Thursday 31 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

          As concerning prayer or of putting petitions before Me saith the Holy One of Israel, those prayers that I listen to are those that are sincere and from the heart not the meaningless ones that are read from prayer books or other forms of writings time after time on set days and seasons except the one prayer which must be said from the heart which ye call the Lords prayer. For centuries these have been coming before Me and My ears are and have been deaf unto them as thou hast been deaf unto My Word and Law for decades. I hear the prayers of children and they that are child like in their simplicity which are simple honest and true and where ever I can if it is right and proper and is for the right reason will answer, though not sometimes as the supplicant expects but it is of necessity for the good of the supplicant, there are some plea’s that I cannot and will not answer as there are those who say prayers unto Me that are blasphemous and mock Me to such an extent that My wrath and anger is aroused and I answer their prayers as they deserve and sometimes they end up immediately before Me in Judgment and their punishment is swift and Just according to that set down in My Word.

           But and if some prayers to others seem meaningless and incoherent I can see into their hearts and know what it is they are trying to say and I do understand and do know what is on their minds and will answer according to the desire of their hearts sometimes immediately some times for their good I delay, but answer I do.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

    To thee, the best way of solving the problem of the steel industry is to bail it out even as the banks were bailed out which was in essence a form of Nationalisation that did not contravene E.U. rules and regulations, if that could be done with the banks why not the steel industry on a temporary basis until a buyer can be found. But this also points out to the fact of Britain not being able to do what is necessary in as far as this concerned without bowing down to the E.U. Also what has the steel industry as it is in its present state have an unfair advantage over other E.U. states if it is Nationalised on a temporary basis. If Britain was out of the E.U. the government would have been able to Nationalise the steel industry without any E.U. interference and the Government could have Nationalised the industry on a temporary basis until a buyer could have been found. It is about time that the shackles of the E.U. were cast off.
    But the question must be asked what did the negotiations for reform truly gain for Britain if any and were they in essence meaningless? This only points to the fact as afore said Britain is not its own boss!
    Also again which is better quality steel Chinese or British and in as far as the construction industry is concerned can Chinese steel be trusted if an earthquake struck or a massive storm with very high wind speeds hit British steel could but poor quality steel puts people’s lives in danger.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 30 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say unto thee thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God and it is only Him shalt thou serve of which is set down in My Word. But in as far as My commandment thou shalt not kill is concerned, this Law is to be applied unto perfection, which means in as far as humanity is concerned that any one killing a human being from the beginning of life to the end thereof is breaking My Holy Law and those who do commit such an act are not only to be judge by human courts but shall have to answer for their actions when they come before Me in Judgment human courts only put the ones guilt of such an act in prison for a period of time, but be warned of this when I Judge and sentence such to the bottomless pit it is forever. Thy scientist are not the ones in My sight qualified to dictate when human life begins and when it ends. As I am the creator of all life especially human life it is I alone who says when life begins and when life ends and it is I who give life and take it at death. Thus when does life begin and end, life begins when the cells start to multiply and end when the body is no longer inhabited by the person to whom it belongs and starts to decompose.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus did I warn thee afore times of the danger China presented to the steel industry and why. Thus again I will say unto thee that China having no human rights principles and law in place it awards its workers what wages it pleases and in many cases have not paid their work force at all and if they object to much end up in prison or worse; thus they can export steel and undercut other commodities on the World markets. The main reason is that they intend to be the main or even the only producer of steel by keeping the export price at such a level that it forces other steel producers out of business. What thou must look at is the quality of that steel they produce and also the exporting in the past by Britain of scrap metal to china. In other words ye have been your own worst enemy. But once they have control of the market thou wilt see that their prices increase astronomically.
    But thou must look at the investment China has made in India and what hold does it have over that continent in as far as trading agreements are concerned especially steel production?
    Also the question must be asked is China a slave orientated society? But it is seeking to become the richest and most powerful in the World and soon it will be what then? Before I said and do say unto thee beware the rise of the red dragon!
    But in as far as setting up trading agreements in or out of the E.U. is concerned in thou art and will be restricted by E.U. rules and regulations, outside thou canst dictate thine own terms and conditions on trade agreements thou dost make with other Nations and even with the E.U. without any interference from the E.U. Out Britain is its own boss in the E.U. is the Boss no matter what anyone says!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 29 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning Syria and the refugees on the border with Turkey will Syria let them return to rebuild their towns and homes or will they seek to force Turkey to take them in and also what about those refugees who want to return. This is the test of the ruler of Syria, the questions in as far as he is concerned if he lets them back will he face another rebellion against him and his regime and if he refuses will he face condemnation from the Nations of the World and also is he really bothered about international opinion in as far as he is concerned considering the way he has treated his people especial those whom he held siege upon whom he considered rebels, in his mind those who are now refugees are rebels and he will only allow them back if they owe allegiance to him and his regime. With Russia supporting him and the Russian track record in the Ukraine, the refugees who have fled that country will only want to go back if Assad goes.
    So it is that the Nations now who have taken the refugees in with a view to repatriation when the war in Syria and Iraq has ended, if Assad is in power, will have to accept the fact that the refugees will not want to return and will not be returning under those circumstances, in other words the E.U. is face with the prospect of having to keep them on a permanent basis.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as the Syrian advance into Palmyra is concerned, why now and how has it been done so easily, why didn't he do it before now? Mainly because the rebels fighting to get rid of him have been defeated, so much so by the Russian forces and by Isis, that he no longer considers them as a threat and also because of his links with Isis proven by the supplies that have been found in another place which was regained by the Kurdish forces. The withdrawal by Isis was too easy and too convenient not to have been by agreement. Also in the coming weeks this will also be evident by how easily he pushes Isis back from other towns and cities.
    But what about Iraq will he find some excuse to cross the border into Iraq knowing that the Iraqi army has not been able to defeat Isis there. Also will he try if he does cross into Iraq to claim territory he gains from Isis as his own and will the Russians be drawn in as a back up to his forces. For he as is being revealed by what is happening and the supplies found in Isis possession, is linked to Isis will they agree to pull out of Iraqi territory allowing him to claim it for himself?
    But there is no mistake as to the crimes he has committed against his own people and if he does retain power will the rebels return seeking to get rid of him, that will definitely happen if he thinks once he has so called got rid of Isis that will be the end of the matter not so. For as with other Tyrants he too will have to face Judgment and Justice will have to be done and seen to be done upon him.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 28 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
    Thus say I unto thee as I afore said unto thee and unto all Nations that the Judgment of the Egyptians should by all Nations be taken as a warning that if I command that any Nation should obey My Word and Commandments that necessary warnings will be forth coming by that one whom I call forth to deliver those warnings. But will in the end result in the same destruction that came upon Egypt before Israel left for the Promised Land, if they like the Egyptians refuse to heed the warnings and disobey My commandments, as set down in My Word and Law. Thus the warning did go out and thou didst not heed My warning and thus now thou hast suffered the result of not heeding that warning sent out by that one I called forth to send out the warnings and like unto the Egyptians I say unto thee take heed that thou dost heed this as a further warning do not harden thy hearts in unbelief least a worst Judgment befall thee. For I say unto thee if thou dost not then most surely a worse disaster shall befall thee.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 27 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Now cometh the time of conflict upon the Earth when the hearts of mankind shall fail them for fear of that which is to come upon the Earth even wars and rumours of wars plagues disease and disasters in diverse places earthquakes and tidal waves volcanoes whirlwinds and fire from the heavens. Civil war and rebellion against those Governments in power whom the population consider corrupt and unworthy of the positions they hold. For thus I say unto thee My Word goes out to bring peace upon the Earth not betwixt Nation and Nation but peace betwixt mankind and Myself for if all be at peace with Me how can there be conflict between Nation and Nation. Thou hast sought and failed to bring peace through thy various organizations and through various treatise and diplomatic efforts but have thus far failed and so shall it be for what one Nation considers to be the right path to follow another considers the opposite path to be right. But and if all do follow that path as set down in My Word even obedience to all of My Holy Law and commandments and all of that which I have set down in My Word, for does not My Word say that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Thus it is if all follow the same path how can there be anything else but peace. But it is that it is I who do and shall Judge the Nations and shall indeed punish those all of those who fail to obey My Law as set down in My Word.
    Thus say I unto thee that there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed all the hidden things of darkness shall be brought out into the open and into the light, for it is that there is nothing that can be kept hidden from Me and it is that I do know all the secrets of mankind and all the secrets of men’s and women's hearts and minds, for is it not that its I who hath created thee and is it not so that the creator of all things knows understands and see’s all of that which He hath created. Thy thoughts and desires are not hidden from Me, thy friends families companions do not know thee as I do for thou art like an open book to Me. Thus say I unto thee thus it is that when all come before Me in judgement all shall know thee as I know thee and I know thee as thou dost know thyselves.

this is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 26 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The Passover is a physical event that is a revelation of the promised Messiah to come in that the Passover was first in respect of My Judgment on the Egyptians for their cruel slavery of My People and the hearkening  of their cry unto Me to be free of that slavery. The Judgment of the Egyptians should by all Nations be taken as a warning that if I command that any Nation should obey My Word and Commandments that necessary warnings will be forth coming by that one whom I call forth to deliver those warnings. But will in the end result in the same destruction that came upon Egypt before Israel left for the promised land, if they like the Egyptians refuse to heed the warnings and disobey My commandments, as set down in My Word and Law.
    But the revelation of the Messiah to come which this feast reveals is fulfilled in the coming of Messiah, the Lamb in the feast symbolises the Lamb of God to come He who is both perfect Man and God without spot or blemish and the sacrifice symbolises His death for mankind especially for His people the blood on the doors and lintels symbolises the blood of the true Passover lamb on the doors and lintels of the hearts of all of those who believe and accept Him as their sacrifice for all of their sins to be cleansed from them so that they appear as holy and righteous in My sight and thus having the strength and the Will to obey all of My Word and Law as I have set it down. The passing over of the angel of death symbolises the coming Judgement of all of mankind that when those who have accepted and believe in the Messiah being their Passover lamb the angel of the death everlasting; the second of spiritual death; will Passover them and sweep all of those who have rejected the Messiah into the bottomless pit forever. But His resurrection and ascension was My acceptance of that sacrifice for all of those who did accept Him and do accept Him and will accept Him as their true Passover Lamb that may be free from the slavery of sin and death to live in My presence forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to You.

From the prophet of the Lord God, Saviour and Redeemer.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time as the Messiah did at the feast of the Passover; which is the celebration of the sacrifice of a lamb without spot or blemish whose blood was painted on the doors and lintels of all who belonged to Israel in Egypt so the angel of death might Passover them and striking all the first born of the Egyptians; died upon the tree at Golgotha so also should the time of the feast of the Passover be the only time that all should celebrate the death and resurrection of He who took the place of the Passover lamb who was perfect and without spot or blemish both man and God even the only true redeemer and saviour. For He did not die for Himself but for all of those who belong unto Him past present and future through Faith the only true Faith which is the gift of Ruach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit. For without having faith in His death and resurrection there is no salvation. He alone is the only acceptable sacrifice for sin and the only means of salvation for all sinners and the only means of gaining eternal life in My presence forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 24 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as the junior doctors strike is concerned there is a necessity for action when the pressure of week end cover is overwhelming and has not been addressed by the government on  staffing issues so long as the lives of patients are not at risk and adequate cover is supplied. But this changes when the lives of patient are put at risk when adequate dedicated staffing is not and has not been addressed. Thus two issues present themselves here one is that all doctors take the Hippocratic oath and two is, it is not just a job but a vocation where in all doctors by their very nature are there to heal the sick, it is a healing profession. The deliberate putting of patients lives at risk therefore says that doctors who take such a path do not deserve to be called doctors especially if they consider their vocation in the light of their wages. They are supposed to be dedicated to healing the sick as was the profession of those who have gone on before which was their major principal who considered not their wages and in some cases where paid in kind or not at all they were dedicated to healing the sick by any means whatsoever they  could without any thought for themselves.
    Therefore the doctors should consider why they are in the profession they are in and their responsibility towards their patients and the government should consider their responsibility towards the medical profession and the work they do and the health services and provide the wages and contract they deserve. But in both cases no lives should ever be put at risk no matter the circumstances.

This the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee in as far as those on the ground in Syria  fighting in thy stead although they appreciate thy efforts in bombing from the air Isis positions thy verbal support, even those whom ye have sent in to aid them which falls far short of that which they need. They have given up on the west giving them any further help with support on the ground and weapons necessary to advance their battle with Isis, but it is that I will not desert them but will overshadow them with My presence and will help them to gain the victory over Isis in Syria. But this I do say the problem in Turkey and Iraq and in Libya will still be that which thou will have to sort out. The problem with Syria contrary to thy predictions will not go on for years, but the others will if thou dost not increase thine efforts to sort out the problems in Turkey with the refugees and migrants. But in as far as Iraq and Libya are concerned, thou art to blame for allot of the problems these two countries now face and ye know the only answer is to send in thy armed forces. Sitting on thy backsides doing nothing and hoping that it will go away of its own accord or someone else will do it for thee thou art deluding thy selves sooner or later thou shalt be forced to take action on the ground.
    This say I these will continue to be a thorn in thy side for more than a decade unless action by thee is forth coming if not the refugee and the migrant problem will not decrease but increase. Also from these two countries thou shalt still have terrorist problems.

this is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 22 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This wicked attack against civilians should be met with the full force of thy armed forces in their own territory. For how can those who are at present in the various countries of Europe act without orders from their central command? What is the saying cut off the head and the body dies. But this is their response to thy cutting off their funding sources by bombing the oil fields they controlled and threatening their people trafficking activity both through Turkey and from Libya. But they seek not only to kill civilians but they will inevitably as thou art most likely aware try to kill the one whom was caught in Brussels in case he divulges information that will harm their cause. Also thou must be on the lookout for those secreted into Europe using the refugees and migrants flooding into Europe as cover.
    But thou wilt ask why do I not take action against these vile terrorist? Thus it is if thou had gone in when this group was on the rise with thy armed forces and destroyed them before they became a threat then the loss of life would have been minimal but now it is getting out of hand, but and if thou dost go in I will be with thee and will bless thee as I did with Israel in ancient times when I went with them into battle to give them the victory. But if thou dost refrain from taking action what is the saying upon thine own head be it. But it shall be that the one in Syria who has and does support them and has supplied them the arms and materials for bomb construction I will deal with in such a way that he will seek to find a hiding place to hide him from the face of the one who sits upon the throne of the heaven of heavens but he will find none, then in Judgment he shall be brought before Me to answer for his crimes against Me and all of those who he has harmed in any way and he shall be cast into the bottomless pit forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 21 March 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true Messiah, redeemer and saviour.

          My Earthly name was Yesus ben Yoseph or Jesus of Nazareth. I will not nor do not wear nor tolerate any other Name, even that added to by the Greeks or by the Romans or by any other Nation on Earth. The words that I say unto you are faithful and true for all the religions of mankind are as nought before Me, for there is but one Word and one covenant and that covenant is the covenant of the Lamb of God whom I am there is no division of My Word for the old covenant and that which ye claim to be the new or old and new testaments are but one whole for the first part is of promise the second is of promise fulfilled, I did appear unto Abraham on the plains of mamre before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and did tell Abraham of the birth of Isaac I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST THE TRUE AND ONLY SAVIOUR HE WHO WAS BORN INTO THIS WORLD WHO DID LIVE AS A MAN AND DID DIE UPON THE TREE AND ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD AND ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN OF HEAVENS and it is only through Me can any of mankind be saved and redeemed and also none of mankind comes before the Father except through Me. Thus it is that I promised that ruash hackodesh or the Holy Spirit the Spirit of all truth holiness and righteousness shall be poured out upon mankind before the great and terrible day that is to come upon the earth fire and smoke even great volcanoes earth quakes and floods and the turning of the moon to the colour of blood and a great darkness falling upon the Earth, the destruction of the armies arrayed in the vale of Jezreel for the last great battle. Then the end shall come. Behold all things shall become new for there shall be a new Earth and News Heavens. Wherein all shall live forever. The lion shall lay down with the lamb and children shall play where ever they please without fear and the youngest child shall be older than the oldest man who ever lived.

    Also take no heed of Assad and Putin in as far as Syria is concerned look unto that which ye see them doing and not what they tell you actions speak louder than words. Judge them by their past actions these are two who seek not peace with all of their people nor are set on reconciliation with the Western Nations. They seek to deceive so that their first objectives might be accomplished by lulling the west into a sense of peace in that country.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee and unto the Leader of thy government thou dost well to take heed of My Judgment of thee for it is that as afore said all I have set down in My Word shall be accomplished to its ultimate degree upon thine head it shall come to pass and also upon thy Governing party. this I say unless upon that which was set down in thy budget is changed, if this party continues stubbornly upon this path it shall fall and great shall be the fall thereof and it shall be that another party shall take thy place. No more shalt thou again gain the place thy party dost hold now.
    But in as far as thy nuclear deterrent is concerned the renewal thereof which is unnecessary, if the cost of renewal had been redirect, then the disability cuts could and should have been avoided, whilst thou dost consider renewal as an option it is not in the present financial climate justifiable. Which is more important the health and welfare of thy people or wasting billions on a deterrent that will not and cannot be used nuclear weapons not only destroy other Nations but also in the long run destroy those who use them for is it not so after the disaster in Japan the radiation that was leaked has cause and increase in people suffering from cancer not only in Japan but in the surrounding region? But this I say and have said unto thee that if I be for thee who can be against thee, also if I be against thee then who can stand against Me for I can and will surely cause thee to perish.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 20 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee in as far as the economic migrants and the refugees are concerned. The terrorist groups now, after seeing that their attacks using suicide bombers and terrorist attacks on various cities and towns has and is not achieving their objective and the intelligence services are becoming more effective in stopping the attacks, are now using migrants and refugees as a weapon against the west and especially against Europe with the objective of overwhelming it, to the end that it will turn certain areas into massive slums. Europe they hope will only be able to concentrate on dealing with this invasion of people that its attention will be directed away from them. Also that the cost of dealing with the migrants will have a devastating effect on European economies forcing some of the E.U. nations into economic decline and cause the fracturing of the European Union.
    Thus it should be that thy main objective should be to seek and destroy these merciless traffickers and to deal effectively with the terrorist groups who are behind and promoting people trafficking, people smuggling has gone on for ages but you have to see that behind this sudden surge are those who seek the E.U.'s downfall. Also Pakistan should be forced to take back its own people whether they have a passport or not, but coming from that country which at present is a haven for terrorists just emphasises who is behind the people trafficking surge.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 19 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee because thou art taking no heed to obey My Holy Word sent to thee as concerning  that which I commanded thee to do, even to turn from thy immoral and wicked ways and to obey all of My Laws and Commandments as set down in My Word and to care for the elderly, the sick, the lame, the disabled, the homeless, the poor, the widows and the orphan of thy land, instead of pandering to the rich and powerful and wealthy and funding needless and useless projects. That unless thou dost reverse direction repent of this action that thou hast set down then upon thee and upon thy land shall come this Judgment all thy prosperity shall turn to dust thy fields shall not yield a full harvest instead there shall first be a weak harvest of all thy crops then through disease and pest infection crops shall be destroyed and lastly thy harvest shall be one of thorns and briars a ground barren and empty.
    I also put before thee this Judgement that one now follows the path of a predecessor who thought in the end that, that person was equal to, by the way they spoke using the royal we, to the Queen of thy land and used words to convey that arrogant equality who thus was by Me cast out and cast down from their office, by those who were once that persons closest allies. The warning now is that unless this one changes their direction they to will follow that same path to its ultimate destination.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 18 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee thou hast indeed made an agreement with Turkey but a warning goes out to thee in as far as the situation in Greece is concerned if that is not sorted out soon then upon thee and upon the neighbouring countries Of Greece and Greece itself shall arise such plagues and such diseases that have not been seen since the black death which affected the whole of Europe costing millions of lives. That also the problem Of Libyan refugees is and shall escalate to such an extent that Italy shall find itself in a similar position as Greece now finds itself, thus this is a punishment for the Nations which abandoned Libya after the fall of Gaddafi leaving it in a state of division and unrest and this also will if it is not sorted out and the refugees from Libya end up in the same position as in Greece shall incur My wrath and anger.
    The people traffickers are and have changed the concentration of their operations from the coast of Turkey to Libya for they now know that soon their operations there will no longer be profitable. This also puts Isis's operations in Libya on the increase and if not dealt with will see the same situation there as it is in Syria, at the moment it is a terroist breeding ground of which Isis is taking advantage of and will if it can take over that country. As afore said look to whom is behind people trafficking and there thou wilt find Isis.
    All these troubles are coming upon thee because thou dost continue to disobey My Holy Law and Commandments as are set down in My Word and will continue as has been foretold in My Word. For these days are indeed the days of troubles which are foretold to come upon the wicked and rebellious and disobedient of the Earth before the last great battle and My servant the BRANCH who stands in My presence goes forth to execute My Will upon all the wicked of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 17 March 2016


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee who rules this Land Brussels and the E.U. or British Parliament and the present party in power? For thus it is in as far as thy Leader is concerned, he is there to lead this country therefore why does he go to the E.U. parliament to ask permission to change British vat structure he seems to Me to be like the boy in the film Oliver when he went up with bowl in hand to ask for more. No matter what the reforms thy governing party say they have gained thy country is still ruled by Brussels’ and the reforms by this example are meaningless no matter what the so called governing party claim.
    Thus also I say unto thee the rise of an Empire has started and the leader of that Empire is soon to take their place, they are such as have followed in the paths of previous dictators especial those who have arisen not to long ago, one who was the head of the Russian Empire until after the second World war and one who reigned over a European country which lead down the path of its and other Nations destruction. These are they who follow the same path as all fascists do they are charismatic they know what their people wish to hear and they give it to them but their lust for power and wealth is  unquenchable and they will seek to crush all who stand in their way they will as other's have done turn the people against ethnic minorities, other races the poor the gypsies the Jews all who don't fit in with their idea of where their Nations position in the World once was and should be and convince the people that their decline is the responsibility of these groups of people and others.
      But in their lust for power and wealth they take it even further and in the end go down the path of conquest, but that path always as history has shown and will show leads to their own destruction, thus this and others shall indeed be those who gather for the last great battle in the vale of Jezreel against Me and My People as has been set down many times in My Word and shall be defeated by him who rides into battle with the armies of the heaven of heavens out of whose mouth comes a two edged sword whose eyes are like unto a flame of fire and in righteousness he judges the Nations and his name is the Word of God. Thus also does he make war upon all the wicked and immoral Nations of the Earth and it is he who shall rule the Nations with a rod of iron.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 16 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This warning I give unto thee as concerning Russia and Assad, the aim of Russia is to secure Assad’s position no matter what, thus their forces are and will remain in striking distance to make sure that there is no further escalation of rebel activity against him and will return at a moment’s notice if his position is threatened by any forces inside or outside of Syria. Assad will not step down the only way he will go is if he dies, so the conflict will resume after so called peace talks end and the rebels will only agree to peace if he and his government goes. Also he will in no way divide Syria with the rebels and as has been proven to an extent the Syrian government has been backing Isis, but also look unto the Russian impact on Isis towards western air strikes it is negligible to say the least most of Russian air strikes have been on Syrian rebels opposed to Assad.
    So the conflict will go on and when Isis has been eliminated and the rebels war increases against the Syrian government so will the Russian forces return. All the peace talks are doing is giving Assad and his government a time to re-arm re-supply and re-group then their activity against the rebels will restart and the civil war will continue. The only chance of stopping this war is for the U.N. to intervene, but question must be asked can they and will they?
    But as afore said in as far as the NHS and the budget is concerned useless funding towards space exploration and other useless scientific re-search costing billions could have gone towards cutting the budget deficit and gone towards extra funding for the NHS but that has not happened. There could have been more funding towards the disabled the elderly the sick and facilities for extra child care and the homeless situation instead of wasting it on unnecessary rail projects. Also rebuilding cheap rented accommodation could have helped towards the housing crisis. This indeed shows where this government’s priorities are, certainly not towards the needs of the people they have been supposedly elected to serve. If this government continues along the path it is going and the Labour party gets its act together it is facing a defeat of epic proportions.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 15 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even unto thee of this Nation that in or out of the E.U. will make no difference to trade or the Economic structure of this Nation to job's or to finance, but it will make a difference to politics to Justice to freedom from the bureaucracy and red tape which the E..U. imposes upon this Nation, to the decisions made in parliament overseen and over ruled by Brussels. Out will mean Parliament runs Britain the British courts issue Justice which cannot be overruled by the European court of Justice the laws set down by parliament are set in stone not sand. Britain should never be subject to any other Nation or community of Nations, what is one of thy anthems Rule Britannia yes Britain no longer Rules the waves but Britain can once more be its own ruler and what about the verse as concerning slaves.
    This decision also as concerning the E.U. and its problems if the E.U. for any reason starts to deteriorate or fail will it drag this country down with it? Also if Britain stays in how many more times will the E.U. require this Nation to help to bail out one of its failing states never mind what they say about opt outs and veto's which can be made of none effect once the descision to stay in has been made. Since the Norman conquest Britain has always stood on its own two feet never relying on any other Nation and never being bound to any other Nation. If you had put this question to the country before the second world war and the first also what would have been the resounding answer, out, but of course then this Nation in as far as it could  worked hand in glove with other Nations, it was only when fascist dictators led their Nations astray that the Nations of Europe fought against each other. But then again what if another fascist dictator arose the question you are faced with where would be the best position for this country?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 14 March 2016


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thou wast warned of this flow of refugees and migrants which is in all but name an invasion of peoples from another country and continent, other countries in the middle east and Africa though not all ,would have stopped this before it started allowing in refugees and turning back economic migrants. But the Leaders of the Nations of Europe did not realise that opening the door was indeed like opening the flood gates and cannot be again shut as Macedonia has found out. Also if the U.N. had intervened when it should have done so, would have resulted in these migrants and refugees being better managed, but they sat back and let it happen without getting involved until they had to, which says a lot for how much they were and are interested in the continent of Europe and its problems especially as concerning the immigrants until the threat of deportation arose. But what is behind this swamping of Europe with these people. Is it the soft heartedness of the people towards these refugees or a sense of guilt that the west should have done more to stop Isis and Assad when they had the chance the continuances of thy past inaction thou art indeed now suffering and shall suffer because this influx of refugees and migrants will destabilise Europe and nothing can and will stop it. Halting this migration can only be halted by force and that is an option that ye will not and cannot use.

    This what thou dost see now is but the beginning of the problem for many, many more migrants and refugees will flock to Europe looking for that better life which they believe they are entitled to and wonder why the rich west will not share all its riches and will in the end cause the continent to sink into the same situation as the countries the economic migrants come from. Thy riches will vanish like the morning mist and poverty disease and unrest shall plague the Nations of Europe for a time because of thy complacency and thy unwillingness to sort out Iraq and Syria and Libya when thou shouldest have done so in the beginning when the troubles began.

This is Word of the Lord to you

 From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 13 March 2016


Thus saith lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee as concerning the blame game in as far as Libya is concerned, blaming each countries leader will not sort out that countries problem. What should have happened after Colonel Gaddafi had been ousted from power, Nato and the U.N. should have gone in and made sure all the rebel factions had been disarmed, then set up a proper centralised democratic Government with political parties elected to represent the people and sought to have the people elect a strong leader as president and two political parties under the president elected by the people to run the country the only other option would have been to reinstate the Monarchy if the people of Libya had want it.
    But thou dist see the ousting of Colonel Gaddafi and then left Libya to its own devices which resulted in the second civil war. But now, if that country is not sorted out it will sink into an even bloodier civil war in which there will be no winners only losers. What needs to be done is an organization or a Nation or a coalition of Nations to go in set up a centralised democratic elected government with both factions forming political parties either on the same basis of the British parliament or the American system of government which would then have one faction as democrats and one as republicans or their equivalent. Of course if it followed the American system then a president would have to be found and elected. Or as the British having two parties with each having a leader one in power one in opposition but still a head of state would have to be elected.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee of this land and of this Government I say this, that thou dost seem to be more interested in funding scientific research in to outer space into discovering what’s on Mars as thou dost call it in paying out millions or billions to fund such as thou hast done in meaningless scientific space research that is of no immediate benefit to anyone, yet the needs of the sick the elderly the disabled the poor the orphan are neglected. Thou dost reach for the stars in thy exploration and quest for knowledge and neglect the welfare of thy people. Thus say I unto thee those who seek the heights of the heavens don't realise when they reach the top its a long way down and it is I that can if thou dost not turn back from the path thou art taking and see to the health of the sick the disabled the elderly the poor the orphan and all of those who need help, can cast thee down from the heights thou dost seek to attain even to the dust of the ground before thou dost reach those heights and this is not a threat it is a promise. Does a father neglect his children does a doctor neglect his patients and should a government neglect its people. Thy position does not, as with kings queens and princes, rely upon them or thy position rely alone on the election of thy people, for it is that I raise one up and cast another down and if I cast down they shall never again rise up so it shall be with thee.

Thus is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 12 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee stop listening to those who try to dictate how thou canst live happy healthy lives, also how the problem of obesity can be solved. These are those who are not happy unless they are controlling people, they state what is wrong with people’s health and what they should give up and what they should eat and what is bad for people and in reality what they state only makes matters worse, there is a way to live a healthy happy and prosperous life that will solve the problem also of obesity and that is My way as is set down in My Word in all of My Law both spiritually and physically for if it is that I am the creator of mankind and the Father of My Children does it not follow that it is I alone who knows what is good and bad for the whole of mankind health wise both physically and spiritually.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus it is that thy whole society and especially thy cities are fast approaching the state of Sodom and Gomorrah just before they were destroyed. Twice before I warned thy cities of their state before Me and twice before they ignored My warnings of their wickedness and immorality and their abandoning of My Holy and Just Laws and commandments and all manner of righteousness of which I have most recently put before thee. Once the whole of Europe was struck by plague and London was destroyed by fire, look unto those lands I have recently struck with whirlwind storms hurricanes floods and especially two lands with an earth quakes and a tidal waves. Look upon that devastation and then look unto thine own capital city which needs to be cleansed of all that pollutes it all manner of wickedness murder rape and immorality and idolatry so that even thine offspring are sinking into that cess pit of iniquity. If I held not back from punishing other cities in the past and recently, that now I will hold back if thou dost not heed My warnings and turn from off the path thou art on, that the punishment due shall not be forth coming.
    Take heed also to the spreading of thy cities and building programs at the expense of the Natural environment of thy land, as thou dost become set of destroying the Natural environment of thy land so I shall increasingly become set on destroying thy cities. But also look unto the war torn cities of the Middle East how long did it take to build those cities by their civilizations and how quickly was it brought down by  civil war and even by thine own weapons if it was thus so with thy weapons just think how devastating are those weapons of nature at My disposal if I sought to bring them down upon thy heads because of thy sin or crimes against Me and the breaking of My Holy Law, if I held not back from destroying other cities and Nations think the I will hold back from destroying thy fallen cities if thou dost not turn from off thy wicked and immoral ways. Not so!

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 11 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee that there are certain organizations or body politic that doubts not only My Word but the one through whom I send My Word to thee and others, which seeks through devious means to prove MY servant in thy terms a fraud or just self deluded or a religious fanatic, religions are mankind’s creation not Mine. These should gather all the evidence from past prophesies and events and should consider all I have revealed through him and they should as afore said question it if it does or does not comply with My Word in context also that what is prophesied of does or does not come to pass and the revelations given are or not true to My Word and are proven to be or not to be of My Word, if they are not they are to be rejected but and if they are then My Judgment is upon thine own head. But on saying this, there have been many false prophets many false teachers and preachers in the past who preach or prophesy that which I have not authorised and it is necessary to test all of these by My Word in which is revealed the only divine truth and that in context, is the only means of testing them there are three rules one My Word two the verification of the Holy Spirit and three the fulfilment of prophesy and if all these are not met those who do not meet them are an abomination in My sight and shall be punished most severely. But if and thou dost see that all is as is set down in My Word and all comes to pass as I have revealed through him, revelations of past events, present events  and future things to come in compliance OF My Holy Word and Law. Then to doubt the word through him is to doubt Me and to doubt not only the Word now sent to thee through him, but all of the Word that thou dost call the Bible. Which indeed will incur My terrible anger wrath and the destruction of those who question Me and My Word. But also thou dost doubt the foundation of the whole of thy civilization, it laws its democracy its Justice system. Be assured nothing is hidden from Me all is as an open book to Me and it is I shall punish all who doubt My Word in thought word and deed according to My Holy Word and Law as is set down in My Word.

    But as concerning the leakage of the documents thou shouldest trace them to their source and seek if they are a means to an end being used by others for devious means or that they if genuine are a means of tying up security forces by distraction when they should be on the alert for threatened I.S. attacks.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 10 March 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus the question is asked of Me what happens after death? First death of the Body is the easiest part dying is not it can be sudden or long and painful and depends on when it is thy time to die which I have ordained from the beginning, but once ye have passed from the body there is a sense of peace of finality and most say to themselves at last it is over it is ended ye can look back and see thine own body. But afterwards if thou art in a building thou dost pass through any walls which can have the effect of seeming to pass through a fiery flame then upward and onward through the Universe, at such speed as it will seem as though thou art passing along a tunnel of light, but in fact it is the stars of the Universe that have blurred together to give the effect of passing along a tunnel of light. Then thou dost come to he who is in charge of the book of life, thou art then ask for thy name and after saying it he will find it in the book and point you in the right direction. Which of course is to My court of Justice and My Judgment seat to which all must and will come. You will be then read out by one whom ye would call the clerk of the court all the crimes thou hast committed against Me and My Holy Law and thy crimes or wrong doing against others throughout thy life the first crime will be thine inherited one which thou has inherited along with the whole of  humanity from thy father Adam and thy Mother Eve. So ye will be asked to plead but it is that thine only plea can be guilty. The one for the prosecution shall come forward seeking a verdict and an appropriate punishment then it is I shall call out who is there who can stand in defence of this person if there is none who comes forward then the verdict shall be given guilty as charged then thou shalt be read out thy punishment due to be cast into to the bottomless pit forever which shall be effected immediately. But and  if one comes forward and there is only one who can plead for thee in thy defence then is asked who their name is and what is the defence that is to be put forth and that one shall reply I stand for this person and shall state I AM THE MESSIAH THE LAMB OF GOD THE TRUE AND ONLY REDEEMER AND SAVIOUR and the plea for the defence is, He shall reply, I have paid the price for this persons crimes and proof shall be asked for and He shall show His wound's and His blood shed and how He rose from the dead having His sacrifice accepted and in Him this person is also resurrected then  I shall read out the verdict thou art classed as innocent of all thy crimes they are blotted out and the Judgment shall be, enter into the eternal rest of thy Lord and Saviour.

    But it is to travel after death to My Judgment seat and pass into everlasting life thou must belong first in this life to the Messiah; He must be thy Lord and Master thy friend, saviour and redeemer.

This is Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

    These who quote the Law at the present time remind Me saith the Lord of Hosts of those who at the time when I was on earth at the time of the Roman occupation, even of the Scribes Pharisees and Zealots whom I quoted as those that strain at a Nat yet swallow a camel, which means that they were more concerned to put in thy terms the fine print of the Law and neglected the weightier matter of the Law even justice mercy and faith and also the welfare of human beings, these are those who appear holy and righteous outwardly to all around about them but  inwardly are full of dead men’s bones and all manner of hypocrisy.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

             To thee I say which is more important the welfare of the refugees and immigrants or the ramification of the international human rights law which the charities and others are quoting, which is in as far as that is concerned in thy sight is breaking that law leaving the refugees and immigrants in the appalling conditions they are in, in Greece and also at the mercy of people traffickers or seeing that the refugees get proper shelter food and medication? This situation in Greece has mainly been aggravated by the closure of the Macedonian border. Art thou willing to seek to force the Macedonians to open their borders quoting international human rights law at them and will they listen also if the E.U. sought to go along this path would this not cause an international incident? Those who are so forthright at quoting human rights laws seem to have their priorities upside down which comes first human rights laws or the ultimate welfare of the refugees and immigrants? This I say unto thee get thy priorities right before quoting international Law!

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Mark Carney's position is towards Britain staying in the E.U. and thus by inference the Bank of England’s. Various factors point towards this in his economic statements pointing towards the fiscal benefits and overall British trading advantages within the E.U. Also in his statement on the jobs market. But the crucial factor is his statement upon the bank of England’s borrowing stance in as far as the escalation in the business sectors fear which they foresee of a decline in the trading market if there was signs of Britain leaning towards exiting the E.U. if the Bank of England was as impartial as it claims to be the position of the Bank and Mark Carney would be totally impartial and neutral not voicing nor taking any part or action whatsoever in as far as the Business sector is concerned upon the coming referendum. For his and the Banks position is supposed to be in line with the BCC that its members do not voice nor imply their personal views in as far as the in out referendum is concerned. Which has by his statement and actions also shown partiality towards in as has the Bank of England though not in actual statements in favour of in or out only by reference in pointing out various past and present advantages that Britain has benefited from its membership of the E.U.?

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

    This say I unto thee that the main reason for the threat of escalating the attacks of terrorist group Isis on the Europe is because thou art threatening to cut off another of their source of revenue which proves to thee what was afore revealed unto thee that the main people smuggling group was indeed that terrorist group, thou didst cut off one source of their revenue when thou destroyed their control of the oil fields and now thou art seeking to put an end to their revenue from people smuggling it is obvious what reaction will and has come from this group. They are hoping that their threat will distract thy efforts from stopping people smuggling onto increasing thy security and public awareness towards their threats.
    It is wrong to falsely accuse some one of doing wrong when ye know they are innocent of any crime or criminal act that thou hast accused them of doing out of revenge or spite or jealousy or just for malicious gossip hoping to publicly humiliate them. Even worse is to accuse them to others without them being aware of thy accusations without them able to defend themselves in any way. The person who doeth this shall not go unpunished. Thou shalt not use My Name in any way that constitutes swearing blaspheming or any other light usage of My Name or the Name of the true and only redeemer in any way whatsoever this must be brought to an end to fear Me saith the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and in this respect those who do not do so I shall not hold them guiltless and shall not refrain from punishing them or considering them blameless in any way even in the slightest misuse of My Name.
    Unbelief is the greatest crime or sin but using My Name says that thou dost believe and thou dost hold Me and My name in thy sight of no importance and in contempt and that thou shalt not be punished which is self delusion. Thus it shall be in this life I shall meet out Justice as befits the measure of thy sin or crime and in the life after death in the pit forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 7 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee in as far as the migrant crisis is concerned and thy inability to sort it out. How canst thou call thyselves modern educated civilised Nations when thou dost leave people to be trapped into such a situation that they have to live in such squalid and unsanitary conditions when thou dost have such prosperous living conditions as thou dost have? The U.N. is right about being wary of contravening human rights Laws but that organisations record on this and other issues has and is lacking in its effectiveness and comes far short of that for which it is supposed to stand for especially in later years.
    But the matter in as far as the crisis is concerned human rights have to be considered especial in as far as Greece is concern but who are those who most need their human rights to be addressed refugees from the war torn middle east or the economic migrants? First I say deal with the refugees and then if necessary deal with the economic migrants but also in as far as they are concerned one of thy saying covers this, charity begins at home, this can be looked at from the point of view of the family if the parents are ill how can the children be properly cared for, same with the western Nations if their political and economic structure is not a healthy one how can they take adequate care of the migrants who are begging them to take them in?

This is the word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I in answer to the questions asked the answer to all that thou dost inquire of; thou dost know to whom these words are sent; thou dost have the answer already and the sign thou dost seek has already been given especially to the British Governments leader, a light comes upon thee from the North in anticipation of thy questions, but also I say this it is a wicked and perverse people who seeks a sign from Me to prove I AM THAT I AM that sendeth these words unto thee, thus therefore as thou dost doubt Me so doth My anger and wrath grow to such an extent that soon to come upon the Nations will be the mountains spiting forth fire and the whirlwinds and the shaking of the Earth so that thou wilt not doubt any more who it is with whom thou hast to do.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

         This referendum which is supposed to be an honest vote of the people to remain in or leave the E.U. is being hijacked by thy Government, for their sole purpose is for Britain to stay in the E.U. Thus then the question must be asked what has really gone on at the negotiations for reform and what has he given in return for what he has been given by the E.U.? Also the conferences and meetings thy leader is having with foreign dignitaries is thy leader trying through various means to secure an in vote no matter what? His actions over the past weeks has and is putting question marks on the honesty of the referendum. But I am not going down the path of accusing anyone of seeking to rig the vote in favour of staying in, but the forced resignation of a member of the chamber of commerce means that the present governmental party is getting rid of what their leader see's as opposition to his parties position. The question also must be asked how many in the governmental party have been threaten with losing their positions in cabinet and even their positions as MP's for is it not up to the party they are a member of who are and who are not put forward to stand as a candidate in an electoral constituency to become the MP for that constituency?

            Thus in My Word have I not commanded that thou shalt not steal and yet theft is on the increase without adequate means being provided to stop it. By this I mean thy government is cutting back instead of increasing the polices funding and employing more officers and emergency staff using any excuse to do so, for the protection of the public in as far as the emergency services are concerned is of more importance than cutting the budget deficit, thus this I say unto thee it is that thy government is stealing thy protection from thee in this way. But there is another theft going on in society stealing My glory and praise and worship and giving it to others which I cannot and will not tolerate in any way and will repay those who do so for their crime vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay. All of MY commandments are to be obeyed unto perfection and any breaking of them shall be met with divine vengeance wrath and anger.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 5 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The present moral values of the western and other civilization’s is as has been pointed out afore time contrary to My Holy Law and Word especially that of  adultery and divorce, My Laws command is thou shalt not commit adultery for adultery is the destroyer of families and whosoever commits adultery if they repent not shall pass into everlasting torment at the end of their days for which there will be no letup of their punishment forever, for this reason hath this Law been set that the strong foundation of a Nation is the Family and a family that live acts and breaths as one being so closely knit as to be inseparable can never be divided and anything that seeks to destroy that unity I hate for I am the Father of all of My children and the creator of all of mankind and will bring down upon such as seeks to destroy this unity and the family structure, total destruction as I have done so in the past  and will continue to do so now and in the future. Divorce is one of those acts of mankind I did provide for, but it was not so from the beginning, it was that a man and a woman should leave their father and mother and should come together in marriage becoming as one before Me to love and cherish each other and to provide for their offspring a secure solid and a disciplined environment so that they might grow up to be upright members of society for the responsibility of a parent is to see to the education of their offspring in all moral and disciplinary values and any parent who fails in that task I shall not hold them blameless but hold them to account at the end of their days.
    Also I put before thee this that thou shouldest not think that what was afore said upon the analogy of a castle that like unto a castle keep it is an integral part of a castle then Britain like the keep of a castle should remain within the E.U. But this is, if thou dost look at the keep of a castle it is by nature separated from the rest of the castle and is in effect only temporarily part of the castle whilst there is peace and the walls stand but once the castle walls fall the keep is cut off from the rest of the castle after all have taken refuge in it. Being isolated and having strong walls and enough supplies and a source of water it can hold out a has been proven in the past as long as necessary. So it should be with Britain.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I is the way the relationship between Britain and the E.U. can be looked at and why it is better off out than in is the analogy of a castle or a fortress look at how a castle is constructed there is the main castle and then there is a keep with a moat and a draw bridge so that if the main castle falls all can retreat to the keep and mount an adequate defence. So if the E.U. can be classed as the main castle then Britain can be classed as the keep with the channel as a moat and the euro tunnel as the draw bridge which can be in a sense if the E.U. is invaded be drawn up by collapsing it with a few well placed explosives.
    This would then mean that if Britain is well defended and has a vast stock of supplies can last as it did in the Second World War, with help also from abroad for years enough to plan and devise a strategy for a counter invasion.
    But this could only work if Britain and the E.U. could cooperate with Britain outside of the E.U. This maybe a simplistic view of looking at Europe, but in the present world climate and events unfolding as they are with certain aggressive Nations and terrorist groups on the rise and a massive influx of refugees and immigrants the future looks bleak for Europe to say the least. Thus the best plan for survival just in case is a good defence.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 4 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unity strengthens division destroys any Nation and community of Nations. Thus it is that the former Word was not meant as a means of causing the E.U. to be brought to Britain or Britain staying in the E.U., it was to point out the divisions and discord within the E.U. and the plan Britain gave it to bring about reform which would have gone a long way to sorting it out but the E.U. rejected it. Thus it is that, that discord and division in the end will cause its down fall unless it brings Unity to all the Nations within it, except for Britain which though it is off the coast of Europe has never really been a part of Europe over the past eleven to twelve hundred years. As it has been, so it should remain as a means of last defence if ever what has happened in the past repeats itself and the beasts of the past again raises their ugly heads.
    So now the best thing the E.U. can do is come up with a solid sensible plan for reform that will unite all the communities within it, except for Britain. Then sort out a border, a refugee and an immigrant policy that all the member states can agree on and sick firmly to it. At the moment though as afore said Britain will under the circumstances be better off out of the E.U. With an agreement to continue manufacturing, financial and service trading for the benefit of both the E.U. and Britain. But I do say this if the situation continues within the E.U. it will collapse which will have catastrophic consequences for the whole of Europe. The E.U. is indeed in need of strong leadership which at the present is in short supply. If the E.U. doesn't want to become the laughing stock of the rest of the World it had better sort itself out.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 3 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee there is one answer to the whole dilemma of the E.U. no one has considered which would solve it for all the countries of the E.U. Let Britain take over the E.U. Lock stock and Barrel, move the court of Justice and the E.U. parliament to London then all parties would be satisfied, Britain would not leave and the answer to the E.U. problems could be resolved seeing as the proposals first set for reform by Britain were the most sensible ones and were not pushed through. Britain’s government would have direct input into the E.U.'s policy making and if the E.U. parliament was run on British parliamentary lines then there would be less squabbling and complaints about the E.U. not being run properly. After all the British parliament is known as the Mother of all parliaments and most countries have and are run by their parliaments.

    Of course this is but a suggestion of which I think that the E.U. would reject out of hand but considering the benefits it would bring as London has one of the most powerful financial markets in the World. If not the most powerful.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The threat of the migrant camp being established in Britain if it leaves the E.U. must have been thought up by those who are still seeking to use scaremongering tactics to frighten the British public to stay in the E.U. By the same token the French and others in the E.U. agreeing to use these scaremongering tactics says allot about the E.U.'s fear of the U.K. leaving the E.U. which leads to then to the question that if thy leader had stood his ground in the negotiations and even threatened to advise the people of Britain it was in their best interest to leave he would have secured the reforms he wanted. So what does this say about thy leader? Once Britain had left the E.U. In as far as the Migrant camps coming to Britain are concerned, it just wouldn't happen the borders would be closed and if France had threaten to send over all the migrants from Frances migrant camps would trigger a major international incident. Also it reveals Frances fear of being stuck with the migrant problem in their country. The question also poses itself is France hoping that Britain would eventually solve their migrant problem by taking them in?
    Does not thy leader not realise the more these sort of tactics are used the more he is pushing the British people into leaving the E.U. The people of Britain will neither be forced nor bullied into staying or leaving and the more these tactics are used the more the people of Britain will rebel as they have done so over past the ages.
    Thus say I unto thee also that thou should be content to abide and abound in the place and position thou hast in society and thy life upon the Earth and should not be envious of thy neighbour’s or any bodies life position possessions or partner for Jealousy leads to anger and hatred which leads down the path unto violence and the path that leads to violence leads to murder and murder leads down the path unto destruction and the bottomless pit forever without reprieve. In other words the commandment thou shalt not covet is herein revealed and consequences thereof.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 2 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

     The statement by a British politician that it would take Britain, if it left the E.U. to sort out its economy and its trade deals with other none E.U. countries and the E.U. itself, as long as it took Britain to win the Second World War is nonsense. The one who made this statement should be ashamed to call himself British, for that which he has stated shows how little confidence or trust he has in the British business community and in the British people in general and also in his own party. Though at the moment saith the Lord the infighting amongst the Governing political party is like children fighting over a favourite toy or sweet. For if this referendum of which I already know the result; which is for Me to know and thou to find out; results in a vote to get out of the E.U. the members and the party in power will; if a prepared contingency plan has not been formed before hand; will find itself to put it in thy vernacular, up the creek without a paddle.
     A referendum of such importance and which has been set for the people to decide should be left up to them and all the political parties should be keeping their mouths shut and standing silently on the side lines waiting for the referendum result, Instead of seeking to bully frighten persuade or encourage the people of this country to vote either way at the end of the day it is their decision that matters, not the politicians. Then it will be for the political party in power to fulfil to the best of their ability the wishes of the people of Britain who having entrusted the political party in power to do so having elected them to govern on their behalf.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 1 March 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Even unto thee and all the inhabitants of this Earth I shall not nor have to as thy creator give thee any reason why I Judge some and seemingly leave off Judging others, punishing some and seemingly passing others by. I am not subject to thy will nor ever shall be, indeed thou art subjected unto Mine. Thus it is that nothing not one iota of the actions or thoughts of mankind escape My sight and in the end shall be Judged and duly punished or acquitted. Thus say I unto thee judge not least ye shall be Judged. But it is that all the Nations of the Earth shall be Judged especially in the instances of torture and persecution, all the Nations upon the face of the Earth are and have been guilty of such acts in the past and of late even thine own. The punishment due now shall come upon those who break the commandment thou shalt not kill and those who do are in danger of Judgment both now and at the end of their lives, but especially now upon those Nations which commit such acts of persecution and torture. Who are now thus warned of the wrath now due to come upon them which will result in their destruction without exclusion unless they turn from their wicked ways and disobedience to My Holy Commandments.
     Thus it is that I hold back My wrath and anger giving them a chance to turn and if they will not then when their cup of wrath shall be filled up unto overflowing, then it is that with whirl wind and fire My wrath and anger shall strike such as are due for punishment and the punishment shall be such upon those who turn not that they shall be totally and utterly destroyed.
    Thus it is in as far as the migrant and refugee crisis is concerned at the present thou shouldest look unto those who are behind it and the people that are fleeing and who of these refugees are paying the people traffickers are they the poor and ordinary people who have lost everything who are the ones who are paying the traffickers to smuggle them to Europe or is it the affluent and the wealthy are those who are able to pay the traffickers whilst the poor and ordinary migrants and refugees  cannot afford to pay but have to rely on charity and the kindness of those Nations who give them refuge. There is an answer which thou dost know and in the end would sort out the situation that now exist for them and for the Nations thus affected. But wilt thou take such an action?

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.