Thursday 30 June 2016


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as the proposed candidates for the Leadership of thy governmental party none by their very attitude which is arrogant in the extreme are worthy to take up that position of their parties Leadership much less leadership of this Nation. There is a saying amongst thee which is apt in this respect. Self praise is no recommendation and certainly in this situation there is no recommendation for any of them. They have not learned one lesson needed to be a competent leader and that is the lesson of humility, is it not so also the saying amongst thee pride comes before a fall and if any one of them do perchance win with their present attitude will follow others before them who have had a similar attitude even one in the past who succeeded in freeing and defending the Falkland’s.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 29 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee at this time, in as far as the ongoing dissolution that the EU is heading towards. There are those at the head of the EU's government by their actions are encouraging the secession of one of the Members internal Nations which is leaving the EU without considering the implications for the Unity of the EU. For if that one doth secede and is accepted into the EU, many others within the EU who wish to secede from their Nation and government will be encouraged to follow and secede themselves, because of the success of the first one to do so. Thou cannot make an exception for one without setting a precedent for others to follow and to accept one is to have to accept all that wish to secede from their Nation of which there are many who are dissatisfied and disillusioned by and with their National government who wish to do so. So what follows is not only the breakup of member Nations but the inevitable dissolution of the EU. For it follows that if parts of member Nations by the EU leadership are encourage to secede, then they will fall out with the EU government and to will seek secession from the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee take heed of these words, the choice of a new leader for the party in government at this time must be one who must be able to deal with the present situation with the force fullness of a Moses, have the wisdom of a Solomon and the leadership of a King David with also the political insight of a Disraeli and the foresight of a Churchill. One who is not interested in power or wealth or putting themselves before the welfare of the people of the UK spiritual or financially and has the ability to be forceful and steady in negotiating trade deals with other Nations who is unwilling to settle for less than what is the best deal for the UK and what he or she has set out to negotiate for, who is also willing to get together with all the parties in all of the UK to formulate plans to deal with all major issues internally and externally and who is willing to cooperate with all of the  UK’s  National governments in seeing that their interests and issues are not only considered but acted on.

    To also have an open ear to all the major concerns of the people. One who will seek to deal with the Budget deficit so that the Nation is not living beyond its means and only applying austerity measures as a last resort when there is no other alternative. Who will not over burden the people with excessive taxes. Who will see to the needs of small businesses as well as major conglomerates making sure that the financial burden of the country’s finances are share equally and fairly, one who does not put himself or herself above the least of the people of this Nation one who makes sure that the overseas aid Budget remains in place only if the country can afford it for it is like one who cares for others how can they help other’s if they themselves are ill.

     Who considers of paramount importance to the needs of the sick the elderly the infirmed the disabled the homeless the orphan and the children of this land and will make every effort to meet those needs. That also makes sure that the justice system is a fair one that also meets the needs of the people. That also is able to deal with and negotiate with all the Nations of the World for the good not only of their own Nation but other Nations and all those Nations struck by poverty and disasters. Who has the ability to deal with terrorism in a swift and decisive manner. One who is not willing to hide the truth from the people of the Nation except when it is in the interest of the Nation to hold it back, as an example where disclosing the truth will put the Nations security at risk or cause public panic.

    One who will cooperate with other National governments over the protection of wild life and the world’s climate and the misuse of natural resources.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 28 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee how many times must it be said unto thee that a Nation or a Kingdom divided against itself cannot and will not stand and from the response to one part of the UK in the EU parliament it seems as though that is what the central government of the EU is seeking to do, using one part of the UK to act as a whipping boy to punish Britain for leaving the EU and that part has seemed to take the bait.

    Make no mistake that if the UK becomes divided there will be consequences not only for England but for all the parts of the UK. For those who are a part of the UK relies upon the UK for their budget funding.  But the central government of the EU would like nothing better than to see the UK divided against itself. But and if parts do seek separation under the present climate could they survive as independent Nations Financially, not so? Which would require them to apply for EU funding of which first they would have to contribute a portion of their G.D.P. to the EU and even if that were possible if a crisis arose and they were unable to meet their required repayment agreement, find themselves in a similar situation to that of Greece?

    But to them I reiterate their agreement in relation to the referendum that they agreed to abide by, by taking part, the result and only have themselves to blame if they disagree with that result. If they had considered that it was possible though remote of a leave vote then they should have refused to take part in it, it is no use crying over spilt milk or crying over the result after the event when thou didst agree to take part and abide by the result. If the shoe had been on the other foot how much wouldst thou have caused the leave side to suffer in gloating over their defeat if they had lost?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee I say these words that once the financial and trading markets have settled down and recover to the position they were before the UK,s referendum, Britain will have nothing to be concerned about, for now that the shackles of the EU have been removed, Britain can once more take its place on the world's stage as a major trading Nation. That of which whilst Britain was in the EU the rest of the world's trading Nation's had nothing to fear in as far as competition was concerned from Britain but now that the restraints are coming off and Britain once more is coming back onto the world stage with more than a thousand years of trading and financial experience they have much to be concerned about. Why dost thou think that the special relationship with the US has been affirmed by US politicians, they know, how do you say it which side their breads buttered on and as a member of N.A.T.O.  Militarily how strong Britain really is.

    As was a fore said that the EU is falling apart that the rumbling of discontent with the structure of the EU and the loss of one of its major sources of revenue has departed which the EU never expected it seems as though it tried to shut the stable door after the horse had bolted in as far as they expected Britain to accept the reforms and the conditions of those reforms which they had proposed which they considered reasonable.

    They were blind to the fact that the British were not as easily persuaded that this was as good a deal for Britain as the EU thought it was. That Britain wanted the EU to reform to such an extent that it would become less centralised and more democratic devolving more powers to the members of the EU that they could be able to control their borders more yet retain freedom of movement within the EU alone and more sovereignty to deal with major issues within their own Nations without having to consult the EU parliament on every internal major issue and a lesser eroding of their National identity.

    In the end the only looser is not Britain but the EU and all those who stay within it without the reform of its political structure.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 27 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

    These words I put before thee upon the attitude of the British people in as far as the referendum is concerned. There is at moment in politics a blame game about who is to be held to blamed in as far as the result of the referendum. A few facts need to be pointed out about this all in this country wanted this referendum, all in this country by their acceptance of the rules and regulations set down agreed to conform to those rules and regulations and to abide by the outcome no matter their political affiliation. That it was a vote by the people of the whole of the UK and no individual part or province. Thus when all went to the polling stations to vote were aware of those rules and regulations and by voting agreed to abide by them as full legally and binding and to accept and implement that outcome through the political processes by that party in government no matter what the result.

    Thus a question must be put forth about the losing side of that referendum and its relationship to the outcome of the Scottish referendum, that all agreed to abide in a sensible and legal manner to the result even if what they aimed to achieve was not the outcome and which came about when the Scottish people voted to remain in the UK. There was no outcry no political movement to reverse that result no public revolt against the political party in power no blame game just acceptance. Then what has changed that there has been so much outcry as to the result of this referendum and the seeking by the losing side to find a scapegoat and to seek to overturn by some parts of the UK the referendum result when all agreed no matter the outcome they would abide by the result of this referendum which is legal and binding. If I say that is not considered the case then all other referendums in the past are not and cannot be legal and binding and can be challenged and the result overturned. Even the votes of a Government general election could if you went as far as to say that they to can be challenged as not legal and binding but that is going to extremes.

    All the legal ramifications must be put in place by parliament before they can be ratified and passed and a date set and all the arrangements put in place so that a referendum can take place. Therefore why is the losing side acting like so many spoil children having a tantrum stamping their feet and screaming their heads off because they can't have their own way and have lost the vote. If they had won and the outside lost would not they have acted in a gloating and celebrating manner and calling the outside not fit to burn, expecting them to accept it in good grace quietly with some disappointment. Would they have tried to find a scapegoat and rebelled against the vote of the British voters on the losing side no! If the outside had lost they would have accepted the outcome and carried on as usual.

    The campaigners are not to blame for the outcome no matter what their claims and counter claims. The vote was made by the British public whether or not they believed the campaigns or not was up to them but it was still their vote and the campaigners could not vote for them they voted for themselves, it was the peoples vote and choice of what the outcome of the referendum would be.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 26 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee it seems at the moment Britain had become so dependent on being Governed from Brussels it has forgotten how to govern itself which is being reveal by the Government; and that means all parties; being so divided that there is no semblance of order, by that I mean that they are not only at loggerheads with each other but they are at loggerheads with all the members of their own parties and their own cabinets. This is not only a wakeup call for Britain alone but also the EU.
    If any of the pre EU prime ministers had been in power now this situation would not have been allowed to arise. If they were alive today they would have said they were ashamed of the way in which the British government is acting in the present circumstances, they would have said they would have accepted the peoples decision and got on with putting into action the wishes of the British People.
    What all of the parties of the British Government should do now first all the parties and I mean all, getting together forgetting their difference setting aside each parties blame game and sorting out the best course of action to take towards getting stability back to the British economy, financial services and trade and implementing the wishes of the British electorate. For if the situation continues for much longer, all the infighting and childish bickering, the British government will be in so much disarray that Britain will be without a sensible and rational government in fact it will have no government at all that is of any value to the British people for the majority of M.P.'s will no longer deserve the office to which they have been elected.
    At the moment the leaders of the EU are sitting on the side lines gloating on the present political situation of the British Government and saying we told you so. But it is if the British government can get its act together that it will be Britain who will have the last laugh as so to speak. For what is happening in Britain could easily be translate to the EU. Because of the problems now facing many EU Nations. But also what has to be considered if it had not been Britain that had done what it has and it was one of the other major partners of the EU. The consequences and the fallout would not have been the same. In such a union that the EU had one Nation opting out of the six remaining would have been catastrophic for the whole of the EU as it was and is with Britain being almost on the fringe of the EU the consequences are not as disastrous the problem now facing the EU though is if one of the major Nations seeks to follow Britain. As Britain has been snapped out of its complacency, so also should it be with the EU. It can no longer take any of the member Nations of the EU for granted that they will remain in the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee now that the UK is out of the EU the central government of the EU considers Britain as no longer Great Britain but little Britain and their attitude seems to be now what it was at the time of the Roman Empire that the people of these Island are nothing more than ignorant barbarians, isolationists who want to have nothing to do with the outside World. The UK has left the EU and the EU is not the whole world, but it seems it would like to be. But it has been that the EU through its policies has restricted the UK from trading as it would have liked and should have been able to, with the rest of the world, placing a political straight jacket on the UK as a whole.
    But looking at the UK's history since the time of the Romans when it eventual conquered Britain, but was halted at the Scottish borders. Rome was an Italian Empire and what happened after Rome left a great many settled in Britain, Britain wasn’t changed by the Romans Britain changed the Romans who settled in Britain, same with the Saxons and the Vikings they didn't change Britain, Britain changed them as they settled and were absorbed into and added to the British culture. What happened to the Normans when they conquered Britain in the end Britain changed and absorbed them and they to added to the British culture. What about Scotland that is more a part of the UK than it realises as it has had its monarchs on England’s throne and one King was in fact the originator of the English Bible, the King James Version which was authorized by Act of Parliament sixteen eleven. Scotland since the time of the Romans has never had anything in common with Europe so why now? Also German Kings have sat on the English throne and most of the Royalty and heads of state in Europe and the Baltic states including Russia, where related to the British Monarchy through Queens Victoria’s children.
    But what is happening culturally now to all the different Nationalities in Britain? The British culture and way of life is changing them also so that in the end there will be no ethnic minorities or Nationalities as they and their children and children’s, children become more and more a part of the British culture and way of life, in the end there will be only one National identity British.
    The UK or Britain is still and more so Great Britain outside of Europe than in but on saying that Britain through its heritage is more European than the EU and it should have been that Britain should not have become part of the EEC or the EU as it is now but it is that the EU should have become a part of the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 25 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    That the present situation of the EU is as afore said that if it didn't reform its whole political structure it would in the end fall apart and the clamour now by other members for a referendum following Britain’s example could well see others now insisting that if reform is not forth coming they to will leave. Its one thing having a union of Nations within Europe democratically coming together by agreement forming a union for the benefit of all the Nations within Europe have one common goal of free trade and reasonable freedom of movement but still retain some control over National borders and another being ruled by a central government that has its own agenda and idea of what the form of a union should be that has all the trappings of a dictatorship which is now being revealed by its attitude to the UK, in that it is demanding that negotiations for Britain’s exit from the EU suit its agenda and not Britain’s. The EU now is treating Britain like a parent smacking a spoilt child for rebelling against its parents wishes, it is like them saying it’s my house and these are my rules and regulations and if you don't like it you will have to leave and you will leave when I say so, which is now.
    The EU in its present state is not a democracy it is one Nation or a minority of Nations seeking to turn the whole of Europe into one Nation having many states something like but not equal to the US. Which means that the closer it integrates the more individual Nations slowly have their National Identity eroded so as afore said they no longer are individual Nations but states ruled by one central government and where is that government going to be? Britain has shown that it doesn't want a part of a greater integrated EU that, that is undemocratic in every sense of the word. Fair enough if some want to remain and become a part of an greater integrate European Union losing slowly but surely their own National identity being ruled by a central government then that is up to them. But there have been and are two world powers which did and have done exactly that, one was the U.S.S.R. and the other is China.
    Thus then I say unto thee if thou dost want another union similar to those then carry on but Britain wants no part of another system of government like theirs.
    But also those parts of Britain that want to remain I say that thou wilt have difficulty in thy negotiations to stay in the EU as it wanted not the UK in, piece meal but the UK as a whole. So that it could accomplish one of its aim’s and that was to move the financial centre of Europe from London to the centre of the EU which has been because the UK is leaving, scuppered.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 24 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus have the people of Britain sent a clear message to the EU and to this government of each and every party that not only does the EU need reformation but also the British political system. The people of Britain have clearly said that the government was not listening to the wishes of the people of the UK that change was necessary, the government had become deaf to the voice and blind to the needs of the people as have the EU's central government that reformation was now a necessity if the EU is to survive and that reformation must be in the form of a truly democratic system of government that also if the EU doesn't reform, as it is becoming more and more aware, that not only has the UK left the EU, but that other Nations will if disillusioned by the EU system of government leave also, that this might be the beginning of the end of the EU if change is not implemented or on the agenda and that change has to be according to the wishes of the whole of the European Nations.

    What form that will take must be up to the wishes of all the European Nation and not to just a select few as it is now. But also a warning goes out that a divided Nation cannot stand as a divided government can't and the UK has to watch out for the divisive element within the EU that will seek to divide and separate this United Kingdom from each of its individual parts. For what is the saying united we stand divided we fall.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 23 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    These words I say unto thee, whether or not Britain stays in or leaves the EU because it is falling apart at the seams in as far as its political structure is concerned which is in need of reform and which the leaders of the EU have declared that there will be no further reform within the EU and the problems within the banking sector of some of the members of the EU which has come about by problems created by and within the currency of the EU, the Euro. Britain will suffer some of the fallout when it eventually collapses. The cause overall which is as has been revealed the attitude of its Leaders to reform. Reform within the EU could slow down its eventual demise or even halt it but to stubbornly refuse will only speed things up.
    The evidence of that which I say unto to them is right in front of their eyes and they either cannot or refuse to see the chasm at the end of the track as so to speak. Britain could be dragged down with it if it stays in, but also leaving, because of the time it would take for Britain to divorce itself from the EU, Britain will also suffer from the progressive collapse of the EU. But the effect on Britain will not be as great if it leaves. The EU does not want Britain to leave as they fear that Britain leaving would advance the collapse. Thus they think that if Britain stayed in there would be enough time to delay the inevitable or to find a solution to the EU's problems. Where is the evidence, Italy’s Banking sector, the dilemma Greece is facing of austerity that is ongoing and cannot be solved by remaining in the position it is. Also other members states facing problems that are making them consider leaving if circumstances remain as they are.
    The question is like the Titanic has the EU struck the Iceberg of discontent and disillusionment and become a sinking ship?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This do I say unto this Nation the vote that thou art going to make upon whether or not Britain stays in or leaves the EU. That decision is for thee alone to make not anyone else. No matter what the campaigners say no matter what the various organization and companies say no matter what the trade unions have said and do say to try to influence thee to vote one way or the other in the end it is not their vote it is thine alone they are not the voice of the public of Britain, the voice of the public of Britain at this time is the only voice that matters. Thou shouldest take all that they have set before thee with a pinch of salt as thou would put it. But on saying that, salt purifies and that is what thou should do, purify thy mind of all that which hath been put before thee. It is thy vote and no one else’s and if thou dost take notice of any of the political parties or organizations or even the leaders of this country it then becomes their vote not thine own. At the end of the day when it comes to the actual vote they are as thou art and have the same vote. Make up thine own mind as to which way thou dost want Britain to go in or out of the EU and don't let anyone else influence thee. No matter the successes or failures of the leaders past and present in government on the day their vote is only one amongst millions and they alone have that one vote same as thou dost.
    They have sought as afore said to influence thee but at the end of the day once and once only British people have a chance to influence the destiny of Britain. Let thy vote be thine own for good or ill, right or wrong. The destiny of this great Nation is in thine hands make the right choice thy choice.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 21 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee there is an option that could be put to the EU, if Britain does leave it will be mainly because of its refusal to reform thus if Britain did vote to leave and the EU did decide that it was in its best interest to reform its whole structure Britain would under those circumstances be willing to rejoin.

    If the EU states that there is no chance at a later date to rejoin if it does reform, then it would be not in their best interest  not to let Britain rejoin and cannot be foreseen to be the attitude of the EU. But also if that was the case then what they have said thus far about Britain’s membership and their fear of Britain leaving and their desire for Britain to remain is false. Thus far they have virtual said they would do anything and go to any extent to keep Britain in the EU, then why have they refused to reform the EU if that will see Britain remaining in the EU? Thus say I that is a conflict of interest. Britain has said the EU needs reformation the EU refused to reform in the way Britain said it needed to, but the EU still refused to reform but has compromised in that it has given Britain a special position within the EU and opt outs that so far have not been fully ratified legally but will be if Britain votes to stay in the EU after the referendum. Britain's negotiation for reform was not just for Britain but for the whole of the EU. Why then has Britain accepted this compromise when it only benefits Britain and not the whole of the EU? Has Britain suddenly become a selfish Nation considering its own interest's above that of the other members of the EU. When in fact Britain is known as a nation which considers the needs of others more important than its own?

    Thus it is if the EU is not willing to reform and not even consider reformation for its own good and to keep Britain in, then Britain should not be willing to stay in the EU without reformation. The point is it was not willing to even consider reformation rejecting it outright and thus it should have been that in those negotiations Britain as was declared by thy leader should not have even considered staying in the EU but should have declared that if their position was an immovable one so should Britain’s and should have be told as thy leader declared, that Britain was leaving the EU.

    One thing remains now that if Britain does vote to stay in the EU as was a fore said then the EU will consider it weak, willed, vulnerable and able to be manipulated as they see fit. In the past other leaders have been strong and firm in their negotiations with the EU as was seen in former leaders of thy government. One especial would never have come away from such a negotiation without a positive result in Britain’s and the other members favour.

    Their attitude to the present leadership is obvious!!!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 20 June 2016


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    These words I do say unto thee that there is no way Britain can persuade the EU from within to reform itself to become a truly democratic Union and those at the centre of the EU will do and say anything at all to try and keep Britain within the EU. But and if Britain does through persuasion vote to remain then the EU will think that it’s got Britain right where they want it right under the EU's thumb and that they can then do what they have aimed to do right from the beginning. Britain’s fight from within for the reformation of the EU will be totally ignored and opposed. Britain might as well be shouting at a brick wall for all the notice the EU will take of it.

    The EU is set in its ways and the only way reformation within the EU will come about is when its straight jacketed attitude changes, its eyes are fix on one point only what it wants and not what all of its members formed the EU for, which in the beginning was supposed to be what the EU was all about the forming of a truly democratic Union of European Nations working together for the benefit of all of its member Nations. Instead it has become a centralised undemocratic body imposing its will on its entire member Nations or states.

    If Britain leaves and others follow it could possibly wake the EU up to its intransigence and bring about a reformation of the whole structure of the EU. The EU needs a right kick up the backside to knock some sense into it that if it doesn't reform its end is not too far away.

    But also I do say that the Family is the foundation of a strong and stable society and that there should be nothing whatsoever to break up any family especially Adultery and that which thou dost class as adultery is not what I class as adultery, adultery especially in a family situation is to Me unforgivable and should in no way be tolerated but because of mankind’s weakness I did provided the divorce as a means of dealing with this crime or as thou dost call it sin but since the beginning it was not so, in My eyes Marriage is for as long as both shall live and especially when there are children. Adultery in Mine own eyes is committed when a married woman with children looks upon another man with lust in her heart and so also with the man looking on another woman with lust in his heart to Me they have already committed adultery and are in danger of Judgement for adultery is a very selfish sin that only takes the persons involved into account and blinds the eyes to the consequences and those consequences are brought about when that crime or sin is by Me brought out into the open. For did I not say thy sins shall find thee out. But it is mainly the children who suffer and it is for their sake this Judgment shall be applied upon all who commit adultery even My wrath and anger so much so that no matter what they do in this life it shall not prosper and after when they come before Me shall suffer My Judgment and condemnation of them.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

To thee I say these words that the British system of Government has lasted for nearly a thousand years and has stood the test of time in fact by twenty sixty six it will have lasted a thousand years, if it survives the present political upheaval now facing it, in that of political division within its ranks. Did I not say unto thee a party or a Nation divided against itself cannot stand and look where this has lead to. Thus I say unto this government get thy act together, solidarity and unity is the answer not division.

Art thou intent on bringing this system of government into disrepute that has stood against all manner of dictators, tyrants, invaders, Anarchical systems of government that has survived communism fascism and other such cruel systems of government that have enslaved its people. This British system of government that has been instrumental in helping many nations who suffer through disease and poverty and disasters, a system of Government that is the envy of the World and upon which many Nations have built their systems of government copying the British one.

In fact it is that the EU should copy the UK's governmental system, the whole structure where many parties can stand for government and the two major ones governing the country one governing the other in opposition with other parties having representation in government so that all the members of the public have a voice through their elected M.P.'s.

The EU could easily be run on the same basis having in all countries which are members having a set number of parties each which are say like the British ones Labour Conservative SDLP SNP ect. Each electing a party to run their government, then each elected governmental party to stand in a European wide election to govern the EU and then the two major parties governing, one governs the EU and one in opposition. That each party elects two party leaders, one to be Prime Minister of their country one to stand for election as Prime Minster of the EU and each country’s political party having representation in the EU’s central government. Thus I am not saying this could be the necessary format but I am saying that it would be a more democratic system than that which is now in place in the EU which is essentially failing and in the end will fail leaving behind an economical disaster and poverty throughout Europe.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 19 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto a Land and Nation that has sown to the wind and must reap the whirlwind that shall descend upon it from the ends of the earth, what is before the whirlwind is a rich and prosperous and fruitful land but after its passing desolation, devastation death and destruction and what is the cause? Unbelief, hardness of heart, deafness and blindness to My Word and the warnings put forth, but mainly the unbelief of the inhabitants of that Land and Nation. Thus say I also after the passing of the whirlwind of My wrath there shall be more life in the Sahara desert than in that Land and Nation.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 17 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee I say these words mourn with those that mourn comfort those who are distressed because of bereavement and those who are broken hearted at the loss of a loved one weep with those who weep be fathers and mothers to those who have none and turn not away those in need for if thou doest these things great shall be thy reward in this life and that which is to come. Be also joyful and rejoice with those who rejoice when those whom they thought they had lost are found and returned. Ask of Me through faith and ye shall be answered.

     But this I do say seek not the things of this world neither power nor riches seek ye first to enter into My Kingdom through My righteousness saith the true and only saviour and all that which ye have forsaken to seek after My Kingdom shall be added unto thee. For the righteousness of mankind shall not be acceptable before Me as it is as if it exists not for the righteousness of mankind is self righteousness and is an abomination in My sight. The only righteousness acceptable is My righteousness which is gained through faith in My death and resurrection when such and one forsakes their own righteousness for Mine. As afore said that without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness for the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments and for the greatest crime of unbelief for if mankind should shed their blood then death would ensue and there is no return from thence. The only shedding of blood that is acceptable is that of one who has opened the womb born of a virgin pure perfect spotless first born person who is willing not to die for himself but only for others for a perfect sinless person is blameless and cannot be Judged nor condemned but is totally without sin, which was typified by the Passover Lamb until I saith the Holy One of Israel the only true redeemer came and I offered up Myself  as the true and only Passover Lamb so that those who accepted Me as their saviour and My death as theirs and My resurrections as theirs could obtain forgiveness and eternal life forever in My presence.

    Thus say I unto thee the only way to obtain everlasting Life and to enter into the Kingdom of the Heaven of heavens as set down in My Word is My Way when thou dost My will and not thine own, willingly. For all I say who come unto Me through faith in My death and resurrection shall have divine peace in their hearts and at the end of their earthly life shall enter into My Eternal rest forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 16 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    That which has come to pass this day in as far as one who has done such great work in My sight to help the sick the lame the homeless the refugee and all of those in need has indeed come before Me to receive the reward that is her due and shall forever abide before Me. Thus I send out the divine comforter to those who are grieving at this time even the Holy Spirit that those who miss her the most may have the assurance that she entered into her eternal rest her journey has come to an end.
    But thus also I say this not through hatred as the one who has committed this most heinous crime shall indeed come before Me shortly to be Judged according to My Holy Law and Commandments and shall be punished as is his due, thy law only passes a Judgment for this crime of imprisonment and for a period of time so it is also that I saith the Holy one of Israel pass Judgment of imprisonment but not as thou dost for the prison to which this one shall be sent is the bottomless bit forever there shall be no limit to the sentence he shall serve. For My Law states thou shalt not kill and whomsoever does is in danger of Judgement.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer.

    Thus saith I unto thee as concerning thy government which must be most assuredly rattled when it resorts to the political and financial blackmail and scaremongering of the voting public it recently has in that of stating there will have to be an emergency budget if the UK exits the EU in the form it has set forth. This I say unto thee what has the politicians of both parties to lose if thy country leaves the EU?  It must be a great deal when it goes to these extremes questions must be asked and answers given. But it is that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and in due time this shall come about that all the machinations of thy governments shall come out into the open.
    But to blame this government alone for the situation that has arisen is an error, for and if the EU had not stubbornly refused the proposed reforms put forward and replaced them with an airy fairy compromise then the situation thy government and the EU is in would have never come to pass. So it is in reality the EU that has a fundamental part in the situation both they and thy government find themselves in. The reality is that in the end reform of the EU will have to happen because of the coming circumstantial forces, forcing it to reform if it was to bring that about soon then there would be no great cost and difficulty in doing so but and if there is a delay of any great length then it will be a necessary costly exercise and the fall out of it would bring it to the verge of dissolution but without reform dissolution of the EU is inevitable.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee in as far as the EU is concerned as it was in Europe in the sixteen century a need for religious reformation of which Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Britain where mainly involved and were at the centre of that religious reformation which brought about the freedom of faith and religious tolerance that is now enjoyed all over Europe and the World. But now in the EU there is a need for a new reformation not a religious one but one of the whole EU's political, financial and Justice structure which if not implemented will see the end of the EU. For in as far as the member states or Nations are concern the whole EU political structure is a political straight jacket which at the moment some are seeking to escape from and others are accepting because for them there is no other option because if they left would face bankruptcy and poverty.
    The reformed structure of the EU should be one of respect and cooperation with all of the member states and or Nations of their laws culture political and Justice system and borders so that each and every member can strengthen its border controls to protect itself when necessary whilst allowing a certain amount of free movement.. Also implement or changing laws without having to go to a central body to seek permission to do so and all should agree to work together politically financially and secularly. That no one Nation should ever be allowed  to take control of the whole of the political, financial foreign or internal trading rules regulations and tariffs or the Justice system nor impose its will on member states or Nations turning the EU into a dictatorship. The structure of other organizations such as N.A.T.O. or the U.N. should be considered as examples to be used in the reformation of the EU. Also it should consult all of its members without bias or a short sight stubborn political attitude. Common ground must be found upon which to base a new or Reformed Europe.
    In as far as the monetary system in the EU it is a restrictive and crippling system which should be abandoned for one that is better suited for the worlds financial and trading markets, such as the dollar or the pound used not only by the UK, but also by Ireland and Scotland.
    There should be a strict policy towards immigration whilst implementing a sensible policy of free movement within the EU and the name should be altered to reflect the new nature of a reformed Europe.
    It is not now a question of choice but one of necessity which if the EU continues to ignore that which is right in front of it and deaf to all the warnings then the end towards which its heading it deserves.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 14 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The present problem with immigration within the EU is the policy of uncontrolled free movement of people throughout the EU which places an extra burden upon British Jobs housing schools the health service ect, week by week year by year. But especially on the Jobs market for UK residents because immigrants are willing to work for less pay they are more likely to obtain employment than a UK resident. Also that immigrants are in the numbers they are entering the UK an extra burden  on the  welfare system in Britain which could cause in the future a reduction of many benefits. Because it is easier to obtain benefits in the UK than many other countries in the EU it attracts more immigrants and refugees from outside of the EU to head for Britain. Politicians claim immigrants coming into and working in Britain are an asset to this country they are only an asset to those who want to pay employees as little as they can whilst charging as much as they can for their products. To many immigrants are not an asset they are a burden that will in the end break the camel UK’s back as so to speak.  But one thing British people ought to consider is that without proper control over immigration and border control that many immigrants will ignore the restrictions of residency in the UK set by the EU and will to put it in thy words go underground for there are many ways of working and residing illegally in the UK in the present circumstance under EU law without proper or legal employment, there is part time work casual labour zero hour contracts where employee’s can be laid off at a moment’s notice, begging, stealing, shop lifting and some even consider they would be better off(though they say contrary to this claim) in prison than staying in their own country they get clothed fed a bed to sleep in showers ect.
    Also the dregs and outcast from other Nations rapist murderer’s sex offenders that have gone under the radar of the authorities entering  into the UK seeing  it as it is now an easy target, plus as has been seen in Paris, Brussels and America, open to terror and terrorist attacks because of the free movement policy.  Taking back control and strengthening the UK’s borders bringing in further restriction on immigration. But not stopping immigrants and refugees coming into the UK altogether is the only answer. Not being dictated to by the EU how Britain and its Government should run its own affairs and country, for that is what the EU has become a Dictatorship.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 13 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the true and only redeemer.

    Thus say I unto thee that when I dwelt amongst mankind I said I came not to do away with the law and commandments and the prophets but establish them, for from Moses until the sacrifice of the true Passover Lamb Redemption was through the promised one to come by Faith in that which when He came He was to become that true Passover Lamb who was to be a sacrifice for sin once and for all for those who through Faith believed in Him their Faith was account unto them for righteousness giving them through faith the means to obey all the Law and Commandments as was so commanded of them to become true children of God as also I commanded all of mankind so to do that they may prosper in their life on earth.
      For without faith obedience to the Law and commandments is useless and faith without the Law and Commandments is also useless but rather whomsoever does practice such is condemned before Me saith the Lord and shall suffer My Judgment upon them.
     For the blood of bulls and goats and sheep could never redeem anyone but was mainly as a means of forgiveness for sins according to the flesh for without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin for these sacrifices did not mean anyone could escape My Judgment when they came before Me saith the Lord of Hosts.
    Thus when that promised one came the demand of the shedding of the blood of the true Passover Lamb was fulfilled in Me saith the true and only Messiah when I did die upon the tree for all of those who did believe in Me and did obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments through faith all of their lives and the sign of that fulfilment was their resurrection from their grave when I rose again and ascended into the heaven of heavens many at that time also came to believe and did through faith obey My Law and Commandments as set down in My Word as a sign also of the fulfilment of the Promised Passover Lambs sacrifice, death, resurrection and ascension. Thus from then on faith was not faith in the promised one to come, but of faith in the fulfilment of that promise but as I said I did not then come to do away with the Law and the Commandments but to establish and fulfil them thus since then that is what has come to pass. So all of those since then have been able through Faith to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and to be accounted as righteous in My sight.
    Thus it is now that My Holy Law and Commandments are not done away because of Faith rather are they established and obeyed through Faith for faith gives those who believe in Me the means whereby they can obey all of My Holy Law and commandments and can come before Me pleading for forgiveness if they break My Holy Law and Commandments by repenting and offering up My blood shed upon the tree as their means of obtaining forgiveness and they shall be forgiven and accounted as righteous in My sight saith the true and only Saviour and Messiahs.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true Messiah King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Thus say I unto thee ye who do come unto Me saith the Holy One of Israel through My blood the blood of the true and only Passover Lamb even the Messiahs and truly believe and are redeemed that which My Word  promises shall come to pass as concerning all that go forth in My  Name  teaching My Word Law and Holy Commandments and living their lives accordingly as is so set down in My Word and as I saith the Messiah so commanded the disciples to go forth teaching My Word and proclaiming redemption through Faith in Me. These shall in My Name be able to heal the sick cause the lame to walk the blind to see the deaf to hear cast out fallen spirits whom ye call demons and even raise the dead if perfect faith without doubt resides in their hearts and do obey the first commandment of all to Love the Lord thy God with all of their mind and with all their heart and with all of their strength and that they shall love all as they do love themselves that also their will is to do My Will in all things willingly..
 Thus say I also unto thee I and My Father are one and also none of mankind cometh to the Father except through Me. For there is no other way any of mankind can be redeemed except through Me saith the true and only living redeemer the true Messiahs.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

  As afore said  all of the living part of creation has a spirit that comes out from Me and returns unto Me by passing Judgement the curse of the creatures of creation came upon them because of mankind’s fall and that curse was death for I put the responsibility for the care of all of the creatures in the hands of mankind but their spirit of life remained within My hands so that they could not suffer with mankind (those who remain fallen) their destination, but as for the care and responsibility was and still is mankind’s and in Judgement mankind will have to give an answer for the care of all creatures place in their hands or the lack of it or the cruelty of them, no one shall be excused of their responsibility either in this life or of the life to come from the beginning until now and from now on but as afore said only mankind as individuals are truly independent beings having an independent existence who are given the choice once in life to return unto Me through the Messiah or reject Me and once that choice hath been made their destiny is set forever there is no going back.

 But what is their destiny and destination? Their destiny shall be to continue to the end in their rebellion and disobedience to My Holy Law and commandment and to come before Me in Judgment to give an answer for their lives and a reason for all they have done in their lives and then My Law and Commandments shall be the measure by which they shall be Judged unto perfection.

 But those who of mankind who are not of Me their destination is set, they because they are not of Me cannot live or exist in My Kingdom which is the Kingdom of the heaven of heavens they will be banished forever. But where shall they be banished to? That place which I have created even the bottomless pit forever the first punishment of theirs that they shall be able to see My Kingdom from where they are but never as one who request but a drop of everlasting life and was denied, be able to partake of it for there is a great gulf fixed, a place of loneliness unhappiness wherein is no peace no love no life only existence as life is in My Kingdom for to live forever in peace happiness and tranquillity and  My eternal love saith the Holy One of Israel is to be of Me and Mine as I am the source of all life and true love and true death is to be separated from that life forever. But there is added torment on all of that the guilt and punishment of all they didst do in their lives contrary to My Law and Commandments and all of their wicked and immoral acts against others and all the lack of their care and responsibility to all of creation. None of mankind can be of Me except through the true Messiahs and none of mankind can come unto Me except through Him through the blood of the true Passover Lamb.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 11 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee in as far as thy existence is concerned and thy desire to prove that a human being is a mere complex organic machine and the brain a mere computer, that the human personality can be attributed to their D.N.A.  and their GENETIC makeup and that mankind is not a spiritual being but a physical and materialistic creation. That I exist not, that there is no after life, no heaven. That when mankind dies they pass from existence that they exist no longer in any other way except in the memories of those they leave behind, that all faiths are but an invention of mankind's imagination so that  a few might have power and control over the masses.
    Yes indeed some faiths were and have be created by the unscrupulous and wicked of mankind to deceive and control the masses of mankind but they in the end are revealed for that which they were and are and as I said by their fruits ye shall know them, for their fruits are the lust for power and wealth that never be satiated and will result in wars and conflict persecution and the destruction of cities and Nations the rape and murder of innocent people. But in the end leads by My hand and the hands of those I chose to cause their downfall so that they and those who stand with them perish never to rise again.
    But in as far as the human body is concerned it is a marvellous and complex organic machine that can and will never be duplicated no matter the efforts of mankind’s scientists. Even the efforts of mankind to create true artificial intelligence will never succeed because no machine can ever think and act feel or move of itself like a human being and even if it could it still would need a programmer an operating system and someone to operate it as ye will see if thou dost continue on that path. This is also is the same with the human body though it is a wondrous and complex creation never the less unless there is someone in it to operate it, it cannot think feel act or live. Which can be seen when someone is in a coma unless they come out of it or the person returns to the body then it has to be put on a life support machine until either the personality returns to the body and take control or the life support machine has to be turned off and the body is allowed to die. The human body with all its complexity still has to have someone in the driver’s seat. But also when the person or personality departs there is an in built mechanism that disposes of the body in the shortest possible time, decomposition.
    But in as far as the spiritual side of creation is concerned all of creation has a spirit that comes out from Me and at the end returns unto Me only mankind as individuals are truly independent beings having an independent existence who are given the choice once in life to return unto Me through the Messiah or reject Me and once that choice hath been made their destiny is set forever there is no going back. Thus there is the spirit of the animals each species has its own spirit same with birds fish insects and that spirit is the spirit of life without which they could not exist the same with all plant life all as afore said comes out from Me and returns unto Me.
    But in the end the attempt by mankind to play at being Me shall have but one result both in this life and in the next, thine efforts will only prove not disprove My existence and thus will also reveal that thou hast but one destination after Judgment.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the true and only eternal Passover Lamb.

    These Words do I put before thee that those who stand in a city a far of ruled by a tyrant who has murdered his own people and still does. That as My Wrath and anger is towards him and his city so shall it also descend upon those in that city who so stand with and support him in all the wicked acts which he hath committed and still does commit if they do continue to do so they with him shall suffer My Just Judgment. For as surely as night follows day that the dark night of My wrath and anger shall cover that city wherein he doth dwell. He and his government have mocked and derided the warning afore sent but this warning is not for him but for those who remain in that city to flee from the wrath to come upon him and his government and his city and all who stand with and support him in all the wicked acts and the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments he hath done and still does. But this warning is not alone for those in that city who stand with him but for those also from another country who have and do still support him, Judgment and Justice shall follow Judgment with justice and thou hast seen what a small meteor can do to a region but think what such an one ten times the size can do.

This is the Word of the Lord  to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 10 June 2016


    Thus say I woe unto that Nation which is about to fall by death and destruction through wrath and anger because of its treatment of its people, for its hardness of heart for taking none heed of the warnings to the Nations which have gone out. In a day it will face its end and in a day it will fall and great shall be the fall thereof so much so that all the Nations shall see and know that it is I the Lord God of Israel that hath caused such destruction to descend upon one Nation for with this one patience and mercy have been stretched to the limit and its cup is filled to overflowing ready to be poured out upon it. All the Nations shall see and mourn over its passing, even though it has wickedly done what it has to its own and other Nations peoples, even all of the crimes against Me and the Breaking of all of My Holy Law and commandments. All that it has done shall be revealed none of its crimes shall remain hidden. It shall be as a sign post to all the Nations of what it is to take none heed of the warnings of the Living God sent unto all.

    To those who are of Me I say wait upon Me saith the true and only Living eternal redeemer. Wait upon Me and I shall renew thy faith in the true and only Passover lamb of God and thy strength shall also be renewed, thou shalt mount up as with angels wings and thou shalt stand at last before Me in My presence for ever. But and in a little while all things shall be made anew old things shall pass away and there shall be a new heavens and a new Earth and in the future a remembrance of the Earth as it is now shall be but a fading memory. In that place wherein is no sickness no death no poverty no hunger no unhappiness no wars no conflicts wherein all are known as they know themselves a place wherein there are no secrets no wickedness no lies no deceit no theft no murder wherein all are a peace with each other with a peace that passeth beyond all understanding and comprehension and love each other as I Love them. That place wherein they shall also know Me and be at one with Me saith the Lord.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee where has this sudden influx of voters requiring registration come from? Is it that this sudden influx is to make sure that Britain stays in the EU? Surely anyone wishing to vote in the referendum would have had time to register already; there has been enough time from the announcement of the date to do so? Did the same thing happen in the Scottish referendum when suddenly there was also such a turn out that made it certain that Scotland stayed in the UK. The question now must be asked has this referendum been rigged. Also the government going out of its way to arrange for extra time for these voters to register and is what the government has done in extending the time limit truly legal when set rules and regulations have been contravened? No matter the outcome will be the same even with these extra voters!
    If there is a possibility that this is so then it would reveal that until now the Government was expecting to win the referendum, but just in case behind the scenes it had a contingency plan and was this the case with the Scottish referendum also? Leaving these extra voters on hand just in case there was a possibility that the referendums went contrary and does now in the coming referendum go contrary to the government’s plans. But as afore said no matter what anyone does the outcome will be the same and a shock is in store for some.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord   

Thursday 9 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The true shackles the EU has placed on this country and how much real changes would have to take place and how much real problems leaving would cause it was easy to get into the EU. But how difficult is it going to be to get out of it. But overall both sides I say unto thee in the past they would be classed as false prophets. For on one side they rely on financial intuitions which has made major blunders and the other side in as far as the economy is concerned mere guess work. In or out it is going to be a rollercoaster ride with all of it highs and lows and the prospect at the end of having made a mistake in choosing the wrong path. In being absorbed by the EU or out having to rebuild Britain from the ground up but the advantage if it could be called that, of there being at least two years to sort it all out.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This do I say unto thee in as far as the claims of both side of thy referendum campaign is concerned and the MP whose switched sides when she should have abandoned both sides in as far as the economic trade and financial claims of both sides are in error and miss informing the public voters, one side bases their prediction on the present and past economical state of this Nation also on its past and the present financial and trading markets coming to the conclusion that if Britain leaves the EU that these and other markets will suffer especially the jobs market and that wages will suffer meaning with the fall in the value of the pound wage values will decline which is totally wrong for none in the present circumstances with so many random variables truly predict what will in effect come to pass as many organizational predictions have been totaly wrong and those predicting such would be termed false prophets in the past.
     The other side is more obvious as their calculations are based on estimates and not facts even though they are close. On the other side of their argument in as far as immigration sovereignty and the lack of control over the running of this country and over this Nations Justice system is concerned they are correct but they should have put forward the length of time even if Britain did leave that it would take to rectify the overall situation.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee both sides are not living as so to speak in the real world they are living in worlds of fantasy, one how easy they claim it would be to leave when it would mean having to restructure the whole political system, finance trade borders laws the Justice system the financial system, the other on the reality of staying in the EU and how further and further Britain would be drawn into the centre till in the end it looses it own identity. Make no mistake the ambitions of the EU are totally opposite to all democratic values and are aimed at making the EU but one Nation with many regions and or states or districts without prime ministers only regional governors, no Kings or Queens no Nation states only one Government one Prime minister one president and this is what has to be weighed in the balances and this has to be decided that this is the wishes of the public of Britain.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus it must be the EU hast to be told if it wants Britain to remain within the EU it has to change it hast to reform for the good of not only itself but all of its member and not in word only but in deed and produce concrete evidence of change. That it must become a truly democratic Union of the highest standard. Not having a European Army but a Union of Armies Based on NATO or UN models but not in any way being a replacement for them in as far as Europe is concerned. The sovereignty and Laws of each Nation respected and an agreed a Justice and Law making structure that is agreeable to all. Border freedom that when necessary can be closed and operated by any Nation within the EU when it is threatened in anyway, a financial integrated system that no one Nation can control and is run in agreement by all members with a solid veto if any member disagrees with any policy put forward that is not to the benefit of all members.
    That all trading policy is agreed to by all members and that the EU cannot impose any policy without a comprehensive agreement by all the member that decentralization of power to all members of the EU must be brought in so that no one Nation can take control of the whole turning the EU from a Union to an Empire.
    That all members that are elected to the EU parliament truly represent their constituency they come from and the country they come from. That all members contribute to the central fund of the EU within their means and is not based on fluctuating G.D.P.'s.
    That when one Nation faces difficulty the rest of the members, within their means rally to to its aid without any measures that may in the long run cripples the economy of that Nation and that austerity measures only apply when it becomes evident that, that Nation is not do its uttermost to do all it can to remedy the situation it’s in.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus I will warn thee that the EU will not in any way be reformed in or out it is set in its ways and cannot and will not reform or change no matter the pressure to do so. In fact the more pressure is put on the EU. To change the more resistant it will become and for those who seek to try, it will in the end be an exercise in futility.
    The course though is set and will not nor cannot be altered and all must run it to its conclusion the outcome of which all must suffer the consequences thereof, even those who are part of the EU.
    Thus saith I unto thee at this time that the past events worldwide should convince thee not to doubt Me in that all I have accomplished, can be seen by all that indeed Judgment has come to the Nations, but still it is that thou dost slumber in thy complacency.  I did warn thee that I would  strike with the weapons in My arsenal even earthquakes volcanoes storms fire striking from the sky tidal waves or tsunamis as thou dost call them to convince thee that it is not Nature is not responsible for the changes in the climate and the weather on the Earth and under it but it is I, but as afore said I have taken but few lives, even only those who were due to pass from the Earth at this time. Only thy possessions did I take from thee which can and will be replaced but lives cannot, a disaster which was recently witnessed by a country afar off is proof of the destruction of possession and property and not lives but this will and is changing.
    What will it take to wake thee out of thy slumber of complacency a disaster of such magnitude that it would be as it was in Japan of such catastrophic proportions that there would be a great loss of life upon that Nation I in Mine wrath and anger did strike. But with Me it is that I don't wish even the death of the wicked but that they turn from their wicked rebellious and immoral ways unto Me, for even they are a portion of My creation and if they perish in their wickedness when My wrath and anger in Judgment doth descend I will be the first one to mourn over them. But My Judgment demands that if obedience is not forth coming to My Holy Law and commandments that consequences thereof must be terrible and Just punishment as is required by My Law and commandments, which is revealed in My Word. None have any excuse for My Word is set down in the majority of the Languages of the Earth’s population.
    But warn thee I will, that there is but a little time remaining until the cup of wrath and anger and destruction is filled up ready to be outpoured  in Judgment upon the wicked immoral and rebellious of the Earth. Judgment comes riding on the wings of the whirlwind wind and by fire.

This is the word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 7 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as the financial trading in currency is it not the practice when the value of a currency has the prospect of future devaluation that those who trade in the currency markets sell their assets and buy an equal value static or stable currency that when that the currency with the prospect of devaluation, devalues they then move their assets  back and buy the devalued currency that when that currency regains its value and again becomes stable they make a substantial profit.
    But also I say unto thee is not this publication which would not otherwise have been published on a general public news channel just another scaremongering tactic aimed at the business sector more than the public and I would put forward the question which side that the news channels are on when all public news channels are supposed to be impartial? Have some of them been bought off?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

    This say I unto thee as concerning thy referendum My servant at My command shall not be a partaker in the vote one way or the other as it could be construed that I have revealed to him the outcome and he is going to vote accordingly of which true or false what I and My servant know of the outcome is for Me to know and for it to be revealed to thee on the day. But I do so say unto thee that this referendum is for all the people of Britain and for no one else. In as far as he is concerned he is a child of My Kingdom on Earth and will comply with the Laws rules culture and regulations of this Nation and shall have respect for all authority and the Monarchy in as far as he is able but in the end he owes his allegiance to Me and My Kingdom and none other and the obedience due is to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as are set down in My Word.
    Also in as far as this and all other fragile political structures of this civilization and the Nations of the Earth are concerned as long as they comply with My Holy Law commandments and Word then both I and My servant are only concerned with the welfare and spiritual state of all humanity and the creatures of My Creation. Politics are the creation of mankind and are thus manipulated to the advantage of those who are a part of the political structure of a Nation especially those who are at the head of that structure.
    I have one point to put to thee how many would stand for political office if it was only open to those who volunteered for the position with only living, transport and accommodation expenses on offer and in as far as their term of office were concerned had to dedicate their term of office to their position without outside interests until their term ended. I say not many would stand. But on that point only those who live in a borough or ward should be able to stand as a candidate for that constituency and none other as also should the Mayor of a city be a resident of that city or the boroughs of that city.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 6 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    In as far as the referendum which thy leaders has promised to honour the wishes of the people if it is a vote to leave, they could legally ignore the vote and keep Britain in the EU but and if he did do that and I am not saying that is beyond him and the fanatical in section of his party with their overwhelming desire to stay in the EU, but in as far as the British people are concerned that would be one step to far. But what would the reaction of the British electorate be? Would he then be like King Charles I when he was on the British throne and would another like Oliver Cromwell arise to execute justice on him?
    In as far as this referendum is concerned there is a fine line drawn and if this Government was to step over that line they would rue the day that they did so.
     But Spain’s claims about annexing Gibraltar are the wrong declarations to be made in public, but that is typical of Spain revealing their true attitude towards Britain and its territory also that they following the same course their ancestors followed in the past. But what Britain has to consider is the attitude of all the Nations of the EU in the past and does it still remain just hidden under the surface ready to raise its ugly head?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thy scientist say that earths solar system occupies but a fraction of the space in a galaxy and that the galaxy it is in is but one of a cluster of galaxies which inhabit but a fraction of the Universe of the extent of the whole they cannot comprehend and if a human being sought to even try to comprehend it, it would overload the human mind which would result in its failure. But there is one who is My servant to whom I have from birth given the gift which I have taught him to use to understand and comprehend the whole of it and humanities position and place in the universe not the physical mind or what thou dost call the brain but his spiritual mind that which is the chief of his personality. Me in him and he in Me means there is no limit to his understanding of all of creation, from the structure of the physical Universe to the spiritual, from the nuclear structure of the earth and all life on earth to the fabric of time and space. This is only limited to that which I reveal unto him and of which he knows and accepts to be true, he is not of the scientific community therefore not limited by the physical limitation of thy scientists but has a far greater understanding of even the physical than ever they could and he is the one through whom My Word and revelations come unto thee at this time.
    But why have I when the new heavens and the new earth come into being created those who are and have become My children redeemed through the Messiah the true Passover Lamb to be immortal and to live forever when the new Jerusalem descends from the heaven of heavens and the Kingdom Of God is on Earth and in the heaven of heavens and My Glory covers the Earth as the waters cover the sea and land. Think ye that is the end of it did I not say the children of the Living God My Children shall be more numerous that the grains of sand on the sea shore and in the seas of the Earth. All the planets of the Universe as thou dost call it shall be inhabited by all who belong unto Me who are My children. When My Kingdom is on the New Earth children shall still be born and there shall be no sickness death unhappiness only peace and prosperity joy love and happiness all shall be perfect in every way. Thus when the Earth is repopulated then those who are born afterwards will when they reach maturity be transported in an instant to another planet to populate that and this shall go on until all the planets of the Universe are occupied which thou would  say would take an eternity but it shall be accomplished for time has no meaning in the New Heavens and upon the new Earth and what will My children’s duty be? The same as it was Adam and Eves in the garden of Eden before they fell.
    But why have I restricted mankind to this Earth thy films show some of that answer and it is the war like and destructive nature of mankind as it is now, think ye that I would allow mankind in its present state freedom to roam the stars polluting a Universe with the immoral rebellious and destructive nature and capabilities and corruption that mankind possesses a Universe free from all the pollution of this Earth?
    But what of the present heaven and earth they shall be rolled up as one roll’s up a length of cloth and shall be burned and cleansed by fire.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday 5 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus I have put before thy youth the sudden demise if they are not careful of their life style reliant on if they vote or not in the referendum. But and it is that also other sections of society in the  west should be concerned especially about the private pensions what if the private pension companies suddenly started to fail through stock market crashes who would lose their pensions? What about thy welfare system if the government could no longer afford to keep it running, no longer unemployment benefits or social security benefits, or state pensions or NHS? This scenario is the scenario of a civilization collapsing and it is that sooner or later as has been proven in the past civilizations rise and fall after reaching their peak of prosperity because suddenly morality, obedience to My Holy Commandments and Law, the lack of Justice and mercy, respect, order and the care of the sick, lame, orphan, children, elderly and the poor and destitute flies as thou would put it out of the window and thus the question must be asked is western civilization on the verge of collapse? I see and know the answer to that dost thou? And that leads to this, what thy country has to see is whether staying in the EU will forestall that happening or whether being out is the better scenario. Out Britain will survive the collapse of the EU. In it, it could be dragged down with it. On the other hand, if in and the EU. survives so will Britain. But on the inside there are more chances of the EU. Collapsing for all it would take is a few of its member states going to the wall or down the drain as so to speak.

    But out Britain would have also the commonwealth Nations to rely on to help each other to survive any sudden collapse or disaster. In or Out Britain has the best of both worlds but which to put it in thy vernacular is the best bet?

But the collapse of a civilization has no friend’s only enemies.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning not only those in government and not only those who are mainly concerned about Britain’s position in the EU which in the majority is the middle age to elderly bracket, unless they are in business or are setting up a business. Those who are young in this country are in the main not concerned with politics, except those of the political parties, but they don't see how this referendum will affect them either way. In the main the young go out to work to earn money to buy cars, seek relationships with members of the opposite sex, go out to clubs pubs go to holiday resorts where there is freedom to do as they please and general what in their eyes is to have a good time which doth not put them in My good books as so to speak they are immoral rebellious to authority and generally irresponsible having no proper up bring which was the responsibility of their parents, which in many other countries are brought up by their parents to be responsible respectful members of society having a vested interest in all things as concerning their own country. The politics of the day are for people who have families middle aged and elderly in their eyes.
    What the working youth don't realise that this referendum will affected their lives in a major way and could in or out curb their waywardness and luxurious living to such a degree that being irresponsible and rebellious and disobedient to parents and authority will no longer be any benefit to their lives as it is at the present their so called having a good time will come to a sudden end. In or out their lives working, home or otherwise will change. Also they should look at the countries of the middle east and their youth what if such conflict arose in Europe and affect the European cities as it has in the middle east what would their lives be like then, ignore present day politics and the state of the World as it is now at thine own peril.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 4 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee the question Britain must be asked does Britain want to become a major player on the Worlds stage having greater influence on World politics or does it want only to be a supporting actor being seen and heard but taken little or no notice of? Or even an understudy or extra out of sight out of mind? Of which the World is concerned Britain will once more become taking a leading role on the Worlds political stage if it leaves the EU. Does Great Britain want to become overcrowded little Britain becoming the dumping ground for all of the unwanted migrants and refugees of Europe?
    The worry for many in Europe is that if Britain does Leave that they will become the supporting actors on the Worlds stage and Britain will take the leading role away from the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say unto thee both sides in thy debate on the T.V. failed in that neither has assured the British people of anything whatsoever. They are all guessing even all of the financial mathematical calculation cannot predict the future, all the claims of the bank of thy country is so much mere speculation of that which they will hope  will come to pass and as so also it is with all the claims of every financial organization on Earth. They all cannot in as far as the future is concerned see beyond the end of their noses as there are so many random variables that can upset their apple cart. What they claim is only that which they hope will come to pass, if certain conditions are met.
    Let thou be assured of one thing the future is not in their hands nor is it in the hands of the E.U. though they wish it were. Or in the hands of thy leader to claim that what they predict will happen is arrogance at its highest and I can assure them and others that their arrogance in this matter will be their undoing. Thus it is if they continue on the path they are on for them it will end in tears. One thing it is that I can assure people of is that the future is set and that there will for a period of time as I have set down very little will change in finance trade and the jobs market in or out of the E.U. The only change will be is disappointment of those who are so convinced they have got it right and when all of their calculations will be proven to be contrary to what shall come to pass the only change will be in the minds of those who shall be frustrated it has not worked out as they intended it to do so. For it is My Will that shall be done and not theirs and to trust in Me saith the Holy one of Israel and not in politicians for they will fail thee.
    When all is said and done all things work together for good for all of those who obey My law and commandments. Who are upright and pure in heart, mind and will.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 3 June 2016



Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Unto thee I say these words well hast thou now been warned of the consequences of that which will come upon thee if thou dost continue  in thy disobedience to My Holy Law and Commandments and do continue in thy immoral, idolatrous and disobedient ways breaking every Law and Commandment as I have set down in My Word. Now thou dost see what weapons I have in My arsenal such weapons as thou hast no defence whatsoever against even which in comparison make thy weapons look like and be as ineffective as a child’s pea shooter.

    I have devastated and taken many of thy possessions from thee but not thy lives as promised, but as afore said this will end, next it will be as peace has been taken away from the middle east so also shall; if thou dost take none heed of all that I say unto thee and continue to harden thy hears and blind thine eyes to divine truth and deafen thine ears to My Warnings; peace shall also be taken away for the western Nations and as thou hast seen what devastation is the result of peace being taken away from Nations that have hardened their hearts to My Word and have and do continue in their cruelty to their people .

    But mainly because of their breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments which doth include the condemnations of those who care not properly for their people has the devastation been brought down upon their heads. So it is if thou dost continue in thy ways then thou shall not only see that devastation of their town’s villages and cities thou also shall see it firsthand even on thine own town’s villages and cities. But and if thou dost turn and obey all My Holy Laws and Commandments,  peace beyond comprehension and understanding shall be thine forever.

    Think not that I have not heard the cries of the people of the two Nations of the Middle east and will allow  those who are guilty of such crimes as they have committed to escape punishment not so for soon that it is My wrath and anger shall be executed upon them that they shall seek to hide in the caves of the Earth to escape My vengeance but none shall escape as it is also for those who do such as they have and others the world over committed acts of cruelty and immorality and murder escape for there is no place in the heavens on the earth nor under the earth that they can hide from Me nor escape the  Judgement that shall be executed upon them.

This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 2 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    This say I unto thee what is the E.U. afraid of if Britain leaves the E.U. that the Nations of the E.U. will revert to the state they were in before Britain joined during the period between the second world war and when Britain joined and brought so much with it in trade and finance that has made the E.U. what it is today?

    Is it also the case that Britain has never been a part of the E.U. but the E.U. has always been of part of Britain?

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    To thee of the Nations hear ye My words and take heed for I say unto thee whomsoever threatens this land threatens Me also and whomsoever doth fight against this country if this countries heart is towards Me fights against Me. Thy threats to Me are so much hot air and a blowing in the wind. For it is that the disasters that I have as promised and sent upon thee shall be increased more than tenfold.

    Thus say I unto this land as Europe did when Henry the VIII took this country out of Europe and became its only ruler so also is Europe doing now what it did then, which did culminate in the reign of Elizabeth the first. What Europe hast forgotten is that threats to this country have the opposite effect and if they wanted truly Britain to be a part of or even friendly with the E.U. then they should withdraw their threats and apologise. For Britain has always in or out, been a defender and a friend to Europe and it has only fought against the Nations of Europe when threatened by them. Britain has no desire to be at enmity with the Nations of the E.U. in or out. But the Nations of Europe seem to have convinced themselves that Britain is leaving the E.U. which is understandable the E.U. structure being as it is now. Thus I say unto them what art thou afraid of if Britain does leave?

    But in the end it is not up to the E.U. Nations, nor the Nations of the World, nor the politicians, it is up to the people of this land to make up their own minds and vote whether or not Britain leaves or stays in the E.U. But note this if Britain does stay in it will do everything in its power to reform the E.U. so that it becomes what it should be and not what it is!

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    A corrupt government is a curse to its people and the Nation as a whole and is despised by all around about it and its crimes and sins shall in the end brought out into the open in the light of divine truth to be seen by all.
    An honest and an upright government is a blessing not only to its people and the Nation as a whole but to all around about it and is respected and trusted by all.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee I say these words a humble Nation provokes no one and seeks peace with its neighbours at all costs. But an arrogant and proud Nation provokes conflict with its neighbours which leads to war and in the end its own destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    This say I unto thee immorality destroys a Nation from within but a moral Nation is strong and upright and is respected by all around about it.
    Hatred is a festering sore which destroys the heart and has no friends, but love heals all wounds and has countless companions.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee I say these words it is the inalienable right of every British man woman and child to live free in their own country ruled by their own government and not by any other government, nor form of government by agreement or by force.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.