Monday 20 June 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer

To thee I say these words that the British system of Government has lasted for nearly a thousand years and has stood the test of time in fact by twenty sixty six it will have lasted a thousand years, if it survives the present political upheaval now facing it, in that of political division within its ranks. Did I not say unto thee a party or a Nation divided against itself cannot stand and look where this has lead to. Thus I say unto this government get thy act together, solidarity and unity is the answer not division.

Art thou intent on bringing this system of government into disrepute that has stood against all manner of dictators, tyrants, invaders, Anarchical systems of government that has survived communism fascism and other such cruel systems of government that have enslaved its people. This British system of government that has been instrumental in helping many nations who suffer through disease and poverty and disasters, a system of Government that is the envy of the World and upon which many Nations have built their systems of government copying the British one.

In fact it is that the EU should copy the UK's governmental system, the whole structure where many parties can stand for government and the two major ones governing the country one governing the other in opposition with other parties having representation in government so that all the members of the public have a voice through their elected M.P.'s.

The EU could easily be run on the same basis having in all countries which are members having a set number of parties each which are say like the British ones Labour Conservative SDLP SNP ect. Each electing a party to run their government, then each elected governmental party to stand in a European wide election to govern the EU and then the two major parties governing, one governs the EU and one in opposition. That each party elects two party leaders, one to be Prime Minister of their country one to stand for election as Prime Minster of the EU and each country’s political party having representation in the EU’s central government. Thus I am not saying this could be the necessary format but I am saying that it would be a more democratic system than that which is now in place in the EU which is essentially failing and in the end will fail leaving behind an economical disaster and poverty throughout Europe.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

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