Sunday 5 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus I have put before thy youth the sudden demise if they are not careful of their life style reliant on if they vote or not in the referendum. But and it is that also other sections of society in the  west should be concerned especially about the private pensions what if the private pension companies suddenly started to fail through stock market crashes who would lose their pensions? What about thy welfare system if the government could no longer afford to keep it running, no longer unemployment benefits or social security benefits, or state pensions or NHS? This scenario is the scenario of a civilization collapsing and it is that sooner or later as has been proven in the past civilizations rise and fall after reaching their peak of prosperity because suddenly morality, obedience to My Holy Commandments and Law, the lack of Justice and mercy, respect, order and the care of the sick, lame, orphan, children, elderly and the poor and destitute flies as thou would put it out of the window and thus the question must be asked is western civilization on the verge of collapse? I see and know the answer to that dost thou? And that leads to this, what thy country has to see is whether staying in the EU will forestall that happening or whether being out is the better scenario. Out Britain will survive the collapse of the EU. In it, it could be dragged down with it. On the other hand, if in and the EU. survives so will Britain. But on the inside there are more chances of the EU. Collapsing for all it would take is a few of its member states going to the wall or down the drain as so to speak.

    But out Britain would have also the commonwealth Nations to rely on to help each other to survive any sudden collapse or disaster. In or Out Britain has the best of both worlds but which to put it in thy vernacular is the best bet?

But the collapse of a civilization has no friend’s only enemies.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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