what the poor poverty famine plague disease ridden Nations have and are suffering for in the not to far future that will be their lot. When the major fossil fuels run out, it will create a worldwide major crisis where battles will be fought over oil supplies and other necessities once in abundance. But how will the wealthy Nations react to suddenly having little or nothing when used to having everything and every convenience at their fingertips and suddenly also be faced with economic disasters lack of oil and therefore the lack major transportation on which a wealthy Nations population relies what will be the effect. This is what is meant by My Word stating that men’s hearts failing them for fear of that which is to come upon all of the Earth but not only the end of prosperity and the coming of poverty but the of the coming upon the Earth all manner of plagues diseases and pestilence as never before seen and the famines and the droughts that will also descend upon the Nations. As I through Josephs interpretation of the pharaohs dreams warned him of the lean years to come upon the land of Egypt and I saith the Lord God of Hosts through Joseph instructed him what to do in the years of plenty to put into storage a percentage of the  fruit of the Earth so though the people would have little to survive on in the lean years yet they would survive throughout the lean years and so it is over the centuries I have warned of this time now come upon the Earth but instead of preparing for these days mankind did as the prodigal son did wasted his inheritance on riotous living until he in the ended literally ended up living in a pig sty and eating their food. So as with him, so with this present generation and especially the wealth Nations of the Earth will suffer the consequences of not heeding the warning given through unbelief.

This is the Word the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 10 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Host of Heaven unto thee indeed I have trod the winepress of the grapes of wrath alone and have prepare the wine to be poured into the cup of My wrath and anger even unto overflowing for all the wicked immoral disobedient law breaking unbelieving Nations to drink down unto the dregs thereof of which all the Nations shall drink and none shall be able to or shall refuse even all the Heads of the Governments of the Nation who believe not in Me through the true and only Faith in the true eternal Passover Lamb of God and who have not been washed clean in His blood so that they when entering into Judgment are acquitted being righteous in My Sight saith the Holy One of Israel but not only the heads of government but all of those who wield true power in any of the Nations of the Earth. For the true rulers of Russia are those in the Kremlin and in Iran the revolutionary Guard in Syria the Syrian regime in Britain the cabinet and the back benchers in America the Pentagon the Senate and congress not the President whose powers given are to give the impression that he runs the government and not vice versa but in reality as it was in Rome so is it still now the true power of any Government is its military no Government can govern without the support and backing of its military they are so to speak the power behind the thrones of the Nations of the Earths governments. Yea indeed as the Nations have their military so have I Mine but with Me the difference is that I need not the support of My Military it is they who need and have My everlasting support but with or without them I still rule the whole of creation they I need to do My Biding and fight against all the enemies of the Heaven of Heavens upon the Earth the main difference between the Heavenly Hosts and mankind’s military is that they perish not as do earthly military they cannot die therefore invincible of which are only called to serve in extreme circumstances the myths of heavenly battles where the combatants of the heavenly host perish or can be killed are that myths and not reality for the heavenly hosts are not as mankind of flesh and blood but are spiritual and heavenly beings that are also what ye call  guardian angels who watch over and protect all of My Children throughout the Earth even all of those who are born not of flesh and blood, but of the Holy Spirit/Roach Hakodesh  through the Faith given in the Only True Messiah. Thus therefore it is the military that will suffer in the end if they be wicked corrupt immoral cruel and without mercy and who terrorise and persecute they whom it is their duty protect and watch over keep from all harm that shall suffer My Ultimate Judgment. Thus also it is all of those in the governments along with their heads of Government shall be by Me Judged and if found wanting My Judgment thereof be executed upon them immediately.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 9 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of the heavens and the Heavens of heavens unto thee as the attack by the Russian, Iranian back Syrian regime on Idlib hath signified that any possibility of a cease fire and a peaceful solution to the Idlib situation hath been rejected and the lit fuse hath almost reach the powder keg that is the Middle East without any of the Nations of the Earth taking any concrete action to halt the coming blood bath thus it is that  the destiny of the Middle East is set and all the Nations in the Middle East and as the international Nations and Middle Eastern Nations have sown to the wind all must reap the whirlwind thereof and in the end shall My terrible Swift Sharp Sword in My right hand shall reap the harvest of the Middle East that the Nations of the Middle East and the international Nations have sown first shall it strike the Nations guilty of the sins of commission in the bring about of the coming of Horrendous catastrophic conflict that is to consume the whole of the Middle East and then the Nations of the Earth that shall commit the sins/crimes of omission that once again they sit on the side lines watching it take place voicing their objections and condemnation of that which is now coming to pass even the attack on Idlib and that which is about to come upon all of the Middle East and doing nought concrete to halt or stop it happening  thus shall all who are partakers suffer My Wrath and Anger of which of late hath struck the Islands of the far East for their great wickedness, immorality and the following after all manner of false gods which are no gods and false faiths and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandment which all of mankind not only Israel are commanded to obey upon pain of death of which the Judgements thereof shall be carried out upon all the guilty of the breaking thereof of all My Holy Laws and Commandments whether or not any of the mankind believe in Me or no the execution of My Just Judgment relies not upon the belief or unbelief of mankind but upon Me who am the creator of all that is was and ever shall be even all of creation especially mankind and as most surely I exist for if I did not neither would creation itself much less mankind and as thou hast seen the world over the disasters with which I have struck the disobedient and gain saying Nations of the Earth so shall it be of a certainty all the Nations involve in the Middle Easter conflict shall see and feel the out pouring of My wrath and anger when My terrible Swift Sharp Sword strikes all the Nations one by one guilty of the sins/crimes of Omission and Commission in as far as the conflict thus begun and that which is to come upon all the Nations of the Middle East.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 8 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the only true redeemer of mankind unto thee at this time. The Middle East now is like unto a powder keg ready to explode the fuse of which has already been lit by the spark of the Syrian Conflict which will bring about further international involvement from various humanitarian agenises and from the UK, the EU and America on humanitarian grounds but with Russia backing the Syrians in the attack on idlib and Russia’s previous record with Syrian civilians and it’s aggressive action in the Ukraine and most recently in the poisoning episodes in the UK also its annexing of the Crimea no matter what the rest of the middle eastern Nation seek to do to bring an end to the Idlib conflict which will result if allowed to traverse the course it’s on will result in a blood bath not only of the rebels of which the Syrian regime and the Russians class as terrorist and therefore legitimate targets and have in the past declared that not only are the rebels in the Syrian regimes eyes terrorist but all those even of the civilian population that are associate and or support he rebels which means the whole of the population they class as ligimate targets and therefore have no compunction but to targeting all in the Idlib region. Problems from the international community will come from mainly the US if the American Leader starts to throwing his weight around especially in as far as Russia is concerned. The first thing that must be done is for the whole of the Middle Eastern Nations to unite in seeking to pressurise the Syrian regime along with Russia to bring an end to the attack on Idlib. Which as Aleppo reveals will not stop the Syrian regimes Attack only if its allies backed down in supporting Syria would there ever be the possibility of ending the Syrian attack on Idlib. But say I this also if this its carried on to its horrendous conclusion what must be asked is what about the refuges camps on the Syrian side of Syrias borders will the Syrian Regime target them also knowing that the majority that fled the conflict dont want to return whilst the Syrian regime is still in power and then there are the Kurds which Turkey wants to remove from its border of which it cannot do without permission from Syria which if Turkey opposes the attack on Idlib will not be given. But as seen with the terrorist group the Kurds will not easily be removed from Syria. Then there is the tension between Iran and America over its Nuclear program if America gets involve in the Idlib situation of which America cannot avoid getting involved. The situation if the attack is allowed to continue and not be halted not only thousands but hundreds of thousands even over a million may perish but of a certainty it will be at least in the hundreds of thousands from both sides of this Middle Eastern Nations conflict and what it escalates into with the intervention of the international community being involved. Thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel unto thee if this powder keg of the Middle East is allowed to explode which could have been avoided if the Nation of the Middle East had United Against Syria and the rebels forcing them to stop fighting and avoided the whole region being caught up in an unstoppable conflict even a Battle field not only of Middle Eastern Nations but of international Nations also then it is that My wrath and anger shall descend upon all the Middle Eastern Nations and upon those Nations of the international Community which could along with the Nations in that region forced Syria to halt its attack but instead committed both the sins of omission and of commission and the devastation of the disasters that I shall cause to descend upon those Nations shall seem like a  a raging sea to calm pond. Not one Nation in that region and of the international community that could have by stopping the attack on Idlib saved thousands even of hundreds of thousands of lives shall escape My wrath and anger descending upon them but not only this I shall take away peace as thou didst take away the possibility of peace in the Middle East by the stopping the Syrian conflict. Thus also say I to all of those if peace have been accomplished who partook would of a surety had My blessings and the blessings of heaven like summer rain descending upon them even showers of blessing the blessings of peace and prosperity to the whole of the Middle East. As said in My Word blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of the Living God and as it is written so shall it come to pass.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday 7 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel that the major conflict that was to arise in the Middle East that I saith the Lord God warned thee of hath begun and the spark that hath ignited the conflict is the Syrian Russian backed regime. A conflict that unless halted in its infancy will tear the whole of the Middle East apart and all the Nations thereof will be unable to avoid becoming involved and as the conflict grows more and more of the international community will seek to end the conflict but will be unable to do so, but they to shall be drawn into this conflict as they were in the various Nations conflicts in that region. Thus not only the civilians of Idlib will suffer the ravages of war but all the Nations of the Middle East even all the civilians of all of the Nations in that region and once the conflict has reached its zenith it will become unstoppable and will end in rivers of blood and fields of the dead slain in battle and those civilians that shall perish in this conflict even like unto that of the valley filled with the dead of the slaughter of the Kings after which when returning there from Abraham met by Melchizedek King of Salem City of Peace later to become Jerusalem and was blessed by him. This conflict will cause all other conflicts prior to this one in this region to pale into insignificance as compare to this conflict now arising in fact the only conflicts to compare with the coming one shall be the two World wars in as far the devastation this conflict will cause but one thing must the Nations be warned of when and if it gets out of control which if allowed to continue this conflict will do so then the weapons of war to be used will also get out of control even unto the stage of the use not only of chemical weapons of which the Syrian regime was and is willing to use to gain its objectives but the next stage of weaponry even weapons of mass destruction. For two Mighty Nations are to fall and being the volatile Nature of their leaders if either one shall threaten the other to extremes as the North Korean incident revealed either one could be provoke to such an extent as to over step the mark and use those weapons of mass destruction at their disposal. But as said two mighty Nations are to fall and great shall be the fall thereof even the two most aggressive Mighty Nations upon the face of the Earth but both of these shall only fall by MY right hand which wields My Swift terrible sharp sword of My Wrath and anger that shall arise against these two and shall indeed strike them down unto the dust of the Earth for as it is with all of mankind, I say the Lord God created mankind from the dust of the ground according to the flesh and as from dust mankind hath been created unto dust all of mankind according to the flesh shall return and spiritually even what ye call thy soul I call thy person shall come before Me to be Judged.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 6 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel even at this time that Judgment is and hath come to this Earth and to all the Nations that dwell thereon even unto Israel My Nation for as I said so shall it at this time commence first the Judging and the punishing of all the House Of Israel whether or not they dwell within the Land and Nation of Israel or dwell amongst all the Nations of the Earth who do call themselves after one of the tribes of Israel Judah from which the Name Jewish and Judaism is derived even that tribe wherein once My Name resided until all of Israel rebelled against Me broke covenant and did sin greatly resulting in the abomination which made desolate and still makes desolate sanding in My Holy Sanctuary and shall continue to do so until it is cast down and the House to My Holy Name shall be raised up in the place whereon once it stood and once again My Holy Name shall resided therein and there to bless all of Israel. Thus all of Israel were cast forth until now to wander throughout all of the Nations of the Earth until they were once again allowed By Me saith the Lord God to return and to repossess the Land of Promise that Land I promised to Abraham and his descendants forever but still they are a hard hearted and a rebellious people but it is soon I shall take away their hard hearts and given the hearts of flesh so that they can in spirit and truth return unto Me and shall from the heart keep covenant even that which I delivered to them by the hand of Mosher/ Moses My servant and friend and then it is that the abomination which made desolate still makes desolate My Holy sanctuary shall be cast down unto the dust of the ground to be no more and then one again My Sanctuary shall be restored and My People shall return un Me and I shall return unto them to bless prosper and protect them from all of their enemies as I have done so since their return to the promised Land but this I say as I have returned the have not return unto Me and therefore the showers of blessing been withheld and have not descended upon them from the Heaven of heavens and My Throne but as said I shall do once they return unto Me and I to them and they become one with Me through the blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb even the only true eternal Messiah. But this I say once My people have been Judged and have repented of their sins and crimes against Me in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and Keeping not My Covenant I made with them then once again I shall forgive My People and shall bless them in all that they do both physically and spiritually.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 5 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and redeemer of mankind but especially of the Holy People even all of Israel. Thus say I as I have so said it shall be done so hath it been done as concerning the Nations of the Earth even the descending of My Wrath and anger upon all the Nations of Mankind that are guilty of great wickedness, immorality, corruption and the breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments especial the abuse of children and the usage of the weapons of war even the use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians using the excuse that the rebels were and are using terrorist tactics by the use of civilians as human shields there is a great difference between rebels fighting against a corrupt and evil regime and its allies and terrorists, rebels seek to protect civilians especially children the only ones who use innocent civilians as human shields to protect themselves are cowards and are mainly terrorists who are cruel hard hearted merciless killers who have only their own interests and safety at heart but it is they who shall suffer the full force of My wrath and anger by the striking of the swift terrible Sharpe Sword of My vengeance descending upon them but not only upon terrorist shall the sword of My Wrath and anger strike but upon all evil corrupt merciless hard hearted governments and regimes one of which is soon along with its leader and its allies and their leaders are to come before Me as I so said and promised to be Judged even that Nation and its allies that are now already committing wicked atrocities in attacking and bombing not only rebels but innocent civilians men women and especially children as I have said afore it is appointed once for all of mankind in the end to die and then to come before My Judgment seat to be Judged but once the path of the wicked middle eastern Regime and its Leader hath reached its destination then shall the the sharp swift terrible sword of My Wrath and anger strike them down to the dust of the ground to rise no more and then it shall be they who shall come before MY Judgment seat and be Judged even by My Holy Law and Commandments unto perfection of a certainty they will be by Me be Judged and as they have been unmerciful towards innocent civilians men women and children then it is that they will be in Judgment be shown no mercy and shall be cast into the bottomless pit wherein is the lake of fire the fire of eternal torment into which they shall be cast forever. But say I this of the wicked and evil Middle Eastern regimes allies even the Mighty Nation to the North which hath supported this evil and wicked regime throughout its civil war this one shall be the second mighty Nation to fall and follow the fall of the first Mighty Nation at Mine own Hand saith the Lord God of the Host of the Heaven of Heavens as said I this one and its allies shall drink of the overflowing cup of My wrath and anger right down to the dregs thereof and then shall they come before Me and be Judged and the sentence of My Just Judgment executed upon them. So as I have said and so it hath been ordained saith the Lord God of creation so shall it come to pass and nought shall hinder or halt it until all hath been fulfilled unto perfection.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 4 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heaven of heavens unto thee even at this time that there shall from the furthest reaches of the Ends of the Earth even from the North and to the East arise a great storm and a great whirlwind even the whirlwind of the hot displeasure wrath and anger of My Vengeance against the Nations of the North Eastern and central Nations of Europe for all their sins and crimes of the great Wickedness Immorality the worship and following after false faiths, gods which are no gods but idols of wood, stone and metal, and also false prophets and messiahs and the perverting of My Most Holy Word and the Breaking of all of My Most Holy laws and Commandments. But most of all those crimes committed against the children of these Nations that still remains hidden in the darkness of the wickedness of these immoral Nations especially on what thou doth call the internet that hath become so morally wicked and corrupt as to the contents sent and received that thou or those responsible for the operation thereof either cleanse it of all wickedness and immorality or shut it down or if they will not or cannot it shall be terminated by Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation which I could easily do so by the destruction of all communications media and devices meaning satellites and communications masts by meteor storms whirlwinds, Tsunamis and Earthquakes. But it is as said that a great storm from the far reaches of the North East of the ends of the Earth shall I send to strike all of the Nations of Europe as also shall strike as said the Whirlwind of My wrath and anger against all the wicked immoral and rebellious Nations of Europe from the furthest borders of Russia to the entrance of the Mediterranean seas. Not one Nations shall escape the hot displeasure of the wrath and anger of My Vengeance for all those crimes of omission and commission these Nation are guilt of Committing but especially all of those immoral crimes and sins committed against children no longer shall I allow those guilty to escape punishment even as said the crimes of commission the perpetrators thereof or of omission those who seek to hide or neglect to bring to the notice of the relevant authorities the perpetrators of those crimes so that Justice may be done and seen to be done who are guilty either by association or guilty after the fact. But not alone shall I strike these Nations in wrath and anger for these sins and crimes but also of great wickedness and the disobedience thereof of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments of which all of Mankind by Me are commanded to obey upon pain of death both spiritual and physical of which until now the latter hath been fulfilled in that all of mankind are ordained once to die and then to come before Me to be Judged and to be condemned or acquitted and either to be cast into the bottomless pit wherein is the lake of the fire of eternal torment or to enter into My Kingdom as one of My Children being clothed in the righteousness of the true and only Messiah IMMANUEL signified by the shed blood of the true eternal Passover Lamb of God who the Messiah is. But it is if any of the Nations of Europe turn unto Me through Faith in the Messiah then the storm and the whirlwind of My wrath and anger shall pass by for it is only those guilty of the crimes of omission and commission shall be punished and not the innocent of these crimes.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday 3 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time that a similar refugee crisis is going to arise in South America that arose in the Middle East causing refugees to flee to other Nations in the region but as the Borders are closed as has one South American Nations border closed even Brazil so others will close their borders to refuges especially the poorer Nations of South America forcing the refugees from countries suffering from economic collapse and depression to flee further abroad even to the Borders of North America where they will be refused entry into North America and forced to camp along the border as happened with the Syrian Civil war refugees others though will seek as they did with Europe to force their way into the United States thus the criminal gangs will seek to take advantage of the situation by offering at a price to smuggle refugees into America. But as the situation gets worse in South America conflicts will arise between Nations and as Nation war against each other over resources so will the refugee problem escalate to such a degree that it will tear the whole  of South America apart. Nations fighting Nations rebel groups seeking to over throw weakened National Governments. But it is North America that will face the greatest problem it has faced since the war of independence and its civil war, a war without weapons a war of numbers of those refugees seeking refuge in North America for that is the only way that the refugees will be stopped from entering the US. But if in the end they are stopped and  they are not allowed in how will they survive they cannot go back to their own Bankrupt Nation they will not be allowed to enter the US therefore who will feed them cloth them see  to their medical needs the many various charities Worldwide are at breaking point. Then if America allowed in the refugees how many millions will there be who seek refuge in America. Because saith the Lord God of the Host of heaven once the refugee migration begins from South America because of the growing economic situation there, it will be unstoppable there will not be just thousands but millions fleeing poverty starvation and conflict and if the situation can be resolved with the with international help and aid who will deal with terrorist and rebel groups preying on innocent civilians. South America for years has been a time bomb waiting to explode has the time for the South American Nations ran out or can the Nations of the rest of the World defuse this bomb before it explodes with such catastrophic results that it will put all recent disasters by comparison into the shadows and affect the economies of many other Nations

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 2 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and redeemer of mankind especially all of those have and shall become children of God through the true Eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah unto thee even at this time in as far as Brexit is concerned in that there is no solution to the Irish border problem except the Backstop plan put forward and agreed on by the UK Government and the EU in its original format which would have meant essentially the UK remaining in the EU until a solution was found so that the border between Northern and Southern Ireland could remain and open border without any restrictions which also meant that the UK would not have under that plan full membership privileges yet would have to contribute membership fees and being subject to the European court of Justice and being subject to the terms and conditions of the Customs Union which in effect would have meant subject to the EU's four freedoms. The problem with that plan under its first draft would have meant if signed and agreed on and adhere to that the UK would have remain indefinitely a member of the Customs Union therefore the EU and in effect a Brexit reversal but that plan was rejected by the EU by the imposition of a time limit on the plan of which the EU rejected outright the question must be asked why and the answer is that there is no solution whatsoever without a full implementation of the backstop solution without the time limit being imposed which leads to but one conclusion and it is that the EU knows that unless the UK stays in the EU in some way shape or form then the only border that is going to exist between the North and South of Ireland is a hard border which in effect brings in the question the motivation of the EU and the Irish Government to insist on a free and open Border when they know once the UK has left the EU that such a border could never remain in place as said afore there is no other answer to the Irish Border problem except one of two possibilities one that the UK gives up Northern Ireland which it will in no way do so and in no way guarantees a fair proactive trade deal with the EU infarct the opposite and fulfils the Irish Governments ambitions for a United Ireland since it gained independence from the UK and two the other option is that Brexit is reversed and the UK remains in the EU as a full member which cannot happen as the would mean that the Government if it tried to so would be breaking the Law here is a third option which would be a miracle in itself a miracle which could never even happen and that is that Ireland left the EU and became a member of the UK which effect would fulfil one of its ambitions a United Ireland and as Scotland is now so would the whole of Ireland be self governed.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 1 September 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel at this time as said Judgment is to begin with the House of Israel and the Land of Promise and as said so shall it be it shall not turn to the left nor to the right and shall not be halted it shall continue on the path that I have thus ordained for Judgment not only of Israel but the whole of the Nations and it shall of a certainty continue on the path so ordained until it is perfectly fulfilled and there is nought upon Earth and in the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens than stop it or halt it from coming to pass. But in as far as the cleansing of the Land of Promise as I have ordained it so to be so shall also the cleansing thereof be totally and perfectly fulfilled even according to My Will and Purposes as revealed in My Word and through My servants the prophets all of Israel shall be cleansed unto perfection of all that pollutes it from the Syrian borders to the Border of Egypt and from Lebanon and the Mediterranean sea to the borders of Jordan Israel belongs unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation and to none other except to that Nation I gave it by promise even unto Abraham and his descendants forever and whom so ever seeks to take any part thereof from the House of Israel shall suffer the full fury of My Wrath and anger vengeance is Mine saith Adonai I shall indeed repay any and all who seek to rob \Israel of that which is hers by Divine right even all of it. Thus any and all who come up against Israel to force it to part with any part of the Land of Promise shall not only come up against Israel but against Me and all of the Hosts of the Heaven of Heavens even My Kingdom which will end but one way and that is the total destruction of all who do so thus it is if I AM for any Nation that none can and shall stand against that Nation but if I am against that Nation or any Nation of the Earth then that or those Nations shall not and cannot stand they shall fall down unto destruction. Thus it is I who alone who can and shall Judge Israel and punish her and none other and if she turns from her disobedience the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments and returns to keeping covenant through the Blood of the Eternal Passover Lamb I alone it is who it is that can and shall forgive redeem and bless and prosper her and none other. But as set is the destiny of the Land of promise and the children of Israel so also is set the destiny and the path of a Western Nation from which it will not nor cannot deviate one Iota from the destiny I have ordained for that Nation to reach, as I have so caused it to walk the path it hath done so until the present day for I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation shall cause it to continue on the ordained path until its destiny hath been reached thus it is that I have not done so for nought but that this Nation shall be a Nation after Mine own heart and a help meet to all of those who are and shall be of Me even to all of the children of the Living God saith the I AM THAT I AM. Look if thou doubts that it is I saith the Lord God that hath throughout thy history guided overshadowed and protected this Nation until the present day look and see  from the time of the Roman Empire to this day how this Nation has survived where other mighty Nations have fell and passed into the Land of forgetfulness and the Last Great conflict when many Nations fell and this one did not but became a refuge for all the Nations that fell in that conflict how against all as thou wouldst say it odds did this Nation survive where other Nations fell this Nation this it was by My good grace and favour that I caused this Nation not only to survive and flourish and in the end gain the victory over all her enemies but for it to it to flourish on the path I have thus ordained it to walk and as its path hath been ordained so hath the present Brexit as thou would call it hath been ordained to follow one path and reach but on destiny and there is nought any can halt stop or change its direction.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord