Wednesday 31 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The character assassination by politicians of other politicians in an election or at any other time in or out of parliament reveals their lack of ability to govern this Nation as they should be concentrating not on assassinating each others character or ability as politicians but on how they propose to govern the country if they become the party in Government what are their budget proposals for education health welfare and social services transport and road and rail maintenance and repair and for the security and emergency services for the military and the Intelligence services and border control of this Nation and what about foreign aid and of course trade and industry investment. But paramount is the sourcing of their budget where is the revenue coming from and can the present taxation system support their budget proposals and can they justify the austerity measure they are proposing to keep and put in place and what about the rise of governmental borrowing is it being reduced by the austerity measures in place or increasing. What about trade and industry investment what is the civil service budget and can it be justified and what about medical research funding and for science and the arts what are the proposals for regeneration of a house building program to build rentable and affordable housing. The responsibilities of any PM and their cabinet is such that the petty wrangling and childish arguments and character assassinations should never even enter into their minds never the less be voice by their mouths more and more it seems that parliamentary sessions are sinking into becoming mudsling sessions rather than constructive debates on resolving the issues of major public concern. To be sure saith the Lord God of Host there are others in thy history who have been leaders of this Nation who would have been ashamed of all of the present political parties and this generation of politicians and their attitude to each others and their lack of respect for the office to which they aspire both in as far as both the governing and opposition parties and their lack of endeavouring to meet the pressing needs of this generations citizens, young and old sick and disabled homeless and poverty stricken jobless and those in work struggling to make ends meet for them and their families working all the hours they can to keep a roof over their heads and those struggling in this modern ages to keep body and soul together and there was one who did and alive now would be sore tempted as he did then to kick the lot of them into touch now. The question has to be asked are any of the present political partiers fit to govern this great Nation.

This is the Word of The Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 30 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation I have said I placed the great and terrible sword of My Wrath and anger that hath been polished and sharpened and I have commanded he into whose hands I have placed it and who wields it to strike his fist against his chest where his heart is three times and upon the third time to strike with the sword of My wrath and anger the great and the powerful and the wicked and immoral and the unbelieving dictators and tyrants of the Earth it is the sword that hath been sharpen and polished to slay the great the rich and the powerful and the wicked and the disobedient of mankind who breaks all of My Holy Laws and commandments who know not nor desire to know Me who say and have said I neither see nor hear because I exist not or it is I am but a figment of mankind’s imagination a myth a being created by those in high religious office of the faiths of mankind to control the masses yea there have been such that have used My name  in vain to their own advantage. But of a truthat I do exist whether any of mankind believes in Me or not and am ready to Judge mankind. Thus say I those who are the rich and powerful and those who hold high office who are liars cheats thieves murderers of innocent men women and children whose hearts have been hardened who care not for others only themselves and their own comfort that ye will know when this sword comes to claim its victims for it will cast down first thy gates meaning that which protects the source of thy power and wealth for it will take away all that thou doth cherish above all else and cast thee down to the dust of the ground into the same situation thou hath cast many others into the pit of poverty and despaired and destitution without a second thought so that thou could ascend to the heights of power and wealth by corrupt and unscrupulous methods look unto that which happened to Job but that was to test his faith in Me saith the Lord. But for thee this will be the first striking of My sword of wrath and anger and the beginning of thy punishment which is thy due thus as with Job so with thee, first thy high office then thy wealth shall be taken away then the desertion of thy family and then it shall be that My sword shall follow hard at thy heels so much so that thy heart will almost fail the for fear of that which will descend upon thee, but thou will be denied that way which thou doth see as means of escaping the final blow of My sword. Then it is that thou shalt face Me in Judgment. Look unto the past few years and all the rich and famous and powerful who have passed on from this life so many in such a short time why because My Day of the Judgment of the wicked and immoral and the perverse, of the rich and powerful who know not Me who break all of My Holy Laws and commandments who prey on the weak the vulnerable and the innocent especial those in power who have used the innocent the weak the disabled the sick the elderly as the rungs to climb their ladder of power success and wealth the so called privileged few. Thus I said of past times that I have waited till the cup of wrath and anger be filled up to overflowing ready to be poured out upon mankind which hath lulled the wicked the immoral the unbelieving the disobedient and all those who have broken all of My Holy Laws and commandments into a sense of complacency thinking that their creator exists not or is dead as some put it who hears not nor sees and if he does can either do nothing about the wickedness of mankind or cares not that mankind walks a wicked and immoral path. Wrong I do care and as above punishment shall be forth coming upon the whole of mankind for as hath been said in My Word that the day of Judgment shall come as a thief in the night and so hath it come and hath caught the whole of mankind unawares and unready to face My Judgment Day.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 29 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    There has to be at this time one matter to be settled and that is as I afore said the true name of the Messiah that by which the only true Son of God can be called is Immanuel and none other which also means the spelling which is used has to be perfectly translated from the Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל‎ which is Immanuel both in what by thee is termed the old and New Testaments which means, "God with us or God come down to Earth as perfect  Man or God manifest in the flesh " of which changing the I to and E changes the translation of the Messiah's Hebrew name: עִמָּנוּאֵל‎ to mean what it doth not and of which I have not authorized so to be done. My Word written in the language which I gave unto My people must be translated as is perfectly and any other translation of it carries a curse for have I not said that whom so ever adds ought to My Word Law and Commandments unto them shall be added all the curses of My Word and cast out forever into the bottomless pit and unto them who take away ought from My Holy Word and Law their Names shall be erased from the book of Life. For did I not say when on Earth I have not come to do away with the Law and the prophets but establish and fulfil them and that not one jot or title shall pass from the Law and the prophets until all shall have been fulfilled.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the true and only living God as concerning the attack on the Manchester Arena at whose door can the blame be laid yes at IS's door but who else’s well it is that the parents and families are venting their anger at the present Government security services and even at the government itself because of complacency have sown to the wind and will this government and its security services now reap the whirlwind of blame. Yea indeed the responders the police the fire brigade the emergency services deserve all the credit and more for their response to this terrible attack but there is a saying amongst thee what use is shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted as this seems to be the case, why? Because the warning had already gone out in the events in Paris and Brussels and other places where there have been such attacks the same as that in Manchester where there have been crowds of people gathered in one place that the Terrorist have attacked causing massive casualties. The question has to be asked why in the light of past event had the security services and the intelligence services not been put on alert and the security put in place knowing that the concert at the Manchester Arena would if there was not adequate security put in place attract the attention of the terrorist IS group who would have been looking for this sort of target to attack that they would have beforehand had assessed how vulnerable this venue was and what security was in place and to be put in place and especially after the attack in London they would have expected the security to be ramped up in as far as the Arena concert was concerned and when that didn't happen what followed was their attack on the Arena. But to put it bluntly is this Government doing all it can to protect the people of this Nation and in this light is it not so that a reversal on cuts should happen in as far as the whole spectrum of the security is concerned especially border control and does this not also put into question the EU's policy of the freedom of the movement of goods and people and border security and the need for that policy to be reformed for that policy puts in jeopardy the right of all the citizens of European to live in the knowledge that those who have been elected by them have at heart their safety and security and are doing all that is within their power to protect all of the citizens of Europe no matter who they are especially the young of all ages and races.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I at this time as far as Northern Ireland is concerned there is a need for that devolved government to sort itself out and both sides to forget their differences and put aside their stubborn hard heartedness in as far as being willing to compromise on all issues and where they cannot agree that they agree to differ those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides should if they cannot see their way to do so should step down allowing others who are willing to do so to take their place the path to a repeat of the troubles could start unless both sides sort out their differences Just remember there are other groups in that country who would welcome that happening but not only that there enough lives at risk because of IS without a repeat of the Northern Island troubles like as said afore it only takes a spark to light a fire and if allowed to get out of control is very hard if not impossible to extinguish. If the troubles do restart then not only will home rule vanish but it will put in jeopardy the whole of the borders between Ireland and Northern Island and also the input Northern Island would have in the Brexit negotiations. But in as far as stubbornness and the intransigence to compromise that government must look into the past conflict and what really ended that conflict and brought about home rule by a government of the people’s choice and the willingness of both side to put aside their differences and rule that country together. Unity brings about peace and harmony and in as far as Northern Island is concerned disunity and conflict brings about destruction and conflict and the abolishment of home rule.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 27 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the relocation of the so called Islamic State from the Middle East to the countries of North Africa including Yemen Somalia Ethiopia Eritrea Libya Tunisia Algeria and Morocco all which are vulnerable unstable countries some of which are plagued already by terrorist and rebel groups how long would it take for Islamic state knowing how quickly it established itself in Syria and Iraq to establish a caliphate in North Africa with little or almost no opposition and with the aid of its affiliated rebel groups there. Look to the past and the charismatic leaders who have united all the separate Nations under one leader and under one such leader resulted in the crusades. It only takes one spark to light a fire which if allowed to get out of control is almost impossible to put out. Is it going to be like when so called Islamic arose thou didst refuse to put as thou would put it boots on the ground to deal with this terrorist group because mainly thou was afraid to get involved in another Middle Eastern war that lead to thine inaction the results of which have been felt since throughout Europe and the Middle East if Islamic state had been nipped in the bud there are many who now would have been alive and many who would not have had to flee their own homes and lands. Is it that because thou hast sown the seeds of inaction and complacency thou art reaping the whirlwind of that complacency and inaction in not dealing with Islamic State in the first place that thou and thine allies will have to face having to sort Islamic State and its affiliated terrorist groups out once and for all in North Africa instead of the Middle East or face having a fanatic terrorist caliphate on the very doorstep of Europe. Thus say I it will not be like the Middle East in North Africa for the there will be a very real threat to Europe if Islamic State doth establish a caliphate in North Africa as afore said there is but a very narrow channel betwixt North Africa and Spain leaving Europe open to attack from Terrorists and especially so called Islamic State if it gets established there as it did in Iraq and Syria.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel in as far as placing the blame for the complacency and inaction on the present western Leaders is and is not to a certain extent justified and at the present time for those who are guilty to carry the burden of their guilt along with those in the past who indeed have been the cause of the unwillingness to actually take the necessary military action in Iraq and Syria for that unwillingness  to get involved in another Middle Eastern war was caused by the west’s involvement in the two Gulf wars and the mistakes then made which were two, in first instance the part where the west put an end to Saddam Husseins invasion of Kuwait was totally correct it was what followed in dealing with that leader of Iraq after wards was one, not following up the ejection of Saddam Hussein and his army from Kuwait by not listening to and the sacking of an America General who wanted to deal with that Leader of Iraq there and then. Which then because of the actions of Saddam Hussein in as far as his attacks on Israel and the chemical attack on his own people by one of his Generals nick named Chemical Ali by the Kurds resulted in the second Gulf war. Whether or not the search for weapons of mass destruction failed or not was not the mistake the west made it was two, the mess they left that country in without a firm strong leadership and armed forces quite literally that country fell apart at the seams and various militant groups took over. The weak willed support of certain western Nations in seeking to stabilise that country contributed to the state Iraq was in when the so called Islamic State invaded Iraq from Syria such was the state of Iraq’s army that it was instantly defeated and many fled. But before the invasion of IS the west was mistakenly under the impression that Iraq was in a position to adequately defend itself so at first the reluctance of the west to get involved was understandable but not so once it was evident that it was in such a weak state that if nothing was done to halt IS the whole country would have fallen. But still the west reluctance to get involved was evident by the blatant actions of that terrorist group throughout the parts of Iraq it had conquered and was by its actions saying that the west was all talk and no action, which was proven true when the western Nations refused to get involved fully in the military sense of putting boots on the ground. Although it did begin to use air power against IS. But it was the Kurdish forces that really started to turn the tide against Islamic state without the aid of the west when IS sought to invade their territory and homeland. Military forces should have once it looked as though IS was going to conquer the whole of Iraq been deployed to drive them out of Iraq and then used in bringing an end to that Terrorist organization in Syria. Thus I say if that had happened many who have died as a result of the rise of that terrorist group would now be alive and if it had been one western female leader in charge then she would not have hesitated to do what was necessary as she did in the Falkland’s with the Argentineans and that is the sort of Leader Man or Woman that this country is now in need of a Cromwell a Churchill or Thatcher. But when all is said and done it must be said this would not have sorted the terrorist threat World over out but it would have discourage many from attacking the UK and the EU.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday 25 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee even though thou shalt indeed defeat IS in Syria and Iraq. Soon as is being seen in the usage of radicalized Libyan Nationals their centre of operations has and is been move to the Yemen Libya and other North African countries and are linking up with other terror groups in that region that are affiliated to Islamic State which means in effect that this terrorists organization hath not be defeated as a whole just moved on and into another region and country of which from their bases they will be able to continue their terrorist attacks on western Nations and because of the present instability in the North African Nations unless the Western Powers especial N.A.T.O. redouble their efforts to stabilised that region especially Libya then what happened in Syria and Iraq when IS almost took over both of these Nations in their efforts to create an Islamic caliphate will indeed be repeated there that region is in the same state as was Iraq and Syria when IS came into being and at first was completely ignore by the Nations in that region and the west until it became a threat to other Nations in the region and the stability of the whole of the Middle East. It is only because the whole of the Middle Eastern region was stabilised with the aid of the west and the Kurds and the establishment of a strong Iraqi government rebuilding its army with proper training and weaponry supplied by western Nations that IS's advance was halted then came the kidnaping the beheading and when that had no effect the terrorist attacks began, with the aim of driving the west out of the middle east through the fear of getting involved in another Middle Eastern war which also didn't work. But the tide started to turn against IS in Iraq and on the road to defeat and in Syria through the constant attacks by coalition forces thus the beginning of the end for IS had begun and of which is now coming to an end in that region. But what was the main cause of its rise in the first place in Syria it was because of the rebellion by Syrian rebel forces against a tyrannical dictator and employment of other terrorist groups by the Syrian regime to defeat the rebels that the country became a breeding ground for radical extremism which flourished and because of a weak government and army it spread into Iraq almost conquering that country because of weakness instability and disunity in the government the army and the Nation as a whole. But not until it began to present a threat to the peace and stability of the Middle East and Its Nations especially the oil fields did the West intervene in the region. Thus say I refuse to get involved in the defence against terrorism and the stabilization and unifying of the North African Nations and thou shalt suffer the consequences just remember there is but a short Mediterranean gap between North Africa and the tip of Spain once used by the Moors to invade Spain and which could have spread throughout rest of Europe if they had not halted their advance.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 24 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

      Thus say I unto thee in as far as the attack on Manchester Arena the tactics of Islamic State has evidently changed in the use of suicide bombers mainly because in the past some of the suicide bombers at the last moment had changed their minds or had a change of heart either because of not wanting to die or because they don’t want to kill innocent men women and children, but it is mainly they no longer want to commit suicide and kill those around them for some of them no longer believed that the teachings of the Islamic state terrorist organization are the true teachings of the Islamic faith. Thus because of this now it is that they are accompanied by another member of the Terrorist group who has a remote control device to detonate the bomb if the suicide bomber changes their mind which became self evident in the agitation of the woman sitting next to a mother and child in the Arena whom she upset by her actions which indicates that she was expecting the bomber to explode the bomb in the arena itself causing maximum damage and carnage and causing the concert to end in a much more horrific way than it did yes it was in itself an horrific attack but just imagine if that bomb had been exploded inside the Arena it would have been on a scale ten times worse or more than the attack on the Bataclan club in Paris which was the aim of Isis but was the bomber on his way out via the foyer when the bomb was detonated and was it the woman that disappeared who remotely detonated the bomb and had the bomber change his mind because there were so many young children and teenagers there instead of it being an all adult concert which he expected it to be. In these question are the answer to this attack! But it is also a known fact that Isis now seeks to either radicalize a National of the country they want to attack or one who has relatives abroad whom they can threaten to kill if they don't do what they are told to do in as far as attacking one of their targets. As has been seen in the past these cold blooded killers will stop at nothing to achieve their goal also this points to one fact that they are already using North African Nations as headquarters and bases to carry out their attacks on the western Nations.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Tuesday 23 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel even the only true and living God and redeemer there is but one sentence that can be proclaimed against the attacker and the organization or terrorist group for the attack on innocent civilians and that is VENGENCE IS MINE SAITH THE LORD I SHALL REPAY ALL INVOLVED FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE the one now who carried out the attack has been Judged and cast into the bottomless pit that which thou doth call hell forever and the innocents who have perished have been received into My everlasting loving arms and it is that I watch over all those injured in this attack as this one hath not escaped My Judgment and punishment neither shall any of those who have had ought to do with the planning and the execution of this attack.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 22 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel is it now the case with America and its leadership that it is seeking to abdicate its responsibility to the rest of the World especially the Middle East to gain profit from trading with these Nations without given them any profitable trade or help in return in as far as actual physical and material and intelligence help in dealing with terrorism and extremist threats in their own Nations to so called reap the reward without having to pay the piper. Are the American Leadership just that Words of friendship just one sided and for  benefit of the American Leadership and so long as it is profitable to them everything  is rosy in the garden but once that profitability vanishes no matter the form so does the friendship. One sided friendship is no friendship for friends help each other in more than just Words a true bond of friendship like David’s and Jonathon’s in My Word is a bond that cannot be broken and is a willingness if the other is in need of help no matter the circumstance is to be there at their friends side in fair or fine weather in conflict or peace in poverty or in wealth friends never dissert each other no matter what. By their actions or I should say by their fruits shall ye know them do you get figs from thistles or grapes from thorn bushes neither do you get truth from a deceiver or good deeds from a wicked person. But lo say I this in its abdicating of its responsibility to the rest of the world’s Nations which the American Leadership proclaimed in effect that was the path it wished to tread and is revealed in the intentions of that Leadership to get trade deals for America and American jobs without reciprocation before and after the American elections which it now seems to be treading. Trade has to work two ways or it doesn't work at all giving and taking export and import if a Nations has all the materials for manufacturing products for export and refuses to import on an equal basis then sooner or later the Nations they are trading with will seek to by their imports elsewhere. The far Eastern Nations have begun to refuse to import from those Nations which refuse to import their products from them. The American Leaderships words reveal its true nature one minute it has a special relationship with a Nation the next that relationship is pushed from the fore front to the back of the queue as so to speak  and is a special relationship in word only having little or no meaning. But like the boy in thy myths who cried wolf to many times so shall this happen to the American leadership it will cry special relationship to many times and give to many empty promises to many Nations that sooner or later the rest of the Nations of the World will take little or no notice of anything it says or promises and the American Nation will become more and more Isolated and will find itself in the same position as say Russia but without the sanctions. No Nation in the end will trust it or want its friendship or its trade and will not trade with it. The result isolation and poverty.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus now it is that I said I shall bring down upon thee a drought as promised causing poverty and not prosperity to be thy lot even to the extent of causing thy circumstances in all of Europe to be far worse than the great depression but not only in Europe but now it shall descend upon the whole of the civilized Nations of the Earth which do walk contrary to My Holy Law and Commandments and it shall continue until all shall turn and repent of their wicked and immoral and rebellious and unbelieving ways and the neglecting of the needy of the Earth even the young in war torn poverty stricken Nations and the elderly and the homeless and the orphan the sick and the disabled and the destitute people of all the Nations off the Earth. But I did not say this drought and this famine that shall descend upon thee shall be a drought caused by lack of rain and the drying up of lakes and reservoirs and rivers as that which hath happened in the African and other Nations but it is a drought of that upon which the whole of civilization relies upon for its prosperity and its transport of land sea and air! Thus say I what would happen as I warned thee afore time if that which thou doth call black gold even oil which thou doth take from wells of the Earth should start now to dry up what would happen to the so called civilized world thou doth live which they would do eventually as they are not bottomless wells and are limited as other resources have been in the past and are so now. Thy scientist and geologists have predicted that there is enough oil in the Earth to last for decades or even longer and so it would have been if this civilization had not sunk into the pit of wickedness and idolatry and immorality and unbelief and disobedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments. Thus it is that earthquakes that have been taking place in the seas without causing catastrophic damage to any Nation even in as far as tsunamis or tidal waves are concerned and thou hast thought these of no consequence but they shall increase and still not affect the landmasses of the Earth for a reason these are they that shall cause the oil that is precious to thy civilization under the sea bed to sink beyond thy reach but ye will say that these Earth quakes under the sea bed will not affect the oil wells on land but I say unto thee as underground rivers and streams find their way to the sea so shall the oil wells be drained in the same manner in to the depths of the earth beyond the reach the whole of mankind and all of the civilianised Nations which shall be returned to the days when oil was not the blood that flowed through the veins of civilianised Nations of the Earth.  But and if thou doth do turn from all of thy wickedness immorality and the lack of care of those in desperate need and do begin to obey all of My Holy Law and commandments so I shall cause My wrath and anger to cease and I shall restore unto thee thy prosperity tenfold learn the lessons of the past and consider of what I did to Mine own people because of their rebellion and disobedience to My Holy Law and commandments if I so spared them not think I will thee if no repentance is forth coming!

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Saturday 20 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I in as far as the coming Elections in as far as its relationship to Brexit is concerned that no matter which party is elected to govern this Nations there will have to be Unity of the whole of the political parties therein elected or Brexit will drag on for years to come. The only way for it not to drag on for years is political Unity and Unity of purpose must come about in all the parties, disunity and political infighting in as far as it has existed in the past must be brought to an end especial in the present governmental party hoping to be re-elected to govern this land and especial in as far as the present leader of that party who was warned in the past that, that persons attitude towards others would in the future be their undoing. Why you may ask has the attitude of both the leader and the attitude of the whole party has to change it is because on the surface   it is seemingly united yet in fact there are inherent divisions that have existed since the past female leader held the office of Prime Minister whose arrogant attitude was her undoing and lead her having to resign, which seems to be a fault with all the leaders of that party, humility patience and willingness to compromise politically and the discarding of an intransigent hard line political standing would indeed go a long way into Uniting all of the political parties in as far as the coming Brexit negotiations are concerned political infighting between the parties in government solves nothing and creates disunity which hinders the solving of the problems of any Nation and leads in the end to destruction as hath been seem in many Nations at the present time.  Political parties are in government for to govern their country for their people and not for themselves and in being elected are trusted by their electorate to do so to the best of their abilities. For good government brings its own rewards but bad government breeds disaster disunity and rebellion. The governments of the EU are united in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned and thus it is that the parties of the UK must be totally united and determined in their commitment to gain the very best deal for the whole of the UK. Thus it is at this time and in this Nation I shall be overseeing whomsoever is elected to govern and if such an one fails in their duty to their people and the keeping of their promises such shall be the wrath and anger and destruction forth coming that they shall know what it is to fall into the hands the Living God.

This uis the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 19 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as the Brexit negotiations are concerned that it is such a monumental event that it should not be just one party and one part of the UK's elected government that should be conducting these negotiations to the exclusion of all the other Nations that make up the United Kingdom. Yea indeed these negotiations of the separation of these two Unions should be conducted on an equal basis same as the EU's twenty seven member states elected one main negotiator and a team which involves the main EU countries leaders so should the UK's team be made up of all of the elected heads of the member Nations that make up the UK which would mean that all the political parties of the UK would be involved and have a say in these negotiations which would mean that whatever deal is reached with the EU would be with the consensus of all the leading parties of each Nation in the UK which would forestall when the deal is presented to the whole of Parliament having any opposition to that deal so presented. It is saith the Holy One of Israel that not only one party of the UK should decide in as far as these negotiations are concerned the Future direction of the whole of the United Kingdom without any other Nations governing party being involved which would not be a truly democratic process in fact it would be almost bordering upon the direction of the UK being after Brexit dictated to by Just one Party and would in fact be turning the UK in the direction of becoming a dictatorship. Either these negotiations should be involving all the UK's Nations or it should not happen at all, all of the UK's population through its elected leaders should be partakers in these Brexit negotiations. The UK does not belong to Just one Party or one Leader to assume it does so is arrogance in the extreme.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 18 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation at this time and unto this Nation I put forth these words to thee that have I not said a Nation divided cannot stand but in  the end must surely fall and this Nation at this time is so politically divided that no matter which party wins thine election this country is going nowhere fast for it is that I have search out the thoughts and intents of the hearts of all of those in this election that are seeking to become the governing party and the paramount objective of all of thy motives is in the main is to fight against one another seeking ever to find fault with every other parties manifesto policies except their own for all the manifestos have their good points and their bad which if all the good points of every manifesto was combined into one manifesto would in the end go along way into uniting this country and of meeting the needs of all the citizens of young and old of rich and poor of the sick the lame the helpless of those on low wages and unemployed those stuck in the poverty trap. Thus say I to all the political parties instead of acting like children fighting to see who is the cock of the school or dogs fighting over a bone all the parties if they could come together and pool all the best parts of their manifesto policies and discard the rest having one objective that which they are aiming to be elected for the welfare security and prosperity of the whole of the United Kingdom thus say I is it not said without a vision the people perish and thus it is with this Nation without a vision for the future this Nation is heading for disaster and that vision must be one that brings about a Unity of purpose to make sure that a better secure and prosperous future for all of the United Kingdom making this Nation a Nation of one people one United Government having but one United Vision for the future and the determination no matter what to see the fulfilment of that Vision come to pass.

This is the word of the Lord God to thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 17 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus have I said and do say again unto thee that the result of thine election shall not be as thy polls project nor as thou desirest it to be for in this land and Nation at this time there is to come in as far as those who are to be appointed to govern this nation in as far as the parties thereof as afore said a shock is coming  and well it is that one hath said that nothing in these elections should be taken for granted for it shall be that as one riseth another shall fall even in the nation to the North of this land haughty eyes a proud look and over confidence shall be the down fall of many in the chief party in that land. But in as far as the party that is now the main party vying for re-election is concerned the casting off of being overconfident and sure of thy self should be a priority for it is that instead of increasing thy majority as thou art confident of doing so could very well not materialise for as it is in the North so shall it be in the whole of the country for many are there that are now MP's who shall be not so once these elections are over, they shall lose their seats because they shall be considered by the electorate unworthy to retain them because of their past performance as MP's in not standing up for the needs of their constituents and others in their communities as they should have done especially those  who have be struck down with illness and poverty and homelessness and those of the elderly in their constituencies whose care has diminished to such a degree as it does not meet the need of their care even to the extent of almost being nonexistent  even in as far as the most basic care is concerned. But such an one whose is a government MP had better be considering hunting for another position outside of government for it will take a lot of convincing his own constituents for him retain his seat in his own constituency who are not in the least please with him as their MP and are considering other candidates even of other parties to elect as their MP. This election is set for the rise and fall of many MP's in the whole of the UK as afore said and will be a shock to many in all of the parties especially in as far as the leaders of every political party is concerned hard work humility and a true declaration of all political parties intent in as far as keeping to manifesto pledges has to be the order of the day for the trust of the public in as far as politicians and political parties is concerned has been and is diminishing on a daily basis.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee now that the relationship between the Russian and American governments is being revealed by the cordial relationship between the Russian foreign ministry and the US leadership and the communications that have recently occurred over various terrorist threats of which happened recently and to which the Leader of the US stated that he was entitled to communicate the information he did as the Leader of that Nation with the Russian government the full content which has not been forth coming the question must ask can the US and its Leader be trusted any longer with the security of other western Nations especially as the US being one of the main members of N.A.T.O. and is privy to other Western Nations intelligence and security issues which could put in jeopardy the safety and security of other western Nations also is it a prelude to a future position over sanctions the US has in conjunction with other Nation imposed on the Russian federation over its actions in the Ukraine and the Crimea and its support of the Syrian regime and its actions with that regime in Aleppo in as far as the civilian population was concerned is this a for runner to those sanctions by the US being lifted and opposition to the Syrian regime being altered in that regimes favour. Then also doth this not bring more into the light the true influence and interference that Russia conducted in as far as the US elections are concerned. Thus then will that US change sides cut of weapons supplies to the rebels siding with Russia and therefore the Syrian regime and oppose the Syrian rebels for if it does start to reduce sanctions and have a closer relationship with the Russian federation and its Leader it will then lead inevitably to its siding with that federation and then opposition to all other factions that oppose Russia and the Syrian regime in Syria and then the question will be what will the US policy be towards the Ukraine and the Rebels in the Ukraine.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee that all those houses wherein it is professed dwelleth My Holy Name even all of those houses that are proclaimed to be places of worship wherein My Name is held in high reguard and those who congregate therein who profess to worship Me the World over yet only do pay lip service to Me with their mouths whose hearts are far from Me who are as the Pharisee’s and Seduces and Zealots of old going about in the fine robes of self righteousness those who go about with an holier than thou attitude declaring how righteous they are because they follow the letter of My Holy Law and commandments and observe all the set holy days and yet they are as dead men walking about outwardly seemingly spiritually alive yet indeed they are spiritually dead cut off from Me twice dead and condemned to the pit or hell saith the Holy One of Israel because of their hypocrisy. They dress in their fine robes of office they take their place at the head of the great congregation they declare that all should believe in Me and that all should obey My Holy Law and commandments that all should profess their sins and repent seeking My forgiveness for all of their sins and crimes of unbelief and the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments, they lead in the singing of psalms and song of praise and put forth word of admonition and encouragement to the members of the congregation to follow in the footsteps of the true Messiah and how they should walk the path of life and prepare for the next life but as My Word saith they are but noisy gongs clashing symbols righteous in their appearance to others yet full of dead men’s bones they say and do not they call for others to believe and yet in their hearts they believe not they call for others to repent but repent not themselves. They know not nor do they see nor do they understand they take one portion of My Word gladly to their hearts and yet reject others the parts that condemn them the parts wherein is declared punishment for disobedience to My Holy Will and purpose as revealed in My Word yea some believe that if they have faith in the true Messiah that it excludes them from obedience to My Holy Law and commandments it does not the faith they have is not the true Faith it is but a deluded creation of their own imaginations for is it not declared in MY Word that the Messiah came not to do away with the Law but to establish it.  True Faith is given so that those who truly believe are given the strength through Faith to obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments as said My Word is set down so simple and ye simply profound that all may understand and know it says what it means but also it says any who add unto it to them shall be added all the punishments of My Holy Word and all those who take away from it their Names shall be taken out of the book of life so shall it be. But the meaning of this is that if any add their own interpretations to My Word seeking for to say what it does not is adding to it and any one taking any part of My Word out of context and using it for their own ends is taking away from it. But Most surely I said Judgment begins at My House wherein My Name is declared to dwell and be honoured and worship but I also say this not only the House to My Holy Name and upon the Nation that bears My Holy Name but I declare all of the Houses the World over wherein My Holy Name is professed to dwell be honoured and worship if they be not true they shall be Judged according to My Holy Word and Law and if found wanting and guilty of breaking My Holy Law and commandments  they shall be cast down and destroyed and all of those who are a part of them they shall not stand they shall not defile My Holy Name any longer.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 15 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus as I have afore revealed in My Word that I shall indeed send one to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron and so shall it come to pass but in as far as thine elections are concerned now it is that all those MP's who are elected to government and in opposition I shall hold them to account in as far as the fulfilment of their responsibility to the public and to their constituents is concerned. Indeed it shall be that if they fail in their office and in their responsibility I shall indeed take them to task and weigh them in My balances and if they be found wanting it is I who shall punish them even according to the measure of their failures I it is that shall make sure every pledge every promise and every commitment in all of the parties manifesto's shall be kept to the letter of even that which they have declared and publish before the people of the land none shall escape no not one none from this time forth shall hold the office of MP unworthily and treat it in contempt and fall short of the measure for such as hold the sacred trust of the people of this land and Nation, for it is from Me nothing is hidden saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heaven of heavens no thought word or deed of any of mankind all is as an open book to Me and it is I who alone shall and do Judge the whole of mankind according to My Holy Law and Commandments I have revealed in My Word and delivered to Israel and to the whole of the Earth by My servant Moses.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 13 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as concerning that which thou doth call cyber attacks and the present one upon the major Nations systems. Well it would be to look towards that country that has interfered in the elections of various Nations and the way and the various system it has attacked although it seems that it is that Nation which is suffering greatly, there is the scenario that the attack on that Nations systems is not all that it seems to be and is just a way of saying to the west that they are also suffering criminal cyber attacks with the view of redirecting the focus from that Nation being responsible for the interference in the west’s National elections on to criminal hackers instead being the ones responsible for even interfering in the National elections of various Nations but then thou hast to discover the motive for the criminal elements in that country interfering in National elections and what they could gain from doing so certainly the only motive would be for political gain. But most assuredly these attacks have their origins in Russia no matter who is and has been responsible thus the finger has to point to that one Nation from which also all other cyber attacks in the past have originated and if there was a remote possibility that the Russian Government is not responsible yet it is its duty to deal with the ones responsible for the cyber attacks. But this being said all that has to be done is to look at Russia’s track record in as far internet interference in other countries and National systems of government. Also where the major centre in the World is for the creation and distribution of all the major malware and viruses and their country or Nation of origin and it is there that the source of the present attack is.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as the elections of the various Nations of which there has been outside interference by Russia in seeking to manipulate the elections to the advantage of that Nation that instead of opposition to having sanctions lifted it would have the support of those politicians of whom it has aided in getting elected to the office they now and will in future occupy. But not only in getting sanctions lifted but in aiding it in supporting its efforts to have a greater influence in the Middle East and its Oil producing Nations without there being obstacles put in place to curb it ambitions there. What the Nations now facing general elections need to do is to make sure every effort is taken to make sure that their whole election process from the ground up is as secure as they can possibly make it especialy in as far as the internet is concerned. But some of those who have been diligently investigating what interference in their elections has taken place when they have begun to get to close to revealing the truth as concerning that interference have been suddenly removed from office or have conveniently been move to other departments so that the truth may remain hidden. As I have saith the Lord God creator of all that was is and shall be said, there is nothing now at this time that shall remain hidden for all the devious plans of those in high office shall be brought out into the open no longer shall the darkness of deceit and deviousness cheating bribery and corruption and lies be hidden from the sight of the whole of mankind, to their shame and downfall. As also said a promise fulfilled and promise given and payment required.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday 12 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that the answer to the true relationship between America and Russia as afor put forth and other questions shall be revealed in the coming discussions over the request by the Russians for America to participate in the setting up and policing of the none combatant safe zones agreed on by the Syrian Regime Turkey Iran and policed by Russia two of the questions will be will the US change from supporting the Syrian rebels groups and the Kurdish forces in Syria and still insist that Iran withdraws from an active role in Syria and will the US take an active role in activating these so called safe zone along with and in partnership with Russia with the present Syrian Government still in place and will it alter its standing on the removal of the present regime of its Leader for that in essence if it agrees to assist Russia in setting up and policing these so called safe zones will have to support Russian policy on its support and backing of the Syrian regime? Will the US also support Russian insistence after the defeat and eradication of IS on the departure of the Kurds and Turkey from Syria and if the Kurdish forces refuse will Turkey also refuse to remove its forces though the main question will be if Russia reverts to using force to remove the Kurdish forces will the US militarily back Russia or if not support the Kurds against Turkey and Russia. Thus for the US there is a dilemma if it supports and assist Russia in as far as trying to bring peace to Syria by setting up the safe zones it will have to support its policy on the Syrian regime and if it continues to back the Kurdish forces and the Syrian rebel groups it will have refuse to assist in taking part in the Russian peace imitative and oppose Turkey on its aims of removing the Kurds from its borders. As afore said wheels within wheels deals within deals the US over Syria has a decision to make which will reveal its true relationship with Russia and its President.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 11 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee as I so warned thee as concerning whom thou should elect to become President of the USA so is it coming to pass. Removing of those which could be a threat to the presidency of the present President and replacing them with his own people who are loyal only to the present President to what end?  This must be carefully weighed and considered in every way possible. But this I do say it is a good thing that the present constitution is such in America that there are safe guards in place that no one person could take over the country and turn it into a dictatorship or an Empire put in place by the founding fathers of America. But then so also was the Roman Empire when it changed from a republic into an Empire and what happened to France when Napoleon turned it into and Empire. Then look at Italy under Mussolini Spain under Franco Russia under Stalin and finally Germany under Hitler. Wheels within wheels deals within deals what is the true present relationship with Russia and the Russian President and what really did take place in as far as the Presidential elections were concerned? As afore said wheels within wheels deals within deals but is it also promises given in exchange for promises fulfilled. But one thing must be seen that all of these have in common the state of all of those Nations and the promises given when those afore said dictators took over those Nations. It can be a very short step from a democracy to a dictatorship and ambitions of Empire building.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday 10 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as these no conflict safe zones set up as a peace initiative by Russia the Syrian regime Iran and Turkey to be policed by Russia and monitored by the west is a deception on the part of those agreeing to this so called peace deal it is a means of gathering the Syrian rebels both fighters and those whom are considered rebels of the civilian population to be confined to these areas until the so called Islamic State terrorist group has been totally defeated the western forces withdrawn having no further need to be in Syria the borders closed to the western Nations and then the Syrian anti government rebels dealt with once and for all with the western Nation out of the picture the four Nations especially Russia with its past reputation on dealing with anti government factions and Syria with its Aleppo track record will close the borders to any foreign interference and then as they see it easily be able to eradicate the anti government rebels both fighters and civilians alike once and for all with ease. In as far as the refugees are concerned if they oppose the Syrian regime they will not be allowed to return to Syria and if some are just to keep the peace with the western Nations their lives will be at risk for in the eyes of the Syrian regime are also considered rebels and terrorists. But Turkeys involvement in the setting up the safe zones should be questioned as that country is moving more and more in the direction of becoming a dictatorship and membership of N.A.T.O. should be brought in to question for there is but only two reasons it can be legitimately involved and that the eradication of IS and the Kurdish occupation of Syrian territories and on its borders which it considers as terrorists and Turkey wants it out of Syria altogether as it sees them being a terrorists threat on its borders. In as far as the Western and UN monitoring of these zones is concern once IS has been eradicated will have little or no influence as to what happens in Syria.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

form the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday 9 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heaven of heavens to thee and to the whole of Europe even all the Nations therein because of thy deafness and hard heartedness towards My warnings as concerning obedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments and the care of all thy sick elderly orphans homeless and all of those in poverty and destitution in thy land wasting thy wealth on projects that did not meet the needs of the people of thy Nations causing the rich to get richer and the poor to become poorer, that if thou didst not take heed what I should cause to descend upon thee even drought and famine and pestilence and diseases as thou has never before beheld or suffered. Thus hath it began to come upon thee, the ground therefore shall not produce its bounty as afore for it shall produce but weeds and thistles thy crops shall spring up but thy harvests shall diminish and not produce their bounty as afore times the ground shall become barren and dry as it hath begun to do so, so shall it continue the skies shall withhold the former and the later rains causing more of thy rivers to slowly dry up as will thy lakes and reservoirs. Thy herds of sheep and cattle shall not produce offspring for they shall become barren their wombs empty and disease plague and pestilence shall come upon them. Afore time I struck thy land and Nations with storms and torrents of water from the seas and the skies above yet thou dist attribute this to what thou doth call Nature and not unto My Judgment of thy Nations disobedience and deafness to My warnings that I would bring up thee storms and floods earthquakes tidal waves and volcanoes listening more to thy scientist who know not nor do see nor want to see the true cause of the disasters that have come upon thee they are even as the those of the courts of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniels day and as the witch doctors of the tribes of Africa blind leaders of the blind and they and those who follow them shall fall into the bottomless pit they who say at one time what is beneficial and healthy and then contradict themselves by stating that is unhealthy and harmful those who say plumes of ice shot off into space because they contain hydrogen there is water beneath a moons surface whether or not that is so or not I shall not reveal at this time but I shall say this that they will seek funding of billions for the exploration of this moon to see whether or not there is water and if awarded, all the billions they requested wasted for what? As that funding could have been used to meet the needs of many at home and abroad these scientist are cold and heartless people who have no thought or consideration for the needs of those in dire circumstances suffering from wars conflict drought and famine who would be better off using their talents for the betterment of mankind and those in need who indeed shalt be held accountable for all of their deeds. Thus did I give thee the chance to repent of thy disobedience to My Holy Word Law and Commandments so that My Will Might be done upon Earth as it is in the heaven of heavens and yet still thou didst not heed My warnings nor acknowledge that it was I who brought these disasters upon thee attributing it still to Nature as have others of false religions and false and idolatrous faiths done so in the past who provoked Me to anger to destroy them utterly from the face of the Earth. Thus now it is as afore said I shall bring down upon thee drought and famine and as promised cause poverty and not prosperity to be thy lot even to the extent of causing thy circumstances in all of Europe to be far worse than the great depression and it shall continue until thou doth turn and repent of thy rebellion and neglect of thy people and those abroad. But and if thou doth do so I shall cause My wrath and anger to cease and I shall restore unto thee thy prosperity tenfold learn the lessons of the past and consider of what I did to Mine own people because of their rebellion and disobedience to My Holy Law and commandments if I so spared them not think I will thee if no repentance is forth coming!

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday 8 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that indeed there are but two paths that Brexit can now take one is a sensible negotiated agreement on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU by both sides agreeing as to the way it is to be implemented to the benefit of the EU and the UK or a total withdrawal by the UK without any negotiations being conducted by both the UK and EU in any way shape or form. An orderly withdrawal is the best way for the UK's exiting the EU but in the present politically complex climate an orderly sensible withdrawal from the EU is retreating more and more into the realm of the impossible. Both sides in these negotiations need to get their act together and start acting like intelligent sensible civilized people instead of like the generals of two warring armies ready to enter the battle field I say this if thou wants to go to war then go to war otherwise stop treating these coming negotiations as a major conflict between two opposing Unions which are supposed to be civilized and not uncivilized barbarians. This I say in orderly sensible negotiations there is simplicity for I am saith the Lord God of the whole of creation as My Word reveals a God or order and not confusion; for confusion is of the Adversary the fallen one; and though that order in My Word it is so simple it is yet simply profound so profound that it is beyond the understanding of the most intellectual and intelligent of mankind. For I did not intend My Word to be understood and confined to the intellectual minority of mankind but unto the whole of mankind for with Me all are equal there are no high no low no rich or poor for when all of mankind is stripped down to their basic existence upon the Earth all are equal all are born, all live and all die and come before Me in Judgment and as My Word reveals all of mankind come into existence with but one possession that belongs to them and cannot be taken away and it is not their bodies for that is given and taken away as is all of their possessions and or richeswhich are also taken away, it is themselves their personality their spirit or soul as thou wouldst put it that is their sole possession forever. The point is that these negotiations need to be as orderly and as simple as they can possibly be, sorting out and resolving an orderly fashion the most important issues first and foremost, forgetting until these have been resolved the lesser unimportant or trivial issues that can be resolved after the main and necessary issues have been resolved.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time that the true translation of sparing the rod in My Word is he who refuses to discipline his children does not love them and not as is set down in thy translation of My Word it is a miss translation by a cruel and violent generation and as is revealed by the word that follows chasteneth which means to discipline to admonish to correct to rebuke to give a dressing down and not to be violent to thy children which can cause major harm to the child. A father who disciplines his children with a loving heart disciplines them because he loves them and wants them to be a credit unto him and for their own benefit that they may grow up to be a valuable and beneficial member of society and may also follow in his footsteps with their children. A father who disciplines his children with a cruel heart despises his offspring for to him they are nought but a burden and a father that disciplines not his children is a father who cares not for his children and is of an empty and a cold heart who are indeed not the offspring of love but are the offspring of lust and soon to be abandoned by such an one when lust becomes a burning desire that needs to be satisfied which drives that father to go in search of someone to satisfy it whose heart is as cold as ice and as empty of care and consideration for even those of his own house hold or family as a bucket full of holes that can never be filled and is its slave till the end of his life and in Judgement when cast into the bottomless pit shall be like unto one who has around his neck a millstone when cast into the depths of the sea. For thus it is that I am the Loving Father a creator of all of My Creation even those who have and do rebel against Me causing Me much heart ache of who I have if they persist in their rebellion to banish them from My presence and Kingdom. The father whose heart fullof love for his children and brings them up aright I bless and prosper the father who is cruel unto his children I will and shall punish and at last cast such an one into the pit thou doth call hell and that father who is slave to his lust shall suffer as set down in My Word for lust when is conceived bring forth sin and when sins cup is filled to overflowing brings forth death of the soul as well as the body.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Sunday 7 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee a tree is know by the fruits it produces poisonous trees poisonous fruits harmful to all and to be cut down and burned in the fire, but good trees produce healthy fruits beneficial to all who do part take of them, thus is it also as My Word says do men gather figs from thistles so also is it with mankind for only poisonous words come from out of a wicked and perverse mouth which begets conflict and is of no benefit to any one, whereas good words come from the mouth of a good person that brings about reconciliation and peace betwixt peoples and Nations of which it seems in Europe there are not many in high office. Thus also is it with the proud and arrogant the way of peace they don't know nor want to know and not only are they a curse to all around them but to themselves also and their downfall is just around; as thou wouldst put it; the corner, of which there seems to be too many in high office in Europe. As My Word say it’s not what goes into the mouth of any person but what comes forth from the mouths of many of mankind that reveals the true Nature of the person. For out of the mouth can come pleasant words of comfort and friendship with healing of their wings and also of out of the mouth can come deceit and wickedness and proud boasting that causes not only conflict between the best of friends but can if the one producing them is in high office, conflict and even wars between Nations. A wise and warm heart and mind brings forth wisdom and friendship a foolish and perverse and cold heart brings forth foolishness and is despised in the end by all but not only is the foolish person a curse to others but to themselves also and the mouth of the grave and the bottomless pit awaits them.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday 6 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto the Nations of the Earth did I not say that as My Word says Judgment begins at the house of God and so it hath begun and shall continue as it will  also descend upon all false faiths and religions beginning with those who teach and preach that which is contrary to My Holy Word Law and Will even that purpose for which I created the whole of mankind for which was and is to live and move and have their being in Me to Love Me as Much as I have and do Love all of mankind even also those who have rebelled against Me resulting in them being cast out of My garden and Kingdom of whom like unto the prodigal son in My Word I did await their return unto Me some I know My waiting hath been in vain for they have been unwilling to return unto Me of whom though I wanted it not I have because of their rebellion and great wickedness had to cast at the end of their lives into the bottomless pit forever. But those who have returned unto Me for them hath been and shall be at the end of their lives even as the prodigal son was welcomed by his father with great celebration thus this awaits them, they are the lost sheep who have been found and returned to My fold. But it is now that as a fore said Judgment hath begun at Mine own house and first and foremost upon Mine own people and all of those who profess to belong unto Me but walk contrary to My Holy Law and Commandments in their heart though they seem to appear holy and righteous externally. But indeed the matter in hand is if Judgment hath begun at Mine own House when it is completed upon whom or upon which Nation city town and people will it descend thereafter? Thus do I say unto thee I shall thus then begin to Judge the Nations one by one the most wicked and immoral and perverted and disobedient Nation first I shall thus go from city to city and shall give this promise as I gave to Abraham when I went to destroy the cities of the plain even Sodom and Gomorrah if I can find any righteous souls within a city I am about to Judge then that city will pass over and bye that city but if none therein shall be found then I shall destroy that city even to the extent I destroyed the cities of the plain. The most wicked and immoral cities are to be Judged first and I shall not relent until all of the cities of the Earth have thus been Judged and if found without one righteous soul shall utterly and totally be destroyed.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday 5 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto one of the Nations of the EU beware of choosing the wrong one for thy president in the coming elections for I say unto thee if it follows the same path that the elections followed when the outgoing President supported the present Presidents opponent in the USA then what has happened in the US will happen in thy country and the one who attains the office will lead thy country down a path from which there is no return. Thus say I remember another party in the past in the UK which followed an extremist path and the harm it did in as far as racial harmony in Britain was concerned and other parties especially one in Germany which lead that Nation down a path that nearly  destroyed that Nation completely. Deceivers who try to take over any Nation have but one agenda complete and utter control as has proven with that Nation in the past by one who promised the Nation an Empire and a glorious future and sought to dominate the whole of the European continent and in the end caused its downfall and the eventual capture and banishment of its leader. Extremist right parties are fascist wolves in sheep’s clothing. The UK's leaving of the EU is not because it wants to isolate itself from Europe but because the path the EU is on is not the one Britain wants to follow, that British democracy and European Union’s democracy are not compatible bed fellows. So a parting of the ways is inevitable and necessary in the democratic but not the friendship sense. But the party that wishes to become that European Nations Leader in the coming election and have a referendum on parting from the EU as Britain is doing, is not on democratic grounds but on the grounds of total domination of that Nation if it does leave the EU by means of a referendum of which they will go out of their way to make sure it does happen.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Yea it is at this time and in this day I shall weight in My balances all the shepherds of My Flock saith the Holy one of Israel for the Word rises up from the Earth to My throne that the shepherds have not fulfilled their duty to My Flock not only the flock of Israel but all of those who belong unto Me the World over they have fed and care for themselves guarded their own from the wiles of the adversary and neglected to guard My flock from all the ravenous wolves that seek to lead astray the sheep of My pasture to be devoured by them when they have strayed to far from their fold. Thus it shall be that when I have weighed them and if found them guilty of this crime against My flock and therefore against Me I shall visit them in wrath and anger and it shall be that they shall be cast forth from My presence forever for all of these are whitened sepulchres full of dead men’s bones having lived off the bounty I have provided them in their office and yet in turn have not past on that bounty to all of those who belong unto Me the sheep and lambs of My pastures those who are indeed called by My Holy Name My children, these are robbers thieves hypocrites who think that I see not nor know what they truly are, on the outside they appear righteous and holy but their hearts are blacker than deepest depths of the bottomless pit or that place thou doth call hell. For this do I say unto those who are weighed in My balances and found wanting thou hast already been Judged and at thy life’s end thy place has already been prepared for thee in the pit even that which mankind doth call hell for thou there is no salvation no reprieve only eternal damnation.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Thursday 4 May 2017


Thus saith he Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus set I before thee that the Universe is not infinite and that there are; contrary to theorisations of thy scientist; no other dimensions in existence than the one thou doth exist in. But to give thee some idea as to the size of the Universe when I say I hold it in the palm of My hand. The only way to understand the size of the Universe from a human perspective is to place a grain of sand in the palm of a human hand and then imagine that grain of sand which is made up of billions of molecules to be the whole Universe and each molecule in it a galaxy and in each galaxy billions and billions of stars and around many stars planets and around but one star a planet thou doth call Earth with its sister planets then in relation to the whole of that grain of sand thou can really see how insignificant mankind really is and also how miniscule the Earth and its star is in relation to the whole of the Universe is. But take that grain of sand and replace it with a pure perfect pearl and then expand that palm to be of infinite proportions even belonging unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation and then thou could have but the slightest inkling of the size of the Universe in relation to the extent of My being. But even more imagine this Universe again as the size of that grain of sand thus because I am not as thou art confined to the form of a physical body I exist in infinity without limitations yet in an instant faster than ever thou can imagine I can see the whole of the Universe and each and every galaxy and each and every star and planet all at the same time and also at the same time perceive and know and understand every human being upon the Earth down to every molecule of their physical form but even more so I see every word thought deed every single Iota of the spiritual part of every human being even that which thou doth call thy personality in an instant of what thou doth call time and can see one individual at a time or the whole of humanity at once. Many ask the question as to My limitations there are none I am THE I AM THAT I AM perfect and without limitation in any way shape or form. Thus to Me past present and the future exist in My sight now there is to Me no future or past only the infinite now thus it is that only mankind is limited in as far as mankind’s existence is concerned but would not have been so had mankind not fallen in My Garden which was created for the whole of humanity to live and move and have their being upon the Earth and eventually upon all the planets of the Universe. Thus was mankind created in Mine own image to care for the whole of My creation forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time even unto the UK and the EU that a trade deal betwixt the EU and the UK needs to be at the for front of the negotiations on Brexit and not at the end along with the present priority over the residency of EU citizens in the UK and UK residents in the EU. For by putting trade at the later end of the negotiations it looks as though neither side really understands the complexity not only for the UK leaving the EU but understanding that the lack of setting up a viable trade deal at the outset of the negotiations will create a backlash that could tear the EU apart or have catastrophic effects on its economy because of the loss of revenue that it receives from the trade of goods services and finance that is channelled into and through the EU from the British dependent territories as all trade via the UK and its dependent territories will have to revert to the state it was before Britain Joined the EU. Therefore trade with and from those territories will surely have to along with negotiating a viable and beneficial trade deal with the UK by the EU it will have to negotiate a new viable trade deal with Britain’s dependent territories meaning Australia, Canada, New Zealand Gibraltar and etcetera. So to put it bluntly no trade deal at the outset, between the UK and its dependent territories with have dire effects on the economy of the EU. Thus what does the present arrogant attitude of the EU reveal but a lack of understanding the true complexity of the Brexit negotiations not only for the UK for it could quite literal walk away from the EU without a deal of any kind Oh yes there would be consequence for the UK taking that path but in no way equal to the consequences for the EU if the UK did walk away without any deal whatsoever and could cause economic chaos within the EU. So both sides need to get to grips with their intransigent attitude towards these negotiation for at the moment those politicians on both sides who are going to be involved in the negotiation need to either get rid of their arrogant and intransigent attitude towards these negotiations and each other or appoint on both side others to negotiate on their behalf because at the moment these negotiations are looking more like a battle field with two warring Unions than two civilized sensible and calm Unions seeking a viable sensible outcome to the benefit of both sides on the Leaving of one Union from another.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the EU's relationship with the UK since it became a member and the question must be asked where would the EU be now without Britain becoming a member when it did. If all the facts are taken into consideration the state of the EU then and now, and how Britain was persuaded to put it mildly, into becoming a member. Britain was rising as a prosperous trading Nation it had what no other Nation in the World had then and was and still is the envy of the World Britain’s welfare state an unequalled National Health Service,  National free education its transport system was becoming the envy of the World. But what about the state of the EU then quite literally it was going nowhere? Poverty in many of the main EU member states was on the increase. Germany was still a divided occupied Nation because of the cold war and was not the rich united Nation it is now. France was still recovering from the Second World War and needed a massive influx of investment the same with Italy and Spain. To Frances credit and friendship with Britain, France became a major channel of trade to and from the UK from the European markets, although that tended to fluxuate from time to time. Also London was becoming more and more the financial trading centre of the World. So because of the State of Europe it was little wonder that it wanted Britain to Join. But there was a great amount of objection in parliament and across the country to Britain Joining the EU but in the end Britain was persuaded to join only just, the then political party and its PM managing to persuade parliament to vote in favour and the PM then sealing the deal with the EU though many in Britain had little liking for him doing so. But there are factors similar to the events then in as far as the EU going out of its way for Britain to join and the referendum in staying or leaving in the seventies that the EU government in the seventies went out of its way to stop the UK from leaving and now the EU is again going out of its way using and any and all means to stop Britain Leaving why because the EU was and is dependent on the UK for survival at this present time. Look at what the bill for leaving the EU amounts to five to six years of membership fees to the EU giving it breathing space to put into place a solid independent economical structure to replace the one that it has now. All everyone needs to do also is to look at the actions of the EU government to see that the EU is panicking over its survival after Britain leaves. Look at what’s happening with the member states and the bulling that’s going on by the EU government since when has the EU vote over a policy so quickly as it did over what its bottom or red line would be in the Brexit negotiations it signifies that a lot of pressure has been put on member states to comply with the EU Governments red line policy. Also in as far as the Unity of the EU is concerned what it was when there was no inkling of the UK leaving and what it is now, the EU governments claims of EU Unity by agreement is an illusion there is only Unity in the EU because the member states fear what the EU governments actions will be if they don't comply with the EU governments policies. If the EU thinks its past tactics will work now in keeping the UK in the EU they are deluding themselves.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Monday 1 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

     Thus say I unto thee at this time whichever side in the Brexit negotiation fails to negotiate in the way and manner befitting two civilized Union's in the spirit of friendship harmony and cooperation to the end that both Unions benefit from those negotiations. Thus it is that whichever side is unwilling to negotiate in this way they shall suffer the consequences as I have so promised as I afore set down even the decline of the prosperity of that side in the negotiations that is unwilling to conduct these negotiations or to intend to conduct these negotiations in the afore said manner thus it is that their economies shall suffer at My hands so much so that whichever side is unwilling to conduct these negotiations in the spirit of friendship harmony cooperation as said above and  to the benefit of both parties they and all of their member states and or Nations shall suffer such economical down turn that in the end will result in an overall economic depression of such magnitude as it will equal the great depression of the nineteen thirties. But in as far as that which the EU claims that the departing debt the UK owes to the EU is to put it mildly totally unreasonable and after all the billions in membership fee's and the redirecting trade from the UK dependant territories into the EU instead of the UK, complying with all membership rules and regulations in as far as finance and trade which benefited the EU more that the UK and the trade in goods and finance generated for the benefit of the EU and its member states that it is that the EU owes the UK a greater debt than that demanded by the EU, even far more than the EU could ever repay the UK even that the whole of Europe owes Great Britain and its allies a debt it can never repay and I will mention the second world war. Thus it is then that if the EU refuses to negotiate in the manner afore said then there is but two options one to give into the ridiculous demands of the EU or two to just simply leave as did Henry the VIII.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the leaving of the EU by the UK is concerned My warning goes out unto thee for as those in the Government of the UK have not taken heed of My Word unto thee in as far as reducing thy austerity measures and the care of the elderly the sick the disabled and the infirmed the orphan the homeless the destitute and all other services in as far as thy welfare services are concerned even thy health and education services. But also in as far as thy disobedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments and causing the immorality and wickedness of thy Nation to continue for it is in as far as the Judging of the Nations is concerned I do not Judge a Nations morality or immorality by what mankind considers as moral or immoral but by that measure as is set down in My Word which I have done unto all Nations in the past and will so do unto the Nations at this time and also in the future unto perfection that standard of morality of which I have done and will Judge the Nations is set in stone and cannot be altered in any way shape or form and is revealed in My Word in both what thou doth term the old and the new testaments even all of My Holy Law and Commandments and the prophets and those writing of those thou doth call the disciples of the true and only Messiah even Immanuel. Thus I did say that I would prosper thy Nation if thou didst take heed of that word I set before thee in as far as the issues set above and if thou dist not take heed and did not obey all of My Holy Law and commandments what would the state of thy economy be and as it hath begun because of thy and thy peoples disobedience the economy of thy Nation is and will suffer to such an extent in as far as thy disobedience and taking none heed of the warning as are set down in My Word that the possibility of a recession will be forth coming for thy Nation and in as far as Brexit is concerned if it is not conducted as I have so set it down not only wilt thy Nation suffer but the whole of the European Union member states. Remember the nineteen thirties and the great depression and search out the cause of it and those that suffer in it. The great depression was caused by immorality wickedness and disobedience of all of My Holy Law and commandments and the wicked greed of Mankind and mainly because of the unbelief of mankind in that mankind thought because I had been silent for so long that I did no longer exist even some claimed I was dead such was mankind’s self delusion. For how can I THE AM THAT I AM who am infinitely perfect in all aspects of My Being without limit and without beginning and end who holds the whole of creation in the palm of My Hand even the whole of the Universe cease to exist. But it is not only the delusion of mankind that cause mankind’s unbelief in My existence but also that if I did not exist that there would be no day of Judgment wherein all of mankind would have to give and answer for their lives on Earth and be Judge according to My Holy Law and commandments as set down in My Word unto perfection of which none of mankind can and will excape no not one.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord